Bite & Release 3: Riley

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Bite & Release 3: Riley Page 11


  “Hell, I might have that bottom sheet framed,” I quipped.


  I reached for her in the dark, pressing Gabe into the curve of my body. We yawned at the same time. The last couple days had been exhausting. But now I worried because either she hadn’t heard what I professed or she chose to ignore the words. Whether or not she acknowledged my admission really didn’t matter because, in truth, it didn’t negate my feelings. Now I was plagued with the worry of her never reciprocating the emotion.

  Gabe had made it clear she had too much past to bring it into the future. That having an affair would only be practical if it could be accomplished without attachment. I had sex with her, never thinking there would be this set of complications. I wasn’t aware that at some point I would love her. I always feared being hurt and heartbroken, but it never occurred to me I’d have to see the cause of that pain every day for three years.



  W e were lucky there was no snow falling when we left at eight the next day, but the drive to work was slow. The streets hadn’t been fully plowed and the sun had finally showed itself, turning the left-behind snow to ice and slush, so each mile was excruciating. It took an hour for a usual fifteen-minute drive, but we arrived safely.

  I was surprised when Kathy met us at the door. “I wasn’t expecting you to come in. The roads are still very unsafe,” I said, removing my coat.

  Gabe rushed past me to the back.

  Kathy looked at Gabe and me with a sly, suspicious smile. “My husband was driving me loony. I’d rather take my chances driving here. I needed to be doing something instead of being idle at home. Besides, I figured one of you might show up today. No school?” she questioned.

  “I already touched base with them and let them know I wouldn’t be coming today. I thought it was more important to be here.”

  She eyed me carefully from behind her desk as she booted up her computers. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “Newsflash, I already have a mom. Everything is aces,” I replied assuredly.

  Damn Kathy for always knowing shit as though she were clairvoyant. Of course, if she could read minds, I’d get slapped.

  I hummed to myself as I walked into the break room and started a pot of coffee.

  “She knows, doesn’t she?” Gabe whispered to me.

  I jumped. “Yeah, maybe, probably not.”

  “Oh well, if you’re sure,” she commented, hands on her hips.

  “She’s just guessing. Don’t worry about it,” I stated, handing her a half cup of coffee.

  “I don’t want to lose this job. I’d have nowhere to go except my mother’s, and that is definitely out of the question.”

  “Jesus, Gabe. You’re not going to lose this job. I’m in charge, technically. Maybe even the boss of you.”

  She glared at me with a condescending smile. “Great, I’m screwing the maybe boss.” She groaned.

  I beamed. “I won’t tell if you don’t.”

  “Whatever. Fill the rest of my cup,” she demanded.

  “Aren’t you supposed to serve me?” I replied jovially.

  She hushed her voice. “You’ve been served plenty.”

  I grinned as I filled her mug to the brim, then bent to kiss her.

  “Are you insane? You can’t do that here.” She reprimanded me as she walked away.

  I stepped back, realizing she was correct. For some reason, it had felt very natural. I knew she was right. Never mind our professional positions, but this was the workplace. Even my mom and dad would flip. Probably not because I offered her a place to stay, but my dad would know there was more. I was a dismal liar when it came to my parents.

  Holly was the child that excelled at being a delinquent. I snickered because now I was the kind of person my sister would egg on. Maybe I should talk to her about this.

  It had been almost twelve weeks now. The three years was counting down. There was no way in hell I could keep our affair a secret.

  Protected Paws was unusually busy considering the weather. With only Gabe and me working, we went nonstop. Two cats, five dogs, and a goldfish that belonged to a five-year-old. The mother of the crying child took me aside and told me the fish would no longer eat and she noticed the color was fading. I took my patient in its bowl to a room and then called Kathy in. I explained the situation and gave her the keys to my truck. Pet fish had a limited lifespan. Speaking to the mother alone, I explained what the best recourse was.

  Forty-five minutes later, Kathy returned with a goldfish swimming around in a plastic bag filled with water. I had placed the little girl in the playroom while I “operated” on her beloved pet. It wasn’t my nature to be untruthful when it came to the animals I treated, but a sobbing child tugged at my heartstrings. She would learn later in life about loss.

  I disposed of the ailing fish and replaced it with the new one. Only her mother, Kathy, and I would be privy to the deception. The little girl clapped gleefully as she inspected her buddy. I handed the fishbowl to the mother with grateful eyes as the child hugged my legs. I winked at Kathy as she produced the bill.

  “Thank you so much,” she exclaimed as she inspected the paperwork. “I don’t see a charge… Well, you know.”

  “Don’t worry about the ‘you know.’ It was my pleasure to help you.”

  The mother blushed as I handed a lollipop to her daughter.

  After they left, I knocked, then poked my head into exam room three. “If you need any help, call me,” I suggested, eyeing the harlequin Great Dane on the table. “Hi, Mr. Brown, how are you and Quizno?”

  “I think he has a cold. This weather. All he does is sneeze.”

  “Well, Dr. Tobin will take good care of him,” I bragged.

  “How are your mom and dad doing? I keep looking for any sign of a website.”

  Maybe that’s why my dad is calling. Both of them are computer illiterate. “Not until I have the time to get together with them and figure out what kind of design they want. Hopefully within the next month. Just keep looking, Mr. Brown. It will be up soon. You and Quizno have a good day and stay safe in this weather.”

  The rest of the day went quickly. I called my other three employees, and we all agreed that the weather was improving, allowing them to come to work in the next couple of days. I explained that we were working because we had vehicles made for snow, but I didn’t expect them to risk it if they didn’t feel comfortable. We hadn’t needed to do surgery since my dad left, but if an emergency happened, we had Gabe who could do minor surgeries and another doctor on call for major operations.

  I should increase my study load and up my classes so I could get that degree and start doing house calls. I couldn’t allow my new sex life to interrupt my plans and cause me to become undisciplined. It would be easy to let Gabe become my entire world, proving to my dad I was too irresponsible to actually take over the business. I had to keep my head in the game.

  “So… ready to go get groceries, or are you too tired?” Gabe asked.

  “As long as we make the trip short. I really need to study. I can’t afford to miss any more classes,” I answered, removing our coats from the closet.

  We bundled ourselves and drove to the nearest shopping center. An hour later and six bags full of food in tow, we left for home

  She carried two bags in, and I toted the other four.

  “I’m going to take the dog out, then go to my room and hit the books,” I announced, setting the bags on the kitchen floor.

  “Okay, I’ll get this food put away, then bowl up the chili. Want some crackers or bread with it? I’ll feed Gray, too.”

  “You do know you don’t have to cook. I appreciate it, but I don’t want you to think I expect it.”

  Gabe shrugged. “I really don’t mind. You paid for the groceries, and I rather enjoy cooking for you. Besides, the chili cooked itself. I only added the ingredients.”

  I grinned as I opened the back door, and Gray
took off outside. “Good, because I’d probably be doing nothing but takeout or living on PB and J.”

  “Well, we can’t have that. You’re young. You need your strength, not to mention variety.”

  I felt my eyebrow arch at the innuendo.

  The frigid air cooled my libido as I stepped outside. I tossed a ball and played with Gray while he jumped around for ten minutes, went to the bathroom, and ran back inside. He too decided it was too nippy to be outdoors. I gathered a few logs that were stacked on the patio and followed him.

  After shedding my outerwear, I went to my room to read until dinner. A few chapters done, I changed out of my work clothes into sweats. I was drained. Not working for a couple days made me lazy. If I were honest with myself, I’d rather fuck than read. Gabe had made me crave her… or maybe I would feel this way with any other girl.

  A knock sounded at my door. “Dinner’s ready.”

  I read three more pages, then closed the book. Following the aroma, I sauntered downstairs. Damn, it smelled good.

  At the table, Gabe slid a plate in front of me. “Looks amazing.”

  “Be careful. It’s hot. There’s sourdough, too,” she said as she placed a basket in front of me.

  I broke off a piece of bread and buttered it, then chewed on a spoonful of chili. Whether it was hot or not, it was thick with beans and meat. “It’s fantastic. Props to the chef. Thanks for making it.”

  I continued to eat without much conversation because I wanted to read more chapters before bed. Classes came early, and I needed a full night’s sleep. Once I was finished with dinner, I scraped my plate clean and put it in the dishwasher. Gabe followed me into the kitchen with her dishes and placed them with the others.

  “I think I’m going to read some, then get some sleep,” I said as I wiped down the counters. “Come to bed when you want. I mean, if you want,” I said with a hopeful tone.

  She placed her hand on my lower back and massaged. “I don’t want to be responsible for you lacking in your education.”

  Spinning, I captured her in my arms. “I’ll still study. I need that degree. It’s important to me, but then so are you. I know you don’t want to put a label on us, but you’re part of my life now. I don’t want you to think I expect sex because I asked you to sleep in my bed. I like having you near me. It makes the day better when I wake up next to you. My dreams are elevated with you sleeping by my side.” I bent and brushed her lips with mine.

  She reached up and circled her arms around my neck. The kiss deepened as I scooped her up, and she locked her ankles across my ass. I broke the kiss quickly when I realized my hardened cock was cutting into her. I set her feet on the floor, attempting to catch my breath with a shudder.

  Her frown told me everything.

  “Gabe, I don’t want to fuck you fast. Hell, I don’t even know how long a quickie is. All I do know is I never plan to give you one,” I sensually swore as I pushed her hair behind her ears, whispering into one of them. “I need to crack the books. You are extremely tempting, and I could just do you here, but you said you didn’t want to interrupt my education. I’m holding you to your word because you have the potential to change my mind, causing my willpower to waver.”

  She shivered as she pointed me to the doorway. “Get upstairs before I use my magical mojo on you and make you drop to your knees and service me,” she threatened playfully.

  I snickered in my retreat to my room.

  A little while later, I could hear her talking to someone. I laid the book on my lap as I tried to overhear what I could. But it was a one-way conversation, and I realized she was speaking on her phone. It had to be her mother again because the volume kept increasing.

  I went back to my reading, and almost an hour passed before the house went silent. I wished Gabe would confide in me. It would make things easier if she would share her troubles. As much as my dad and I had our difficulties, we never fought. I always knew my parents wanted the best for me because they cared.

  Was this what I could expect in ten years? Would my relationship with my parents become bitter? I closed my book and wondered if I would have to wait that long. Their concerns would be many if they found out about Gabe and me. My mom would be concerned I’d be hurt. My dad… I wasn’t sure of. I had a feeling his issues would be more with Gabe than me.

  I decided to shower and get ready for bed. As I finished drying myself, I stepped into my room, still wiping my face with my towel.

  “Mmm… nice.”

  I jumped, and the towel slid to the floor. Gabe was sitting on the bed, combing her semi-wet hair. I grabbed the towel off the floor and wrapped it around my waist.

  She cackled. “Too late. I think that boat has sailed. You have nothing I haven’t seen.”

  “Amused, are you?” I asked.

  “Yes. I love seeing you naked, although it’s a travesty we took separate showers. One of these days, or nights, we need to try that tub together,” she gushed.

  “Okay, well, I need to finish up and shave,” I stated, backing up into the bathroom. I prepped my face and retrieved my electric razor. The stubble had the beginnings of a beard, so it was time to get rid of it. “Jesus, quit sneaking up on me,” I barked as I realized Gabe stood in the doorway.

  “I like it that way. Please don’t shave.”

  I put the razor down. “You do know it will eventually turn into a beard.”

  “Let me do it for you. We’ll keep the scruff, and I’ll make sure the beard stays short.” She took the razor from my hand and guided me to sit down. I was reluctant to let someone else shave me, but I submitted. My stupid dick found it erotic, tenting the towel.

  Gabe stopped and looked down. “Be grateful you get hard so easily. Wait until you have to take little blue pills.”

  I stared into the hazel eyes that mesmerized me. “I doubt that will happen. My dad is heading toward fifty, and from what I hear—or rather what I tried NOT to hear—he’s not slowing down anytime soon, and I’ve never seen those blue pills. Maybe it’s hereditary and I’ll be a stud all my life.”

  She laughed. “So you’re a stud now?”

  “Just when it comes to you,” I quipped.

  “Okay, I’ll give you that. You are a fast learner,” she taunted.

  When she finished, I stood staring at my reflection in the mirror. I looked older. Was it the facial hair or the sex? I not only appeared different, but I felt it, too.

  I pulled on pajama pants as she put away the razor in a drawer.

  This was the life I wanted. A companion who loved me and would be in my life forever.

  I chastised myself. I was being stupid. Why punish myself with daydreams that were futile? I had no idea how long this would last. For all I knew, she could move back to California. My only saving grace was the rift between Gabe and her mom. But I was sure she had plenty of friends and most likely men she could stay with. Hell, with her credentials, she could work anywhere.

  She took my hand and walked me to the bed. I lay down with the woman I loved beside me. It was difficult not to be melancholy when I didn’t know how much time I had with her. Should I be grateful for what time we had or maybe quit keeping us a secret and share the news? We faced each other, and I palmed her cheek in the dark.

  “I heard what you said. I know you love me, Riley. I wish you didn’t. I never wanted you to get hurt, and eventually, I know you will. There’s so much you don’t know about me. If you did, that love you feel would turn to malevolence,” she whispered as she laid her head on my bare chest.

  My hands went to her shoulders. “What are you talking about? Tell me. Let me be a part of your past that terrifies you. Share it with me.”

  “Please, I don’t want to tell you. Just know I have feelings for you. It might not be love but I do feel something. I didn’t plan it. It just happened. You’re very easy to care about.”

  I choked on her confession. Would she eventually love me, too? “Is it because of my age?”

  She gasped bit
terly. “I don’t even think of you as twenty. Age is only a number. Believe me. I wish it were that simple instead of…”

  “You know you can trust me. Nothing you reveal will change how I feel about you.”

  “Oh, Riley, the truth would change everything, and I want to be selfish and keep what we have right now as long as I can.”

  There was no denying the fact that her tone sounded worried. It was difficult not to push, but I hoped she would tell me her secret when she was ready. As I fell asleep, I tried to imagine what it was that terrified her so.



  I woke up alone, which was becoming the norm. Gabe’s side of the bed was cool to the touch, but I could hear movement downstairs. I looked out the window and yawned. The sun had made another appearance, bright and welcoming. After months of darkness, it was peeking out between the leftover clouds. Still, I knew more snow was on its way. I went into the bathroom, peed, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. Before grabbing my books and strolling downstairs, I pulled on jeans, a sweater, and boots.

  “Good morning. I already took Gray out and he’s been fed,” Gabe said, handing me a mug of steaming coffee. “I wanted to see you before you left for classes,” she announced as she took the tie out of my hand. “Want me to take this with me to work?”

  “Sure, I just didn’t want to wear layers and a tie to school. I have a few pressed white shirts at work, so I’ll come in early and change.” I paused to set my books on the table and sipped my coffee as I noticed Gray asleep by the fire. “You know, tomorrow you have been at Protected Paws for ninety days. Your probation will be over,” I teased.

  “Really? Seems longer. Well, to celebrate this huge milestone,” she offered, “how about I take you to that fish place after work?”

  “You don’t have to do that. Besides, shouldn’t I be taking you?” I asked.

  “Nope. Going out means no cooking, no dishes, and you can study afterward. It’s a win-win in my book.”


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