I Survived Seattle

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I Survived Seattle Page 9

by J. K. Hogan

  Chapter Fourteen

  Justice stared at the beautiful antique sailboat, and then looked back at Nic in wonder. “This is yours?”

  “Sure is. She’s my pride and joy. Bought her a few years ago and used the money I saved basically living at ‘the office’ to restore her.”

  “It’s amazing,” he said, and meant it. Justice didn’t know much about sailboats, but this one was stunning. The hull was painted a crisp white, and the cabin and all the trimming was a rich, natural wood that sparkled with fresh varnish. Justice traced his fingers over the blank painted words on the side of the hull. “Galeocerdo?” he asked, looking back at Nic.

  Nic stuffed his hands in his pockets and shrugged, looking sort of self-conscious. “Scientific name for the tiger shark. I was kind of a marine science geek growing up. Took Oceanography in high school, the works.”

  Justice looked at him then, his muscles defined underneath the paper thin Henley, the sleeves rolled up to bare corded forearms; jeans with holes in the knees, probably from working on the boat rather than some clothing factory, encased powerful thighs. But he also saw a geeky kid getting excited about dissecting a shark in Oceanography class. Somehow, it made him even sexier to Justice, that this perfect, perfect guy wasn’t exactly perfect.

  He felt his heartbeat speed up and his jeans tighten, and he took a few steps towards Nic before he stopped in his tracks. “Wait. Why did you bring me here?”

  Nic’s eyes widened and a blush spread over his chiseled cheekbones. He pushed at stray strands of messy blond hair that had fallen into his eyes, and looked fairly nervous. “Um, well. You know, the only times you’ve ever really seemed relaxed are when we were on or around water, or when we were…um…doin’ stuff, so I thought you might like to go for a sail. It’s okay if you don’t, I —oomphf!”

  Justice had just needed him to stop talking, because if he hadn’t, Justice would have found himself drooling and professing undying love to the guy. So he ran at him, slamming their chests together and plunging his hands into Nic’s hair to drag him into a messy, dirty tangle of tongues.

  He couldn’t believe Nic had noticed, had been paying that much attention to see that the water was Justice’s safe place —always had been. Just the thought of a man bothering to be that conscientious turned Justice on even more. He leapt up and wrapped his legs around Nic’s hips, barely even breaking the seal of their mouths.

  Ten minutes ago he’d been balking at holding hands, and now Justice was wrapped around Nic, stuck to him like a barnacle, and grinding their hard-ons together with fervor.

  Nic broke the kiss and panted. Justice felt a breathless chuckle against his ear.

  “I take it you like the idea.”

  Justice clung to him and nodded, trusting that Nic would get the point. He swore he heard Nic growl, deep in his chest.

  “If we don’t get on the boat, like, right the hell now,” Nic said through clenched teeth, “we’re going to give the whole marina a show and I’ll have to find a new place to keep my baby.”

  Justice huffed out a shaky laugh, grudgingly relaxed his hold on Nic and slid to standing. He discreetly adjusted his hard-on, but chuckled when he caught Nic doing the same thing.

  Nic gave Justice a hand stepping over the netting that served as a deck railing on the boat. Then he darted around, securing bumpers and untying rigging until they were ready to cast off.

  Justice had grown up around boats, his dad being a recreational fisherman, and they had split their time between Leedsville and the South Carolina coast. He knew a great deal about motor boats, but he knew about as much about sailing as he knew about flying hot air balloons —which was nothing.

  He looked around the deck as Nic used the tiny motor to maneuver out of the slip and get them out to the main channel. He watched the muscles in Nic’s arms flex as he manipulated the…wait.

  “Where’s the wheel?”

  Nic grunted, concentrating on passing between a couple of other boats. “No wheel. Tiller. Connects to the rudder below and controls the direction.”

  “Ah.” Justice knew what a tiller was, in theory, he’d just never been on a boat that didn’t have a wheel before. They were in a dugout-type area around the tiller that Nic had called the cockpit. Justice sat on one side of it and hung over the railing so that the spray hit his face. It was his idea of heaven.

  Once Nic got them past the morning traffic on Lake Washington, he cut the engine. Then he hopped around, unfurling sails, pulling rigging; did a bunch of stuff with winches and levers that Justice didn’t understand. So he watched Nic instead.

  Nic had pulled the top half of his sun-bleached hair into a low ponytail, leaving the rest hanging free. He shaded his eyes with a hand as he squinted towards the sun, checking a sail, and those crows-feet that did funny things to Justice’s stomach made an appearance.

  He turned and bent over to wrap a line around a winch, and Justice couldn’t help but stare at that perfect round ass encased in threadbare denim. He just wanted to fucking bite it. The urge to grab the man and beg Nic to fuck him was so strong, Justice actually got a little dizzy. He needed to clear his head so that he could relax and enjoy the sail, because Nic had invited him along to do something nice for him, to make him happy, so he was damn well going to enjoy it.

  “Can I walk around?”

  Nic looked up from what he was doing and gave Justice a crooked smile. “Sure. Mind the booms.”

  Justice nodded because he would indeed be that guy from the movies that gets whacked in the stomach by the boom and flung overboard. He gripped the flimsy railing as he navigated the starboard side of the skinny deck that skirted around the outsides of the cabin until he made his way up to the bow deck. The wind was at his back so he wasn’t in the immediate path of a swinging boom.

  Enchanted, he clung to the forestay and looked out over the water, as the bow cut through the waves like a warm knife through butter. Because of all the boating with his dad, Justice had pretty good sea legs, so he unlocked his knees and let his hips roll with the sway of the boat.

  He took a deep breath of the fresh, crisp air. This, he would remember. There were very few times in his life where he had been completely, totally relaxed, and free of anxiety and pain. He would always look back on this one perfect moment, and remember where he was and how he felt.

  Letting go of the rigging, he turned to smile at Nic, who’d settled down at the tiller once the sails were set. Justice was standing between the starboard gunwale and the cabin wall when the wind abruptly changed direction. The boom swung toward him before either of them could even process what happened.

  Justice had the wherewithal to duck, diving forward onto the roof of the cabin and landing hard on his knees. Fuck, that was going to leave a mark. He flopped over on his back, draping his body across the forward hatch with his feet planted firmly on the deck, and lay there panting.

  “Jesus Christ, sonofaholycocksuckingmotherfucker, goddamnit! Justice, you okay?” Nic called as he made his way carefully along the side deck.

  Justice raised his arm and gave him a thumbs up and a grunt.

  Nic hastily tied off the swinging boom and skidded to a halt beside Justice. He bent over and began running his hands over Justice’s body, checking for injuries. Though he winced when the caress landed on his bruised knees, Justice couldn’t help but enjoy the attention. And neither could his dick, which was rapidly filling behind the placket of his jeans.

  Justice couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment when the touches became less concerned and more lustful, but they did. Nic’s face was flushed and his pupils were dilated as he stroked Justice’s body. When Nic’s fingers just barely brushed the ridge of his erection, Justice laid his head back with a thud and let out a throaty groan.

  Nic jumped back as if he’d been burned, blue eyes wide, chest heaving, and the look he gave Justice burned into his soul and made his cock twitch. “Get below,” Nic commanded in a sandpaper voice.

  “Wha —?” J
ustice said, waiting for his brain to catch up to his arousal.

  “Get below,” he said again, and then added a hissed “please.”

  Justice hauled himself up and headed for the cabin, hearing the rattle of metal from behind him as Nic dropped anchor. Oh God, he thought. This was happening. He let himself though the companionway and climbed down the ladder into the surprisingly spacious living quarters.

  The first half was a living area with a small kitchenette and plush benches along each side. It was separated from the ‘bedroom’ area of the berth by the head on one side, and a pantry closet on the other. The forward half of the cabin was basically all bed. It was the same poly-mat material as the benches but it stretched all the way across and culminated in a wide point, just like the bow.

  Justice didn’t play coy, and he didn’t take the time to really look at the beautifully appointed cabin. He went straight to the bed, sat down on the edge and started unlacing his sneakers.

  He sucked in a breath when Nic appeared in the companionway, backlit by the sun. His shoulders stretched the width of the hatch. Justice couldn’t see Nic’s face but he could feel the heat of his gaze.

  Nic climbed down the ladder and stalked towards him, illuminated only by the sunlight shining in through the hatches and portholes. Christ, he was beautiful. Justice leaned back on his elbows to enjoy the view.

  When Nic’s face was finally visible, Justice caught the feral look in his eyes, and he shivered. Nic came to the edge of the bed and leaned over him, walking his hands up alongside Justice’s body, prowling, until they were eye to eye.

  “It might get a little bumpy,” he said, low and growly. “You good?”

  Justice had no idea whether he was talking about the lake or the fucking; but the answer to both was fuck, yes. All he managed was a rapid nod and an “uh huh.”

  Taking him at his word, Nic swooped in and captured his mouth in a searing kiss. And it was rough. It was teeth clacking, lip biting, hair pulling rough, and Justice couldn’t remember ever being so turned on. He allowed his legs to fall wider, and grabbed two handfuls of Nic’s gorgeous ass, shamelessly pumping his hips and rubbing their jeans-clad crotches together. It was so, so good. Too good. Justice could already feel his balls tingling, and he was so not going to come in his pants like a teenager on prom night.

  Nic must have had the same thought because he pushed off suddenly, looking wild and wicked. He attacked Justice’s belt and whipped it out of the loops. He ripped his jeans open and yanked them all the way off, except where they got caught on the one shoe he still had on, from when he had paused to ogle Nic.

  “Jesus Christ,” Nic breathed when he saw that Justice had gone commando again. “That is so fuckin’ hot.” His eyes flamed, and he hooked his hands underneath Justice to yank him forward, until his ass cheeks were even with the edge of the bed. “Gotta taste you.”

  He didn’t give Justice time to take in the breath required to form words before plunging down on his cock. He took it all the way to the root before tightening his lips and dragging them slowly up the shaft. It was impressive, because while Justice wasn’t thick, he was pretty damn long.

  Justice lost all train of thought when Nic sealed his lips around his cock head and sucked hard, while swirling his tongue around the slit. He grabbed a handful of Nic’s hair and bucked his hips, fucking his mouth like he’d never done before. Nic just opened his throat and took it.

  Justice felt his orgasm building at the base of his spine so he slapped at Nic’s shoulders to get him to pull off. He’d barely managed to stop it that time, and he so wasn’t going out like that. But it seemed Nic was determined to pull it out of him.

  Next, he pushed at the backs of Justice’s thighs until his knees were against his chest, exposing his hole. Nic didn’t leave him hanging for long. He nipped at each cheek before running his tongue along Justice’s crack. He teased Justice’s hole with his tongue, swirling around his rim a few times, causing the delicate muscles to shiver, before pointing his tongue and stabbing his way inside.

  Justice let out a strangled cry and his arms flailed for purchase on the vinyl cushion of the bed, finding none. He’d never been rimmed before. He hadn’t even been sure that was something men really did to one another. He thought maybe it was just in porn. Apparently not.

  Nic continued tongue-fucking him, and then Justice felt something. Nic’s thumbs slid in alongside his tongue, and Justice’s hips came off the bed.

  “Oh my fucking God!”

  Nic grunted in appreciation and just kept on plunging his tongue in an out of Justice’s sensitive hole.

  “God, so good,” Justice moaned, before sliding himself away from Nic. “If you don’t stop, I’m gonna come. I’m not ready for this to be over.”

  Nic rose to his feet and gave him a devilish grin that made his toes curl. “We got all day, baby,” Nic said.

  He’d shed his shirt when he came down, and now he divested himself of his jeans and boxer-briefs. It was the first time Justice had seen the man in the glorious light of day. Apparently, Nic tanned in the nude; he was bronze all over. Justice’s mouth watered.

  Dizzy with lust, he’d missed Nic pulling supplies out from somewhere, but when he heard the ripping of a condom package, his eyes snapped to Nic’s hands. Oh, fuck, it was really happening.

  He felt a brief moment of apprehension before it was replaced by excitement, but by the way Nic froze, he’d seen it on Justice’s face. He went a little pale and his eyes widened. It would have been comical if Justice hadn’t been about to blow.

  Nic eyed him warily and set down the bottle of lube he’d picked up. “Christ, you’re not a virgin, are you?”

  He looked like a bucket of ice water had been thrown on his head. It looked like virgins scared the hell out of him, so he asked again. “You’re not a virgin…?”

  “God, no,” Justice said with force. “I just haven’t…I’m usually topping.”

  “So your ass is the virgin, not you,” Nic said with a little smirk.

  “Yeah,” Justice answered with a roll of his eyes.

  “So do you want me to stop?” Nic asked, gesturing with the hand that still held the condom.

  “Don’t you fucking dare,” he growled, and Nic’s hard-on, which had faded a bit with the V-word, came back with a vengeance. Justice punctuated the statement with a couple of long pulls on his own cock.

  Crawling onto the bed beside Justice, Nic urged him to roll onto his side facing away. Justice craned his neck so that he could look back at Nic, and stuck that plump lower lip out.

  “I want to see you.”

  “After you get used to it. Trust me, it will be easier this way.”

  While Nic had gotten him pretty loose and lubricated with the rim job, he needed to get the rest of Justice’s body to relax. He plastered himself against Justice’s back, nestling his cock between those firm ass cheeks, and began running his hands all over Justice’s skin, which was what started the whole interlude in the first place.

  He nuzzled Justice’s ear as he ran the pads of his fingers down his neck. Justice stretched his head back to give Nic better access. Nic slid an arm underneath Justice and wrapped it around him, so that he could use both hands to stroke and massage Justice’s well defined chest.

  His fingers found Justice’s nipples and he tweaked them at the same time, causing Justice to jump and yelp. Nic paused as though he wasn’t sure if he was being too rough, so Justice rubbed his ass up against Nic’s cock, and that told him otherwise.

  Not lingering in the same place too long, Nic ran his hands down Justice’s subtle six-pack, but completely skipped his cock and balls. Instead, he began massaging the muscles in Justice’s thighs.

  Nic chuckled when Justice gave a disgruntled moan. “Patience, young Padawan,” he whispered in Justice’s ear.

  That pulled out a nice belly laugh that relaxed Justice even more. “God, you are such a nerd,” he said, still a bit breathless.

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  Nic finally paid some attention to the part that was standing up and begging. He grazed his fingers along Justice’s steely erection, barely touching and taking the time to tease the underside of the head.

  Justice honest-to-God whimpered. It was a sound he’d never heard come from his own mouth before. But he couldn’t help it. He was ready to crawl out of his skin. Every part of him was hypersensitive, aching with the need to be touched. He was afraid if he didn’t get relief, he might just blow apart.

  “Please, Nic,” he muttered, eyes closed as he focused his attention on the single finger that was teasing his hole. “Fuck me.”

  He meant it that time, much more than he had in the heat of the moment that first night, so he hoped Nic didn’t hesitate.

  He didn’t. Justice heard the flick of the cap on the bottle of lube, and a rustling as Nic suited up. He sighed as he felt Nic’s fingers spread lube around and inside his ass.

  Running a hand along the underside of his leg, Nic lifted it and hooked his arm in the crook of Justice’s knee. It once again left Justice open, vulnerable, and he shivered.

  Nic stopped moving but said nothing. Fuck if he’s going to stop now, Justice thought. He reached behind him, grabbed a handful of Nic’s ass and squeezed. “Please.”

  Nic swallowed audibly and placed a kiss just below Justice’s ear. Then Justice felt Nic’s gloved cock pushing at his entrance. He tried to stay in the moment and keep relaxed, but he couldn’t help tensing up at the breach. He let out a sharp gasp when the head of Nic’s cock popped inside.

  “You okay?” Nic asked, his muscles shaking as he tried to hold still.

  Justice nodded. “Mmhmm, just gimme a minute.” He closed his eyes and breathed through the burn. It was almost enough to have him telling Nic to stop. But he felt something deep inside —a twinge, like an itch he couldn’t scratch.

  Nic didn’t move his cock a millimeter, but the rest of him was busy. He stroked Justice’s chest, played with his nipples until his cock drizzled precum, and then moved down to tug on his balls. The whole time, Nic was nibbling on the large tendon in Justice’s neck.


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