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The Final Convergence Part 1 (The Convergence Saga Book 6)

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by Rick Kueber

  Many of those who walked with us had a pace much quicker than ours and as they passed, some would nod or wave a greeting as if they knew me. The greetings were friendly enough, but I didn’t notice any smiles and the few ‘hello’s we received were only uttered in hushed voices. Turning a corner, at the end of the road stood the huge lodge and a large crowd stood outside of its doors. I wondered if everyone had arrived too early and what time they were planning to let us in. The cold was beginning to chill my fingers and toes and I found myself sniffling to keep my nose from running. The warm interior of the lodge sounded welcoming and I hoped we would be allowed inside soon. The closer we came to the crowd, the more glaring eyes turned our direction. A hush grew over the grumbling crowd and they parted like the Red Sea to open a path for Maya and me.

  We strode right through the middle of the crowd of nearly a thousand onlookers and were allowed to waltz right into the lodge only to find the doors not only open, but the entire interior packed with close to another thousand people. I found it odd that there was not a single Taker present, only humans and hybrids. They stood shoulder to shoulder, packed in like lemmings, but still found a way to allow us to squeeze through the crowd. Nearing the far end of the massive open room, with thirty foot vaulted ceilings of naturally finished wood, I noticed a raised platform or stage. On it were several people and in the center of them stood Moro Dan, his eyes fixed on me as we crossed through the sea of nervous faces.

  “Come forward, Tanner Astin.” The deep voice of a man thundered over the din of the muttering hoards.

  Making our way to the makeshift stage area, all heads turned toward us, but not a single eye made contact. As I stepped onto the platform, the multitude of gathered residents went eerily silent. Our footsteps on the hollow wooden steps were the only sound that could be heard. Facing those gathered on stage, I noticed one remarkable thing they all had in common. Every one of them stared at us with green eyes that sparkled with dancing glitter that swirled and cascaded endlessly. Moro Dan stepped forward, wrapped his elongated fingers around my shoulder and his gentle words spoke in my thoughts. ‘Now is the time you have anticipated. The answers to your questions will be revealed.’

  Sweat beaded on my upper lip and my stomach knotted. The answers I had craved for so long were seconds away and suddenly I understood the simple phrase I had heard and spoken a thousand times; ‘Ignorance is bliss’. Did I really want to know these answers? It was too late to turn back now. I offered a halfhearted smile to my gray friend and turned to face the sea of onlookers. My sight went black for a brief moment and when it returned, I found myself viewing the scenes in strangely colorful detail as they were explained to all of us in attendance, though I wasn’t sure that the visions and voices in my head were giving the same explanations as what was being fed to the hungry masses that had gathered before us.

  I floated over the scenes as they played out like a specter watching the mortal world from beyond the veil. Moro Dan and several other beings of light were gathered in an odd and unfamiliar setting; an alien world of drab, rusty brown colors and dull gray skies. As I expected, they did not speak out loud, but I heard the thoughts they shared and understood them as I would any conversation.

  “Welcome. As we all understand, we have less than two centuries of viable existence left on this world. We have located three possible planets on which to relocate. Moro Dan has crafted a plan to allow us to invade, take over and acquire the traits we desire from the inhabitants before annihilating them.” Ornan opened the meeting of the Counsel of World Acquisition.

  “I will arrive on our next world and begin the process.” Dan began his discussion with the other counselors. “Our new world has an immense variety of life, but once we conquer one species, humans, we will have the planet and can quickly destroy the rest of its life forms. We will have control of all of its sun’s energy and a variety of other unique resources.”

  “Give us the plan in more detail. You have made this sound simple, as if we can overtake this world in less than a century.” One of the counselors drew the specifics out of Moro Dan.

  “The beings in control of this planet are an emotion based race. They will quickly fall.” Ornan interjected.

  “When I arrive, I will choose a basic human child and a nano-team will enter its control center, its brain, and begin building a multi-functioning device that will work as a tracking devise. It will also gather information about their weaknesses.” There was a sense of understanding of the simplicity among the beings. “This microscopic structure will infuse with the child’s control center as it grows into adulthood. During that process, it will cause the brain to become structured to lead. When it is time to begin our infiltration, this device will activate. There is a slight risk of the human’s death when it becomes operational. The signal it emits will not only act as a beacon for us to track, but will also draw other humans to him as if he were some sort of supreme leader for them to follow; a savior, if you will. More importantly, it will give us the all of the information and ability to control the race. Our teams will arrive as scheduled and the appearance that we are on opposing sides will create conflict among them. They will war amongst themselves until they have killed each other off and while some will believe we are the enemy and others their allies, we will play them against each other like pawns in our game.”

  “Will this species fall for this scheme so easily? How will we get the rebels to side with some of our sentries?” A third counsel member doubted Moro Dan.

  “They are an emotion based species who exists through reproduction and proliferation. All we have to do is persuade them that we desire these traits and wish to learn from them. They are naive and it is believed that they assume the best when given the chance, but these are things that our implanted device will confirm.” Ornan explained the theories behind Moro Dan’s plan.

  “It shall be easier that it sounds. Along with giving them the familiar things that will make them believe in their own survival, we will plant the rumor of the human leader’s ability to save their world among those we turn. It will filter out into the survivors and he will be unable to deny it. These survivors will rebel and our chosen one will not understand why it is chosen or what it must do, but with random bits of misinformation sent to its brain from the device and the rumors that will be circulating, it will believe what it does not understand. Our plan includes planting several sub-leaders who will support the idea that this one being is important. It will take very meticulous and calculated moves to deceive them fully. Sparing lives that seem unnecessary and orchestrating the deaths of others, the capture and release, or survival and escape of it and its companions, and the imperative survival of the ‘one’ will all give us the advantage. With the proper planning, we will prevail on this world so swiftly, it will seem nearly effortless.” Moro Dan gave the floor back to Ornan.

  “We must keep this ‘one’ occupied long enough to destroy the vast amount of this species. Then we must pit the remaining rebels against the Takers we create. When it comes down to the end, we must infuse the device into the control center of the Pale Titan while it is still in the being’s brain.”

  “This will end the life of the being’s body, correct?” The second council member asked for confirmation.

  “Yes its body will die, but some part of its mind will exist indefinitely in the control center of the Black Titan.” Moro Dan casually stated the fact.

  My stomach turned, the replaying reality blurred like the smearing of watercolors on glass and everything dimmed for a moment. Light and color returned. The vision before me was from within the Pale Titan. Moro Dan stood in the control room and was communicating with a three-dimensional image of Ornan.

  “Unforeseen circumstances have arisen.” Although it was not their nature, Moro Dan seemed concerned.

  “Will these circumstances hinder our plan?” Ornan was stern but unwavering.

  “Perhaps they will alter the plan, but we may be able to use them to our a
dvantage.” Moro Dan contemplated a variety of possible alternate outcomes.

  “Explain.” Ornan demanded calmly.

  “The chosen one has become. It is something we cannot yet explain, but in a struggle with one of our multi-beings, he has destroyed one of our own and in the process, he has blended his genetic make up with our own in a way that has made him unique but still human.” His thoughts had an unmistakable hint of emotion.

  “We can use this. It fits well with our plan to place him as the saviour of his species.” Ornan defused the concern, but knew there was more to be told. “And…”

  “He has mated with another of the species and there will be an offspring… it could be the beginning of an entirely new species” His thoughts were shaky at best. “There are others that have had similar encounters and transitions, but none have produced offspring… yet.”

  “And what of the rest of the planet? Have they also followed this chosen one?” Ornan snapped at Moro Dan for this uncalculated error.

  “Our Titans and our allies across this strange globe have shared visual accounts of it and its transformation with the world. It has become a phenomenon and reports say that he has become the image of the race’s salvation to such a degree that many have given their lives to protect him and others seek him out from the most remote of places on this planet.” He appeared to bow as the image of Ornan faded and then vanished completely.


  I wanted to scream out in anger at the deceptive nature of Dan. The world went dark again and when I came back to consciousness, I found that Torrance stood beside me and held me by the arm. A dizziness filled my head and stole my ability to focus. Nausea was the order of the evening and I fought the desire to vomit all over the stage and the people in the front row. I slowly slung my heavy head around as the room, filled with blurry faces, spun sickeningly. The sound of my pounding heartbeat muffled the noises around me, but I was still able to hear Torrance speaking to the gathering in his deep and commanding voice.


  The sour burning taste of acid welled up in my throat. My legs felt as if they were made of rubber and my knees buckled beneath me. Torrance kept his firm grip on my arm and I fell limp like a doll in his hand. Maya rushed onto the stage and cradled me in her arms. I heard a collective gasp from the gathered crowd of rebels and Torrance assuring them I would be okay. The last sounds I heard were the comforting, softly whispered words of Maya in my ear. “I’ve got you baby. I’ve got you…”


  There were moments of light and vision that might have been nothing more than a dream, but I could not say. What passed as swift as seconds and felt like days, eventually ended and I awoke, much like my last awakening. It was bright, warm and I felt hungry and weak. My eyes opened slowly and the sandman’s sleep had built up heavily in their corners. My mouth was dry and I felt that it would be best not to speak until I had a sip of water. I tried to raise my head, but I became dizzy. Everything went black for a second and countless swimming stars filled my vision. My eyes fluttered and a soft voice calmed me and I began to wonder, again, if this had all been some horrible nightmare.

  Chapter 3

  Female Persuasion

  “Oh my God… You’re awake.” The sweet voice of Maya drifted across the room like soulful music as she leapt from her not-so-comfortable chair across from me, dropping her book, and rushed to my side.

  My eyes darted to and fro scanning the room for the traitorous frienemy, Moro Dan. We were alone. When Maya reached my bedside, her hand reached out and caressed the side of my whisker-stubbled face and neck. Like a bolt of unharnessed lightning, my hand shot out and grabbed her by the wrist, forcefully.

  “What the hell is going on here?” I growled at her. Speaking the words hurt my dry throat. My blood pressure rose and my face grew red. Veins begin to show in my arm and neck. “What the fuck’s wrong with everybody? Screaming… Cheering to send me off to die and help exterminate humanity?” I sucked in a loud and shaky breath.

  “Can you tell me your name?” Maya looked frightened, but not like she was afraid I would hurt her. “Something’s wrong… SOMEBODY HELP!” She rubbed her trembling hand across my forehead and her eyes welled with tears. “It’s going to be okay.” She sniffed back the tears. “You’re gonna be okay. Cross my heart.”

  “How’s anybody gonna be okay?” I was still angry and irritated and kept my grip on her arm. “They laid out all of the details of how they tricked us… how they want my brain, but the rest of me will die… weren’t you listening? Black and white… they want us to kill each other off… then the planet’s theirs.”

  “Shh… Shh…. Shhhh… Quiet for a minute.” She whispered loudly and looked over her shoulder to the door.

  As the words left her mouth, the door burst open and two men ran in. A short and slightly round man rushed up to Maya at my bed. “What’s the matter? What’s going on?”

  He fumbled through his coat pockets as he spoke. He was obviously nervous and perspiration appeared on his mostly bald head. His mouth moved side to side, causing his thick mustache to twitch. It was almost humorous. The second man was much taller and younger. He was the stereotypical, musclebound, neanderthal type and wore a thick hooded sweatshirt under his dirty, frayed jeans-jacket. He closed the door behind him, leaned against it and crossed his arms like some type of thug-security guard.

  Maya looked directly at me and her eyes, only a foot from mine, widened ridiculously. “He woke up all disoriented and I.. I guess I freaked out when he grabbed my arm.” She sighed. “Look Philip, it’s okay. I think he’s okay… just gonna take a minute to wake up after sleeping that long.” I loosened my grip and laid back a bit, giving the false appearance of relaxing.

  “I can give him a shot. Put him back to sleep, if you want.” He mumbled to Maya.

  “Uh… right here.” I let him know that I was confused, not deaf.

  “It’s fine.” Maya glanced sideways at me as she spoke to Dr. Phil. “He’s fine… See?” She gestured to me with a palm up, open hand. “He’s already better than he was. I’ll holler again if I need help.”

  “If you’re sure.” The crass Dr. Phil gave me a scornful look, like I was a disobedient child or juvenile delinquent. “Dirk can stay, just in case…”

  I started to get up to argue, but Maya placed her hand on my midriff and disregarded the offer. “No need. I can handle this guy and if not, well, it only took you a couple of seconds to get here, right?”

  “Yes, but he ripped off Silas’ head quicker than that… remember?” Philip was not happy about being dismissed so quickly. Dirk stood up straight and rolled his shoulders and cocked his head from side to side, like he was loosening up for a fight.

  “It’s fiiiine….” There was a pitch and tone to her words that clearly were saying, ‘I’m getting annoyed and you need to get the fuck outta here now’. With that, Philip left the bedroom in a huff. Dirk looked through squinted eyes at us over his shoulder before following Dr. Phil out of the room. Once again we were alone, but I felt no more comfortable than when I awoke, except that perhaps there was more going on than I realized or understood. “Okay.” Maya’s hand slid gently, from my stomach to my chest. “What is going on with you Tanner? What are you hiding?”

  “Didn’t you hear and see what I did at the gathering?” I asked, hoping that the answer was no.

  “I didn’t see anything. You just stood there like a statue staring off into space. Torrance told us all about
how we’re about to get reinforcements; rebels from all over the west.” She motioned with her hand, swiping it through the air to signify a vast distance. “…then we’d all follow you to the alien camp, city.. whatever… across the valley from our mountain. Not that I want to go to war, but really, I’ve seen across the miles of desert valley at night and those lights just creep me out. Just knowing they’re out there, so close. They gotta know we’re here too.”

  “They’re all in on it together.” I blurted out quietly. “Trust no one.”

  “What are you talking about?” She kept our conversation in a lowered volume, but I could see the dismay in her eyes. “We’d all be dead if it wasn’t for some of the aliens. Dan has been a godsend.”

  “This ain’t gonna be easy…” I rolled my eyes and said to myself. “Trust me. He isn’t a godsend… more like the devil. You know, like a wolf in sheep’s clothing?”

  “Well, if he is, he’s doing a good job.” She sat on the edge of the bed and then stood up nervously and spun around quickly with her hand to her mouth. “But, I mean… surely a hybrid like Torrance would see through…”

  “I said, trust no one. That includes Torrance.” A sudden flash of memory came to me; taking off in the ultra-light aircrafts. “What about…”

  “If you don’t think you can trust Torrance, what about Mariah?” Her hand went to her forehead and then both hands to her cheeks. “Rumor is…” She hesitated and the color went from her face.


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