Lucky In Love (Harlequin Special Edition)

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Lucky In Love (Harlequin Special Edition) Page 18

by Sinclair, Tracy

  He hesitated. “It would be awkward not to. I mean, most of our mutual friends will be coming. She’d be bound to find out. I don’t like to hurt someone’s feelings for no reason.”

  “But Carter wouldn’t mind not being included. Is that it?” Michelle asked evenly.

  Jonathan’s jaw set. “All right, I’ll invite him if it means that much to you!”

  “I couldn’t care less,” she answered coldly. “I was just interested in your reasoning.”

  Evelyn and Lucky exchanged a glance. “We’ll have to go shopping for gowns for the party,” she said hastily. “And we’d better do it soon, in case we find something that needs alterations.”

  “Why don’t we go now?” Michelle asked, rising.

  Evelyn expected Michelle to look for something inexpensive, saying she didn’t need another evening gown. She was surprised when her frugal daughter didn’t look at the price tags in the elegant stores Lucky had suggested.

  Evelyn got a glimmering of the reason after Michelle had turned up her nose at one dress after another.

  “Don’t you have something outstanding?” she asked the saleswoman. “I’ve seen the clothes these women wear. I don’t intend to let them patronize me.”

  Since Ashleigh was the only woman friend of Jonathan’s that Michelle had met, Evelyn got the idea. It was a good sign, she thought happily. Maybe she and Jonathan would finally realize they were perfect for each other.

  Michelle tried on and rejected one dress after another. The saleswoman was beginning to lose hope of a sale, but she refused to give up. About the time Michelle was starting to think they should look somewhere else, the woman returned with a length of flame-colored chiffon over her arm.

  “This just came in,” she said. “It hasn’t even been tagged yet, but it’s your size and I thought it might be what you’re looking for.”

  As soon as Michelle tried it on, she knew this was the dress she had in mind. The strapless gown hugged her body closely before flaring out below the hips in layers of scarlet chiffon that fluttered when she moved. There was a matching scarf that the saleswoman draped around her throat, leaving the long ends to trail down her back.

  “It’s perfect!” Michelle exclaimed, twirling to look at herself from all angles in the three-way mirror. “Do you like it, Mother?”

  “Yes, it’s stunning,” Evelyn agreed. “You’ll be the belle of the ball.”

  “Hardly. You’re the star of the show. But at least I’ll get noticed.”

  “I knew this was right for you the minute I saw it,” the saleswoman said happily. “And it doesn’t even need alterations.”

  Michelle gulped a bit at the price. But this was a special occasion, she rationalized, not admitting her real purpose—to be more glamorous than Ashleigh.

  Evelyn wasn’t as fussy as her daughter. It didn’t take her long to pick out a lovely beaded gown in a flattering shade of deep rose. Afterward they shopped for shoes and browsed through the cosmetic section of a department store, sampling different perfume sprays.

  “This is such fun,” Michelle said. “We always have a good time together. I’m going to miss our shopping excursions when you move to Florida.”

  “I’ll miss you, too, dear,” Evelyn said soberly. “I wish we didn’t have to live so far apart.”

  “You and Lucky will be coming to New York to visit, and we can talk on the phone a lot.”

  “It won’t be the same as having you right here. But life is full of surprises. Look at me. I certainly never expected to meet somebody and move to Florida. Maybe you will too,” Evelyn said artlessly.

  Yeah, sure, Michelle thought morosely. Jonathan will discover he’s madly in love with me and we’ll all live happily ever after. Unfortunately that was a romance novel; this was real life.

  Jonathan was still at the house when they returned in the late afternoon, but he had evidently gone home at some point. He was now wearing white jeans and a navy T-shirt. He and Lucky were sipping tall, cool drinks under the umbrella table beside the pool.

  They both sniffed appreciatively when Michelle and Evelyn came outside. “One of you smells like a flower garden,” Jonathan observed.

  “It must be Mother. I’m wearing Passionate Peony, but you’re not likely to find it in a garden.” Michelle laughed. “We sampled the department store’s freebies.”

  “Let me see if that’s what I smell.” Jonathan rose and strolled over to her.

  Cupping his hand around her nape, he sniffed behind her ear. Michelle caught her breath as his lips brushed her neck in a whisper-light caress. Their bodies weren’t touching, but she was acutely aware of his hard, lean length, a few tantalizing inches away.

  She moved back quickly. “Well, what’s the verdict?” she asked brightly.

  “You’re the passionate one, all right.” He looked at her flushed cheeks with a little smile.

  “I didn’t expect you to still be here,” Michelle said abruptly. “Weren’t you on your way to the office?”

  “I went in and took care of the more pressing things so I could take the rest of the week off, more or less.”

  “It must be nice to be the boss. You were on vacation all last week, too.”

  “That wasn’t a vacation.” He grinned. “This week we can both relax and have fun.”

  Michelle didn’t know what to make of Jonathan’s rapid mood swings, or what she did to trigger them. She snapped back automatically when he was sarcastic, or even when he was simply cool, but it didn’t change her feelings for him. Unfortunately Jonathan was the love of her life. It was sobering to realize nobody could ever take his place.

  Michelle expected the coming week to be difficult, but for the next few days Jonathan couldn’t have been more charming. She told herself not to count on it to last. It hurt too much when she allowed herself to hope.

  It was heavenly to be with him when he was like this, however. Jonathan devoted all of his time to her—which meant he wasn’t seeing Ashleigh, or any other woman. He acted as if he didn’t want to. When they strolled along the beach, he held her hand, and when they walked off the tennis court at the country club, he put his arm around her shoulders.

  That didn’t mean anything of course. Those could have been merely friendly gestures. But there were other indications. When they danced together, a current of electricity flowed between them, creating sparks that threatened to ignite into a bonfire.

  After several days, Michelle hoped it would happen. Why keep denying herself what she wanted so desperately? If this was all she’d ever have of Jonathan, well, it was better than nothing.

  The problem was how to let him know she was receptive. Michelle had never had to do that with a man before, so she felt awkward about it. She could only hope that sooner or later Jonathan would pick up a clue.

  On the days when Michelle was busy with her mother, Jonathan went to his office. But he always returned to have dinner and spend the evening with them. One night, none of them felt like getting dressed and going out, so they decided to have dinner at home on the patio.

  The setting was informal, but the food wasn’t. They started with vichyssoise served in thin china bowls. Then Maria, one of the maids, brought out a huge platter of cracked stone crabs and lobster tails with melted butter and aioli, the wonderful garlic-flavored mayonnaise.

  “This seafood is divine,” Michelle said. “Bessie outdid herself tonight.”

  “Anybody can prepare lobster,” Jonathan remarked dismissively. “All you have to do is boil it.”

  “That’s big talk from a man who probably can’t even operate a can opener,” she teased.

  “It shows how little you know about me. I’m a great cook.”

  “Really? I’m impressed.”

  “Well, I doubt if any of the famous chefs are losing sleep because of me. But I do barbecue a mean steak.”

  “That’s quite an accomplishment,” Michelle said. “People always ask for their steak a certain way, like rare or medium rare. How do you
know when it’s done just right?”

  “If I told you, you might not be impressed. What if I cook dinner for you one night instead?”

  “It’s a date,” she said happily.

  After dinner, Evelyn and Lucky went to a movie. The younger couple declined their invitation to go along.

  “What do you want to do instead?” Jonathan asked Michelle when they were alone.

  “Nothing very strenuous,” she answered. “How would you like to pop popcorn and watch television? Or is that too boring? If you’d rather go out I’ll get dressed.”

  “No, a restful evening sounds good to me for a change. Let’s see if Bessie has any popcorn. If not, I’ll go out and get some.”

  “I can live without it,” Michelle said. “I just thought it might be fun.”

  “Everything is fun with you.” Jonathan put his arm around her waist. Before she could turn toward him, he led her into the kitchen.

  When he started rummaging through the pantry, Michelle said, “I don’t think you should be doing that. Mother just averted a crisis with Manuel. We don’t want Bessie to get upset now.”

  “Not to worry. She likes me.”

  “Everybody does.” Michelle had spoken without thinking, but she wasn’t sorry. Maybe Jonathan would take the hint.

  Something flared in his eyes as he looked at her lovely face. She was so beautiful and he wanted her so much. Not for one night, but forever. It was a commitment he had to be very sure of, however. If he made love to her he’d never be able to let her go. And he still had unresolved doubts.

  Jonathan turned back to the pantry and reached for a cardboard box. “Here it is. It was right in front of my nose.”

  She had trouble hiding her disappointment. Wasn’t he ever going to forgive her for rejecting him that night at Caroline’s house? That had to be what it was.

  Michelle had been staring blindly at the box. When her eyes focused she said, “This isn’t popcorn, it’s cake mix.”

  “So it is.” Jonathan laughed awkwardly. “I don’t suppose you’d like to make a cake instead.”

  Bessie came into the kitchen, looking surprised at seeing them there. She glanced disapprovingly at her disordered shelves. “Can I get you something, Mr. Jonathan?”

  “We were looking for popcorn, Bessie,” he said. “The kind you pop in the microwave. Do we have any?”

  “I’ll make it for you,” she said, starting to rearrange her pantry.

  “We don’t want you to go to any trouble,” Michelle said.

  “It’s no trouble,” the woman said firmly. “You and Mr. Jonathan go do whatever you were doing. I’ll bring it to you.” Her implication was plain: Stay out of my kitchen.

  “I guess I’m not as lovable as I thought.” Jonathan chuckled as they walked back to the den.

  “You’d be more lovable if you hadn’t made a mess of her shelves,” Michelle answered.

  The charged moment in the kitchen was forgotten—or at least glossed over—as they watched television and shared a bowl of popcorn, sitting on the couch next to each other.

  A popular sitcom helped them relax. Then they watched a movie. The television log said it was a mystery, which they both agreed they liked. What it didn’t mention was the steamy love story that was part of the plot.

  Jonathan avoided looking at her as the couple on the screen kissed and caressed each other erotically. After shifting restlessly on the couch he finally said, “I thought this was supposed to be a mystery story.”

  “I did, too, but it’s boring.” If the sensuous lovemaking he was watching didn’t give him ideas, what more could she add? “Switch the channel,” Michelle said, suppressing a sigh.

  “I have a better idea.” He stood and turned off the set. “Let’s walk down to the water. I feel like some fresh air.”

  “Me, too.”

  They strolled across the extensive lawn to the boat dock. A soft breeze had sprung up, ruffling Michelle’s long hair and perfuming the air with the scent of orange blossoms and jasmine.

  She sniffed appreciatively. “I don’t know why we wasted time indoors when it’s so beautiful out. Look at the way the moon makes a path on the water.”

  The canal was almost glassy. Only a few ripples marred the mirrorlike perfection as tethered boats rocked gently in the breeze. Suddenly a fish broke the surface of the water, leaping for a mosquito.

  “He was a big one, wasn’t he?” Michelle exclaimed. “Let’s go out on the landing and see if he jumps again.”

  “Do you like to fish?” Jonathan asked as they walked side by side.

  “I don’t know. I never tried it.”

  “You might enjoy it. I’ll take you out on my boat if you like.”

  “Is that the nifty cabin cruiser I saw tied up to your dock?”

  “That’s the one,” he answered. “I like it better than Lucky’s. I can take mine out alone, but he needs a crew for his.”

  “It sounds like his boat is a yacht. I never knew anyone who owned a yacht,” Michelle commented.

  “Lucky is already spoken for, so you’ll have to settle for a cabin cruiser,” Jonathan said lightly.

  “I wouldn’t—” she began, when suddenly her heel caught in the decking and she pitched forward.

  Jonathan caught her before she hurtled off the pier. “Are you all right? What did you trip over?” He glanced down at the wooden pier, but there were no coiled ropes or other hazards.

  “I caught my heel between the boards. Look, I came right out of my shoe.” She kept an arm around his neck while she tried to step back into her shoe.

  “I’ll get that for you. Can you stand alone for a minute?” His arm was around her waist and he put a hand on her shoulder to steady her.

  His face was so close that she could feel his warm breath on her cheek. Without conscious thought, Michelle clasped her other arm around his neck and gazed up at him with parted lips.

  Jonathan inhaled sharply and his embrace tightened. “Lovely Michelle,” he said huskily. “Do you know how exquisite you are in the moonlight?”

  “Tell me,” she whispered.

  “Words can’t do you justice. You’re like a dream that tantalizes me, a rainbow I can never reach.”

  “I’m a woman, Jonathan,” she said softly. “And I’m very real.”

  His hand wandered feverishly down her back, cupping her bottom and urging her against his rigid loins. “I don’t know what’s sensible and what isn’t anymore,” he muttered. “I’ve wanted to hold you like this since the moment I first saw you.”

  “There’s nothing stopping you any longer,” she murmured, kissing the hollow in his throat.

  “No. Nothing important.”

  His mouth covered hers hungrily, expressing all his pent-up longing. Michelle responded in the same way. The time for rationalizing was over for both of them.

  While Jonathan’s tongue probed deeply, his hands caressed her, fueling her already heated desire. When his hand slipped under her T-shirt and cupped her breast, Michelle arched her body into his.

  “You do want me, darling, don’t you?” he said. “That part is real.”

  She was too lost in the magic he was creating to question anything he said. It didn’t even register. “I’ve never wanted any man like this,” she whispered.

  “We’re going to be so good together, sweetheart.”

  As his mouth trailed a line of kisses down her neck, his fingers slipped inside her bra and circled her taut nipple. When Michelle cried out in pleasure he looked at her with eyes that were almost incandescent.

  “I’ll make you happy, darling, I promise.”

  Jonathan was lifting her shirt when a speedboat came around the bend. It slowed as the noisy teenagers aboard saw them silhouetted in the moonlight.

  “Way to go, man!” one of them shouted raucously.

  “Get a room,” another yelled.

  There were other ribald comments before the boat roared away down the canal.

  Michelle and Jonath
an looked at each other in bewilderment for a moment before drawing apart. The rude catcalls had cheapened what they felt for each other.

  She straightened her shirt without looking at him. “I guess we should go back to the house. Mother and Lucky ought to be home soon.”

  “Michelle, wait!” He put his hand on her arm as she turned away.

  “What?” she asked without facing him.

  After a moment’s hesitation, he said, “I’m sorry.”

  It wasn’t what she wanted to hear. Did he mean he was sorry for almost making love to her? She was the one who instigated it, Michelle realized forlornly. “It’s all right,” she said, beginning to walk off the dock.

  When they reached the house, Evelyn and Lucky hadn’t returned yet, which would have made things easier. They made small talk for a while, feeling uncomfortable with each other.

  Finally Jonathan said, “I think I’ll make it an early night if you don’t mind. I brought some work home from the office, and I haven’t had a chance to look at it.”

  “I don’t mind,” she answered. “I’ll go to bed and read for a while.”

  He kissed her on the cheek before he left, but it was just a formality.

  Michelle’s face was somber as she climbed the stairs to her room. She might as well stop hoping for a miracle, because it wasn’t going to happen. Jonathan wanted her, but for some reason he wouldn’t allow himself to make love to her.

  Perhaps he realized—in spite of her attempt to hide it—that she was in love with him. Jonathan was an honorable man, no matter what faults he might have. Maybe he always checked himself in time because he wouldn’t want her to think he was making a commitment.

  Michelle sighed heavily as she began to get undressed. Tonight might have marked the end of even a casual relationship between them. He didn’t enjoy going through this any more than she did. It was probably best if he didn’t come around, although she found it difficult to convince herself of that.

  Jonathan drove home in the same somber mood as Michelle’s. She had guessed correctly about a couple of things. He couldn’t go through many more traumatic incidents like tonight. And he shouldn’t make love to her while he still felt some ambivalence.


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