Lucky In Love (Harlequin Special Edition)

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Lucky In Love (Harlequin Special Edition) Page 3

by Sinclair, Tracy

  “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.” He grinned. “Who knows? We might be terrific together. All this friction between us could generate a lot of excitement.”

  “I could get more excitement from a pair of tight shoes,” she said disparagingly.

  “Are you saying you don’t think I could satisfy you?” His voice was deceptively mild.

  “I doubt it,” she lied. “But it’s a moot point because I’m not interested in finding out You’re not my type,” she added unwisely.

  Jonathan’s hazel eyes glittered, but his voice became even softer. “I’m very adaptable. Tell me how you like to make love. Personally I prefer the lights on, so I can appreciate the perfection of your body as I undress you slowly. But caressing you in the dark has its own allure.”

  Michelle steeled herself not to react. “This conversation is tasteless,” she said coldly. “I’m going to my room.”

  “You haven’t seen the rest of the facilities.”

  “There will be lots of time for that. I’m not leaving anytime soon.”

  “Neither am I,” he said grimly, dropping his seductive act. “It should be an interesting week.”

  “That isn’t the adjective I’d use, but why should we agree on that when we haven’t agreed on anything else?”

  He stared at her moodily. “You won’t win. Why don’t you be realistic and go fish in another pond?”

  “Because I’m going to enjoy beating you,” she taunted.

  “Don’t count on it. I won’t hesitate to play dirty if I have to.”

  “Is that supposed to scare me? You already have.”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet.” His smile had a dangerous quality to it. “Consider yourself warned. I don’t like to lose.”

  “Neither do I, so we’ll just have to see who blinks first.”

  Michelle turned away with her nose in the air and started for the door. Her impressive exit was marred when she failed to notice the jump rope coiled on the floor.

  “Watch out!” Jonathan called.

  But it was too late. Her high heel caught in the coil and she pitched forward onto the floor.

  He raced over and knelt beside her. “Did you hurt yourself?”

  “Only my dignity.” She sat up.

  “I tried to warn you, but it was too late.” He extended a hand and helped her to stand. “They shouldn’t leave all this equipment lying around on the floor.”

  When she was on her feet, Michelle felt a twinge of pain in one leg. It wasn’t excruciating, but her face mirrored her discomfort.

  “You did get hurt!” Jonathan exclaimed. “Is it your back?”

  “No, I think I twisted my ankle. It will be all right.”

  “You’d better get off of that foot.” He glanced around, but the gym had everything except a chair. Settling for the next best thing, he grasped her waist with both hands and lifted her onto the padded horse.

  “Put me down,” she ordered. “This thing is slippery and there’s nothing to hang on to.”

  “I won’t let you fall.” He put an arm around her waist. “Which leg is it?”

  “The left one, but there’s nothing wrong with it,” she insisted. “Just help me down.”

  “After I make sure you didn’t break anything.” He slowly flexed her leg, then gently turned her ankle back and forth. When she flinched slightly he asked, “Is that where it hurts?”

  “Only slightly. Will you please stop playing doctor and get me down off this thing? I want to go to my room.”

  “Okay, it doesn’t look like you did any serious damage.” One arm was still around her waist and he hooked the other arm under her legs. But instead of setting her on her feet, he cradled her against his chest and started for the door.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Michelle exclaimed. “Put me down this instant!”

  “I will when we get to your room.” He shifted her weight and picked up her jacket and purse.

  “You’re not coming to my room.” She tried to wriggle out of his arms, but they only tightened, holding her more closely against his body.

  “Relax, I’m not enjoying this any more than you are.”

  “Well, thanks a lot!” she answered indignantly.

  His expression changed as he looked down at her flushed face. “Do you want me to?”

  “No, of course not! But you don’t have to be insulting.”

  “You’ve had enough men tell you how desirable you are. You can’t expect to win ’em all.”

  “I have no desire to appeal to you.”

  “Then you got your wish. What room are you in?”

  “One-o-three.” She gave in reluctantly.

  It was either that or prolong the uncomfortable situation. Michelle was very conscious of Jonathan’s blatant masculinity. How could she help but be when she was in the man’s arms? She didn’t have to like him to admit that he was a very sexy fellow. Fortunately he wasn’t aware of her qualified approval.

  “One-o-three should be on this side of the hall. Yes, here it is.” He stopped in front of a door. “Give me your key.”

  She fished it out of her purse and gave it to him without arguing. Anything to get rid of him. But Jonathan didn’t leave after dumping her rather unceremoniously on the bed. He walked around to the other side where a telephone sat on a nightstand.

  “I don’t want to sound inhospitable after all your solicitude,” she said acidly. “But would you mind using the phone in your own room?”

  “This won’t take long. Front desk? Yes, I’m calling for Miss Lacey in one-o-three. She needs a doctor. Will you please send for one immediately?”

  Michelle jumped off the bed. “Are you out of your mind? There’s nothing wrong with me! Tell him it was a mistake.” It was too late. Jonathan had hung up.

  “I’m sure you weren’t really hurt,” he said. “But I want a doctor to verify the fact.”

  She stared at him suspiciously. “Why are you so concerned about me all of a sudden?”

  “Call it insurance. I want a doctor’s statement that there’s nothing wrong with you.”

  “I already told you that. Why do you need a second opinion?”

  “Because I don’t want you to claim tomorrow that your injuries were more serious than you thought and you’ll need a lengthy recuperation—preferably at Lucky’s expense.”

  Michelle stared at him incredulously. “You have a twisted mind, do you know that?”

  “Spare me your indignation. Just get into bed,” he said impatiently.

  “I’ll do no such thing! Get out of my room before I call the manager and have you thrown out.”

  “I don’t think you want to do that. I’d have to give my version of what happened. It wouldn’t be the gentlemanly thing to do, but what other choice would I have?”

  Michelle got the picture. Jonathan would say she hurt her leg while they were having overly enthusiastic sex. And the manager would undoubtedly believe him, she thought bitterly.

  “All right, I’ll let the doctor examine me,” she muttered, sitting back down on the bed. “But I’m not paying the bill.”

  Jonathan looked at her without expression. “Don’t you ever think about anything but money?”

  “Occasionally.” Michelle forced herself to smile instead of lashing back at him. “You’d be surprised if you knew what I’m thinking about right now,” she purred. Revenge! Jonathan Richfield was going to pay for what he’d put her through this evening.

  Chapter Two

  Jonathan was wary of Michelle’s apparent change of heart toward him. “Nothing you do would surprise me,” he said moodily.

  “From anyone else that would be a compliment, but I know you didn’t mean it that way,” she remarked.

  He sighed. “Just get undressed and get into bed.”

  “You have to be joking!”

  “No, I’m serious. The doctor can scarcely examine your leg while you’re wearing panty hose. What did you think I had in mind? Feeling the way
we do about each other, you must know I have no ulterior motive.”

  Michelle was annoyed at the way he kept hammering the point home. “If I’m so distasteful to you, why don’t you wait outside for the doctor? You can brief him on how tricky I am, so he’ll be sure I’m faking the pain.”

  “Is your ankle bothering you a lot?” he asked, more gently.

  “You wouldn’t believe me no matter what I said.”

  Jonathan swore under his breath. “Where is your nightgown? I’ll bring it to you. Assuming you wear one, of course.”

  “No, I sleep in the nude between silk sheets,” she said, being deliberately provocative. “I love the sensuous feeling against my bare skin.”

  His expression didn’t change, although the erotic description caused a surge of warmth in his midsection. He had a vivid picture of himself in bed with Michelle, her naked body as silky under his caressing hands as the sheets they’d tangled while making love.

  He scowled at her in an attempt to banish the disturbing vision. “It doesn’t surprise me that you sleep in the nude, but you must own a robe. You have to get out of bed sometime,” he added nastily.

  “I’m sure I spend less time there than you do,” she snapped, dropping her seductive act. “I was just joking about the silk sheets and sleeping in the buff, but I might have known you’d take me seriously.”

  “There’s just no pleasing you. You complain when I doubt your word, and you complain when I don’t.”

  “You only believe me if it’s something derogatory.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with sleeping nude. I do it, myself.”

  “Well, I don’t. I wear a flannel nightie that comes down to my ankles.”

  He looked her over consideringly. “Somehow I can’t picture you in flannel.”

  “There’s a whole world of women out there that you know nothing about,” Michelle said crisply.

  “I’m sure you could teach me a great deal, but it will have to wait until after the doctor leaves. Take your robe into the bathroom and get undressed.”

  “What part of no way don’t you understand? I’m not going to do it and you can’t make me,” she added childishly.

  “We both know I can—one way or another.” He strolled over to the bed, gazing down at her. “You wouldn’t be the first woman I’ve undressed. Although the circumstances were a lot more pleasurable,” he remarked deliberately.

  “It wouldn’t be any great treat for me, either!” Michelle was so furious that she’d jumped off the bed to confront him, forgetting to favor her tender ankle. She winced as a twinge of pain reminded her.

  Jonathan regarded her with a frown. “Does your leg really bother you?”

  “No, I’m putting on an act for your benefit. Isn’t that what you’ve decided?”

  His mouth thinned in annoyance. “Get back on the bed—and stay there! I’ve just about had it with you.”

  “That doesn’t begin to express how I feel,” Michelle said, but she climbed onto the bed before he could pick her up and put her there. She’d had enough close contact with his powerful body.

  The doctor arrived as they were glowering at each other. He was an older man with a calm, pleasant manner.

  He pulled a chair up to the bed and gazed at Michelle with a smile. “You look pretty healthy. What seems to be the problem?”

  “There isn’t any,” she answered. “I tripped on a coil of rope, but I didn’t hurt myself. He was one who insisted on calling you.” She shot an irritated glance at Jonathan.

  “Well, it’s always best to be sure there’s nothing wrong. Your husband was merely concerned about you.”

  “He isn’t my husband. We aren’t even friends.”

  “Just let the man examine your ankle,” Jonathan said curtly.

  The doctor’s eyebrows climbed at their hostility, but he didn’t comment on it.

  As he began to gently flex her ankle, Jonathan said, “Shouldn’t she take off her stockings?”

  “It isn’t necessary. The skin isn’t broken and a serious injury would cause a lot more pain than she’s experiencing,” the doctor said.

  When Michelle shot Jonathan a triumphant look, he gave her an annoyed one in return. “Are you sure it’s nothing serious?” he insisted.

  “He’s afraid I’m going to claim to be an invalid,” she said sweetly.

  The doctor gave them a wary look, clearly reluctant to be dragged into their vendetta. “There’s a little swelling, but not even enough for a sprain. Your ankle is tender because you bruised it slightly, but you didn’t do any real damage. Stay off your feet tonight and prop your foot on a couple of pillows,” he told Michelle. “You should feel fine in the morning.”

  “I was sure I would,” she said. “I’m sorry for getting you up here for nothing, Doctor.”

  “I’m always glad when that’s the case,” he answered politely.

  After the man had gone, she said to Jonathan, “I hope you’re satisfied.”

  “That isn’t a word I associate with you,” he replied sardonically.

  “Do you have to look for ways to be insulting, or does it just come naturally? I’m sorry I don’t gaze at you adoringly and hang on your every word, but I—” She broke off to stare at him sharply. “What do you think you’re doing now?”

  He had opened her suitcase and was removing her clothes. “I’m unpacking for you. The doctor said to stay off your feet.”

  “He also said there’s nothing wrong with me. Stop pawing through my things. I’ll unpack in the morning.”

  “You’ll need your toothbrush tonight, plus all those creams and lotions women consider essential.”

  “All I need is my toothbrush, and I’ll get that myself. I don’t use a lot of stuff on my face.”

  His gaze moved over her lovely features. “You can’t tell me that perfect skin didn’t get a lot of help from cosmetic companies.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t realize that sounds like a compliment,” she said mockingly.

  “I never denied that you’re a beautiful woman. You also have a body that could arouse any man.” His golden eyes traveled over her appreciatively. “I have a feeling you’d be fantastic in bed—once you got over that attitude of yours.”

  Michelle had reacted to his low, sensuous voice, coupled with that lean, sexy body. It didn’t take much imagination to guess how great he would be in bed. But his last comment reminded her of how much she disliked him.

  “Learn to live with it,” she told him curtly. “My feelings for you will never change.”

  “I’m crushed,” he said mockingly. “I was looking forward to a night of wild, uninhibited lovemaking.”

  “Why don’t you go look up your little bingo pal? She displayed the enthusiasm you admire in a woman.”

  “Don’t knock it. That quality can make a plain woman more desirable than a raving beauty.”

  “If my company is so distasteful there’s a simple alternative. I presume you have a room of your own. Why don’t you use it and leave me alone?”

  “I intend to, as soon as I finish this.” He put her lingerie into a dresser drawer, then held up a short chiffon nightie. “Is this the granny gown you described? I never knew flannel was sheer and lacy.”

  “I’d scarcely bring a flannel gown to Florida. Put it down,” she ordered. “And get out of my room right now!”

  He seemed to realize he’d pushed her to the limit. “Okay, I’ve put away most of your things. I guess the rest can wait until morning.” He walked over to the bed, holding up the fragile blue nightie. “Did someone buy you this because it’s the color of your eyes?”

  She snatched it out of his hands. “No, I bought it myself.”

  “Good choice. A man’s guard would definitely be down after he saw you in that.”

  Michelle controlled her anger with an effort, since she knew Jonathan was trying to provoke her. “If you prefer my room to yours I’d be happy to change with you,” she said pointedly.

  “All right,
I get the message.” He grinned. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Would you like me to prop some pillows under your foot before I go? No, I suppose not.” The echo of his chuckle still lingered in the room after he’d left.

  She stared balefully at the closed door. Michelle didn’t know which irritated her more, Jonathan’s coldly autocratic manner, or his periodic switch to seduction. She knew better than to believe he was really attracted to her. Jonathan would use whatever method worked to get what he wanted—and it wasn’t sex. At least not from her.

  Michelle had to admit he put on a good act. When he’d looked at her with that golden glow in his eyes, she had responded involuntarily. The same way she did when he cradled her in his arms earlier, even though his body was taut with anger then, rather than passion. Either way, he was potently masculine.

  She got off the bed abruptly and limped into the bathroom. After washing her face and brushing her teeth, Michelle took off her clothes. Only then did she remember that her nightie was still lying on the bed.

  She went back to the bedroom wearing only a pair of brief satin panties. The unexpected sight of Jonathan froze her like a marble statue.

  He was equally startled, but not as immobilized. His eyes moved avidly over her pink tipped breasts, then down the length of her slender, nearly nude body.

  “I knocked, but I guess you didn’t hear me,” he said finally.

  The sound of his voice broke the spell. Michelle grabbed her gown and clutched it to her chest. The short scrap of chiffon didn’t hide much. Her long bare legs were still exposed to the thighs, and the sheer fabric of the gown allowed tantalizing glimpses of her pink nipples.

  “Get out of my room this instant!” she stormed. “What do I have to do to keep you out of here?”

  “You could put the chain on the door,” he suggested, trying to hide his amusement. Sensing that she was about to erupt, he added hastily, “I didn’t realize you were undressed.”

  “People don’t usually go to bed with their clothes on and I had a reasonable expectation of privacy. Why did you come back?”

  “It suddenly occurred to me that I forgot to return your key.” He held it up and started to walk toward her.


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