The Alpha Takes a Mate

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The Alpha Takes a Mate Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “Did it go well?” Darcy asked.

  “Raymond likes me. He knows what is at stake if anything happens to her. He’ll protect her. Tonight I want to organise her protection detail. Guards will be placed around her,” he said. There was no way he’d risk his mate.

  “She’s human,” Drake said. “What kind of threat is she going to pose?”

  “Because of her being human, she’s vulnerable. We’ve got witches, warlocks, vampires, and bears coming to Grace Hill. I don’t want them to be tempted in bringing me down because of her.” Brandon kept walking. Layla was wiping down tables as the got inside the diner. There were no customers, and the diner usually closed early on the full moon.

  “How is Elle?” Layla asked.

  He liked her for the way she took notice of his mate. Her gaze moved to Lewis before returning to his. “She’s good. Why wasn’t her birthday celebrated here?” he asked.

  “E-Elle wanted to go back to the city. We met up with a couple of her friends. Not all of the humans get their birthday celebrated,” Layla said.

  “What friends?” he asked.

  “Some of the people she’d kept in contact. A couple of guys and girls.”

  His hackles rose at the thought of another man touching her, wanting her.

  “You may leave. I’ve ordered her to remain home until the feast. Make sure she stays there. If anything happens to her, I’ll come to you.”

  She nodded and left without looking back. He found Daisy slamming lids down on pots. Her glare shot toward him.

  “So, you’ve decided to pay this wolf a visit?” she asked.

  Lewis, Darcy, and Drake started to chuckle. He shot them a glare before moving closer to one of the oldest females in his pack. Her mate had petitioned for the humans, and he had great respect for her. If it wasn’t for her age she’d be the strongest of the females.

  “I’m sorry. I was taking care of my mate.”

  The lid on the far pot slammed down. Daisy turned on him with her arms folded. “You’ve taken a human for a mate?”

  “The fates have deemed a human my mate,” he said.

  “That pretty much means you wish she wasn’t human.”

  “You’re very protective of Elle.” He stared at the woman before him. She wasn’t afraid of him, never had been.

  “You can stare at me all you want, Brandon. I changed your diapers for you. That’s how old I am, and fuck yeah, I’m protective of Elle. She’s an amazing woman and a damn good worker. If you’re anything like your father you’ll have her around you all the time. I like her and want her here.”

  Brandon chuckled, and pride filled him. Daisy was a pack member, and hearing her thoughts of Elle would help the others to agree to her.

  “I’m not going to stop Elle from working here.”

  “Yet! Your father said the exact same thing to your mother. She ended up pregnant with you and by his side for the rest of it. Being the alpha’s mate is a full time occupation.” Daisy walked away to grab some spices off the shelf.

  “I’m not like my father, and she’s not like my mother. Being human saves her from a lot of it. I don’t want her being drawn into my fights. She’s far too fragile.”

  “You’re going to leave her out of pack business but keep her as your mate?” Daisy asked.


  “That could risk her life and the respect of the pack.”

  “I don’t give a shit. I’m not risking her for pack respect,” Brandon said.

  “But you need someone to stand up for her tonight?” Daisy asked.

  He nodded. Once he told the pack his mate was human there was going to be an uproar. An alpha with a human mate was unheard of. If an alpha took a human he usually stepped down from the rank. Being an alpha was who Brandon was. He wouldn’t be stepping down for his mate or for anyone.

  “Lori’s not going to like this.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what she thinks. This is not about her.”

  “Are you sure about that? She’s made it plain she’s bedding you. I think you need to be careful of her. The power of being in your bed has gone to her head.” Daisy stared at him as her words sank in. He refused to say anything to her. “With regards to Elle, I’ll do what I can. She’s a great girl.” She glanced behind him at the three men waiting. “You better run off and prepare for tonight. I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be awesome.”

  He chuckled and left her to it.

  Walking out of the diner he spotted Elle helping place the tables ready for the feast. She didn’t turn to look at him. His three men stopped behind him. He focused on her as she tucked stray hairs behind her ear.

  “I once heard a human mate doesn’t feel as strongly as we do,” Drake said.

  Brandon didn’t say anything. He watched his mate as she spoke with Layla. Together the two human women laughed and set the table for the feast that night. He fought the need to go to her.

  After tonight no pack member would ever be mistaken, Elle Smith was his mate, and he intended to claim her.


  Elle lay on her bed as Layla finished running fingers through her hair. The other woman had stayed with her instead of going back to her family home. She and Layla were the same age, and tonight would be their first outing to the feast.

  “Are you nervous?” Layla asked.

  “Nervous about what?”

  “About everything. Tonight is our first feast, and you’ve been mated today. Brandon is the alpha. That has got to be high on the cool factor.”

  She smiled at Layla’s enthusiasm. “I’m a little scared. After tonight everything is going to change. Mom keeps giving me weird looks, and my dad looks worried. Between the two of them they’re freaking me out.” She stopped to take a breath. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m worrying about all the wrong reasons.”

  “What is there to be worried about?” Layla asked, taking a seat on the bed.

  “Have you seen the way the pack treat women, human women? I’ve seen the ones they’ve taken to their bed, and they blank them as if they mean nothing.”

  Several humans had left because of the pack’s treatment.

  “You can’t think Brandon will treat you that way. I know what you mean about the treatment of the pack. As much as I want Lewis, I wouldn’t put myself in that position. I refuse to.”

  She reached for the other woman’s hand. Elle gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “We’re in this together.”

  “I know this is going to sound strange, but are you a virgin, Elle?”

  Averting her eyes, Elle nodded her head. “I’ve never found the right guy.”

  “I’m a virgin as well. Grace Hill is not exactly the place to be giving your body to just anyone.”

  “Have you ever thought of leaving?” Elle asked.

  “What do you mean?” Layla tilted her head to the side, observing her.

  “You know, getting away from here. Like my birthday, only staying away for that time.” Elle stared down at their hands waiting for her to answer.

  “I’ve thought about getting away. It would be nice to leave for a little while and explore, but I always see myself coming back. This is my life, Elle. I love being here. Grace Hill, for all of its faults, is my home.”

  Elle smiled. “I know.”

  “Are you thinking of leaving?” Layla asked.

  “No, I’m not thinking about it.”

  The bell sounded in the distance letting everyone know that the wolves would be on the hunt. Humans were free to roam on the night of the full moon at their own risk. She moved to the window to stare at the empty table. When the bell rang again they’d be able to place their waiting pots onto the centre of the table. For most of the evening the humans would be ignored, or at least that was what she’d been told.

  “If you’re not thinking about it why are you talking about it?”

  “This crap with Brandon is what’s making me think about it. I need time away. Do you really think an alpha should mate with a human?”<
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  Layla shrugged. “It’s not up to us what we think or feel. I doubt he’ll let you go.”

  The sounds of wolves howling invaded the night’s silence. Goosebumps erupted along her arms. Staring out of the window, Elle spotted a large black wolf on the edge of the forest. The sight of him reminded her of Brandon. The wolf was large and commanded her attention. She found herself avoiding eye contact.

  “Elle, are you okay?” Layla asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Elle turned away from the window. “Don’t mention our conversation to anyone, please. I’d hate for someone to use the information for the wrong ideas. I’m not planning on leaving.”

  “I hope not.”

  More howls invaded the silence, and her stomach tightened.

  “I wish I knew what was going on.”

  Layla lay on her stomach with her head in her hands. “I don’t. They’ll probably be thinking about killing something or actually doing it.”

  Sitting on the edge of the bed Elle ran her fingers through her friend’s hair. “You’re always so supportive of me,” she said.

  “I have no choice. I love you.” Layla batted her hand away. Chuckling, both froze as they heard her mother calling.

  “Duty calls,” Elle said, standing.

  “At least your mother can cook. Chilli is delicious, and all the pack loves it. My mother makes macaroni cheese, and it’s horrid. I’m sure she curdles the milk,” Layla said, cringing.

  Chuckling, Elle followed her friend downstairs.

  Vivian was grating cheese and putting a few components together. “Hey, girls. I’m getting everything ready. Another hour or so and we’ll be able to get the table ready.”

  Elle took the cheese from her mom and started grating the stuff into a pile. Her thoughts returned to Brandon as her bandaged wrist caught her eye. The wound pulsed, and the slight burning made it irritable.

  She listened to the conversation between her mother and friend with half an ear. Her pussy melted as Brandon invaded her mind once again. His big presence and alarming scent were hard to simply ignore. She’d spotted the wolf tattoo across his back, and all she wanted to do was lick the tat.

  He was covered in tats, and the power oozed out of him.

  Stop thinking about him.

  Another bunch of howling came through the night air. She closed the window opposite the counter. The night air sent chills up her spine.

  “They’re really howling some tonight. I’ve never known them to be like this,” Vivian said.

  Her parents had moved to Grace Hill when she was sixteen. She’d liked the decision then, but now that she was due to be mated to Brandon, she hated it. Her friends kept in touch with her, but she stopped them from visiting.

  Grace Hill had rules, and she’d been taught to abide by them. Letting out a sigh, she continued grating the cheese, trying to block all thoughts of the alpha from her mind.

  Chapter Five

  Brandon stood in the centre of the forests waiting for his pack to gather. The first bell had just rung letting the humans know the change was coming. He stared up at the full moon in the sky feeling the power it held over him. His muscles flexed as he watched each member of his pack moving through the clearing. Darcy, Drake, and Lewis stood beside him. He spotted Daisy as she came through with her mate. Matthew had his arm wrapped his mate. Several other mates were snuggled against each other in bliss. He saw Lori coming toward him.

  He raised his arms in the air gaining their attention. Silence descended on the gathering.

  “I want to thank you all for coming tonight. The full moon is powerful, and we use this night to give ourselves over to the night and the beast.”

  Cheers rang around the pack along with howls.

  “Tonight I bring great news as well. Today I was mated.”

  Gasps went around the group. Lori smirked, moving forward. She clearly thought he’d claimed her.

  “Who did you mate?” Daisy asked, stopping Lori from moving any farther with an arm around her waist.

  “Get off me, bitch,” Lori said.

  “Alpha will speak before you, slut.” Daisy threw her to the ground showing she may be old in years but not in strength.

  “No more,” Brandon said. He yelled the words as Lori went to attack Daisy. She stopped as his command brought her obedience. “I mated with a human. The fates have seen fit to match me with a human, and she will be your queen.”

  “What? A human by your side? Have you gone mad?” one of the men asked.

  Lori glared at him with hands on hips. “How can you pick a human to help you lead this pack?” she asked.

  He listened to them rant and rave.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Drake said, yelling. His beta gained their attention.

  “Who is the bitch who’ll be by your side?” Lori asked.

  Brandon charged to her side, wrapped his hand around her neck, and squeezed. “I don’t want to hear those words coming from your lips. Do you understand me?”

  He waited for her nod before he let go.

  “The last time I checked I was still fucking alpha.” He spun around looking over each member of his pack. Tearing his shirt from his body Brandon thumped his chest. “If any of you think you can beat me and lead this pack then take your best fucking shot.”

  Opening his arms wide, Brandon waited for a member to try to take his leadership from him.

  “I lead this pack. I say what goes, not you. I didn’t ask your permission who I was going to mate with.”

  “Who is the woman?” Matthew asked.

  “Elle Smith.”

  Lori charged at him shoving him in the chest. “You mean to pass me aside for that fat bitch. She’s never even been with a man. You can smell her innocence over her like a stink.” Grabbing her hand, Brandon twisted her away from him. She gasped, fighting his hold. He was bigger, stronger, and more determined than she.

  “I will hurt you, Lori, I swear, if you say one bad thing about my mate again, and it’ll be the last words you ever speak.”

  She growled, and her body went lax. He let her go then faced the crowd. “The fates have decided this for me. I didn’t choose a human mate. You know how fragile humans are. Elle is under my protection for the rest of her life. I will claim her. She will be mine. If anything happens to her from this day forward I’ll come to all of you. You’re responsible for looking after your queen, my woman.”

  Brandon looked toward Daisy, hoping the older woman would help him convince his pack.

  “Elle is a great woman. She’s strong and hard working. Yes, she’s human, but who cares about species? I stick by my alpha and my queen.” Daisy went down on one knee before him.

  After she went down the rest of the pack slowly went down, consenting to his claim of a mate. Lori glared at him, refusing to go down on one knee until she was the last person standing.

  “Are you fighting me, Lori?” he asked.

  “No, but I hope you know what a human mate will do to this pack.”

  “This is not your place to say, Lori. Bow down, or get the fuck out of Grace Hill.”

  She reluctantly went down on one knee.

  “I give you thanks. Let’s run.” Brandon walked away from the group. He stared up at the full moon, howled, and then changed into his wolf. All around him pack members changed. He listened to their thoughts. Many of them were picturing Elle by his side.

  “I want to congratulate you,” Matthew said. The wolf bowed down before him.

  Nodding his head, Brandon took off toward the forest. His three men followed him.

  “That went better than I thought,” Lewis said.

  “Only because Daisy showed she can still kick ass. She’d make one hot cougar,” Drake said.

  “Gross.” This came from Darcy.

  Brandon laughed finding their banter funny. He felt each member of the pack. Going to the edge of the forest he found himself near the edge of Elle’s house. Looking up at the window, he saw her, arms folded, staring down at

  “We’ve got to go, Alpha,” Drake said.

  He watched her, and inhaling her scent, he felt a calmness settle over him. Lori hadn’t been wrong. She was completely innocent. He’d sensed that this afternoon when he’d brought her to climax. Her response to him was far too shocked for her not to be innocent. Also, being a wolf he could smell innocence a mile away. She was pure, and the scent clung to her like a second skin.

  Soon, his scent would cover all trace of her innocence. There would be no other man lingering on her skin.

  Moving away from her house, Brandon howled at the sky. His mating couldn’t come soon enough for him.


  The second bell of the night rang out in the air letting the humans know it was clear to move out of their homes. The bells were in place for the humans’ safety. Some wolves couldn’t control their beasts, and if they sensed fear then they’d attack a human without thought. After the second bell she was usually forced to stay home, but now she was of age she could participate. Elle lifted a pot of chilli from the stove and made her way out to the table. Once she placed the pot on the centre she went back for more. For the next twenty minutes she gathered food and plates from her mother’s kitchen to place on the table.

  Layla nudged her with her hip. “Are you nervous?”

  Elle nodded and went back to setting the table. Pack members started arriving as the table was filled with food. They took their places at the head of the table. She sat by Layla as her parents took their seats next to her. Some of the wolves stared at her for several moments. She wasn’t used to being scrutinized by so many people. Male and female wolves took their time observing her. When all the wolves were seated, Elle wiped her sweaty palms on the tablecloth in her lap.

  Brandon still hadn’t joined them. No one reached for food. She noticed the whole pack around the table tense and stare behind her. Before she could turn around to see what gained their attention, fingers brushed her hair out of the way.


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