Mrs. Valentine: A Cupid's Arrow, Inc. Novella

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Mrs. Valentine: A Cupid's Arrow, Inc. Novella Page 2

by C. M. Steele

  “Mr. Valentine, welcome.” I looked at the woman who knew my name. Freaking vulture.

  “Sorry, your mother showed me your picture.” I rolled my eyes at my mother’s attempts. “I’m Ella Cupid, and this is my husband, Aaron Cupid.”

  “It’s a pleasure.” I played the role of a happy camper.

  “Please, Sebastian. We know you’re not happy about being here. You don’t need to pretend with us. We aren’t going to set you up with anyone. This is just a mingling event.” She put her hand on my forearm, and I felt a strong shift in my emotions. My mood immediately changed and I was no longer annoyed. Her husband, Blondie, gave me a wink. Suspicion kicked in, and I wondered how fast I could get out of here.

  Chapter 3—Kaylee’s Surprise

  I got home from my job at the shoe store. God, how I thought it would be fun to work at a shoe store because I just loved them, but when you don’t have the money for them, it just sucked. I threw my tattered purse down on the bed in my studio apartment. School was almost over and then maybe I could land a job where I could afford my expensive habit.

  I picked up the mail and scoped through it. Nothing but junk. I looked again and there was the same envelope that came the last three days. It was some invitation to a gala for Valentine’s Day. They had gotten the wrong woman. I wasn’t a wealthy woman. I couldn’t afford to attend something at an extravagant ballroom in Hoffman Estates with a fancy gown. It had an RSVP on it, so I made the call. I wanted them to stop sending me the invite.

  “This is Ella,” the melodious voice on the line answered.

  I didn’t know how to tell her she must have gotten the wrong Kaylee Anderson, but I was going to try. “Um…hi. I’m Kaylee Anderson. I got this invitation…”

  She interrupted me. “So you did receive it. Good. I expect that you’ll be in attendance, no?”

  “I think you’ve got the wrong…”

  “Ms. Anderson, I do not make mistakes. You were chosen when I came into your place of employment, and I thought you’d look fabulous in a ball gown at my event.”

  “But you saw where I work. I can’t afford to buy a dress, and I definitely won’t fit in.”

  “Please, Ms. Anderson. I know you’ll look stunning. Besides, the dress will be delivered tomorrow. I believe you’re a curvy eight?”

  “I suppose.”

  “Do not suppose. Just come and enjoy a special treat. I promise there will be nothing to worry about.”

  It was my day off the day after. I guess I could, but it sounds suspicious.

  “I know you’re considering it. It is wise to be concerned about your safety, but I assure you, there will be public officials at the event and more. This would be the best time to mingle and get your foot in the door for a job.”

  I remembered who she was. It had to be the stunning beauty who came in last week looking for the latest from Jimmy Choo. We hadn’t had them yet, but I showed her around helped her with other options. We talked about my career and my love of shoes.

  I didn’t want to go, but there was this feeling of serenity that came over me. “Fine, I’ll go, but I don’t know how I’ll get there.”

  “Don’t worry. A car will pick you up. Thank you for coming, dear Kaylee.”

  The next day, just as she had said, there was a dress delivered by a woman who was here to make me look like a goddess.

  When I walked out the door of my little, poor college-student apartment in my two-thousand-dollar dress I immediately attracted attention, which set my teeth on edge. I hated attracting attention. It was one of the reasons I’d run away from my mother’s shadow. As a starlet in Hollywood, she was the most sought-after beauty. The press followed me around all the time, wondering if I would grow out of my awkward phase. Once I went from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan, the cameras were all over me, and every creep chased. After one close call too many, I changed my look and fled the life I grew up with, and I attended college under my mother’s real last name.

  It was a peaceful four years. Now there were people staring at me. I hoped it didn’t make the internet somehow. I saw some of my neighbors snapping pictures of the limo until I came out. Then I was their target. The driver hurriedly helped me in and took off before people could take more pictures.

  It wasn’t the first time I was in a limo, and chills coursed through my body as I relived the night I decided to run.

  The director of my mother’s latest hit had promised to take me home that night after the premiere. He had different plans—plans that included drugs, liquor, and sex. None of which I was cool with. It ended with me running with no shoes on and a torn dress. When the cops noticed me running, I lied to them because I didn’t know what to say. My mother was called and she told me to keep my mouth shut. After that night, I left my mother a note telling her I was taking her offer and moving away for school.

  She didn’t bother calling or looking for me, but I didn’t know what I expected from her, anyway. It’s not like she cared that her fiancé tried to sexually assault me. I was just a burden to her. Now she didn’t have to worry about me. I wasn’t technically an adult, but I had graduated high school two years early. College was a breeze to get into because I’d started with a community college and lived in the same apartment on the south side where it was more affordable. Then, once I turned eighteen, I applied to a four-year school.

  We drove for over forty-five minutes, and I was getting more anxious by the moment. The limo pulled up to the front and another man opened the door, assisting me out. I climbed the stairs with as much confidence as I could manage, but I was shaking inside. There was a man in a Cupid costume standing beside the door, checking the invitations. It was kind of cute, and I told him so.

  “So how about I come looking for you later?”

  “No, Kevin. Just do your job.” It was her, the blonde beauty from the store, my host, who had said that.

  “Hello, Kaylee. I’m Ella Cupid. You look amazing. I love that you left your silky black hair down. I knew you’d look fabulous in red. Come, there are plenty of eligible men here.”

  “I’m not here to meet any men. Well, maybe for a job.”

  She covered her mouth to hide the little smirk at my unintended pun.

  “Dearest. I need you for a moment.” A handsome blonde man came up to Ella, pulling her away from me. She gave me the “I’m sorry” shrug and left me standing there near the front entrance. I was just about to leave when I felt someone’s eyes on me. I looked to see who was staring when a tingle shot straight up my spine.

  Chapter 4—Love at First Sight

  I’d only been at the party for half an hour before I was ready to bolt. I wanted to find my mother, but she was nowhere to be seen. She’d sent me a text that she was here already but very busy and would meet me when she was done. What the fuck could be so important that she couldn’t acknowledge my presence for, like, a minute?

  I spotted my hostess with another woman, so I made my way over to her to tell her I was done, but as I approached her, she shooed the other woman away. Considering they were trying to get me to date one of these women, they’d done a hell of a job keeping them away from me. I’d only spoken to two men so far, and even then it was in passing. This night was a waste of my time.

  I made my apologies and said goodbye to Mrs. Cupid, and that’s when I felt her enter the ballroom like a bolt of energy coursing through my body. I turned to look at whoever had showed up and changed the atmosphere. Scientifically, I knew that everyone changed the patterns of molecules in the air, but I’d never imagined I’d feel her presence from across the room.

  I moved straight to her. Whoever she was, she took my fucking breath away. Her skin was a fair color and a complete but amazing contrast to her raven hair. Her gown was a satiny red that trailed down to the floor and then some. Fuck, my dick was hard as hell. I groaned because I wasn’t somewhere I could just tuck it, and my suit only did so much to hide it.

  Thankfully, I didn’t know anyone in the pl
ace, so they didn’t impede my way to her. In fact, I felt like everyone was intentionally ignoring me, but I wasn’t going to let this creature deny my presence or pursuit.

  She caught my eye, and she parted her ruby red lips. My cock leaked on my boxers, and I knew she was the one. As fucked up as it sounded, how could she not be? I’d never wanted to possess a moment of a woman’s time, let alone her total existence. My temptress silently called for my possession.

  I eyed all the men in her path and dared them to challenge me. If anyone approached her, I’d rip their heads off. I paused as that thought hit me. I didn’t even notice most women these days, let alone consider murdering a man for a woman I hadn’t even spoken to yet. The feral man emerged, and his nerdy counterpart suddenly evaporated.

  The look of insecurity that struck her face when I paused put my feet back in motion. That woman would never have a reason to be insecure. She beautiful and all mine.

  “Hello,” I said, taking her hand in mine and bringing it to my lips. With a kiss to her soft, smooth palm, her fate was sealed.

  I straightened up and looked into her violet-colored eyes and pleaded. “Please tell me your name.”


  “My Kaylee.” I said her name like I was tasting a fine wine. “What a beautiful name. I’m Sebastian and your valentine.” I knew it was a cheesy line that I would have despised under normal circumstances, but something about her changed everything for me.

  “My valentine? Really? Normally, a line like that wouldn’t work on me, but there’s something about you that’s got me curious.”

  “You’ve got me more than curious. You’ve got me for life.”

  “Mr. Valentine. It seems you’ve met the lovely Ms. Anderson.”

  I turned to Cupid and gave him a deadly glare. He looked at me with a smile and added, “Kaylee, do you know Mr. Valentine is the owner and lead mad scientist at Reeves Center for Cancer Research?”

  “Oh, wow, you are?”’ I was going to choke the shit out of him. Great, now she knew I was loaded and a nerd. She’ll only want me for my money. Fuck it. She could have me any way she wanted.

  “Yes, I am,” I murmured.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to hit you up for a job just yet. I’m still working on my bachelor’s in Bio-Chem at UIC.”

  “A woman after your own heart, right, my man?” Cupid bumped me with his shoulder and gave me a wink. Fucker knew all about her, probably. They were a matchmaking company. I wondered who sent her here to be set up. Did she come looking to meet someone? I was irrationally jealous of every single man in the room.

  “She sure is.” I took her hand and pulled her to the dance floor. I was making sure every eligible cock in this room knew who she belonged with. “Dance with me.”

  “Thanks for asking.” She didn’t like me being bossy, but she didn’t try to get out of my grasp.

  “Babe, there are some things we need to get straight. One of them is, I’m in charge. I will do all I can to make you happy, but I’m the man. For the first time in my life, I feel obsessed about something other than science.”

  “Stop, Sebastian. You’re making me blush.”

  “I can’t. Something about you has me hooked. Tell me more. Are there any boyfriends I’m going to have to get rid of?”

  “I don’t have a boyfriend at the moment.”

  “Well, you’ve got me.” I wasn’t leaving any loose ends. She was mine, and whether I deserved her or not didn’t matter.

  “You hardly look like the boyfriend type.”

  I arched my brow at her, wondering what she meant by that. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’ve got pure sexual appeal emanating from your pores.”

  “Fuck it,” I whispered before pulling her face to mine. I kissed her red lips, and it was even better than I’d expected.

  She moaned and slid her hands onto my shaved head. Her nails were scratching my scalp. I pressed my body against hers and my erection into her waist. We held each other close as we kissed.

  I didn’t know what happened, but she pulled back from me. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have allowed that. Excuse me.” Before I could stop her, she was out of my grasp and running down the hall. I was on her heels going after her, but suddenly I spotted my mother who had some man wrapped around her. I stopped to look, confused as fuck, but I couldn’t lose Kaylee. I’d deal with that piece of shit later.

  Damn it, I looked around and didn’t see her anywhere. Just then, I saw the host.

  “Cupid, where did she go?”

  “I think she left. I don’t know, but let’s go and see if we can catch her.” The look on his face told me he didn’t think she was still there. She was freaking fast.

  We hurried to the valet area, but I was stopped by my mother. “Sebastian, I’m so glad you made it.”

  “Now is not the time, Mother. I’m trying to capture your future daughter-in-law.” She gasped, but I didn’t have time to waste.

  I rushed right past her, and when I reached the fake-ass Cupid, he said, “How can I help you?”

  “Did you see a beautiful brunette in a long red dress?”

  “That beauty just ran away. Sorry, man, she didn’t leave a glass slipper or anything,” he joked with an asshole smile plastered on his pretty boy face. I wanted to knock him the fuck out, but it wasn’t the time or place.

  “Damn it.” I walked back into the venue, having lost Mr. Cupid on my way out. They sent her an invitation, so they knew who she was and where she lived. I saw my hosts talking to a couple, and I wanted to interrupt them, but I needed to collect my thoughts and self-control. She ran from me, and I was feeling a million different emotions that I’d never experienced before. I was ready to deck the Cupid at the door, and it was only the need to find her that stopped me.

  Once the Cupids finished, they approached me. “Where can I find her?”

  “So she did get away?”

  “I wouldn’t have asked if she didn’t. So where does she live? What’s her phone number? Give me something,” I demanded.

  “Tomorrow,” Mrs. Cupid said firmly, which even garnered a look from her husband.

  “What the fuck do you mean ‘tomorrow’?” Her husband gave me a “who the fuck are you talking to?” look, but I was enraged. Isn’t it their job to play matchmaker?

  “Sebastian, my dear boy. You are too wild-eyed to go after her tonight. She ran for a reason. You mustn’t press her. Love shouldn’t be forced. Calm down. Go home and prepare to woo her, and call me around ten in the morning for her number.”

  I stood there and took in what she said. She was right, but I didn’t like that shit anyway. I couldn’t scare her into spending her life with me—or could I? No, I knew it wasn’t the way to keep her.

  “Fine. But you better not be stringing me along. I’ve waited a lifetime to feel what I felt tonight.”

  “I know. Now go home.”

  I was about to leave when I remembered my mother and that asshat with his arm around her. “Not yet. I need to find my mother.”

  I spotted her right away and stormed over to her and this tall, lanky man who was looking at my mother like a lost puppy.

  “So who the fuck are you and what the hell are you doing with your arm around my mother?”

  “I’m Thomas Sinclair, and your mother and I are dating.”

  “Since when.”

  “Since I walked in this place and saw perfection.”

  “Sebastian, please don’t get upset. I’ve realized I’m not too old to date.”

  “Of course you’re not, but that doesn’t mean I’ll get used to it. Are you ready to leave?”

  “I’m taking her home,” Sinclair told me.

  I didn’t speak to him. I focused on my mother. “Is that what you want?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Fine, but if you do anything to hurt her, I’ll destroy you,” I warned him before walking out of the event.

  Once the valet brought my car around
, I drove into the night, back to my condo above my office and down the street from the laboratory. I knew that I had to formulate a way to seal the deal.

  Chapter—5 On the Hunt

  Once I got to my house, I hit the internet. It was four in the morning before exhaustion finally kicked in. I’d spent the night looking up porn. I wanted to be the best she has ever had, but I didn’t know the first thing about pleasing a woman. I couldn’t believe there was a website dedicated to porn of all varieties. It was like the YouTube of porn. Whatever you were into, you could find. I was at a loss for words at the shit I saw before me. The only categories I focused on were the female friendly ones, which meant there wasn’t all that hardcore fucking going on. I was a fucking beginner when I hit the first video. By the time my eyes were drooping, I’d come six times thinking about Kaylee and me replacing the people in the clips.

  What was great was I didn’t need a membership. I could watch most of the videos and learn some shit. Which I did. I couldn’t tell you how many pussies get eaten like it was fucking the best damn meal in the world, but I used that massive brain of mine to learn some of the techniques. Each chick’s vagina was different and they liked it eaten a different way, but I took mental notes to do everything I could to get her crying, moaning, and coming hard on my face.

  After I watched enough pussy-munching, I moved on to actual penetration, and that shit had my mind going in a million different directions. I thought of all the ways I wanted to own her body. Damn, I was getting hard just making coffee, visualizing those fantasies.

  My last stop on the porn train was the cocksucking part, and that shit was too much for me. After the third video of face-fucking, I knew I wanted her on her knees. The broads in the videos begged for the dick. I didn’t know how eager Kaylee would be to suck me off or how she wanted to finish me. I’d let her take the lead on that shit when the time came.


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