Billionaire Lover

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Billionaire Lover Page 6

by Tabatha Kiss

  “Zeke,” she stutters again. “I—”

  “I know,” I say, feeling her perfect curves.

  “Oh, god.”

  I feel every second of her climax. Time even does me a solid and slows down so I can experience it, unlike the first time. This time, I lose myself in the arch of her back and the twitch of her thighs around me. The beauty of her orgasm. It’s almost too much for me to handle.

  I force myself to stop, quickly pulling out as she mewls in front of me. I take hold of her twitching hand and draw her up to sit, kissing her numb lips hard as she trembles in my arms.

  “Turn around,” I whisper.

  She obeys, still weak and shaking. She turns her back to me and I lay a firm hand on her shoulder.

  “Bend over...”

  I guide her down and she rests on her elbows, the last stable part of her body, I imagine. I stare down at her perfect, tight ass while I line my cock up with her slit again.

  I enter her again and my balls instantly tighten. Rocky clenches around me as I give in to the pleasure of fucking her again.


  She turns her head, craning her neck back to look at me. I stare into those eyes, the ones I lost myself in so many times before but they never quivered with desire like this.

  I lean over and she pushes up onto her hands to meet me halfway. We kiss again, moans spilling off our lips as I fuck her a little harder.

  “I’ve wanted this...” I say, letting the words fall off my tongue. “For so long.”

  She raises a comforting hand to my cheek. “I know.”

  “I’ll never let you leave again,” I tell her.

  Rocky smiles. “I never want to.”

  I reach down, gripping her left leg and drawing it up to rest on the desk. My cock slides in deeper and we both gasp with passionate greed.

  “Fuck, Rocky.” I wrap an arm around her torso, cupping her breasts.

  “Don’t stop, Zeke. I’m gonna come again...”

  I hold back, desperate to feel that wet deluge all over again. “Come for me,” I whisper in her ear. “Do it or you’re fired.”

  Her moans shift into a twisted laugh but she does as she’s told. Her pussy throbs as she comes on my dick again, the warm, wet sensation forcing me over the edge. I come with her, shooting inside and filling her so deeply I feel it spill onto my thighs.

  I hold her close. I want nothing more to collapse and rest but I’m not ready to experience a moment without her in my arms just yet.

  “I love you,” I say, feeling it in my bones.

  Rocky turns her head and kisses me.



  “So, that happened.”

  I sit up on the desk and scan the room.

  “Yeah,” Zeke whispers, his voice carrying from his position next to me on the desk. “It did.”

  I spot articles of clothing scattered about the floor and honestly can’t tell whose is whose.

  “Wait…” He reaches out and touches my arm. “Don’t go yet.”

  I shoot him a kind smile and let him pull me back down to him. I lay my head on his chest and listen as his heart thumps loudly.

  “I want to enjoy this,” he says.

  I close my eyes and try not to let myself freak out about the fact that he’s my stepbrother.

  “It’s strange for me, too,” he says, reading my mind.

  “Yeah?” I ask.

  “I know I shouldn’t want this.” His hand strokes my hair. “But I can’t stop what I feel for you.”

  “I know what you mean,” I say. I can see it very clearly now, hindsight being as it is. Zeke has always held a special place in my heart.

  “I want this, Rocky,” he admits. “And I’m in… if you are.”

  I hesitate. “Zeke, this…” I sit up and balance on one arm. “This is a lot to take in.”

  He sits up and faces me. “I know. I don’t expect us to have this figured out right now.”

  “We should talk about it some more,” I decide.

  “Of course,” Zeke says. “How about tonight?”

  “I have class but I can stop by afterward,” I say.

  “Perfect.” He leans over and lands a sweet kiss on my lips.

  I slide off the desk to start gathering and separating our clothes. I find my shirt and slip into it. I try to button it, but remember that the buttons are now gone, hidden somewhere in the dark corners of my office.

  “Oh, yeah.” I laugh. “You destroyed my shirt.” I pull the torn shard off my body to inspect the damage a little closer.

  “Here,” Zeke says as he slips out of his own. “Wear mine. I’ll have someone fetch a new one for you.”

  I take his shirt and throw it over my arms. His scent lingers on it, filling my nose. “Thank you.” I button the over-sized shirt and tuck it into my slacks.

  Zeke leans over me and plants a kiss on me once more. “I have to go do some work.”

  “Okay,” I say, returning his kiss.

  He walks to the elevator, his nude, sweat-covered torso glistening in the sunlight.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” he says. He tosses me a wink as the doors close and my heart flutters again inside my chest.

  “Hey, Rocky.”

  I look up from the desk to find Logan stepping off the elevator. He holds a white paper bag in one hand.

  “Logan!” I greet. I stand up and walk around the desk to meet him. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you, and…” He reaches into the white paper bag and withdraws a paper-wrapped cylinder. “To bring you lunch.”

  “Oh, thank god!” I say, my stomach growling. “I was about to play quarters with the vending machine in the lobby.”

  He sets the sandwich on the desk. “Pfft, that’s no lunch for the assistant of a very important executive!” he jokes. His eyes glance down my body and he raises an eyebrow. “Is that a man’s shirt?”

  I look down at my body and search my brain for an excuse. “Oh, yeah…” I say. “I spilled coffee all over myself after I got here. Zeke let me borrow one of his until it gets cleaned.”

  Logan nods his head, but I see a twinkle of doubt in his eye. “Clumsy twit.”

  “That’s me!” I say. I hope my cheeks aren’t too pink. Lying has never been my strongest talent.

  We sit down at the desk and begin enjoying our sandwiches.

  “So, how is Zeke?” Logan asks.

  I wash down a bite of food with a gulp of coffee. “He’s fine,” I say. “Honestly, you’d know better than I would.”

  “Doubtful. We haven’t spoken much in the last few years.”

  I sit up straighter. “Really? I had no idea…”

  “Yeah,” Logan reaches for a napkin to wipe his lips.

  “Why?” I ask.

  “Oh, you know. Friends just drift apart.” I feel like he wants to say more, but he’s holding back.

  “Logan, I remember what happened that summer.” It’s a risk bringing it up. But I think it would be stranger if I never mentioned it seeing how badly I wanted to talk to him about what he said at the party.

  He pauses and keeps his eyes fixed on his shoes. “Oh?”

  “Yeah,” I say. I want to hear more from him than that. I wait patiently for him to say something else. The seconds feel so much longer than they really are.

  “Does Zeke know?” he finally asks.

  “Yes,” I answer. “We talked about it.”

  “What did he say?” Logan looks up at me with concern.

  “He said it was a long time ago and we shouldn’t let one night of weirdness ruin our current lives. And I agree with him.” I glance up at him and hope he buys it.

  The phone rings on the desk and I reach to answer it, happy for the sudden interruption.

  “Zeke Belmont’s office,” I say.

  “Is he there?” The voice is hurried, almost distraught.

  “No, Mr. Belmont is out at the moment, but I’d be happy to take a message.” I p
ick up a pen and slide a notepad over. “What’s your name?”

  “This is Madison.”

  I glance at Logan to find him staring at me. I don’t write down her name. “And what is this pertaining to?”

  “Just have him call me, please,” she says with annoyance. “He’s not answering his cell.”

  “Okay, ma’am, I will pass on the message.”

  “Thank you.”

  I hang up.

  “Who was that?” Logan asks.

  “Oh, it was no one.”

  I’m starting to feel like a different person. I didn’t know I was capable of lying this much.

  “Right…” he says. “Well, I should get going…” He stands up and crumples his food garbage.

  “Hey, Logan,” I say, reaching out to him. I place a hand on his arm. “Thanks for coming. I’ve missed you. We should do this again soon…”

  He pauses mid-stand and a sigh escapes him. “Look, Rocky…” he begins. “Keep your guard up, okay?”

  I sit back. “What do you mean?”

  “The Belmont family… you were never one of us.”

  “One of us?” I repeat.

  “You know what I mean — you’re special.”

  I say nothing and let the words sink in.

  Logan sits back down in his chair and leans over to me. “When you left… it sucked. But I knew it was the best thing for you. You deserve so much more than what the Belmont family can give you.”

  “Logan… I…”

  He cups his hands over mine. “Don’t let him distract you.”

  “I won’t,” I say.

  He looks right through me. My heart aches within my chest. I never thought for a second that my actions would have an impact on him. He was always just an extension of the Belmont family. Was I wrong to think he was just like them?

  “Good,” he says. His hand lingers in the air for a moment before landing on my cheek. “I should go,” he whispers.

  “Yeah,” I say, pulling away from him. “Say hi to Becky for me.”

  Logan stands up from his chair. “I will,” he says.

  “Bye, Logan.”

  He walks in silence toward the elevator and leaves me alone with many new thoughts.



  I board the elevator and press P for penthouse. It’s a little after four and I just clocked out from my first day as Zeke’s assistant. All day long, since Zeke left, I’ve had a smile frozen just beneath the surface of my face. I have a class at five-thirty but I have to see him before then.

  I try not to take what Logan said too seriously. He was a concerned friend, and he had every right to be. But I’m an adult and I’m pretty sure I can handle Zeke Belmont.

  As I step off the elevator and enter the foyer, I hear shouting coming from the penthouse. Two male voices. One of them is Zeke. And the other I immediately recognize as Mason Belmont.

  The door sits open ajar. I creep up to it, being careful not to cause any disturbance as I press my ear against the sound.

  “I told you repeatedly how important that call was! Do you have any idea how bad you made me look today?!”

  My heart sinks in my chest. The phone rang this morning while Zeke and I were…

  “I’m sorry I missed it, Dad. But I had other business going on then. They can reschedule.” Zeke sounds as nonchalant as ever. Mason always hated that about him. This isn’t the first of their arguments I’ve eavesdropped on. Back then, the topic usually revolved around Zeke’s laziness or inability to follow through on his responsibilities. I guess some things never change.

  “I can’t just reschedule every time you fuck up, Zeke. It’s about time you learned that. And what happened to that assistant of yours? I thought she was supposed to be in today.”

  “She had a class. She doesn’t work normal hours every day,” Zeke says, covering for me.

  A sudden smile creeps to my lips.

  “Well, get rid of her. She’s useless.”

  And just like that, in classic Mason Belmont style, the smile is gone.

  “She has a name, you know.”

  “I don’t care what stupid nickname she calls herself by, if she can’t work business hours like a normal person then she has no reason to be here.”

  “The unbreakable bond of the Belmont family sure is strong tonight.” This is a horrible time for Zeke to make a joke, but that’s never stopped him before.

  “You’re damn right it is, Zeke!” Mason’s decibel level jumps so high, it nearly knocks me off my feet. “In fact, I should have booted you out years ago, but I didn’t. Because you’re my son. Because you’re a Belmont. And dammit, you will start acting like one! Right now! Whether you like it or not!”

  “Sir. Yes, sir,” Zeke mutters.

  “Cut the crap, kid. You don’t want to push me on this.”

  The stomping of feet hurls so quickly at the front door, I don’t have time to react. The door swooshes open to reveal a red-faced Mason Belmont towering above me. I step out of the way and trip on my ankles in the process. My back slams into the wall as he pushes past me without a second glance.

  Zeke appears in the doorway. He opens his mouth to say something at Mason but stops when he sees me hunched over in the corner.

  “The London partners will be calling again tomorrow morning,” Mason barks from the elevator. “Make sure you answer this time.”

  His eyes fall on me as the elevator doors close. He looks at me like an insect. An unwanted annoyance buzzing about his head that needed to be squashed.

  “Rocky,” Zeke says. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I say as I push myself off the wall.

  “Come on in,” he says.

  “No…” I take a step back. “I don’t think I should.”

  “How long have you been out here?” he asks.

  “Long enough.” I cough through the bile building in my throat. “This is really bad, Zeke.”

  “Just… come in. Have a drink. We’ll talk—”

  “No,” I say again. “Nothing you just said will lead to any significant level of conversation.”

  “Rocky, come on…”

  “Tell me I’m wrong,” I challenge him. “Tell me that we are capable of being alone in a room together without things getting more complicated. I’ve screwed up too much already.”

  “You have not.”

  He takes a step toward me, but I quickly counter with a back step.

  “What happened with Madison?”

  He pauses. “Madison? What about her?”

  “She called the office today.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She said you weren’t answering your phone and that she needed to talk to you. She sounded really upset.” I watch him sigh and already know the answer to my next question. “What happened, Zeke?”

  “We broke up.”

  “She broke up with you? Or you broke up with her?”

  “I broke up with her.”


  He throws his hands up. “Because that’s what people do. It wasn’t serious in the first place, Rocky.”

  “Logan made it seem like—”

  “I don’t give two shits what Logan made it seem like,” he says. “I wasn’t happy with her. No one can make me happy… except you.”

  “Zeke…” I take a step forward. “That’s not true.”

  “Yes, it is, Rocky.” He leans against the open doorway. “I’ve tried. I’ve been with dozens of women since you left and there’s always something missing. I can’t be happy unless I’m with you.”

  “It can’t be that simple.”

  “It is…” Zeke steps off the wall and reaches out to take my hands. “I haven’t felt this good in years. And it all started the moment you called me and came back into my life.”

  “Zeke, I can’t be yours,” I say, even though it hurts so badly. “I’m your stepsister.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “I do.” I pull my ha
nds away and back up toward the elevator again. “It’s only been a few days and I’ve already destroyed your life.”

  Zeke chuckles. “You give yourself too much credit.”

  “I screwed things up with Madison. Now, Mason is pissed—”

  “He’s always pissed.”

  “But if we weren’t… together this morning, you would have taken that call, right?” I want him to agree. I need for him to see the logic behind all of this. “Right?”

  “Yes, fine. Probably.” He spits the words like a bad taste.

  “Zeke…” My chest burns, but I have to say it. “I can’t do this anymore. Logan’s right. Mason’s right… I don’t belong here.”

  “Come on, Rocky. Please don’t do this.” His eyes search my face, trying so hard to find a thread of chance that’s just not there. “We can work this out.”

  I turn around and step to the elevator. I keep my mouth shut, knowing that if I wanted to get out of here before bursting into tears, I was going to have to keep quiet.

  “Rocky, wait…”

  I hear him step toward me but I stick out a hand to halt him.

  “No, Zeke. Don’t follow me.”

  It’s all I can muster. I step onto the elevator and keep my watering eyes on my feet until the doors slide closed in front of me.



  It’s four in the morning. Sleep definitely isn’t happening for me tonight.

  I sit in my studio apartment with a coffee mug full of the wine Zeke gave me. My eyes jump from one area to the next as I come up with bare shards of a plan.

  I just spent the last hour taping boxes together. They now sit in the corner, just waiting for my belongings. Out by Friday, Marty had said. I have less than three days to come up with a new living situation. And now that I’ve quit my only source of income — on the first day. Excellent idea, Rocky. — My prospects don’t look good. I don’t even have a car to live in.


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