The Neighborhood Series (The Neighborhoood)

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The Neighborhood Series (The Neighborhoood) Page 33

by Tarrah Anders

  I set her down on her bed and make haste with removing our clothing. She scoots up on the bed, reaches inside her nightstand, then pushes the pillow behind her while I crawl up her body, peppering kisses all the way until I reach her lips again. But she places the condom between us, and I kiss that instead.

  I sit up, quickly wrap myself up, and then continue with the kiss I wanted before I enter her. It doesn’t take long to get into a rhythm with one another. Her hips meet mine thrust for thrust with my mouth at her ear, nibbling at her sensitive skin. My head dips into the crook of her neck to kiss her there as she bucks underneath me while we push through our climaxes.

  When the room stops spinning, I gently pull away from her and smile.

  “I feel like that was one helluva reconcile,” I say getting up. “I’m sorry it was so quick.”

  “Don’t worry, if I have my way, we have plenty of time to take our time.”

  “Oh yeah?” I smirk.

  “Yeah, I don’t plan on letting you go again.” she says moving to her knees. I go to the side of the bed and place my hands on her bare hips, lean in and kiss her gently.

  “Good, because I’m not going anywhere.”


  Continue reading for the 8th story in this series


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the email address below.

  Tarrah Anders | Tarrah Anders, LLC [email protected] |

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Book Formatting: Tarrah Anders, LLC

  Cover: Jess Bryant Designs

  Ordering Information: Your Neighborhood Biker

  ISBN: 9780463013106 | 9798619646450

  Never underestimate the quiet ones.

  Chapter Ninety

  I shift my weight from one foot to another as the woman pants in front of me from my direct orders.

  The woman before me has a blindfold on, a piece of fabric that we like to use during these scenes every week.

  I run my hand along her cheek and then cup her jaw leaning into her.

  “You’ve been marvelous tonight, I thank you and forever cherish our time together. Goodbye, love,” I whisper to her before kissing her cheek. I see her smile and inhale.

  She knows not to move or remove her blindfold until I have left the room.

  I have ignored and stopped my regular filing procedures I created for the bar. My desk is surrounded by files and paperwork, mostly vendor receipts lately, I’ve become so distracted, that I’ve let that distraction creep into my professional work life.

  My brother, Cooper moved into Mercy four months ago and his presence has distracted me from my regular routines. Sure, I still manage to get out and to the city as I normally do, but I’m feeling like I need to be more secretive now that Cooper is in my space as he isn’t aware of this part of my life.

  A knock on my office door pulls my attention away from the stress in front of me. I look up and Noah stands in the doorway.

  “Sup?” I ask.

  He looks around and then closes the door, pulling up a chair to the side of the desk. I turn to face him, cross my feet over one another and wait for his response.

  “What’s happening in here?” he asks.

  “I’m not following.” I say.

  “You’ve been weird lately, kind of uptight. Look at your desk, it’s a mess and you’re never a mess. Is everything alright? Do you need a vacation?” Noah asks.

  While I am The Neighborhood Bar’s manager, I’m not the owner, Noah Baker is. He acquired the bar after his father’s death, while he didn’t want to let go of the bar and have it go to someone outside of his family, he also didn’t want to run the place. So, he hired me.

  I have been working for the bar for years, practically since I graduated and moved here. I make sure that the bar stays in business and Noah runs the floor, makes hiring decisions and makes sure the town is happy with the place. He’s the head bartender and most people assume that I’m the owner. Either way, through the years, we’ve become friends and close ones at that.

  “Cooper,” I reply simply.

  “What about him?” Noah leans in.

  “I need him to move out,” I shake my head and lean back in my chair.

  “Is he cramping your style?” Noah smirks.

  “Dude, you have no idea,” I look him straight in the eyes and say.

  Noah knows about my extra-curricular activities, but he’s not aware of how often that I partake in them.

  It’s a secret that only he and those that I know from the club are aware of.

  It’s a secret that would have everyone in this small town talking and likely shunning me.

  So, in other words, I live a double life.

  There is the bar manager, clean cut and preppy looking Micah. He lives in a small town and lives a normal life, living and breathing The Neighborhood Bar. Then there is my alter ego, Mic. He frequents a sex club twice a week, to get his fill and satisfaction with the same mysterious woman for the past year until last night. It’s not a relationship. We both seek out the same in sexual gratification without a commitment and under the guise of secrecy, it’s an agreement.

  I did not know her name, what she did for a living, or where she lived. I didn’t know how she took her coffee, what her favorite color was, or how she preferred her eggs.

  But I do know that she liked her sex rough, to have her hair pulled and can milk my cock like nobody else.

  She and I had a steady agreement to meet at Lancaster’s View in Hollybrooke and to not take additional partners for a period of time. But now that agreement is over.

  Last night, was her last night and now I need to find a new scene partner.

  That could also be adding to my stress. It’s a chore finding a new scene partner and I’m not looking forward to it. It took forever to find my last one, but with all good things, they must come to an end.

  “Micah?” Noah’s voice breaks into my thoughts, pulling me from them back to the here and now.

  “Yeah?” I look up at him.

  “Go home,” he orders me.

  “Can’t man, look at this place. It’s a complete mess, I’m good, I’m totally good. Just dealing with a lot of change right now,” I explain.

  “I can tell, think Coop will stay living with you?” he asks.

  “Time will tell. I’ve been asking him to come out here for the past few years, I shouldn’t be trying to kick him out of my place. I’m happy to have him here, don’t get me wrong. But it’s been awhile since I’ve had to share my space with anyone else.” I run my hand through my hair. “He does spend a lot of time with Nydia though, but it’s never on those nights that I’m in the city.”

  “Ah, I see.” Noah nods understanding where I’m coming from.

  “The place next to mine though is coming up for rent, so I’m going to try to nudge him in that direction. Feel like upping his pay?” I joke.

  “Funny. Feel like lowering yours?”

  “Even funnier.” I reply dryly.

  “Anyways, that’s not the reason why I’m in here. I’m interested in building out a little bit in the back parking lot, the side space project will be done in a few weeks and I figure that it would be sweet to have a back patio. This would give your brother m
ore work, but I ultimately want it for performance space. What do you think?”

  “Sounds cool,” I say nodding, not fully paying attention while grabbing some of the mess of paperwork and piling it on top of another stack.

  “Great, once I have more info, I want a full staff meeting on the books to discuss how this will take effect and how it will add to the bar, it could drive new business to town, you never know.”

  “How soon are you thinking?” I ask looking at him.

  “First, I want you to get your shit together,” he smirks as he shakes his head. “I’m meeting with the chamber this week and then will be drawing up some plans with a contractor next week. So, I imagine after then, I will have a scope put together for what I am envisioning.”

  “Alright, keep me in the loop and I’m down.”

  “Thanks man. And seriously, go home. Get your shit straight and come back tomorrow. You look like you’re drowning.”

  I nod, I feel like I’m drowning.

  Not too long after Noah leaves my office, I look around and agree that I should go home as there is nothing more that I can focus on.

  So, I do just that.

  I think Mic needs to make another appearance at Lancaster’s View tonight, I need to get the word out that I’m looking for a new partner.

  Chapter Ninety-One

  My sleeves are rolled up and the top button of my black shirt is undone. I’ve got a craving that I wasn’t feeling until I stepped foot into the establishment.

  I look around and observe couples sitting in the dark booths, wrapped up in embraces, drinking their beverages and talking in hushed tones.

  A slender blonde approaches me, holds out her hand, and smiles.

  “Good evening, sir. Are you looking for some company tonight?” she asks.

  I give her a quick look over and smile. She would be a fun escape for the night, but she wouldn’t be someone that I could consider as a scene partner. I prefer brunettes, with a tint of red of tall stature and with curves. This woman is too slender, has no hips for me to grab when I’m cock deep in her and of course, the most obvious is that she is blonde.

  I’m here tonight to find my new partner, not just to get my dick wet, but there is something inviting about the way her teeth are biting on her bottom lip that distracts me from what I know that I need to do.

  Maybe I can have a little fun while I’m here.

  I pull her hand in mine and place the key from my pocket in her palm. She looks down at the keychain, then returns her eyes to mine.

  “This is for room twenty-seven, please remove your clothing except for your shoes. I want your ass to be facing the door and your fingers inside your pussy. Can you do that?” I ask her quietly.

  Her eyes go wide and she nods eagerly and tightens her grasp around the key, then disappears into the dark corridor.

  I finish the rest of my drink and head off in the same direction a few moments later. I stand in front of the door, then slowly enter the room and notice that she’s done exactly what I’ve asked. I stand there quietly while observing her and shake my head.

  I can’t go through with this, she is not what I want. While she has admirable assets this isn’t where I want to be, and she’s not who I want.

  The blonde placed the key on the table beside her, I walk up to her, kiss the side of her head, apologize, then take the key off the table and walk out of the room.

  I can’t go through with this. It’s too soon to move on from my previous partner.

  Returning to the great room and heading straight to the bar, I order a drink then take a seat in one of the empty booths. My eyes fixate on the center of the room where a man and a woman are performing oral on one another in the sixty-nine position. Soon enough, they move into a fucking position, the woman is lying on a chaise lounge as the man is between her legs thrusting into her.

  It’s a lovely scene, something sensual and enjoying for onlookers. I keep my eyes on the couple as someone slides into the booth across from me.

  “Mic,” a low baritone voice says drawing my attention away from the center of the room.

  “Lance,” I respond with an acknowledging nod.

  “Two nights in a row, my friend,” he states.

  “I wanted to get started on looking for a new partner but decided against it. Figured that I shouldn’t waste a trip to the city and wanted to watch the sights.”

  “So, it’s a voyeuristic night. Rare that we have those anymore, am I right?” Lance chuckles lightly.

  “Exactly,” I nod returning my attention to the couple, who have changed positions once again.

  “But you’re not claiming to be left alone, no flower that I can see.”

  “Not intentionally. I just bypassed that this evening, just in case,” I reply.

  “So, your latest partner, what happened? Did she get too attached?”

  “No. She told me last night that she was moving out of the city and would not be returning to Lancaster’s.”

  “Did you happen to get her number?” he asks.

  “Our arrangement wasn’t like that,” I reply. “Besides, that’s not what I would have wanted.”

  “I don’t know how you compartmentalize your life away from here,” he replies.

  “Simple. I live away from the city and the only reason for me to come here is this place. Otherwise, my life is relatively easy.”

  “So, what you’re saying is that no one from wherever you live, comes here? You don’t wear a mask, it’s not like if they would see you walking down the street that they wouldn’t recognize you.”

  “So far, I’ve never seen anyone that I know from home here. And I’m hoping that is how it stays.”

  “Good for you,” he replies with his gaze drifting across the room, “ah, my lady is ready for me. Good talking to you, Mic. I hope that you find what you’re looking for.”

  I salute him as he moves toward a woman standing against the wall on the opposite side of the room.

  I return my attention to the couple, who has now added another member. I watch both women take turns with kissing each other and then sucking off the man standing between them and soon I get bored with the vanilla sexual acts and stand up. Tonights goal of moving on from my previous partner was sidelined with my own emotions.

  I need to wrap my head around that for a bit and head home. While I want to move on, I feel that I should likely take a break for a week or so and see what I can do to switch up my schedule and try to get my brother to move out.

  Chapter Ninety-Two

  “Hey, Micah!” my brother calls after slamming the front door.

  I stick my head out of the kitchen and look in question to him. He’s a mess, as he usually is after getting off of work, but today he looks excited about something.

  “There you are, hey. I have some great news and I think you’re going to be stoked,” he says excitedly.

  “Stoked?” I ask.

  “Well, Nydia’s cousin is in town, and we’re going out with her and Nydia tonight. We’re going to go into the city and have a good time.”

  I swallow and instantly feel like I’m sweating. “Why?” I ask.

  “Dude, you never hang out with anyone, I fear that you are a virgin, and you’ve seemed up-tight the past week. Well, a lot more up-tight than usual.”

  I don’t need to be hooked up with anyone, and I certainly don’t want to go out tonight.

  The past few days, I have gone to work and came directly home. I would cook myself dinner and then do random stuff around the house. My life was returning to my usual schedule except I wasn’t partaking in the club activities for the time being. The place next door had a moving truck in the driveway tonight, and I’ve silently yelled at myself about not trying to get my brother to take a look at the place.

  “Coop, I’m not in any mood to go out tonight, especially to the city. We’re working on plans for another new addition and I’m wiped out.”

  “Are you always this lame?” he asks with a smile.r />
  “Are you always this annoying?” I counter.

  “I’m your little brother, that’s my job. You sure that you don’t want to come out with us, it’s gonna be great.”

  “I’m sure,” I reply.

  “We can stay in town, move the party to the bar, have some delicious Percy burgers or whatever?”

  “I spent my entire day there, I’m not really wanting to go back there right now. Besides, you don’t get free shit if I’m there and you know it.”

  “I can pay for my own shit, I never ask for handouts,” Cooper defends crossing his arms.

  “Sorry. Listen, just go have fun. Send my regards, but I’m staying in tonight.”

  “Whatever man. Oh hey, did you see the hot brunette that moved in next door?”

  I shake my head, “I’ve only seen the moving truck.”

  “You should poke your head out there, maybe offer her some help. It looks like she’s doing it all on her own.”

  “Why didn’t you?” I ask.

  “Because I need to shower and get out of here,” he explains.

  If the new neighbor really is doing it by herself, then I shouldn’t be a complete dickhead, so I slip on my shoes and step outside. I look next door and see no movement, as I walk down my driveway, I see her walk down the porch and come to a sudden halt.

  She has dark brown hair, with a hint of auburn. She’s wearing overalls with a polka-dot tank top underneath. Her lips part when our eyes connect, and I slowly raise my hand up in an awkward wave.

  “Hey neighbor.” I say.

  I’m sure she’s feeling just about the same amount of shock that I am.

  She smiles and then begins to walk down the driveway. We meet at the end and I take a deep breath.

  “Well, this is certainly unexpected. Mic how are you?” she asks in a low, yet pleasant tone.


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