First Login (The World Book 1)

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First Login (The World Book 1) Page 28

by Jason Cheek

  Welcome to Delonshire Mine Entrance’s Local Chat.


  Add – When additional unplanned mobs unexpectedly join the fight.

  Alt – Additional MMORPG characters, usually lower level, to that of the player’s main character.

  AOE – Area of Effect damage attack that hits multiple mobs.

  Bind – Where an MMORPG character reappears in the game after death.

  Boss - A higher level mob with special attacks. Usually positioned at the end of a dungeon or level.

  Buffs – Temporary boost to a character’s base stats.

  Camping – When a player or group of players waits by a defeated foes corpse to kill them again and again.

  CC – aka crowd control – The ability to temporarily remove a mob from combat.

  Class –A specific skill set in MMORPGs with unique attacks and restrictions to armor and weapons.

  Crit – Additional damage added to a weapon due to the specific spot attacked or due to attacking from stealth.

  Damage Dealer – A character class or profession that solely focuses on damage output in an MMORPG.

  Debuff – A negative effect applied to a character in an MMORPG.

  DOT - Damage Over Time – An attack that causes a specific level of damage over a short or long period of time.

  DPS – The amount of Damage Per Second for a specific weapon or spell.

  Drops – Any usable loot that drops or is left on a corpse and is available to collect in an MMORPG.

  Dungeon – Special location with unique loot and mobs to kill with a specific beginning and end.

  Faction – A group, species or country that your character automatically owes its allegiance to.

  Garrosh – The current most difficult boss in World of Warcraft.

  Griefer – When a player continuously attacks or steals from another player over and over again.

  Guild – aka Clan – When a group of players form a persistent group that shares chats and resources.

  Healer – A class or profession of player that can replace lost Hit Points during a battle.

  HOT – Heal Over Time – When a spell continuously heals a player over a specific amount of time.

  HP – Hit Points – The amount of heal a character has before dying in an MMORPG.

  Instacast – When a spell can be instantaneously cast.

  Instance – A dungeon that is only available to the group of players that entered and not shared between groups.

  Kill Steal - When a player or group out-damages or kills another player’s or group’s targeted monster.

  Kite – A method of staying ahead of a group of monsters to slowly kill them one at a time over a long period of time.

  LEET – A hacker’s or experienced player’s terminology for being the best.

  Loot – Items that drops from a monster upon death that can be used or sold in an MMORPG.

  Lowbies – Lower level characters in an MMORPG.

  Main – A characters high level character that they play extensively.

  Mongo – Enforcer class buff that makes the avatar grow three times in size while increasing strength and HP.

  Nano – Chaos Online’s version of mana.

  Nerf – When a game’s developers decide a class or profession of characters are overpowered and takes steps to reduce their strengths.

  Newbs – A term used to describe when a player is new to a game or genre.

  Ninja/Ninja looter – When a player takes loot off of a boss without following the rules of distribution decided ahead of time by the group.

  Pick-ups – Additional unknown players added to a group to make up a full team or raid.

  PK – Player Killer – A player that focuses on killing other players.

  Pops – When a mob respawns back into an area.

  Power-Leveling – When a player or group of player focuses their play solely on leveling up their character as quickly as possible usually by using advance means or techniques.

  Primary – A player’s primary character that they play with or a player’s main weapon.

  Profession – A specific set of skills assigned to a character in an MMORPG with unique abilities.

  PuG – Pick Up Group – A group of random players that come together to complete a goal within an MMORPG.

  PVE – Player vs. Environment – A type of game play that focuses a player fighting against the game.

  PVP – Player vs. Player – A type of game play that focuses on a player fighting against other players.

  Raid – A large group of players, usually 10 or more, that joins a group to complete a specific task within an MMORPG.

  Real-Time Strategy – A resource / troop building game that features large scale battles.

  Reroll – When a player deletes their character and starts a new character.

  Respawn – When a player or a mob dies and reappears in the game.

  RPGer – When a player assumes the role of their character within a game.

  Skill Points – Additional attribute points usually given upon leveling that can be used to increase a characters base abilities of strength, intelligence, stamina, spirit, etc.

  Spawn – When a monster or character appears in an MMORPG or location within the game.

  Spawn Camping – When a player or group of player continuously kills a player whenever they spawn into the game or a location.

  Stats – A character’s strength, spirit, stamina, intelligence, spirit, etc.

  Tank – A player that focuses on absorbing damage and holding mobs.

  Teleport – Moving from one location to another by use of a spell.

  Train – When a player or group of players run from a mob or group of mobs that then kill everyone that they run past.

  Whompa – A static teleport device that moves players from one city to another in Chaos Online.

  Wipe – When a group is killed to the last player.

  About the Author

  Jason A. Cheek lives currently in Germany due to his current job assignment. He lives with his wife and daughter, along with their two dogs Melow and Monty. Originally from West Palm Beach, Florida.

  Interested in martial arts, swords, archery, Dungeon & Dragons, SCA, reading Sci-Fi and Fantasy, Jason became a computer gamer after leaving the Army. Paying his own way through college while working as a waiter, he studied to become an Occupational Therapist assistant.

  Teaching himself computers and networking on his own time. Jason changed career paths, becoming a Regional Systems Administrator several years later. During this time, he played many hours of first person shooters and strategy games at LAN parties around the United States or logged into Anarchy Online and World of Warcraft leading his guild in Raids.

  Excelling in his career as an Information Technology Specialist, Jason became a Certified Systems Security Engineer, furthering his knowledge by learning new technology whenever possible. Interested in extreme sports and traveling, Jason found a job that allowed him to travel around the world. During this time he taught himself German and Polish.

  Always interested in writing, Jason began his first novel called Flight, Book One of The Last Paladin Series, in 2013 and self-published the following year in 2014.

  Other books by Jason Cheek

  Please visit your favorite ebook retailer to discover other books by Jason Cheek.

  The Last Paladin Series

  Book One - Flight

  Book Two - Destiny

  Book Three - (In progress)

  The World Series

  Book One – First Login

  Book Two – Mixing It Up

  Book Three – You’re Going Down

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