Coming Together

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Coming Together Page 5

by Brandy L Rivers

  “No.” She sighed. “His name is Stefano. Brent introduced us. Would you like to say hello?” Her tone took a snarky turn at the end.

  There was a sharp intake of breath on his side. “No. That’s fine. Be careful. Bad shit is going down.”

  “Okay,” she answered slowly. Then concern filled her tone. “You sound tired. Get some rest.”

  Stefano couldn’t help frowning at the change in demeanor.

  “Be careful, Jackie. I’ll see you later.” His voice broke and then the phone shut off.

  Sliding the phone into her bag, her expression crumpled. “Shit. He’s never like this. There has to be something seriously wrong.”

  Stefano asked, “What could it be?”

  She shook her head. “Wish I knew. Do you mind walking me home now? Maybe tomorrow we can see each other?”

  “That was your roommate?” Jealousy rolled through him.

  Jacqueline rambled on, “I’m beginning to wonder if his girlfriend dumped him when he proposed.” Her eyes narrowed dangerously. “Which means I may have to go kick some sense into her.” Then her eyes widened. “Tell me you aren’t the jealous type. He’s my best friend—like a brother.” Doubt flickered across her face as she looked in the direction of home. “I really should go check on Eddie.”

  “Please, allow me to escort you.” He couldn’t help wondering what she truly felt for her roommate.

  “As long as you aren’t going to be a jealous asshole because of Eddie. That’s a deal breaker, no ifs, ands or buts.”

  Had he been an issue with boyfriends in the past? Of course he would be. A beautiful woman hanging around another man. Even a friend. That would change. He wouldn’t share Jacqueline with anyone. Not this roommate. Not Brent. No one.

  Until he won her heart, he would have to find a way to accept the situation. Then things would change, quickly.

  He managed to put a warm smile on his face. “No, of course not. I was simply caught off guard,” he answered smoothly. “Shall we walk?”

  “Please.” She drew a breath. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to leave you early, but I’m worried about him.”

  “I understand.” The lie rolled off his tongue easily. “Lead the way.”

  As she walked, she pulled out her phone. “What’s your number?”

  He rattled off the digits he’d only recently learned. She programmed them into her phone, then grinned as she tapped in a few more things.

  His cell buzzed a second later and he pulled it out with an arched brow.

  “Now you have my number.” She shrugged slightly. “I’m not ditching you because I didn’t enjoy my time. I did.”

  Her words settled some of the unease, and he found a few of his own to comfort her—for now. “Friends are important. Hopefully soon I can call you mine.”

  She nodded, her gaze drifting over her shoulder as she picked up her pace. The way her body tensed, and her brow pinched, concerned him.

  He sensed the dark presence as well. An old dread crept into his gut. Shadows appeared darker. His past would catch up to him eventually. Decades had passed since the last run in with his worst nightmare.

  Unfortunately, she would be safer at home, without him. Perhaps he could find and stop the Shadowstalkers before they targeted the woman who had pulled him out of his dark shell.

  Shaking off the worry, he smiled at Jacqueline. “What time are you off tomorrow?”

  She smiled back. “One. Will I see you then?”

  “You will.”

  He didn’t miss the way she kept looking back, but her mood had brightened.

  She came to a stop at her door and faced him. “I’m looking forward to tomorrow. Thank you for the walk.”

  “I hope your friend is okay. Perhaps he’s only worried.” He took her hand and placed a kiss over her pulse point. “Good night, my lovely siren.” He released her, backing toward the street.

  Jacqueline waved before slipping through the door.

  Stefano saw the dark figure in the window, watching. He wondered what the young man was thinking. Dark emotions emanated from him.

  Time to check in with Tiana.

  Chapter 7

  Smiling, Jackie locked the door and watched as Stefano backed down the street before turning and walking into the night. A sense of hope flooded her. Stefano might manage to keep her mind off what she couldn’t have.

  Gorgeous, sexy accent, hard body, impeccable taste in clothes, and he smelled really good. She sighed wistfully as she walked down the hall.

  Frowning, she paused at Eddie’s door. Could Kim really have dumped Eddie? They were so good together.

  Though, if she did dump him, chances were he wouldn’t let her go kick Kim’s ass.

  No, he needed a friend, which meant she would hold him all night, and every night until he was over Kim. Last thing she wanted to do was flaunt her new crush if he was brokenhearted.

  Taking a deep breath, she went to her room and quickly changed. Talk about bad timing. Though if there were even a chance Eddie saw her the same way, Stefano would quickly be forgotten.

  A part of her was relieved Kim might be out of the picture and that left her feeling guilty. Not to mention pissed. Dumping Eddie? Why in the hell would Kim dump Eddie? They were so good together.

  Even when he acted like the overprotective big brother, Jackie loved him. He’d realize he overreacted, and apologize, and Jackie would melt. Eddie genuinely cared about her, his friends, his girlfriends.

  If Kim really dumped Eddie, she wanted to know why. The more she thought about it, the more pissed she became. She’d invited her father out to meet him. Talk about cruel.

  * * * *

  Eddie stood at the window.



  Nothing squelched the fear Jackie would meet the same fate as Kim. Of course, she chose to wander around the same damned park Kim died in that morning.

  Tempted as he was to track her down and follow, that would only piss her off. And if he was honest with himself, she was better equipped to deal with a vampire, or any attacker, than he was.

  Didn’t help that she was too damned fearless for her own good. Nothing slowed her down. Not for long. But he’d never worried about Kim, and now she was dead on a slab.

  Losing Kim hurt, but he would never survive losing Jackie. Even as he spent the rest of his day with Kim’s father, his mind kept wandering back to Jackie.

  World class asshole. That’s me. Fucking pussy-assed fraud.

  Sure, he could tell Jackie what he’d always felt. But if he did, he would lose his best friend. Fear kept him silent. As much as he wanted the words to dance off his tongue, he could imagine the outcome.

  First shock. Then anger. Soon after, she would shut him out of her life. She did it with every man who got too close.

  Hell, it was a miracle she hadn’t done it to Skylar after their brief romance. Or maybe that was why they fell apart, though they’d managed to remain friends, unlike any other guy Jackie had ever dated. Perhaps the fact they’d been friends since high school helped. Or the fact Skylar had been in love with a man the whole time, and finally wound up with him shortly after their brief fling.

  Maybe that was the key. She didn’t want anyone too close for fear of losing them. Her mother had died a few weeks after giving birth. Her father was murdered when she was six. His own parents left this world when he and Jackie were eighteen. Not a single man stuck around when she refused to let Eddie go, leaving her lonely. Everyone left Jackie, so she’d leave before she cared too much.

  Jackie turned the corner two blocks away and he finally took a full breath. She walked up the street at a hurried pace. His heart thumped painfully when he took in the man accompanying her.

  From where he stood, he could sense the Otherness. Death stained his aura. A vampire. The same type of creature that took Kim from him.

  The bloodsucker kissed her pulse point. It took every ounce of will for Eddie to stay rooted to his spot, while image
s of ripping his fangs out of his mouth and shoving them into the creep’s eyeballs filled his head.

  Jackie stepped inside, and the vampire walked back down the street. Eddie eased onto the bed and rubbed his hands over his face.

  Jealousy, a bitter pill to swallow.

  Fuck. I’m a pathetic asshole.

  Tears burned his eyes and trailed down his face. His girlfriend was dead, and he was more worried about Jackie. The emotional hurricane tore him apart. His heart ached.

  How could he lose Kim? His fierce dragon, the one he thought could take care of herself.

  His conscience twisted when Jackie knocked gently on his bedroom door. Guilt, jealousy, and self-disgust all warred within. His girlfriend lay on a slab in the morgue, while thoughts of Jackie filled his head.

  And now, he faced losing her to a monster.

  Moments passed before a second soft knock on his door.

  He found his voice through the lump in his throat. “Come in.”

  The door opened, and Jackie stepped inside. She’d already changed into a silk nightie.

  Jackie froze. Then a look of anger took hold. “Oh, Eddie, do I need to kill the bitch for breaking your heart?”

  “She’s gone.”

  Jackie’s arms crossed over her chest as her head cocked. “Did she fly back to China? I can hop a flight and kick her ass.”

  “No, come here. Please,” he begged.

  She moved toward him, the anger fading to worry.

  “I want my friend,” he whispered.

  Jackie lay down and pulled him into her arms. “What happened, Eddie? Why are you so upset?”

  He rolled to his side, looking into her eyes. “They found Kim this morning. In Volunteer Park. The medical examiner said her blood evaporated, some unknown disease. It’s been going on for a week. Ten strange deaths throughout Seattle. Mr. Xhangxi says it’s only attacking Others. This isn’t a sickness, Jackie. Vampires are draining Others, leaving them for dead.”

  Her eyes widened. “You’re sure?”

  “Very. Her father didn’t confirm it, but I’m positive he suspects. No one is talking.”

  “I can call Mike in the morning. Now that he’s a Silver Council Enforcer, he may have answers.”

  “I’d appreciate it.”

  She caressed his face. “How can I help?”

  Tears fell as he pulled her close and buried his face in her sweet-smelling hair. “When you didn’t come home, I kept wondering if you were going to suffer the same fate.”

  She swallowed. “I was with a vampire.”

  A low rumble resonated in his chest. “I noticed. Scared the shit out of me when I saw you.”

  “Brent introduced us. He wouldn’t put me in danger.”

  “Be careful. Please. I can’t lose you too.”

  “Not losing me, I promise.” She snuggled closer. “I’m here for you. You know that, right?”

  “I do.”

  “Want me to stay and hold you?”

  He nodded. “Please. I don’t want to be alone.”

  * * * *

  “Stefano, have you seen the news?” Tiana asked as he hurried into the bookshop.

  “No, but Sidra was following Jacqueline and me. Clive too,” he answered.

  “Relax. Jackie can handle herself, and many people are watching over her.”

  He snorted. “Who would stand against a pair of ruthless Shadowstalkers?”

  “Many more than you would believe. This is a new world, Stefano. Rules are changing, alliances developing. Have faith.”

  “I don’t want anything to happen to her because of me.”

  Tiana cupped his shoulders. “Now that you’ve talked to her, what do you think?” There was a sparkle in her eye he couldn’t fathom.

  “I crave her, but maybe I shouldn’t see her again. Sidra will target her, and I don’t want Jacqueline in more danger because of my past. Though I’m not sure I can resist.”

  “I wouldn’t worry too much about Jackie. She’s a mage, and something more. A whole new set of magic has become available to her, she simply has to embrace her other half.”

  “Can she resist a Shadowstalker? Fight against them?”

  “Possibly, I’m not positive. Siren can, but she’s only half.”

  “Leaving her alone would be safer than pursuing her.”

  “Don’t give up before you try. And unlike Eloise, Jackie is a strong woman who doesn’t require saving.”

  Stefano combed his fingers through his hair and shook his head. “I don’t know. There’s something between her and her roommate.”

  Tiana shrugged. “Doesn’t mean you can’t have her. He was going to propose to his girlfriend until Sidra and Clive killed her.”

  “Killed her? When?” Stefano demanded.

  “Early yesterday morning. It was in the news. The Silver Council has spun it to look like a sickness.” Tiana moved toward him. “Don’t worry. He’s too broken up and Jackie’s practically his sister.”

  Stefano paced away, running his hands through his hair. “I don’t know, Tiana. He called and she immediately left to go to him. He didn’t even tell her what was wrong.”

  “He’s been her best friend since birth. She probably heard the distress in his voice.”

  “You don’t do that for a friend,” he countered.

  Tiana rolled her eyes. “You may never have had a friend close enough you would do anything for, but she does.”

  “Fine. How do we protect her? Sidra will target her because of me.”

  She picked up a book and tossed it across the counter. “Here, if we can build a case and provide proof to the Silver Council, we can help stop Sidra and Clive before they take things too far.” She tossed him another. “This one explains the laws for vampires, though there aren’t many in the area.”

  “How will this help?” His faith in the old laws had drained away the first time they tried to make a case. The Silver Council had yet to lift a finger against Sidra and Clive.

  “Trust me, Stefano. Things are different now. Especially here. Both the Elders and the Silver Council are handling things more decisively. They even work together in cases like this. Have some faith.”

  Chapter 8

  Blazing hot lips trailed down her throat and along her collarbone, pulling her from sleep. A heated caress over her mound made her gasp with hunger. His hips flexed, pushing his straining length against her thigh. Her breath quickened as lips closed over her silk-covered nipple.

  “Oh, oh please,” Jackie moaned as his fingers slipped under her panties and delved into her heat. Hair draped over her arm as he tugged down her nightgown with his teeth, then kissed across her chest to suck a nipple into his mouth.

  Realization slapped her in the face. She was in Eddie’s bed.

  Her eyes flipped open. He lay over her, grinding, working her body closer to release. “Eddie, wake up, please. Eddie!” she cried.

  A deep, rumbling purr rolled through him as she came undone. Her fingers delved into his hair as her back arched. The determination to fight almost left as his lips covered hers, his tongue demanding her attention.

  Her heart broke at knowing he wasn’t awake. This wasn’t about giving into a passion that had been growing forever.

  No. He was dreaming about Kim.

  He moved over her, his hard length slipping through her slick folds. His hand caressed her side, sliding her nightgown up. Tears burned her face as she pushed at him, half-heartedly. He was stronger, but more so because she wanted him worse than she wanted to stop his unintended seduction.

  Eddie pushed into her and with a rush of guilt, she realized she couldn’t let him fuck her. Not when he would never choose her as a bed partner. Gripping two handfuls of hair, she yanked his head and screamed, “Wake up, Eddie!”

  His eyes fluttered open. Full lips curled into a smile as he leaned down to kiss her.

  “Stop, please stop,” she whimpered, pushing at him again, because if he didn’t stop, she would let him fuck
her, screwing up their friendship in the process.

  He blinked slowly, then scrambled off her so fast she lay there for a moment, trying to catch her breath.

  “Jackie, oh fuck, Jackie, I'm sorry,” he pleaded from the other side of the bed, his erection standing proud over his pants.

  She needed to escape before she pulled him back to her, encouraged him to finish what he’d started. Offering a lame smile, she climbed off the bed and backed toward the door. “Hey, let’s forget it happened. You were having one hell of a wet dream.” She yanked her nightgown into place and blinked back tears. “You’re half-crazed with grief. I’m going to take a shower.”

  The devastation on his face proved she’d made the right choice, though it had crushed her.

  * * * *

  What the fuck did I do?

  He stared at the door for a long moment before looking down at his rock-hard dick.

  “Ah shit.” He pulled his pants up and looked at the mussed bed. Her taste lingered on his lips, her smell on his skin.

  She must hate me. The look on her face, the way she trembled in fear. Shit.

  His eyes closed, he sank onto the bed, tears flowing freely as his shoulders shook. He thought about telling her the truth. That she’d starred in that dream—every dream.

  But that would be a dumb fucking move. He should be grieving, not trying to claim Jackie.

  Eddie groaned when he dropped his head into his hands and smelled her desire on his fingers. His heart twisted further.

  What the fuck did that mean?

  He got her off, and she stopped him.

  Standing up, he paced the room. Shit, maybe she was dreaming of Stefano until she woke up. Fuck!

  So many things he wanted to say to her, and none of them seemed right. His alarm blared and he slammed his hand down to shut the noise off.

  Two hours until he would meet Zhi for breakfast and help plan Kim’s funeral. Instead, all he wanted to do was repair the damage he’d caused with his morning assault. Not that anything could do that.


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