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by Gandhi, Tushar A.

  19.75 The criticism by communist workers, socialists etc. had sent the local Hindu Mahasabha members 'in high dungeon'. There was an increased activity on the part of the RSS workers and their meetings were addressed by many prominent Hindus calling upon the people to strengthen the RSS. It also shows that the RSS and Hindu Mahasabha leaders at Poona were, 'to say the least, alike to each other'.


  19.82 A brief history. On 15 May 1942, V.D. Savarkar, President of the Hindu Mahasabha addressed the volunteers at the training camp of the organisation at Poona and emphasised the necessity of forming volunteer organisation for secret activities, as that could not be undertaken by the Sabha. As a consequence of this Hindu Mahasabha leaders such as S.R. Date, V.V. Gogte, N.D. Apte and N.V. Godse founded the Hindu Rashtra Dal at Poona with the object of assisting the Hindu Sabha activities. But they made no effort in popularising the movement of the Dal or to increase its membership.

  19.83 In May 1943, N.D. Apte and N.V. Godse organised a second annual training camp of the Dal at Ahmednagar. 70 volunteers from Marathi speaking districts of Bombay Province and Marathi speaking Indian States attended the camp. Volunteers were trained in the use of firearms, and indoctrinated with Savarkar ideology.

  19.84 On May 29 1943, VD. Savarkar held private discussions with the Hindu Rashtra Dal in Anandashram, Poona. He required the volunteers to owe an implicit allegiance to him irrespective of who the President of Hindu Mahasabha was, the Dal was to remain a distinct body, its primary duty being to protect Hindudom and render help to every Hindu institution in their attempt to oppose encroachment on their rights and religion. Savarkar ideology was attainment of Hindudom, opposition of Pakistan and indivisibility of India.

  19.85 Membership of the Dal. There were 150 members of the Dalat Poona. The office bearers were—

  (1) N.V. Godse, Editor of Agranee, Chief Organiser.

  (2) Kashinath Limaye, Sangli.

  (3) N.D. Apte, Secretary.

  (4) Prof. R.S. Jog of Ferguson College, Organiser.

  19.86 The activities of the Dal were confined to maintaining order during Hindu Mahasabha meetings and enrolling of Hindu Mahasabha members. On 22 June 1944, 15 Hindu Rashtra Dal volunteers led by N.D. Apte staged demonstrations against Gandhiji at Panchgani. Nathuram Godse made an abortive attempt to assault Mahatma Gandhi.

  19.88 The object of the Dal was stated to be the propagation of 'Hindu Rashtra Vad as propounded by Vir Savarkarji' called Savarkarism.

  19.89 Savarkar as the dictator nominated—S.V. Modak of Satara and P.V. Gothaskar as the next dictator and General Secretary. Savarkar spoke about Muslim atrocities in the Punjab, Bengal and N.W.F.P and said that they would not stop until the Hindus retaliated in the same spirit including raping Muslim women and destroying mosques, etc. if Hindu women and Hindu places of worship were treated in that manner. Savarkar advised the Dal volunteers to oppose the Constitution to be framed by the Constituent Assembly if it was against the interests of Hindus and Hindudom.

  19.92 Nathuram Godse's statement, in Court, also shows that on January 16, 1944, Godse and Apte decided to start a newspaper to give publicity to the work of Hindu Mahasabha and Rs. 15,000/- were given as a loan by Savarkar, the first issue of Agranee appeared on 25 March 1944. It ceased publication under this name in July 1947 because of the demand of Rs. 5,000/- as security deposit on 3 July 1947 under the Press Emergency Powers Act and soon after on 15 July 1947, it restarted under the name of the Hindu Rashtra, which cannot be a credit to the efficacy of the Press Act. N.V Godse was the Editor of both these papers. N.D. Apte was the proprietor of the Agranee and the Hindu Rashtra was owned by a private company of which the shareholders were N.D. Apte and N. V. Godse and this continued to be published till 31 January 1948. Godse was arrested on the 30th, i.e. a day before.

  19.93 The following extracts, translated into English from Marathi, of the editorials published in the Agranee and the Hindu Rashtra reflect the anti-Gandhi policy of these newspapers, and the mentality of its editor, Nathuram V. Godse:

  The Agranee, dt. 12th April 1947:

  'The thirst for blood of the advocate of non-violence has not been quenched.'

  'Gandhi who cherishes (lit. taken to heart) as his life time ideal to annihilate the mentality of resistence of the Hindus by advocating unilateral non-violence, has now clearly stated in his post prayer speech that he is anxious to see (Barrister) Jinnah adorn the Presidential chair (lit. Presidentship) of Independent India. Gandhi had already revealed his pro-Islam slavish mentality, at the beginning of his political career (lit. life) by inviting the Amir of Afghanistan to invade India under the gorgeous pretext (lit. name) of achieving independence. After that by raising the issue that some imposter's rule might be established in India as a result of anarchy due to war, this false (lit. nominal) devotee of freedom and his hypocritical worship of truth and non-violence was eager to place the crown of India's sovereignty on the head of the Nizam and to pay respects to (lit. to wave the five lamped platter round the face of) such a Nizam. Gandhiji had already tried to entrust power again to Jinnah through the mouth of Rajaji by offering (Barrister) Jinnah the Prime Ministership of the interim Government, and now feeling definitely that independence is knocking at the door, this 'quisling' of the Hindu nation is openly wooing (Jinnah) saying (Barrister) Jinnahbhai why do you demand only Pakistan, that is India's one third or one fourth? Why do you not accept when this humble servant is prepared to offer at your feet the whole of India? From this, we are constrained to say that the thirst for Hindu blood which this 'Mohatma', (which means a 'lustful soul', the editor is parodying the honourific title Mahatma) is feeling has not yet been satisfied'.


  'Gandhi, Commit Suicide'

  It is the height of (lit. to reach the height of) shamelessness that the coward who cannot do without taking the aid of the police and soldiers so that no harm is done to his person, the touch of whose feet converts many an Ahilya occupying Minister's post into Shurpankha's, who can not step forward in carrying on the administration without bombs, cannons and British soldiers, should advice (the Hindus) to sacrifice themselves without offering resistance. Does the Sultan blinded by power consider the blood of the Hindu people as not worth a pie (penny), so that this Bania who is a traitor to his community (meaning Mahatma Gandhi) should despite the flowing of several rivers of it, devise fresh means of satisfying the blood thirst of these monstrous aggressors. Does he not think the bloodshed at Noakhali, Punjab and Bihar as adequate? We clearly tell Gandhi that if the rivers of Hindu blood that he has made to flow or the encouragement that he has indirectly given to such outrages, by the advocacy of which cowardly philosophy, is at least to be partially undone, then Gandhiji should accept the defeat of his cowardly and worthless non-violence and should, for the defence of his self-respect (if any is left of it) commit suicide; if not, he should bid goodbye for ever to Indian Politics. Does this Sokaji who has been so generous about the lives of others consider lakhs of his countrymen? Is it not the duty of the people to determine from this the real worth of this hypocritical patriot'?


  Hindu Rashtra, dated 7-6-1947

  Hindu Rashtra Sevak Badge Arrested

  Poona, Dt. 6-6-1947. — 'The Police (B. Sub) arrested tonight at 8.30 under 19F of the Arms Act, Hindu Rashtra Sevak, H.N. Badge, the Manager of the Maharashtra Shastra Bhandar here. He was immediately released on bail. Now the prosecution is launched (lit. started) against Badge for the second time'.


  Hindu Rashtra, Dt. 3-7-1947

  'The Agranee has received several letters (requesting) 'Write something about this day-to-day and send more copies'. That means the object is that they want something like curses on (lit. abuses to Congressmen and opposition to the Muslims). But what have today's young men done so that the devotees of Hindutva who have tolerated today for years together the timid rule of the Congress, should be glorified'.


nbsp; 'This today's youth (?) who is devotee of Hindutva reads everyday the news that today the Congressmen arrested more Hindus, Jawaharlal killed Hindus only; Vallabhbhai tolerated the molestation of a Hindu woman and Gandhi (lit. and what of Gandhi) he is always eager to start for a tour in order to annex every day a new province to Pakistan.

  After reading this news what else has the youth who is devotee of Hindutva done beyond saying that the Congressmen are cowards and anti-Hindu?

  'If you cannot do anything else, you should remain bearing silently that which is in existence. You should not at all make a tom tom ofyour devotion to Hindutva'!


  Translation of Bhalji Pendharkar's message on the observance of the Black Day, 3 July, appearing in the Dainik Agranee, Hindu Rashtra dt. 6 July 1947.

  'My sad, distressed and perhaps despondent Hindu brothers! This is such a black day, forced on us by those who have black marketeered in the nation (as a commodity) that every Hindu, every patriot should protest against it at the top of his voice until the threat gives way and the chest bursts. And it is a matter of great shame that some weaklings accidentally (lit. by mistake) born in Maharashtra, should come and justify this partition in this capital of the Chhatrapati.... The partitioner's of Akhand Bharat be condemned a hundred times.' These are the remarks touching the hearts of every Hindu, made by Bhalji Pendharkar in a letter sent from his sick bed on the occasion of the Kolhapur 'Black Day'.


  Dainik Hindu Rashtra, Dt. 6th September 1947.

  Non-resisting tendency (which is) accomplished easily by animals

  'The strenuous nature (of the effort) made by Gandhi and his followers (lit. Gandhi people) to make the Hindu community assimilate the revengeless and non-violent tendency like that which sheep and goats have made their own is understood. There is no reason to blame them (Gandhi and his followers) for it. But when even Dr. Shyama Prasad following in the footsteps of an imbecile Prime Minister like Pandit Jawaharlal issues a statement and when persons who call themselves the leaders of the Hindu Sabha like Barrister Chatterjee the President of the Bengal Hindu Sabha and Devendranath Mukerji, the Secretary, feel agonised at the fast of Gandhi which has an ill will against the Hindus, we are inclined to say this much that it is necessary that the Hindusabha should give more serious consideration to its health, (lit. constitution)'.

  Dainik Hindu Rashtra, dt. 7 September 1947.

  'The Swaraj which the Congress has got is engaged in taking out tours with Liaquat Ali, while (Mahatma) Gandhi, the deity of its Swaraj, is busy showing the scene (by way) of drinking lime (lit. Musambi) juice in Suhrawardy's cup'.


  'And if anyone has really the urge for Akhand Hindustan (lit. undivided India) and if a feeling of sacrificing one's own life for its sake has been created, then do not strike at a wrong place! Remove 'these obstacles (lit. bolts)! The flood of Indian bravery will in no time integrate the whole of India into one.

  Of course all this (will be done) by peaceful ways of elections, meetings, propaganda, etc! What more than that can we tell'?


  Dainik Hindu Rashtra, dt. 16th December 1947.

  Pakistani Reward for Congress Betrayal of the Hindus.

  'Gandhi, father of all these wicked conspiracies, is openly propagating that Hindi should not be the National Language. Power is an intoxicating substance. Similarly, the support of the majority too is an intoxicating influence. The Congressmen have become intoxicated today with this drug'.


  19.94 There are some other extracts from the 'Agranee' which also show the trend of opinion of its editor. Ex. 152 is of the issue of 6 July 1947, which refers to the arrest of Athawale, Secretary of the Hindu Mahasabha in connection with the bomb outrage and his arrest. The significant portions of the article are these: that it is gratifying to know that the Government suspects Hindu Mahasabha workers to be members of bomb conspiracies, that other workers are likely to be involved including Godse, that the Congress Government seeks the satisfaction of obstructing Hindu Sabha Movement by these arrests. That the 'Agranee' may stop but the Black Day observance of the 3rd July is the beginning of the fight of Hindutva.

  In Chapter XX The Kapur Commission's report deals with G.V. Ketkar and others.

  20.1 G.V. Ketkar, witness No. 1 is a prominent citizen of Poona. He is a grandson (daughter's son) of the great Indian Leader the Late Bal Gangadhar 'Lokmanya' Tilak. He was the editor of the 'Kesari', Tilak's paper, and was at one time the President of the Provincial Congress Committee of Bombay Province and took part in the Salt Satyagraha—Dandi Kooch—in 1930.

  20.30 A very significant part of his statement showing his association with Nathuram Godse, rather a close one at that, is at page 15, Vol. I, in an answer to a question—

  Q. 'Have you anything more to say about these matters (terms of reference)?'

  A. 'I do not think I have to add anything to these matters. I was told that some letters were sent by Nathuram Godse before his execution to his relatives and friends. Those letters were never sent to the addressees. I wrote to the jail authorities in March 1965, and I was told that they were sent to the Inspector General of Prisons. I want the letter addressed to me, if any, to be given to me or to the Commission because that would, I am sure, corroborate my statement that I tried to dissuade them from committing this murder.'

  20.35 When asked why he did not report or inform anyone about Apte and Godse after his meeting with Badge when previously on the basis of a mere speech with sinister words he had asked Balukaka to inform Government of the intention of Godse, his answer was—

  'I was editor at that time. I had no time to go and see Balukaka. Badge said to me that bomb attempt itself was an attempt to murder and that they were going again. As I had abused him, he (Badge) ran away.'

  When asked what inference he drew from the talk he had on the three occasions above referred to, his answer was —

  'Mahatma Gandhi was alone to be killed.... I did not know the place where the attack on Mahatma Gandhi would take place.'

  He added —

  'I knew that Godse was going to kill Mahatma Gandhi because he himself told me and Apte was going to be the helper. I did not know what means they were going to adopt to kill.... I did not infer from the talks I had that there was a conspiracy to murder Mahatma Gandhi. I was under the impression that only Godse was going to commit murder.'

  20.36 This was his information up to 22 January 1948. It was after he met Badge that he (Ketkar) discovered that more than one person were going to take part in the murder.

  20.50 In paragraph 33, of the review petition filed by Ketkar regarding his detention after the disclosures he made about the conspiracy at the function held to felicitate Karkare and Gopal Godse on their release, Ketkar mentioned that when, on the midday of Sunday, 22 November 1964, he was showing some Americans round Poona city and was near the Jain Mandir Bus Stop some boys collected around him and put a garland of shoes round his neck and told the Americans that he (Ketkar) was a traitor, showing there by that there was a violent propaganda against him.

  20.51 Three things emerge from this petition —

  (1) Three months before the murder, N.V. Godse disclosed to Ketkar his idea of murdering Mahatma Gandhi and he admonished him and tried to dissuade him. We shall leave the story of discussing pros and cons of murdering Mahatma Gandhi.

  (2) A few months before that Godse made a speech about Mahatma living 125 years, etc. Ketkar met Balukaka Kanitkar and urged him to warn the Government which Balukaka did. He spoke to Balukaka about the speech and the corroborative private talk he had with Nathuram Godse.

  (3) Badge met Ketkar after the bomb throwing and disclosed the names of the participants in that bomb throwing and also that they were returning to Delhi to commit the murder.

  20.54 Ketkar was asked to explain what he meant by saying in his letter to this Commission dated 14 September 1965, Ex. 19, About the fearful and disastrous consequences that would result if Go
dse carries out the idea'. His reply is significant; he says, 'What I meant was that there would be public agitation. Political parties, i.e. the Congress and non-Congress parties would fight amongst themselves and Brahmin and non-Brahmin controversy may flare up.' He has used the word, 'Bhayankar', which means 'awfully disastrous'.

  20.60 In his cross examination, Ketkar told the Commission that he knew of the intention to murder and not the plan, and that there were three occasions when he came to know of this. He did not know about Apte's being in it till Badge told him. He knew Apte only by name and sight which, in the opinion of the Commission, is the antithesis of truth, as is shown by the fact that he stood surety for Apte in the Library Bomb Case.

  20.61 After Ketkar's petition to the reviewing authority was dismissed, he filed a petition under Section 491 of the Criminal Procedure Code in the High Court of Bombay but this petition was also dismissed by a judgement of the Bombay High Court dated 21 July 1965. Some facts stated in the petition and the findings of the Bombay High Court are relevant and may usefully be set out here:

  — The learned Judges have said, 'According to him (Ketkar), the two Governments felt themselves embarrassed, because the petitioner had disclosed that he had informed B.G. Kher, the then Chief Minister of Bombay, about the 'plan' to murder Mahatma Gandhi and yet no action was taken to prevent the commission of the offence'. Significantly the judgement has used the word 'plan', and not 'intention'.

  In the affidavit filed by the District Magistrate in reply to Ketkar's affidavit, he said that Ketkar was invalid because he belonged to the group of persons who believed that Nathuram Godse had been of service to India by assassinating Mahatma Gandhi, and that all the persons who gathered at the function shared that view which was reflected in the speeches delivered there.


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