Safe in the Fireman's Arms

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Safe in the Fireman's Arms Page 19

by Tina Radcliffe

  “Our cat,” he said.

  Maggie let out a breath. “Okay, our cat. But absolutely no dogs.”

  “No dogs,” he repeated. “Except Chuck.”

  “Except Chuck.”

  He laughed.

  “Ready for some pie?” she asked.

  “It really doesn’t get any better than this, does it, Maggie?” Jake asked, leaning against the refrigerator with the kitten in his arms.

  Maggie smiled as she pulled out Bitsy’s pie.

  Jake MacLaughlin would be easy to love. Faith, pie and kisses. They already had a built-in family, right here in Paradise.

  What else could they possibly ask for?


  “Maggie.” Jake knocked again.

  She cracked open the door to the church’s bridal dressing room and smiled. His heart began a slow melt and he nearly forgot why he was there in the first place.

  “Open the door, sweetheart,” he murmured.

  “Jake, you aren’t supposed to see the bride before the wedding.”

  “That only applies to the groom. I’m the best man.”

  “Oh. I suppose you’re right.”

  Before he realized what hit him, Maggie had carefully stepped into the hallway and launched herself at him, slipping her arms around his neck.

  Jake’s lips met hers and he kissed her.

  “Thank you,” Maggie said with a sigh when they had parted. “I needed that.”

  He exhaled deeply and laced his fingers through hers.


  “Did you need something?” she asked.

  “Yes. But now I’ve forgotten what it was.”

  Maggie laughed.

  “You look amazing,” Jake said, taking in the cornflower-blue dress with the deep blue sash. “What do they call that material?”

  “Chiffon.” She twirled around and the bottom of the dress ruffled and swirled with the movement. “But I have to get back in there and help the bride.”

  He reached for her right hand and kissed the palm, then ran a finger over the engagement ring. “Thank you for agreeing to be my wife.”

  “Oh, Jake.” She swallowed, her voice thick.

  “By the way, a package arrived at the fire station today.”

  “A package?”

  “From your parents.”

  “My parents sent a package to the fire house?”

  “Yeah. You should see what’s inside.”

  “What is it?”

  “Your rocking chair’s matching pair.”

  Maggie gasped. “What did you do? That chair is pretty much a seal of approval of our engagement. I never thought my mother would part with it.”

  “Your parents and I had a long-distance chat. I think we’re friends now.”

  “But how?”

  “I thanked them for raising such an amazing daughter. Then I began to list all your fine qualities.” He shrugged. “I wouldn’t shut up. It’s possible they gave their approval to shut me up.”

  Maggie laughed and hugged him again.

  Jake nodded toward the bridal-suite door. “How’s our bride doing?”

  “Very subdued today.”

  “May I see her?”

  Maggie’s brows rose in surprise. “Okay, let me see if she’s presentable.” She opened the door and left him alone in the hall.

  Jake paced back and forth along the ruby carpet. “Lord, help me not to mess this up. It’s in Your hands.”

  “Come on in,” Maggie called.

  Bitsy Harmony stood in the middle of the room in a long-sleeved off-white lace dress. Scoop-necked, it reached her knees. Her hair had been swept into some sort of twist on the top of her head.

  She smiled when she saw him in the doorway, her bright blue eyes alert and questioning.

  “Jake, you aren’t having cold feet about being Mack’s best man, are you?”

  “Not at all. I’m honored.” He reached into his tuxedo jacket and pulled out a small box. “As I understand the tradition, it’s something old and something new, something borrowed and something blue.”

  Bitsy nodded.

  “I brought you something new to wear when you marry my father.” Jake opened the box. Inside rested a pearl necklace. He’d taken great care to select it from the jeweler in Monte Vista, not wanting his secret to make it to the loose lips of the citizens of Paradise.

  A collective sigh rose from Bitsy and Maggie and the other two bridesmaids.

  “Oh, Jake,” Bitsy murmured. “They’re lovely.”

  “Welcome to the family, Bitsy. Thank you for making my father so happy. I’m praying for a long and happy marriage for you and Mack.”

  Bitsy sniffed and blinked her eyes rapidly as Jake took the necklace from the box and reached out to put it around her neck. He kissed her soft cheek and released her.

  “Thank you, Jake. I’m speechless and I think you, of all people, know how rare that is.”

  Jake laughed. “Well, then maybe I better take this opportunity to thank you for all the crazy machinations that went on to get Maggie and me together. You know, of course, that I was one step from being in love with her the first time she burned those eggs?” He glanced fondly at Maggie.

  “Of course. It was the Lord’s plan. I simply hurried things along.”

  He smiled and glanced at his watch. “I’ll leave you ladies to finish. Fifteen minutes before you become Mrs. Jacob MacLaughlin Senior, Bitsy.”

  Maggie slipped her arm through his as he headed to the door. Outside the room she placed her arms around his neck once more. “I didn’t think it was possible to love you any more than I do, but, Jake MacLaughlin, I do.”

  “I love you, too, Maggie. I thank God every day for bringing you into my life.”

  “Me, too.” She smiled. “Me, too.”

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from A RANCHER FOR THEIR MOM by Leann Harris.

  Dear Reader,

  Welcome back to Paradise, Colorado. Paradise is a fictional town set in the area of Del Norte, Colorado.

  Maggie and Jake’s story is the third in the Paradise series and one of my favorites. I like unconventional women and Maggie is definitely that. I so relate to her feeling like a square peg in a round hole. However, as children of God, it’s important that we eventually embrace the fact that we are created purposely by Him to be unique. A vessel created for a particular purpose in the Kingdom of God. So let’s rejoice in the special abilities and talents He has given us.

  In Maggie and Jake’s romance, and Bitsy and Mack’s, it’s that difference, those polar-opposite personality traits, that draws them together. When two people learn to love the differences in each other, a lasting relationship based on respect and honor is created.

  I hope you enjoy their story and do drop me a line to let me know. I can be reached at [email protected] or through my website,

  I’d really love to hear from you.

  Tina Radcliffe

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  Chapter One

  “Mom, Mom,” six-year-old Todd yelled, the back screen door slamming against its frame. The sound of little cowboy boots pounded through the kitchen and down the hall. “Where are you, Mom?”

  “I’m in the office,” April Landers answered.

  The screen slammed again, followed by another set of small boot falls. April winced, hoping the boys didn’t wake th
eir younger sister from her nap.

  Breathless, Todd appeared in the doorway. “Wes told me no one born in February could be a cowboy. Only boys born in June could be cowboys. That’s not true, is it?”

  Eight-year-old Wes appeared behind his brother, a smirk on his face. April’s brow arched as her gaze engaged her older son. His grin disappeared.

  “I can be a cowboy, too, can’t I?” Todd pleaded.

  “Opa and your cousin Chad have birthdays in February. Weren’t they cowboys?”

  Todd’s frown disappeared and his eyes widened. “Yes.” He turned to his brother and stuck out his tongue.

  Wes’s expression went from somber to a grin. He shrugged.

  “Ha, you’re wrong. I can be a cowboy, too.” Todd stomped back down the hall.

  Wes turned to follow his brother.

  “Stop, young man.”

  Wes halted, his shoulders hunching.

  April pushed away from the antique desk. “Come here.”

  He looked up and she motioned her son to her side. Wes dragged his feet as if going to an execution and stopped when he got to her knees. He refused to raise his head.

  “Wes, look at me.”

  Her son slowly raised his head.

  “Why did you tell your brother he couldn’t be a cowboy?”

  He shrugged his shoulders, kicking an imaginary piece of dirt on the floor.

  April sighed. She knew her boys missed Opa—their grandfather Vernon—who had died last September. “Do you think Opa would’ve liked you telling that story to your brother?”

  He hung his head. “No. He wouldn’t have liked it.”

  “I didn’t like it, either. I’m disappointed with you.”

  Wes’s lips pursed.

  “Come closer.”

  He moved and April drew him into her arms and hugged him. All sorts of emotions bounced around her chest.

  The boys needed a male figure in their lives to help and guide them since Opa’s death. Their father had died in an oil platform accident over three years ago. April’s own father couldn’t fill the role, since he still worked on an oil platform out in the Gulf. He was the manager and only made it back to shore once every six months.

  “I don’t want you to lie to your brother again. He looks up to you.”

  Wes scuffed his boot. “I was just playing.”

  “Would you like some of the older boys at school to tease you like that?”

  He shook his head.

  “You can go outside and play if you boys have finished your chores.”

  Wes pursed his lips. “We were almost finished when Todd told me he wanted to be a cowboy like Jimmy Rogers’s dad. You know that Jimmy’s dad is going to compete in the rodeo next week? Could we go? Please?” His eyes filled with hope and longing.

  “We’ll see.”

  His expression fell and his lower lip jutted out. “’Kay.”

  Wes’s posture, slumped shoulders and dragging feet tore at her heart.

  The rodeo was in town, but the competition would take place next weekend. April wished she had the extra money to buy tickets to take the boys to see it. It just wasn’t in the budget. Money was tight, which was why she’d decided to sell the two horses her father-in-law had raised for the rodeo. They were a little young, and if she could’ve held out until December, it would’ve been better, but she couldn’t afford the extra money needed for the horses’ upkeep.

  Even with the money woes and problems the ranch faced, she wouldn’t change a thing about her life—except having her late husband’s vision of the future match hers. With all the traveling her family had done as she was growing up, this little piece of Texas in the Panhandle was her ideal spot. Roots. A place to belong. Waking up every day in the same place. That was paradise.

  Ross had never understood that need for a home she could live in 24/7, 365 days a year. “Lord, I’m feeling a little overwhelmed here. Could You send me some help?”

  The baby cried, alerting April that her few minutes of reprieve were over.

  * * *

  Joel Kaye turned his truck and the rodeo’s horse trailer down the private road of the Circle L Ranch. At the end of the gravel drive stood a single-story white clapboard ranch house, with a deep front porch that shaded the house in the late afternoon and a porch swing that swayed in the breeze. A faded red barn stood to the right of the house, opening onto a large area where an old truck was parked.

  Like the lightning strike that had taken out the electronics at his family’s ranch a couple of springs ago, a longing for home shot through him, leaving him off balance. Shaking off the weird feeling, Joel pulled to a stop before the barn entrance. By the time he slammed the truck door shut, two little boys had barreled out of the barn’s double doors and skidded to a stop. They looked at him, then each other.

  “Hello, I’m looking for Mrs. April Landers.”

  The boys eyed him, making Joel feel like a horse ready to be auctioned.

  “That’s our mom,” the taller boy answered. “Do you want to talk to her?”

  “I do. Could you get her?”

  The boy cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled, “Mom, there’s someone out here who wants to talk to you!”

  Joel fought back a grin. That wasn’t exactly how he’d expected the boy to get his mother, but Joel understood.

  Their sharp gazes roamed over him, and Joel saw the questions on their faces. They looked at the horse trailer beside him.

  “You with the rodeo?” the older child asked.

  They huddled together, waiting.

  “I am.”

  “What do you do?” the older boy asked.

  “I help around the rodeo with chores. I also compete in events.”

  “What events?”

  “Calf roping, bareback riding and steer wrestling.”

  “When’s your birthday?” the younger boy piped up, stepping forward.

  Joel’s brow wrinkled. “March. I had a birthday last week.” He’d turned thirty-four and felt every day of his age.

  The younger boy turned to his brother. “See, you’re wrong.” His words were a singsong na, na, na. He moved to Joel’s side. “What’s your name?”

  Joel squatted to get eye level with the boy. “My name is Joel Kaye. What’s yours?”

  “I’m Todd and that’s my brother, Wes, who doesn’t know nothin’.”

  Obviously, Joel had landed in the midst of an argument. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “What are you doing here?” Todd persisted.

  “I’m here to talk to your mom.”

  “Why?” Wes demanded.

  “Do you do bull riding?” Todd asked, scooting closer, leaving Joel no time to answer his brother’s question.

  Holding up his hand, Joel motioned for quiet. “I’ll answer your questions, but I need to talk to your mom.”

  “Mom,” the older boy bellowed again.

  The boys seemed to vibrate with excitement.

  “So, are you two rodeo fans?”

  Their heads moved like bobblehead dolls.

  “I love the bareback riding,” Todd added, his eyes filled with eagerness. “And bull riding.”

  “You’ve got to be mighty strong to ride those bulls,” Joel warned. His first time on the circuit he’d tried bull riding and caught a hoof on his upper arm and had six stitches. Now he only rode horses.

  Todd’s eyes widened. “I know, but I can. I do calf scramble now.”

  “I’m impressed.” Joel remembered the first time he’d managed to rope the gatepost of the corral behind his family’s barn. He’d been about Todd’s age and his father had witnessed the event.

  The back door slammed, bringing his attention to the woman exiting the house. Several strands of her soft brown hair, piled on her head, hung around her face, giving her the look of a woman who cared for and chased after small children. Tall and slender, there was a quiet strength in her that drew him, something none of the flashy women hanging around the rodeo had. She h
ad a little girl riding on her hip.

  Joel stood and tipped his hat to her. “Ma’am, Joel Kaye. I’m here to pick up the horses you wanted to sell to the rodeo.”

  “Mom, you’re not going to sell our horses, are you?” Wes asked, racing to her side. A note of fear laced his voice.

  “No, I’m not going to sell Buckwheat and Sammie.”

  His rigid posture eased.

  “I’m selling Sadie and Helo. You know Opa planned on selling them to the rodeo.”

  Todd’s posture didn’t ease, broadcasting his distrust.

  “Really?” Wes eyed his mother.

  April cupped her son’s chin. “Really. Your grandfather gave you Buckwheat. He’s yours, and Sammie is your brother’s horse. I will not sell them.”

  Wes studied her. “Okay.”

  Turning to Joel, she waved him forward. “C’mon, I’ll show you where the horses are.”

  “Did you know he calf ropes in the rodeo?” Todd hurried after his mother. “And his birthday is in March,” Todd added, sticking his nose up in a see-I-told-you-so-attitude.

  Joel caught her smile.

  “It’s a long story.” She turned and walked to the corral behind the barn and pointed out the black horse with the star on her forehead and the tan horse with a darker brown mane and two front stockings. “Sadie and Helo are the two my father-in-law thought would work well in the rodeo.”

  Her words sent his mind off in a different direction. Her father-in-law. Jack Murphy had told him that the Landerses had supplied animals for the rodeo for several years.

  “I hadn’t planned on selling them so soon, but the drought being as severe as it has been, I couldn’t afford to keep them another six months.”

  The little girl in April’s arms smiled at Joel and shyly laid her head on her mother’s shoulder.

  He winked at her and she turned her face in to her mother’s body.

  “Well, I know Jack is glad to have the stock. I’ll go get some halters out of the trailer.” The boys huddled around their mother.

  “Can I help?” Todd asked, coming out from behind his mother’s leg.

  April visibly tensed.


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