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Sordida Page 18

by Jason Andrews

  One hard cock, two hard cocks, three hard cocks, four hard cocks, five hard cocks, six hard cocks, seven hard cocks, Amercia counted, now eight, nine, ending with ten. She watched eagerly as the sexually aroused guys entered the room, walked down towards Tonya and Tim before lying down on a large red shaggy rug. Tonya placed a pillow under each of the guy’s head which looked strange as there were now two rows of five guys lined up with their erections pointing upwards. Amercia was feeling weak; the tiredness was heavy as she considered now the option of just walking away and cutting her losses, except the control of her leg muscles was fading away rapidly.

  “Bring on the ladies, shall we and let’s kick this off.” Tim said over the microphone, “for this spectacular steeple-cock gathering this month we have our very own Tonya taking part, Donna Daisy, Jan Juicer and Betty Clit-Fingers. All the bets are in with Tonya the favourite to win at just two-to-one, but that’s down to her experience and talent, while Betty is the members wild card who entered at short notice is coming in at ten to one tonight. Unfortunately, due to an unexpected illness, our debut emerging star has had to pull out. But there’ll be no pulling out from the guys this evening I can assure you of that.”

  The other escorts appeared from the en-suite as it was evident they had been hiding in there getting ready for the event, random club members started filling the room to watch with some coming in naked, while others dressed in evening wear. Amercia felt her temperature rise as the nausea was kicking in, she was able to slowly raise her hand to her mouth as she held back the urge to vomit. Trying to figure out what had disagreed with her, she vowed never to intake such a large volume of alcohol again, blaming an unhealthy consumption of dark rum, cola, champagne and vodka mixers. The whole sexual gambling element to tonight’s events to impress the members weren’t as impressive as the main draw where she witnessed random sexual acts in the rooms downstairs. Unsure why any millionaire would be interested in participating in this, she would find better things to do with her money if she had such wealth.

  “Someone, please help me,” Amercia muttered, “I need to get out. I can’t breathe.”

  She was losing her voice; its husky tone hadn’t caught anyone’s attention as the whole room was front facing for the drunken, sex hungry Sordida members to witness steeple-cock.

  “Help me.”

  Amercia felt drowsy; she gave up asking to move as she felt motionless on the red velvet chair. She watched in a slumped state as all two of the women taking part in steeple-cock stood over the faces of the guys at the start of the line. The naked guys were playing with their hard cocks as they licked the pussy of the women in the front who were bent forwards helping them put on condoms, then in a quick burst, the women seemed to be racing each other standing over the hard cocks and sitting down to fuck over them. Tonya was riding her cock like a bronco while Betty was giving off a look as though she was sitting on a washing machine.

  What the fuck is wrong with these people, Amercia thought to herself, what the fucking hell are they doing? The now fully naked women were in a race with each other to bounce on the erect men down the line, each having a minute each on the guys. Amercia was able to get the gist from the random pieces of information that Tim blared out was that as soon as one of them made a guy cum, they had to be replaced by another woman. The last woman standing and the last guy not to have shot his massive load into a condom were going to be crowned the winners, expecting to win a weekend at the Helman House Hotel. It was a random game of chance, stamina and relying on the naked guys not to ejaculate. The members cheered on in excitement, with others putting on large substantial bets, Amercia saw the changing of money many times, trying desperately not to fall asleep or throw up. Her only disappointment was that her binge drinking from accepting all the free drinks on offer by the members who were trying to get to know her had ruined her chances of employment at Sordida. The money she could have made from steeple-cock, the clients who had booked her she was now unlikely to see. Nothing more than a drunken looking amateur in the far corner of the room, she wished for Tim or Tonya’s return to help her out of the chair and into a taxi, she wanted to leave before the need to piss all over herself caused further embarrassment.

  As the crowd appeared to be getting more involved with the show of this evening's carnal event, the ratio of members dressed to undressed was getting higher by the minute. Tonya had bowed out of the competition; she came to check in on Amercia who was now begging to leave.

  “You aren’t looking well my love.” Tonya said to Amercia who was now barely even conscious, “I need to get help. Wait here, someone said you were looking rather drunk, but I didn’t know you were this bad. Look at you; you’re drenched head to toe in sweat; you might have a fever. I need to get Matt to help you to our first aid room. I’ll be a few minutes, Tim is about to announce the winners. We made a killing tonight, those who wanted to watch in the room paid twenty quid each to watch close-up as it’s a live sex show with escorts, but to watch behind all the mirrors is free to get you up to speed. They can go to a room to fuck each other for free here, but members have a habit of getting drunk, watching the events and then all fucking off to a room.”

  Amercia looked up, could barely hear muffled voices as Tim took to the microphone. She felt an urgent, yet desperate need to fall asleep, and shortly with that, she rolled her head forward. I don’t think I’ve ever been this drunk before, she thought to herself, I’ve ruined everything for myself.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks as the disappointment, embarrassment of herself took its toll. The drink had helped calm her nerves, but the massive quantity and high unit rate hit her all at once, Amercia never wanted to experience such a state as this again. Her whole body was feeling numb; it was as though she had no control over her muscles because her brain was not able to function as it should.

  “What’s happening,” Amercia croaked a few words out, “get me home. Please.”

  Tonya didn’t even respond; she stood there glancing down at her while the room was starting to clear.

  “It’s ok everyone; she’s just a little bit drunk. Too much of a good time. You’re free to head back to the bar, or for some more fun, the rooms are now open. Your pre-booked escorts will be in the rooms waiting for those who contacted me earlier in the evening.” Tonya shouted to those looking over in her direction, “she’ll be fine, we need to get her home.”

  Amercia found some strength to raise her head, all she could see was the lights ahead, Tim’s face appeared.

  “Amercia, can you hear me? It’s Tim. We need to move you to the first aid room; there’s a small bed in there. Tonya is off to sort out the bookings, but we’ll let your client know you can’t make it due to an unexpected illness tonight. Matt is on his way to help me take you to the room. First thing’s first, don’t worry.”

  She looked at him uncertain of what he meant; everything was a blur as the brightness impaired her vision, she couldn’t make out what he was saying, her arms and legs limp as she tried to focus on standing up to get some air. Now the panic was setting in.

  “No, Amercia, you need to stay still. Otherwise, you’ll hurt yourself.”

  Amercia wanted to scream out leave me the fuck alone, but her mouth was unable to move. She leant her head back and closed her eyes. It was so hot in this room that the heat was turning her stomach. Amercia was struggling to swallow the build-up of saliva in her mouth but instead felt it spew out and drool down her chin. Then there was nothing but darkness.

  “Holy fuck,” Matt said, looking surprised as he came into the room to see Amercia draped over the chair, “how much of it has she had?”

  Tim looked at him sternly, gave him a stare with the eyes.

  “Help me move her down to the first aid room. We need to avoid the crowd as they’ll be all over us like a rash. She’s in no fit state to walk, look at her, she’s passed out, so you’ll have to carry one side of her while I’ll get the other side. If she leans against us
, she’ll look like a drunken mess. I’m not impressed leaving her while steeple-cock was going on, but there was no time. The effects of it have hit her hard and how much did you give her in those drinks, I said a small dose?”

  “I gave it to Tonya,” Matt responded, “I was in a rush at the bar, I mixed a bit of ketamine with the champagne, then handed the rest of it to Tonya. She was only supposed to feel drowsy not look like this.”

  “Where the fuck did you get it from, a scummy backstreet dealer? This better not be any of that street bought shit. I put you in contact with John who owns a string of veterinary centres; he usually provides the best drugs we need.”

  “John handed it to me on the way here. As I said earlier, I gave it to Tonya. Maybe she boosted her up with more than she should have, but either way, we need to get her the fuck out of this room in case any of the members see her. They’re like animals and will be the fuck all over her.”

  While the lights dimmed, Tim grabbed hold of Amercia with the help of Matt who helped stand her to her feet. She was heavy, feeling like a dead weight she was breathing, but stirring in and out of consciousness. Matt watched as her eyes rolled, with Tim dragging her forward as quickly as physically possible. There was a small first aid room at the back of every floor so together they led her down the hallway in the opposite direction of the members who were looking to spend their money at the bar.

  “Keep moving, and fast.” Tim said to Matt, “Don’t acknowledge anyone.”

  “She’s fucking heavy even with my gym muscles. She’s pulling on me a little. What are you going to do to her?”

  “Don’t ask questions tonight. You’ll get paid just like everyone else; you know the drill. No questions, and if anyone asks, just as we ran it through, Amercia was here as an escort and never came back. We have her signed agreement, she took the money and ran off. Just like Angie, just like Rachel, and just like Steven, they came, and it wasn’t as they anticipated, so they fucked off; keep that mouth of yours buttoned.”

  “Understood boss. I need the money because my car failed its MOT this month. Plus, the girlfriend wants a holiday soon to somewhere hot.”

  “I don’t give a fuck, help me get her on the bed, will you. Where’s Tonya gone now?”

  “She’s prepping the booked women for the rooms tonight, some need whips, others need dildos, cream, chocolate mousse. I’ve stocked the bar; everything is in order.”

  “You can go now, but let Tonya know everything is in order and to carry on as normal for tonight. Let the members run ruin at the bar, get a happy hour going.”

  Matt walked out of the first aid room, nodding to Tim as he left who was seen standing over Amercia as she lay down unconscious on the bed.

  “Such a strong-minded beautiful woman,” Tim whispered to Amercia as she lay there helplessly, “you’re going to make me a lot of money as I knew you would. I got lucky with you.”

  Tim took out the mobile phone from his pocket, checked for messages before dialling.

  “Jake,” Tim said as he answered the phone, “thankfully you’ve answered this time. I have her, she’s here and unconscious. It went to plan better than I expected. How far away are you?”

  “About ten minutes away from the industrial estate, I shouldn’t be that long. Please tell me you haven’t hurt Amercia?” Jake asked, trying to calm his nerves, “is this everything now, I have repaid my debt?”

  “Not quite, but nearly. I need your help to move Amercia when you get here, I think she’ll only be unconscious a matter of hours, and we have to act fast. When you get to the entrance, call me, and I’ll come down because the guard will take your phone off you otherwise. The least they know the better, but no one questions my authority.”

  Tim hung up the phone from Jake and stared at Amercia’s peaceful appearance as she seemed to be in a deep sleep state.

  “Greed is such a dangerous and intense desire Amercia,” he whispered to her as she lay there on the bed unable to move, “you can be determined, I give you that, but you’ll be in a better place soon, you’ll become reformed and a better person in society.”

  Her capture had gone smoother than he had initially anticipated.



  er mouth was dry, yet her throat was burning sore. A short cough to clear her airways, Amercia felt as though she had slept for twelve hours solid. As the reality of what happened fast came into her mind, an intense fear struck her to the point of paralysis. She froze, opened her eyes and saw nothing but darkness, unable to move adequately, she was able to writhe her body slightly to each side of her, yet the restricted movement seemed to be caused by something hard she could feel placed tightly around her wrists. Amercia felt deeply hungover, the pain in her head was thudding, yet there was a chill in the air as she could feel a small breeze blowing against her legs. Although she knew she was lying on a mattress, there were no covers over her semi-naked body. Aware her clothing had been removed except for her underwear, Amercia started to fear the worst had happened to her. Had she been drug raped?

  Panting for air through her nose she could feel her mouth taped over; her ears filled with cotton wool material while her eyes covered by a blindfold. Both of Amercia’s arms were raised and chained to a bed, her feet, however, were tied together, but she had free movement to swing them higher. The realisation that she had been kidnapped and tied to a bed in an unknown location made her eyes well-up and water, trying to hold back the tears she tried to scream through the tape, but only a muffled sound emerged. A rush of a million different thoughts entered her mind, where was she, who did this, is anyone watching her, will she survive, what do they want from her, how did she get here and what time of day was it? She wondered, heavy breathing and filled with nervous anxiety; someone had spiked my drink.

  Her body was shaking head to toe with fear, anger that someone could do this to her, but trying to think logically, I must be at Sordida, she thought, I remember watching gangbang roulette for a moment, then feeling weak on the chair by steeple-cock, I was sitting in the chair, then its fucking blank. Fuck, what has happened to me. Someone will come back, won’t they? Minutes started to feel like hours, but no one seemed to be around.

  Amercia wasn’t even aware what time of the day it was because if it was morning, she should have been sorting her washing out and getting her clothes ready for another morning shift at the supermarket. Had she even been reported as missing? She thought to herself among the despair, would anyone be looking for her? Having not made any friends through keeping herself to herself with the same routines day in and day out, she often found it difficult to mix with the mentality of shop workers when she always considered herself better educated than everyone else. Amercia couldn’t do the idle chit-chat of what everyone around her was having for dinner, or the groaning of an unsupportive husband, nor the discussions of who their favourite was on the latest reality tv show filled with wannabe celebrities. It wasn’t easy being a loner, but with Sordida she thought she had struck a potential goldmine. It was supposed the kickstart the fund to a new life of luxury.

  Hearing her breathing was disturbing, through the distorted sounds of her heart beating faster and faster, she listened to the clunk of metal as the recognisable sound of a door opened. Breathing less noticeable to give an impression she was fast asleep, Amercia lay stiff on the middle of the bed, still chained to the headboard she felt a presence walk past her, the tears streamed down her eyes, but the adrenaline pushed her to remain rigid for her safety. A hand touched her leg; she felt the coldness of the person’s fingertips run over her thigh. She screamed as hard as she could, hoping someone would hear if anyone were around. No one uncuffed her, no one removed the tape from her mouth, nor the cotton wool from her ears, then two hands touched her. One hand rubbed her arm; another pulled her ankle. She jolted her body so hard on the bed she felt a stabbing pain above her hips, Amercia wanted to break free, yet was helpless in an environment that had her imprisoned, was sh
e about to be murdered? Amercia thought during her hopelessness, why was she being tortured this way?

  “Stop,” she tried to scream, but the sounds were beyond recognisable with so much tape over her mouth, “let me go you sick fucking evil bastards.”

  Struggling to breathe with the fear, uncertainty and anxiety of her consequence, Amercia felt she was drowning in her saliva; she coughed, then swallowed as the anger now engulfed her. How was she going to escape this nightmare?

  The touching of hands on her legs and groping of her body stopped after a few seconds back to stillness, but expecting to feel pain or constant touching, Amercia was confused by the situation. Aware that one or more people were standing over her, she felt their presence but was unable to hear anyone as someone had their face as close to hers as they could get without touching her, she felt their warm breath on her cheeks. What the fuck is happening to me? What is this? Her fears were worsening as her imagination began to imagine the unthinkable. Were they going to cut her up, was she going to die chained to a bed in the middle of nowhere? Still trying to speak and fight her way out of the handcuffs at the same time, her lack of control was driving her wild.

  Think about it, Amercia, she thought to herself, think logically, you can do this. Think, think, think. Handcuffs, this can only mean its someone from Sordida, they like their diamond effect handcuffs. Amercia remembered that Jake had mentioned them to her in the past and she witnessed seeing some in a room on her first ever visit at the club. Her mind convinced her she was handcuffed to a bed in Sordida, it was now just a matter of remembering who would do this. Who is the last person I remember seeing in front of me before I must have passed out?


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