Boss's Intern: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

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Boss's Intern: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance Page 6

by Arlo Arrow

  I don’t want to start discussing my love life with Jacobs. And there’s no way I can admit that the women in question is my college student intern. My brand new intern. That really wouldn’t go over well. In fact, it’d probably get me fired immediately.

  “Nope,” I say, lying through my teeth. “But I’m thinking about it. You know, marriage, kids, the whole thing.”

  “That’s good,” says Jacobs. “Because one more of these little dalliances and I’m afraid you won’t have a position here at the company any more.”

  That asshole. Who does he think he is? Who does he think I am? Doesn’t he realize I’m the CEO?

  I nod slowly.

  “As far as I‘m concerned, Mr. Jacobs,” I say, speaking slowly and clearly. “My person life is my own business. It doesn’t have anything to do with you, or this company.”

  “That may very well be,” says Jacobs. “Do what you will, as I know you will. But let me warn you that if you’re caught, well, that will be a problem, and we’ll have to fill your position with someone else. Now that you have this media attention, your personal life has a high probability of becoming public knowledge. And that public opinion… well, it’s very dangerous. We can’t have it influencing the company. We’re handing a lot of money for a lot of people.”

  I nod and get up out of my chair.

  “Is that it?” I say, staring him dead in the eyes.

  Jacobs nods, and I return to my office.

  As soon as I sit down, there’s a soft knock at my door.

  “Hey sexy,” says a soft female voice.

  I recognize it immediately. How could I not? Ava has been on my mind nonstop since last night. No matter what, she’s there in my thoughts.

  She’s wearing a professional outfit: a skirt to her knees and a button down shirt. But everything is tight. I can see the gorgeous curvaceous outline of her hips and my cock starts to twitch. Her shirt buttons seem to be straining with the pressure of her enormous breasts.

  She moves towards me and kisses me.

  I kiss her back. It’s intense. So many feelings start to erupt in me. My cock is raging hard now, already growing to press into her. It wants to be inside her. It needs to be inside her. But that’s not all that I feel… there’s a need to be with her.

  But I have to pull away.

  The door’s open.

  This is crazy.

  This is already too risky.

  “We can’t,” I whisper to her. “Not here.”

  “No one’s out there,” she says, giggling.

  “The founder of the company is here today,” I say, speaking in a low voice.

  I move over to close the door.

  “I just had a rather… unpleasant meeting with him. One more ‘dalliance’ on my part and I’ll lose my job.”

  “Oh no!” she says, covering her hands with her mouth.

  “Don’t worry,” I say. “It’s OK.”

  “How can you say that it’s OK? You’re going to lose your job? And because of me?”

  “No, no,” I say, putting my hand on her back to comfort her. “It’s not like that. Don’t worry about it. This doesn’t have anything to do with you.”

  “How can you say that?” she says. It sounds almost like she’s about to start crying. “It’s all my fault. It has everything to do with me.”

  “OK,” I say. “I see your point. I mean, it does involve you. But if I lose my job, it’s not because of you… it’s because of my past. There were… well, I behaved poorly at times.”

  Eventually, I get her a little calmed down, enough to work, at least.

  “Don’t worry,” I say again. “All we have to do is act professional here and work. And then we can have fun on our own time.”

  As soon as I say it, I realize it’s going to be much easier said than done. After all, just looking at her in that outfit makes me want to throw her on my desk and sink my cock deep into her that glorious pussy of hers.

  “OK,” she says. “I think I can do that. But… What do I do here, anyway?”

  I have to laugh.

  “I guess you’re right,” I say. “We haven’t really gone over exactly what you’re doing… Well, first of all, maybe what would be best if I give you a little cubicle out in the main area. That way neither of us will be too… distracted by the other or anything like that.”

  “OK,” she says. “Yeah, maybe that’s best.”

  “The work is easy,” I say. “Pretty standard stuff. First off, I’ll have you analyzing some numbers. I have some employee records on performance and stuff like that. I’m sure it’s all stuff you’ve already dealt with in your business classes.”

  “Yeah,” she says. “I think I can do that.”

  We spend about fifteen minutes getting her a little cubicle. There happens to be one that’s situated right outside my door. Her cubicle neighbor is an overweight guy in his early fifties, married with kids. I see him checking her out as she sits down but he looks away quickly.

  “OK,” I say. “I’ll check back with you in an hour or so to see how you’re doing. The spreadsheets are on the public drive and you already know the names to all of them.”

  “OK,” she says. She looks up at me and I can see she’s trying hard not to show any emotion on her face.

  The feeling is completely mutual and we both know it—we both want to drop to the beige carpeted floor right this instant and ride each other until we explode in crazy orgasms.

  But we can’t do that… Not here.

  I head back into my office and when I sit down at my desk, with the door closed behind me, I notice that I didn’t exactly choose a good location for her cubicle.

  I can see her clearly through the window that’s next to my door. I get a profile view of her, so that I can see her perfect ass as she leans over towards the computer, pushing her ass in her tight skirt far back into the chair. I can see the side of her perfect breasts and my cock shoots right up.

  Shit, this is going to make it just a little hard to work.

  But I’ve got to. I’ve got to figure out what’s going on with this paparazzi situation and how to solve it.

  When Dave called me the other night, he gave me some inside information. He has some connections in the media, and what they told him is a little worrying. Dave said that the media isn’t going to let up on this “scandal” surrounding me until something happens. They’ve already got the first bit of the story, and now they stand to make more money if they can publish a new story with me. They need the next chapter. That’s what they’re looking for. They either want me fired, or they want to catch me with another woman.

  If they catch me with Ava, it’s all over. They’ll publish the story. It’ll ruin my career. It might very well seriously harm her career too.

  The smart thing would be to cut it off now.

  I’ve never had trouble doing that in the past.

  I could easily tell women that I wasn’t going to see them again. I did it as if it was nothing.

  I guess I was a bit of an asshole sometimes. Not exactly intentionally, though. But it’s just that… that spark wasn’t there.

  With Ava, I can’t even imagine telling her to get lost. I can’t imagine waking up and not thinking that I might see her in a day or two.

  I simply can’t imagine going on without her. That would be completely insane.

  Despite all the risks, I need to continue.

  I need her.

  And I can’t wait any longer.

  The smart thing to do would be to at least wait until Friday. We can have our fun outside the office, in some out of the way place where no one will find us.

  That would be the wise thing to do. That would be the prudent thing to do.

  But since when am I prudent and cautious?

  I can’t take my eyes off her figure through the window.

  My cock is impossibly stiff.

  I pick up my phone and dial the internal extension.

  I watch as she leans farther o
ver to pick up the phone. Only Ava could look that fucking sexy picking up a simple work telephone.

  “Come see me,” I say. “I need you.”

  “I thought we were going to… wait?” she whispers.

  I watch her through the window as she looks nervously over at her cubicle neighbor to see if he’s heard anything.

  “I can’t wait,” I say.

  “It’s been about ten minutes!”

  I chuckle.

  “That’s just what you do to me,” I growl. “I’m watching you through the window and I’ve never seen a woman as sexy as you are. Come see me. Now.”

  I see her looking back towards me through the window.

  “OK,” she says.

  I watch as she hangs up the phone and gets up out of her chair, flattening her skirt along her gorgeous legs.

  Every fiber of my being and my cock cries out for her.

  She walks, swinging her hips seductively.

  She’s just a few feet from my office door.

  Suddenly, I see someone behind her.

  It’s that ancient dinosaur Jacobs. He’s walking right behind her, and he’s staring at her. Staring at her ass, probably.


  Chapter 11


  There’s an older voice behind me.

  “You seem awfully young to be working here, young lady.”

  I spin around.

  It’s an older well dressed man. I haven’t seen him before. Then again, I’ve only spent a handful of hours in this office building.

  I nod, hesitating. “I’m the new intern,” I add, finally realizing what to say.

  He nods and seems to examine me, looking me up and down.

  “I’m the personal intern to Mr. Horns,” I add.

  “I see,” he says. “I didn’t realize that Liam had a personal intern.”

  “I think it’s a new program,” I say. “I’m in college. It’s only my second day here. My first day, really. Yesterday was just an introduction.”

  “I’m Mr. Jacobs,” says the man, extending his hand.

  I shake it. It’s cold and clammy, and strangely a little damp.

  “Oh,” I say. “Liam, I mean, Mr. Horns, mentioned you.”

  “He did, did he?”

  “He said you were the founder of the company.”

  The man nods.

  I’m getting a weird vibe from him. He doesn’t seem like a nice old man. In fact, he seems a little suspicious of me.

  Does he already suspect that something’s going on between me and Liam?

  I could see Liam looking at me through the window out of the corner of his eyes… The way he talked to me on the phone was incredible. It made me simply ache all over for him and his body and his cock.

  I was already turned on when speaking to him on the phone. My panties were starting to get incredibly damp. Just the sound of his gruff voice, commanding me to visit him in his office, was enough for me. Not to mention the thought of what he’s going to do to me.

  I want to leave this Mr. Jacobs right here and rush into Liam’s office and simply ravish him with kisses, my hands fumbling for his cock.

  It couldn’t be worse timing, having Mr. Jacobs show up right now.

  Well, that’s not totally true. What if I were already in Liam’s office, and Mr. Jacobs decided to pay him a visit him, catching us in a, shall we say, compromising position.

  I realize what we were about to do was dangerous. It could have consequences. I realize just how crazy going into his office and fucking him in the middle of the day is. Someone could knock on the door at any moment.

  My whole future career could be over in a second, not to mention Liam’s career.

  While my mind is racing, Mr. Jacobs is still standing there, looking at me.

  “Can I help you with something?” I say.

  “Yes,” he says. “Where were you headed now?”

  “Oh,” I say. “I was just heading into Liam’s office. I had a question about the work I’m supposed to be starting.”

  There’s no way to lie and say I was headed somewhere else. I’m literally only a dozen feet from the closed door to Liam’s office. And there’s simply nothing else around. The snack room and the copier and everything else I could possibly need is in an entirely different direction from my cubicle.

  “I see,” says Mr. Jacobs, eyeing me with even more suspicion. “What exactly were you having a problem with?”

  It’s like he already knows what I was really going into Liam’s office for. Now he just wants to catch me in the trap of lying.

  Or am I just being paranoid?

  After all, there’s no evidence. This guy doesn’t even know me. How could he possibly know? I’m just letting my mind run away from me.

  “Oh,” I say. “I didn’t know how the columns worked.”

  Maybe I can just play up the college bimbo angle. After all, my breasts and butt are getting bigger. I think that’s actually correlated positively with intelligence, but a lot of guys are going to see an attractive college girl with a big butt and just assume she’s dumb. I can use his sexism against him.

  “The columns?” says Mr. Jacobs, smirking. “You mean in the spreadsheets?”

  “Yeah,” I say. “I wasn’t sure what was a column and what was a row.”

  Mr. Jacobs buys it, apparently. He starts chuckling.

  “My, my,” he says. “I hope they cover that eventually in your college courses.”

  “I think maybe next year,” I say, pretending to not realize that he thinks I’m an idiot.

  “Well,” says Mr. Jacobs. “Why don’t you check out the book that’s in your desk. I’m sure it will have some information there for you. As I remember, each cubicle desk has a manual that covers all the basics. You never know how little new employees will know, so it’s always a good idea to spell everything out.”

  “OK,” I say. “Thanks so much, Mr. Jacobs.”

  I suddenly realize that my plan didn’t exactly work the way I wanted to. I seem to have assuaged his potential suspicions for the moment. But at the same time I now don’t have any excuse to see Liam.

  “Don’t mention it.”

  I start to slink back to my cubicle desk, turning away from Liam’s door.

  My heart sinks as I do this.

  I catch Liam’s eye ever so briefly. I shake my head just slightly.

  He must have been watching the whole exchange through his window.

  I return to my cubicle, smoothing my skirt under my legs as I sit down in the cushy office swivel chair.

  I feel incredibly nervous about almost being caught. But at the same time, there’s a thrill. This seems so fun, so adventurous, so daring. It’s so unlike me to try to sneak around and have sex with the boss. And I guess that’s what gives me that thrill that shoots up my spine and makes my body feel all tingly.

  Well, that and the thought of being with Liam again. I know we should just wait. But every part of me wants to somehow sneak back into his office.

  I watch out of the corner of my eye as Mr. Jacobs meanders around the cubicles, peering annoyingly over people’s shoulders to stare at their computer screen.

  My cubicle neighbor, a guy named Jim, spends most of his day on Facebook. At least that’s what it seems like so far. I’ve been working at this cubicle how long? A couple hours at most? Maybe not even.

  Time seems to fly when you’re thinking about Liam.

  I sit here and stare at the spreadsheet, trying to make it look like I’m actually doing some real work. Of course, the numbers, rows, and columns all look like a blur.

  I can do spreadsheets in my sleep, but I pull out a heavy tome of a manual from my desk and crack it open. This way when Jacobs comes around he’ll see that although I’m a bimbo (in his eyes, at least), I can follow directions. He’ll think I’m a bimbo, but a diligent and dutiful one, one who likes to follow the rules… one who would never sneak into her boss’s office and fuck his brains out when Mr. Jacobs returns to h
is office.

  A half hour goes by. It seems to take forever. I look up from the boring textbook to the clock on the computer almost every minute. The digital clock never seems to change. The numbers seem to always be the same somehow.

  I steal glances when I can at Liam. I can barely see his face through the window, which is one of those windows that’s difficult to see through on one side. But I can make out the sexy, sharp profile of his head.

  Finally, after what seems like literally an eternity, Mr. Jacobs starts looking sleepy. He’s yawning and he ends up standing in one place for quite a while, apparently forgetting what he’s doing.

  After what feels like yet another eternity, he starts meandering back to his office.

  I watch his back as he walks away. I turn my head conspicuously to Liam’s door.

  I make a kissy face at him, and I’m sure he sees me.

  A moment later, my office phone rings again.

  “Come see me,” he says.

  “Now?” I say, my heart thumping. “Are you crazy? We’ll get caught.”

  I’m whispering, and I hope that my cubicle next door neighbor can’t hear me. He has his headphones on now, and he seems to be watching some video on the internet, so hopefully he can’t. It’s funny, as soon as Mr. Jacobs leaves, everyone goes back to doing whatever internet crap they were doing all along.

  And me? I try to sneak into my boss’s office to fuck his brains out.

  I’m already getting wet again just thinking about it. The excitement of potentially getting caught makes it all the more thrilling, that much more arousing.

  “Yeah, now,” growls Liam. “I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Jacobs could come back at any moment,” I whisper.

  “He’s probably off to take a nap,” says Liam. “Come see me.”

  My heart pounding, I put down the phone and get up from my chair. I start walking towards his office, conscious of every step I take.

  Chapter 12


  My cock is raging hard by the time she opens the door.

  “Shut it,” I say.

  “I don’t think anyone saw me,” she whispers.


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