Taking Catie: The Temptation Saga: Book Three

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Taking Catie: The Temptation Saga: Book Three Page 5

by Hardt, Helen;


  Chad’s head popped up. “Shit!” He quickly pulled Catie’s dress over her breasts and settled her straps back over her shoulders. “Someone’s coming.”

  “Catie?” Her mother’s voice cut through her closed door.

  “Yeah, Mama?”

  “Aren’t you coming down, sweetie? It’s dinner time.”

  “Yeah, sure, Mama.” She cleared her throat. “I’ll be right there. Give me two minutes, okay?”

  “Are you okay? You sound funny.” The doorknob turned slightly.

  “Oh, I’m fine. Just still a little jet-lagged, is all. I won’t be a minute.”

  “All right. Hurry up, though. We want to get started.”

  With the click of her mother’s footsteps fading, Catie breathed a sigh of relief.

  “That was close.”

  “A little too close,” Chad agreed, “but probably for the best.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Sugar, we were about to do something we both would have regretted.”

  Catie’s heart sank. He would regret it? “Oh.”

  “Now don’t you give me that long face.” He caressed her cheek with his thumb. “This worked out for the best. I hope you can forgive me.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive, Chad. I wanted it as much as you did.” Probably more, but she didn’t say it.

  “Well, no harm done.” He stood and helped her to her feet. “Now you look pretty as a picture. Let’s go get some of those eats, okay?”

  She nodded, choking back the tears that threatened. Sure, she’d go eat. It would all taste like sawdust, but what the heck?

  “You go on down,” Chad was saying, “and I’ll follow in ten minutes or so.”

  She nodded again, looked in her mirror. Her eyes were still puffy but there wasn’t anything she could do about it. She brushed her hair, applied some lipstick and then some soothing eye gel that would hopefully ease the puffiness. She glanced at Chad one more time, said nothing, opened her bedroom door, and headed down to the party.

  * * *

  Chad flopped back on Catie’s pink comforter. His erection throbbed beneath his belt buckle. Whew. Saved by the bell.

  But damn, he hadn’t wanted to be saved. He’d wanted nothing more than to sink himself into her softness.

  He wasn’t sure he’d ever wanted a woman as much as he longed for Catie Bay. He rubbed his palm over his denim-clad erection and groaned. What the hell had he been thinking?

  He’d been thinking she was the prettiest thing he’d seen this side of heaven. That’s what he’d been thinking. With the perkiest breasts and sweetest nipples he’d ever tasted. What was it about her? His pulse still stampeded. He loved women, and he loved sex, but his pulse didn’t usually race. His skin didn’t usually tingle. What the hell was going on?

  Damn, if she walked back in this room in the next minute, he’d be all over her again.

  He got up quickly, raked his fingers through his mass of hair, and wondered what to do about the throbbing in his pants. A cold shower was out of the question. Maria could walk in and find him, or worse yet, Harper or Wayne.

  He shook his head. He’d have to deal with the discomfort and will it down himself.

  He went down to join the others and tried not to stare at Catie, who had taken a seat at a table with her parents, Harper, and Dallas and Annie and their two daughters.

  Of course, it’d be perfectly acceptable to join them. Dallas was his brother, after all.

  “Uncle Chad!”

  His four-year-old nephew, Sean, ran toward him. Sean had a shock of strawberry blond hair that matched his mother’s and two light blue eyes. He was a beautiful kid, and was the one who’d first made Chad an uncle. Chad had a special place in his heart for Sean.

  “Hey, little critter, where’s your ma and pa?”

  “They’re gettin’ food. But I saw you and wanted to hang out with you.”

  “Aw.” Chad’s heart melted.

  “When are we goin’ fishin’ again?” The little boy asked.

  Chad scooped up his nephew and started for the buffet. “Anytime, critter, anytime. We’ll catch us some good Rocky Mountain trout, won’t we? For now, though, let’s get some chow.”

  “Okay,” he said, his little hands grasping Chad’s shoulders.

  Chad filled a plate for himself and for Sean and then went to join Zach and Dusty, Sean’s parents, at a table that was, thankfully, far from Catie’s.

  He gazed at his pretty sister-in-law and marveled at how much Sean looked like her. Except for those blue eyes. They were from his pa, but only one of them. Chad’s brother Zach had one brown eye and one blue. Didn’t bother Dusty, though. She was crazy in love with him, and the feeling was mutual. It showed all over both their faces.

  For a minute Chad wondered what it would feel like to have a woman crazy in love with him. Would she look at him with stars in her eyes the way Dusty looked at Zach, even after nearly five years together?

  Even more surreal, how would it feel to him to be crazy in love with a woman? Would he stare at his woman dreamily, the way Zach stared at Dusty? The way Dallas stared at Annie? His brothers were goners, for sure.

  Course neither of them had been the womanizer Chad was. Neither dated in high school, while Chad had been all over the cheerleaders and 4-H girls. Dallas had married an eastern girl, only to divorce her years later. He met and married Annie soon after his divorce was final. Zach had been briefly engaged to Catie’s older sister, Angie, but that hadn’t worked out. Neither had known love until they’d met their current wives.

  And neither ceased to extol the virtues of married life with the right woman.

  Chad was damn sick of hearing it.

  “Uncle Chad’s takin’ me fishin’,” Sean said, interrupting Chad’s thoughts. The little boy munched on a corncob.

  “Don’t talk with your mouth open, sweetie,” Dusty said. “That’s nice of you, Chad. He sure had fun the last time.”

  “I did, too,” Chad said truthfully. “I love hanging out with the critter.”

  Yep, he sure was a dead ringer for his pretty ma. Chad stole a glance across the yard at Catie’s table, where Dallas and Annie sat with their twin girls. Those pretty little things looked just like their daddy.

  For just a flash, an image burned into Chad’s mind. He held a little boy with mahogany hair and brown eyes. A little boy who looked at him the way Sean was looking at Zach right now. With blind adoration.

  Hell, what was he thinking? He didn’t want a kid. And he sure as hell didn’t want a wife.

  Try as he might, though, the image niggled at the back of his mind the rest of the dinner and beyond.

  His pulse raced and his skin tingled as the face on his wife became clear in his imaginary family portrait.

  This wasn’t normal.

  He needed to stay far away from Catie Bay.

  Chapter Six

  The party had been fun, Catie had to admit, even though her heart had fallen just a little bit more when she’d spied Chad leaving with Amber. But her spirits were renewed a bit when she saw the moon rise full in the sky overhead.

  Four long years had passed since she’d taken Ladybird on a moonlight ride. She headed into the house to change into riding clothes, and then to the barn where she saddled the mare. They took off together, riding as one through the warm summer night.

  Her Stetson fell off her head and dangled around her neck by the strings as she and Ladybird galloped through the breeze. Her hair whipped about her face. It would be a mass of snarls when she returned, but she didn’t care.

  She had missed this. How had she stayed away so long?

  As she neared the border of the McCray land, another rider slipped into her view. Probably a hired hand checking things out for the night.

  Her heart leaped as she rode closer. A black lab ran beside the rider. Marnie. And she knew those shoulders. That broad back. They belonged to the youngest, tallest, and best looking of the M
cCrays. Her tummy did a little tumble. He was out on a night ride rather than in Amber’s bed, finishing what he’d started with Catie.


  He turned around when she and Ladybird trotted toward him. His gorgeous black gelding kicked at the earth.

  “Looks like we had the same idea,” Catie said.

  “Hey, sugar. I guess so.”

  “Want to ride together?”

  He smiled, and his golden skin glowed in the luminescence of the full moon. “Sure. I ’spose so. Wouldn’t mind the company.”

  “New horse?” Catie didn’t recognize him.

  “Yeah, this is Eclipse. I call him that ’cause he’s black as night.”

  “He’s beautiful.”

  “That he is. So is your lady.”

  “Yeah.” Catie smiled. What a beautiful night. “Let’s ride.”

  They galloped together across the vastness of the Colorado plains. Stars sparkled across the clear sky, and the full moon illuminated the majestic Rockies in translucent indigo against the horizon.

  Oh, she had missed this.

  After an hour of hard riding, they stopped to let their horses rest.

  “I should see you home, Catie,” Chad said. “It’s nearing two."

  “I know,” she said softly, “but it’s such a beautiful night. I’m not sure I want to go in. I don’t want to lose the magic of it.”

  “Silly,” he chuckled. “Colorado has a night like this once or twice a month. We live in the most beautiful land in the world.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “If it’s so beautiful, why’d you stay away so long?”

  “Mmm. Don’t know.”

  “I think you do. You said you’d tell me sometime.”

  “Maybe I will. Maybe I won’t.”

  “How about now?”

  “How about we ride back?” she said, climbing atop Ladybird.

  “All right, I can take a hint. It’s late, and I’m going to see you safely home, sugar.”

  “Not necessary.” Though she was secretly ecstatic to spend a little more time with him. “I know this land like the back of my hand.”

  “As do I, and I’m coming with you.”

  “If you insist.”

  “I do.” He climbed on Eclipse and they rode toward the Bay land, keeping the horses to a canter, and not saying much.

  Catie reveled in being with him. The man she loved.

  They reached the Bay barn and Chad helped her curry down Ladybird and get her bedded.

  “Thanks for riding with me,” she said. “I sure had fun.”

  “Me too, sugar.”

  He grinned, and her heart stopped. God, he was so handsome. Always had been, but now…he damn near robbed her of breath.

  She expected him to get on Eclipse and high tail it out of there faster than a jackrabbit, but instead he took her into his arms and gave her a brotherly hug. The warmth of his body, flushed from the excitement of the ride, made her tingle all over with prickly needles.

  And then the hug was no longer brotherly. His lips pressed to her neck in moist kisses. “Why can’t I keep my hands to myself around you, sugar?”

  “Mmm,” she said. “I don’t know, but I’m glad you can’t.”

  “All I want to do,” he rasped, sliding his mouth over her cheeks, her eyelids, her forehead, “is finish what we started in your room today. But it would be a powerful mistake.”

  “Mmm. Why is that again?”

  “Because you deserve more than a roll in the hay.”

  Catie erupted in giggles.

  “What’s so funny, sugar?”

  “A roll in the hay. Chad, we’re in a barn.”

  He chuckled. “We sure are. And I sure as hell am not going to love your sweet body for the first time in a stinky old barn.”

  “Where then?” The bold statement surprised her, even after it had escaped her lips.

  Chad paused and stared at her. She grabbed a broom and swept Ladybird’s stall to give her hands something to do.

  Then he spoke. “Back to my place.”

  “But my parents… They’ll wonder where I am.”

  “You’re fond of telling me what a grown-up girl you are, sugar. They didn’t know where the heck you were or what you were doing the last four years. Come on, you can ride with me on Eclipse.”


  “Come on now, Catie. I can’t wait another minute to have you.”

  He helped her mount Eclipse, climbed up behind her, and they rode into the still night.

  He kept the horse to a trot, and Catie let her head fall back against Chad’s hard chest. His powerful muscular thighs hugged hers. Every part of her was hyper-aware, hyper-conscious of the man behind her, the man in control of the beautiful animal atop which she sat.

  It will happen. Tonight.

  Tonight she would make love with Chad McCray.

  * * *

  Back at Chad’s house, Catie stared in awe. She’d been to the main house, which dwarfed her ranch house. But this one… Was it bigger? Or had she spent too many years in quaint Paris townhouses?

  Within seconds, Chad had scooped her into his arms and carried her to what she presumed was his bedroom. He deposited her on his bed, took off his boots and socks, throwing them to the other side of the room, and unsnapped his western shirt. She gulped as he exposed his chest. Pure golden muscle, accented with dark brown hair smattered over his pecs. The hair grew lighter until it disappeared in a line under his belt buckle. She gulped again. A bulge under his belt buckle beckoned her.

  A really big bulge.

  “Sugar, those eyes are about as big as flying saucers. You all right?”

  “Oh, yeah. Sure. I’m just—”

  “Stop me now, if you’re going to. Because once these pants come off, there’ll be no going back.”

  “I don’t want to stop.”

  “Thank God.” He yanked open the snaps on her shirt, unhooked her bra, and let her breasts fall against her chest. He sucked in his breath. “I’m going to kiss every inch of your gorgeous body tonight, sugar. I’m going to taste every ounce of honey you have to offer.”

  Catie shuddered. His sexy words embarrassed her, yet inflamed her. She wanted to hear more. She wanted to feel more. His lips everywhere. On her mouth, her nipples, between her legs.

  Oh God…

  Chad pulled her boots off one by one, and then her socks. He reached forward and unbuckled her belt, unzipped her jeans, and pulled them off, along with her already moist panties, until they joined her blouse and bra in a heap on the floor.

  “I’ve never seen anyone more beautiful,” he said. “It’s a crime to cover your body, sugar.” He cupped her breasts. “These are works of art. Big, but not too big. Perfect rusty nipples.”

  He thumbed them, and a jolt shot between Catie’s legs.

  “Just like sweet berries under my tongue.” He lowered his head and sucked, licking and tugging.

  Catie shook with want and anticipation. “Chad. Make love to me. Please.”

  “I plan to. But like I said, not until I taste every inch of you.”

  And he did. Starting with her mouth. He swirled his tongue with hers, mating, dancing, kissing her with a reckless abandon Catie had never known. He rained kisses on her cheeks, her ears, dipped his tongue into her ear and Catie tingled all over. He sucked on her neck, her breasts, and then bit her nipples until she cried out in pain that morphed into pleasure. His talented mouth traveled down her chest and belly, and stopped at her nest of curls as he inhaled.

  “Black, like mine,” he said, smiling up at her, their eyes meeting.


  “I wondered what color your hair was down here. Whether it was the same color as your head, or darker.”

  “Oh.” She had no idea men thought about things like that. She’d never once wondered what color his pubic hair was. But now she itched to find out. Course he’d already said it was black, like hers.

  “Open your legs for
me, sugar. Let me see that pretty flesh.”

  She obeyed, embarrassed, yet wanting to share her whole self with him.

  “Ah, beautiful,” he said. “You glisten, sugar. Glisten with sweet honey.”

  He ran one finger over her slick folds, and she cried out, sinking her head farther into his pillow.

  “So wet, sugar. So wet for me.”

  “Chad, please.”

  “What, baby?”

  “I want you. Inside me. Please come inside me.”

  “Oh, I will, sure as the day is long. But first…” His tongue darted out and slithered over her wetness.

  Catie’s body quivered. Had anything ever felt quite so amazing? She couldn’t tell Chad, but no man had kissed her there before. In fact, she wasn’t sure why he wanted to do it, but he certainly seemed to be enjoying himself. God knew it felt like heaven from her end.

  He sucked and licked, driving her into a frenzy, the erotic sounds he made landing at the back of her neck and sending chills through her heated body. She rose higher, and higher still, until a thousand sparks erupted on her skin and soared inward, igniting every cell of her body in a delicious euphoric blaze. She reveled, crying out Chad’s name, writhing on the bed in time with his worship of her. When she finally floated downward, Chad was working two fingers in and out of her, and the soothing caress, to the most intimate part of her, churned her desire once more.

  Delicious. Heady. Amazing.

  This was an orgasm. It had to be. How wonderful that her handsome cowboy, the man she had loved from afar for so long, would be the one to give it to her.

  “Good, sugar?”

  He smiled, and for a moment she imagined the sun itself shone through his face.

  “More than good.”

  “I was right, you know.”

  “Mmm. Right about what?”

  “You taste like raspberries down here, too.” He licked his lips.

  Catie warmed, and rosiness crept up her belly to her breasts.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, sugar.” He smiled again, his chin slick with her juices.

  She shuddered.

  “I enjoyed every single minute of it. In fact, I wouldn’t mind diving back in for—”


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