Bite & Release 3: Riley

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Bite & Release 3: Riley Page 13


  She looked surprised at my admission. Kathy quickly dabbed her eyes when a client walked in.

  I hated the strife between Gabe and me. I missed her smile, our talks, the sex, and I worried that I’d broken whatever we had by attempting to force more, especially when she’d been upfront from the beginning.

  After work, I forced myself to go to my room rather than engage in a confrontation. I could hear her making dinner. She always left mine in the oven. She would shower afterward, then go to bed. This was now our life.

  At closing on the last day of the workweek, Gabe had a visitor. A well-dressed, expensively coiffed older woman swept in, demanding to see Gabriella Tobin. I went unnoticed by ducking in the back. Soon, I heard them arguing. Gabe was begging the woman to lower her tone. It was her mother, I guessed. I had sudden empathy because she’d tried so hard to keep her at bay. I supposed the investigator was better than she thought. Judging from the wealth her mom exhibited on her way in, she appeared snooty enough to find her daughter on her own.

  I was raised in an upperclass family, but our wealth was never flaunted. My parents chose to fund and work a pit bull rescue rather than retire and travel. I prayed that was a trait I got from them: selflessness.

  If things were different between Gabe and me, I would have introduced myself to her mom. Instead, I decided to leave and find refuge in my room. I stopped and picked up a pizza on my way home.

  Two hours later, I heard voices downstairs. She had brought her mother to the house.

  Well, shit.

  “What have you done, Gabriella?”

  I heard a hearty laugh. “Oh, that’s rich coming from you, Mother. Has the city changed much, and did it bring back memories of Shea fucking you?”

  “Please come home. You’re not even allowing me to explain. You’re willing to destroy two families because I kept a simple box of keepsakes.”

  “Mother, did you ever love Father, or was he just a substitute because Shea had tossed your ass to the curb?”

  “Gabriella, stop this nonsense. Of course I loved your father, and I love you. You’re my daughter. You can’t penalize me for my past. Shea Michaels was a man I loved when I was very young.”

  Someone was crying.

  When I heard my dad’s name, I cracked my door open. What the fuck was going on? I wanted to hear more.

  Her mother continued. “You came here to do what, get revenge? On whom? Shea isn’t here. He’s in Florida with Ryan. So coming here was pointless.”

  “You do know they had a son. I guess I wondered if he was like his father. Maybe I was just curious.” Gabe paused a moment. “We’ve been sleeping together. He loves me.”

  “Oh, Gabriella. You are my daughter no matter what, but right now, I’m so ashamed. What you don’t know is the pain I caused so many years ago. I am begging you not to let your anger guide you to do things you’ll regret.”

  I strained to hear because her mother’s voice quieted.

  “I was responsible for Ryan almost being killed. Something I have lived with for over twenty years. I did bad things in an attempt to torture her because Shea loved her, not me. Please do not hurt his son. Come back with me… before you do something there is no turning back from. I swear to tell you everything.”

  My mind filling with rage, and I curled my fists at my sides. I heard pieces of the story of when my mom was almost murdered and how my dad had saved her. How was Gabe involved? She had been a kid at that time. Yet here she was, ready to break my heart.

  “Riley wasn’t supposed to be the recipient of my anger, and I have tried to be objective, but he’s young, beautiful, and naive. Maybe I thought I’d get what you couldn’t if I took Shea’s son. He was a virgin, you know. Whether or not we stay together, I’ve groomed him for the next woman he loves.” Gabe’s tone sounded boastful.

  I was furious. I hadn’t actually contemplated the next move; I just acted on it. Flinging the bedroom door wide open, I stomped down the stairs.

  Gabe’s mother turned white as a sheet at my appearance.

  “Both of you, GET OUT!” I demanded. “I’ll pack up your shit and drop it off at the clinic. You can pick it up Monday.”

  “Riley, wait. Let me explain,” Gabe pleaded as she touched my arm.

  I shook her away. “Explain what? That you’re a liar and I was an easy mark?” I roared as I walked to the front door. “Go now, please. You were obviously trained well, judging from what I heard your mother confess.” I continued my wrath, turning it toward the older woman. “And you… I’m not sure who you really are, but I plan to find out. Take your daughter and go back to California.”

  Tears began to fall from Gabe’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I never thought I’d get emotionally attached,” she confessed.

  I scoffed with a shrug. “I don’t care. Why did you even come here? Fucking me wouldn’t hurt my dad. It only gutted me, you bitch. He warned me, you know. I wish I’d listened. Your father must be proud.”

  “I told you he’s dead, which is why I came here. I never lied about that. I misconstrued many things, and I allowed my infuriation to fester. My intention was never to hurt you, but to make you love me.”

  I was annoyed, my heart pounding. “Well, guess what? I suppose it worked. Did you ever consider that eventually I’d grow tired of carrying our relationship alone? What did you think, Gabe? That I’d be okay after you broke my heart? That I’d just go on to the next girl?” I paused as I took a deep breath. “You’re fired. I’ll give you a week’s severance, but I don’t plan to work by your side. I don’t trust you.”

  Gabe’s mother butted in. “Look, you don’t know me, and I’m glad you don’t. Your dad hates me and with good reason. But please talk to Gabriella. We gave her everything and pretty much never disciplined her. We never had to. She grew up well-adjusted and kind. But extremely headstrong. When her father died, she changed. And then she found the box full of my past, including my diaries, and it fueled her anger. She wouldn’t listen to reason.

  “I went to see Shea when he was at the hospital with your mom. She was pregnant with you and in a coma. He had no knowledge that Ryan and I had cleared the air. He never knew your mother had forgiven me. I’m sure he still has animosity when it comes to me.

  “I got married six months later and raised my stepdaughter as my own. Gabriella was only ten years old and had already lost her mother five years before. I finally had a family I loved very much. Now my past has been inherited by my daughter. I know her. I’ve seen firsthand what losing her father did. Losing you will destroy her. You don’t have to forgive me, but please forgive her.”

  “You think because you had a past with my dad, I should give you a pass and act as if nothing has happened? You’re as demented as your daughter. Now, both of you need to leave,” I demanded.

  I was actually disoriented and needed to know the real story, but I couldn’t call my dad. If what Gabe’s mom said was true, he would lose his shit and be on the next plane home. I would go see my aunt. She would give me the details.

  I finally heard both cars leave.

  My life was now shattered, and I was frustrated on top of that. Too bad the love I felt didn’t travel with them.



  I nearly choked on a piece of cold pizza as I changed upstairs.

  After Gray ate and I took him for a quick walk, we both got into my truck. It was still early when I pulled into Aunt Trina’s drive. Gray jumped out and bounced up and down in anticipation as I knocked. Dusty opened the door and yelled for his mother to put the cats in his bedroom.

  “How’s it going, Riley?” he asked as Gray licked his face. “Hey, stop it. You have stinky breath.” He laughed.

  The house was warm, and I took off my coat and dumped it on the sofa. “Go get both of your parents, will you?”

  “Gee, I was hoping this was a visit for just us boys. Dexter’s playing video games, and I’m bored. This sucks.”

  I ruffled his hair, remembe
ring fifteen. “Sorry, bud. Next time I promise. Tell Dex I said hey.”

  “What is it, Riley? Are you okay?” Aunt Trina questioned.

  Uncle Quinn’s face reflected concern.

  “Calm down. I’m fine… for the most part,” I said as I pulled out a dining room chair.

  They both sat at the table. “You want some coffee? We have a pot made. It’s decaf, but still tastes great,” Quinn said as he poured three cups.

  “Make sure the twins are settled. This is not going to be a PG conversation,” I confessed as I took a steaming mug.

  My aunt’s eyes widened. “Then it is true. Oh no, Riley.” My uncle took her hand. “Your mom was on the other end of that phone call with your dad. She only meant to talk to you. She overheard it all, and rather than tell your dad, she called me.”

  “Goddammit,” I uttered under my breath. “Well, things are all effed up now. Gabe’s mother showed up from California and evidently has a history with Dad. I kicked them out, and I fricking fired Gabe. I was livid.”

  Aunt Trina took my hand. “This stays between us.” She gulped. “Are you sleeping with this new doctor?”

  Embarrassment washed my face. “I was. We kind of cooled it off a while back.” Hoping she could fill in the blanks, I briefly gave Aunt Trina the CliffsNotes version of what I’d overheard.

  She and my uncle looked at each other as she began to tell me a story about one of dad’s old girlfriends, Carrie. They had dated off and on for a year, but when my mom came back home, he dumped her. That girl had made it her mission to destroy my mom. And she almost succeeded when she found and contacted my mom’s soon-to-be ex-husband. He was violent and deranged. My parents were broken up at the time he accosted my mom, beat her, and attempted sexual assault. My dad showed up just in time and nearly killed the man.

  Legal action was brought against Carrie, and Mom’s first husband went to prison. My dad never forgave her, but my mom had. I’d known my parents had gone through hell when they first got together. Now I had slept with the daughter of my dad’s enemy.

  My uncle explained he had Gabriella investigated the minute my mom called. Everything was now out in the open, and my entire family knew I’d been screwing Carrie’s daughter. He added other incidents that had happened concerning Carrie. Aunt Trina even told me that she had tried to be her friend before she found out what turmoil she caused. Her fears were that nothing had changed with Carrie and that she had passed her bad behavior to her daughter.

  I laid my chin on the table and sighed. “How did this happen? Dad really should have done a more detailed background check.” None of this information changes the way I feel. “Jesus, what should I do? I told Mom and Dad they could trust me, and now I’ve fired the doctor we need to run the business. And on top of it… I am crazy in love with her.”

  My aunt’s and uncle’s eyes bulged at my admission.

  “Riley, you’re young. What’s going on requires your parents to come home. You can’t handle all this by yourself,” Uncle Quinn said.

  “They will come unglued. This makes me look immature and incapable of taking care of business.”

  Aunt Trina got out of her chair and put her arms around me. “Being in love obscures your judgment. You need your mom and dad to guide you right now. All this with Carrie and her daughter is complicated. No one is going to be angry… Well, maybe my brother. But you already know your dad can be a dipshit.” She laughed in an attempt to lighten the situation.

  “How can anyone handle this? I’m probably in love by myself. I feel used yet guilt-ridden that I tossed Gabe out and terminated her. How do I get past this? How do people survive having their heart ripped out?”

  “This too shall pass.” My uncle assured me. “Trina is right. Your parents have dealt with Carrie before. I’m sure your mom has already given your dad an earful about hiring Gabriella. I doubt they could forecast that you would have relations with the new doctor, although you are your father’s son.”

  “I never wanted to be like him,” I whispered. “It just kind of happened. She pursued me, and my lack of experience helped her cause. I was stupid. I let my libido run the show instead of my brain. And even now, knowing everything—including the fact that she doesn’t feel the same—I still love her. I’m pretty sure that makes me a fool.”

  Aunt Trina began to sob softly. My uncle pulled her into his arms in an attempt to console her.

  Now I felt doubly guilty.

  I stood and yelled for Gray because I knew he was with the twins. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to upset you by getting you involved. I made a mistake, and I need to take care of this myself.”

  “You’re my nephew, and I love you. Family helps family. Never apologize for wanting help.” Aunt Trina squeezed my arm. “Just a heads-up… Your parents will be here tomorrow. That was the earliest flight.”

  I groaned in protest. “You might have started the conversation with that information. Great, my dad is going to read me the riot act, and Mom will cry. I’m screwed. Royally.”

  My uncle patted my shoulder. “It might not be as bad as you’re anticipating. They’re just concerned. They don’t want you to go through what they did. They don’t want their son hurt.”

  Too late for that.

  I clipped on Gray’s leash, thanking both of them as I put on my coat. There would be no sleep for me tonight. I wasn’t prepared for my dad’s wrath and my mom’s tears.

  The minute we got into the house, I called Dr. Castillo and asked him to fill in for the next few days. I had planned to work, but with my parents coming home, I couldn’t. I called my professor and left a message with the exchange to let him know I might not be in on Monday.

  I’d forgotten tomorrow was the weekend, but I still called Kathy and asked, when she was out and about, if could she swing by and pick up some things. I didn’t offer details, but I wanted Gabe to have her clothes if she stopped by the clinic. There was sadness in her voice as we hung up.

  I went into my sister’s bedroom and began gathering Gabe’s things. There were three large empty suitcases and a smaller one. I folded her clothes and pulled shoes from the closet and placed them neatly in the suitcases. I packed the smaller one with her cosmetics and toiletries. Dragging out her belongings, I placed all of it by the front door.

  I said a silent prayer that Gabe wouldn’t show her face while my parents were here.

  My ears perked as I recognized the sound of a Skype call. I quickly ran upstairs and bounced on my bed, opening my laptop.

  “So you’re screwing the new vet. My baby brother finally got laid. It’s about time,” my sister barked as her face brightened up the screen.

  “What the fuck, Holly? Don’t you have something better to do than harass me? I guess Mom called you, huh?”

  “Better Mom than Dad, although he was hanging in the background, throwing shit and swearing like a sailor. She’s worried.” Her hand picked at the screen. “I am, too. Riley, are you okay? Sex and love? You really dove in headfirst. I wish you had called me. That’s what older sisters are for.”

  “I’m humiliated. I let my cock dictate my actions. I feel like I deserve this for being so naive.”

  “Look, I’ve had enough sex to tell you that your first leaves you with a feeling of happiness and well-being. I have no doubt men are worse.”

  She obviously doesn’t know who Gabe really is. No way in hell am I revealing that information. Not to my sister. “How did you know? I mean that I was a virgin,” I asked out of curiosity.

  Holly laughed. “Are you kidding? You held on to your virtue as though you were waiting for marriage. Frankly, I’m shocked you gave it up, and to an older woman no less. Wish I was there to slap you on the back.”

  “Well, she pursued me. Sure, I flirted, but I went to sleep one night and the next moment I was having sex. And between just you and me… I mean it, Holly. I don’t even want you to share it with Alyx. The sex was crazy. I don’t want to go into specifics because it’s TMI, but I got s
chooled that first night.”

  My sister’s expression darkened with concern. “Did she force you?” she asked quietly.

  “Hell no. It was a nice surprise, and to be honest, she told me if I wasn’t interested, to tell her.” I held the screen close to my face. “I love her. I hate myself because I do, but I can’t deny my feelings. I don’t understand how my heart can hold a love this big when it’s been crushed. There are things Mom and Dad didn’t tell you about her. There’s so much more to the story, but honestly, I’m too emotionally destroyed right now to confess everything.”

  Holly suppressed a sob, something I’d only witnessed three times. “I should be with you. It’s not right that you have to bear this by yourself. I’m here if you need to talk on your own timetable.”

  “You’ve got too much to do. Isn’t fashion week next month? Besides, Mom and Dad are coming tomorrow, and I am so fucking excited. How about I come and visit you? I can bring Gray,” I offered sarcastically.

  “I don’t think they make a carrier that big, and you know how pitties are discriminated against. Show me that beautiful face.” She laughed as I posed. “Not yours, fugly. The dog’s.”

  I pushed Gray’s face into the screen. “Oh, such a beautiful big boy,” I bragged.

  My dog proceeded to lick the screen as Holly cooed to him.

  “Hey, that’s gross. Now I have to disinfect the damn area.” I pulled Gray off and told him to go to his bed.

  “Don’t worry about tomorrow. Our parents are cool. I mean, what are they going to say when they have a huge age difference?”

  “I fired Gabe.”

  “What were you thinking?” she scolded.

  “I wasn’t. I just lost it, especially after hearing the shit Gabe admitted to her mom. Holly, I couldn’t take it anymore. I kicked them out, too, and I have her clothes all packed. Kathy’s picking them up tomorrow.”

  Holly waved toward the screen. “Wait. You two were living together?”


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