Coming Together

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Coming Together Page 10

by Brandy L Rivers

  “What did you find?” she asked slowly.

  “A shit ton of blood, some of it yours.”

  “Yeah, get over here and I’ll give you the story.”

  “I’ll do you one better and bring coffee.” She caught his laugh before hanging up.

  Jackie dressed in her favorite beat-up jeans, an old 30 Seconds to Mars t-shirt, and her combat boots. She skipped makeup. They were going camping later. Other than a trip to the liquor store, she was pretty much set to go.

  She stepped into the hall with a messenger bag slung over her shoulder.

  Eddie took her arms with a soft smile. “You really called Mike?”

  Rolling her eyes, she shrugged. “You didn’t want me to go alone.”

  He reached up, gently capturing her face. “Don’t want you to go without me.”

  She stepped back with a frown. “Please tell me you aren’t jealous of Mike, of all people.”

  “No. I know you better than that, Angelfish.”

  Her lips twisted into a smile. “Which is why I love you.”

  “Be careful today.”

  She leaned up and kissed Eddie softly. “Mike and I will protect each other.” She winked and walked down the hall.

  The door chimed. Too soon for Mike, she hurried to look out the peephole.

  Toryn’s vivid blue eye stared through the tiny window.

  Laughing, she stepped back and let the guys in. “You’re early.”

  “Heard a rumor about you,” Toryn teased.

  She swallowed, heat rising up her face. “Does everyone know?”

  Toryn gave her a hug. “Not everyone. Welcome to the club.”

  She snorted. “Thanks, I think.”

  He leaned back, and Scotty squeezed her shoulder. “Jayde kept telling me we should warn you about what was coming.”

  She groaned. “Yeah, well I didn’t want to hear it. Got to the point denial no longer worked.”

  Lonny shut the door behind him, an understanding smile on his lips. “Anyone sensitive should notice you’ve had your awakening.”

  Her blush deepened. The night with Mathis and Paavo wasn’t something she wanted to rehash, especially with Eddie standing right there.

  Lonny leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Everything will sort itself out now. Relax, and enjoy.”

  She groaned. “Eddie told you why you’re here, right?”

  He nodded. “To work some wards. You managed to attract more trouble.”

  “Shadowstalkers,” Toryn clarified. “Worst of the vampires. Don’t worry, this place will be safe from them soon. Although, Brent informs me one has developed an unhealthy obsession for you?”

  She groaned. “Stefano. Why am I so damned stupid?” she muttered.

  Eddie turned her toward him. “You are not stupid, Jackie. We’ll figure this out.”

  “Hope so.”

  “If these Shadowstalkers are targeting Others, they’d target you anyway.”

  She pushed him back. “That’s not fair. They could just as easily target you.”

  “Well, if you weren’t such a temptation—”

  Jackie threw her hands up with a growl. “You’re impossible.”

  Toryn chuckled. “He’s right.”

  Her head whipped toward him with a glare. “You never took me up on any of my advances.”

  “You weren’t awakened yet, and that’s not something I do,” he countered. “And now, I’m quite happy with Isa.”

  She blushed, realizing what she’d said. “Probably a good thing. I like Isa. And Jayde. And well, damn, even Lonny turned me down.”

  “You realize we’re friends with Eddie?” Lonny smirked. “It’s no secret how he feels, as much as he tries to hide it.”

  “But he always has a girlfriend.”

  Scotty snorted. “Doesn’t change the truth. We all took bets on how long it would take you two to admit what you both felt.”

  Toryn nodded. “Besides, he warned us what he’d do if any of us hurt you.”

  She swallowed hard.

  Eddie groaned. “See, they wanted you. Everyone wants you. It’s always been like this.”

  “I can’t help that.” She sighed, looking at the wall to avoid everyone’s gaze.

  “Don’t need to.” He moved in front of her and captured her gaze. “When you’re committed to someone, you don’t mess around. Doesn’t matter what anyone else wants, I know who you’ll choose.”

  “I’ll choose you,” she promised.

  “You are the only choice for me, now that I know it’s what you want too.” He took a quick kiss. “Go. I hear Mike’s car.”

  Blushing, she moved toward the door. “I’ll be back before camping.”

  Eddie caught her arm. “Be careful, Jackie. Come back to me in one piece.”

  She nodded, her breath hitching at the intensity in his gaze. The guys gave catcalls as she hurried out the door and down to Mike’s car with a full-on blush.

  Mike laughed as she slid into the seat. “So, what’s going on with you and Eddie, because that looked an awful lot like a step in the right direction. The guys seem to agree.”

  She sighed. “Keep a secret?”

  He gave her an amused nod. “Of course.”

  “We sort of figured out that we’ve both been in love with the other since forever. And we’re both stupid because neither of us realized the other felt the same.”

  Mike grinned. “Finally. Let me guess. You’re keeping it quiet because of Kim’s death and her father being in town?”

  She nodded, her face scrunching.

  “Yeah, definitely a tough situation. Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Though how long do you think the two of you can keep your emotions hidden?”

  “Hopefully while Kim’s father is in town. I don’t want an ancient dragon breathing down Eddie’s neck, thinking Eddie jumped into another woman’s bed two seconds after his daughter died. He truly is torn up about her death. The timing royally sucks.”

  “Tell me what happened last night. Brent is the only reason I didn’t hunt you down to verify you were okay. He assured me you were.”

  Jackie snorted. “Apparently I have a vampire stalker. Two Shadowstalkers are after him, and so now they want to munch on me.”

  “Stefano is stalking you?” Mike asked incredulously.

  “Asshole has been following me for more than a week. He’s obsessed, only I didn’t realize it until he sank his teeth into me. Drive. I want to visit A Good Book. I’ll tell you what I know on the way.”

  He started the car and pulled away from the curb. She told him everything that had happened the night before.

  Mike shook his head at the end. “Stefano is obsessed with you because you look like his dead wife?”

  She shrugged. “From a couple hundred years ago. I’m pretty sure I don’t fit the mold of a woman’s role back then.”

  “Doubtful. So, what do you want in Edenton?”

  “To learn more about what I am.”

  “Which is?”

  “Half-siren. Brent says my loving can be addictive under the right circumstances. Jared seems obsessed with me, not to mention a vamp. Why can’t I be normal?”

  Mike laughed. “Normal is overrated. You wouldn’t be happy normal. And Jackie, you’re charismatic. People like being around you because you’re generally optimistic, beautiful, and fun-loving. Even those of us who don’t want to get you naked, like being around you.”

  She smiled over. “Thanks. I needed to hear that.”

  “Hear what?”

  “That people like me for more than my sex appeal.”

  “We do. Now, if Eddie can’t be with you while you’re out and about, you call me, or Brent. Two vampires are not easy to handle alone, no matter how kickass you are. And yes, you’re pretty damned kickass. I saw what you did at the party.”

  She grinned. “I won’t go out alone. Even in daylight, I didn’t want to. It’s why I called you. Besides, you’re tight with Liz and Tremaine. Figured this
would be easier. Hey, where’s Gwen? I’m hoping she’ll train me some more.”

  “Her mother is in town, so they’re doing the spa thing. Though I’m sure she’ll be happy to spend some more time working on your magic.”

  * * * *

  “So you two finally realized what we already knew?” Scotty asked.

  Eddie’s eyes narrowed. “What do you mean, ‘already knew’?”

  Toryn snorted. “You two can’t keep your eyes off each other. Even when Kim was around, you were more worried about what Jackie was doing and with whom. None of us really thought you’d get around to proposing. And if you had? One of us would have sat you down for a ‘come to Jackie’ conversation.”

  He rubbed at his face, a new wave of guilt crashing over him.

  “Hey.” Scotty patted his shoulder. “We watched Toryn pretend he wasn’t head-over-heels in love with Isa for ten years. Only you two were worse. Way worse.”

  Eddie sighed. “Has to stay quiet for now, but yeah. And we’re taking our time. Between Stefano and Kim’s death, I don’t want anyone to get the wrong impression, thinking I was cheating on Kim. I wasn’t, I wouldn’t. I didn’t think Jackie felt the same. And I don’t want to make things worse for Jackie.”

  “Our lips are sealed,” Toryn stated. “We’ll keep an eye out for both of you.”

  “Brent’s going with us tonight. We’ll be out in the woods, behind wards.”

  “Camping?” Lonny asked. “Why now?”

  Eddie shrugged. “Full moon. Going to shift for the first time tonight. Won’t have to shift on a full moon after that, but the first time for shaman is always on a full moon.”

  “What will you be?” Toryn asked, genuinely curious.


  “Sweet,” Lonny exclaimed.

  Eddie couldn’t help laughing. “So, you all knew what Jackie was?”

  “We did.” Scotty drew a slow breath. “Brent’s been trying to get her to talk. She’s right, she wasn’t listening.”

  Eddie nodded. “Fair or not, she’s mad her mom left. She thought she was dead. Brent said she was taken and held prisoner. Not sure if she’s still alive.”

  An expression passed over Scotty’s face as he looked to Toryn and back. “Has Jackie talked to Brent since the awakening?”

  He nodded. “He’s going to tell her more tonight.”

  Scotty turned to help with the wards.

  Toryn moved closer and dropped his voice. “I get it. You’re worried about her, but if you push too hard on her safety, you will lose her.”

  Eddie grunted. “Easier said than done.”

  “You’ll need to learn to be sneaky to keep an eye on her. You don’t have the advantage of glamour. I’ll help you come up with some ideas. I understand. I constantly worry about Isa, and can’t be so open with the fact that I watch over her.”

  “Thanks, man. I’m all ears.”

  Chapter 14

  Mike looked over as he pulled up to the curb. “So, you knew all along you were a mage, but not a siren?”

  “Yeah. By the time anyone tried to explain to me I was half-fae, I didn’t want to hear what kind. Didn’t think it mattered.” She sucked in a breath and let it out. “When did you find out you’re a druid?”

  “Known all along. Mom locked up our magic to keep us safe. Roxy’s the same as me. Only…” His head tipped to the side. “Keep a secret?”

  “Of course. But I already know. She’s a werewolf. I may not be a Council mage, but I am friends with a lot of Others. Grew up with shaman. You were something more, Roxy too. I’m not the type who can pinpoint what someone is by essence, but I can sense the magic.”


  “Yeah. Jordan’s something else too. But Doug, he’s really human?”

  He nodded. “Yup, and he’s not interested in learning about the Other side of the world either.”

  “Hmm. He knows about you guys though?”

  “Not much. Had to tell him at least something after I accepted my fate.”

  “Come on. I don’t want to stay gone all day.”

  He gave her a smirk. “Anxious to get back to Eddie?”

  She nodded. “Mmhmm. No reason to cause him more worry, especially right now.”

  “I’m amazed you’re taking Eddie’s protective nature in stride.”

  “He just lost Kim to vampires. I’m not going to let him lose me too. And Mike, three of them feasted on me last night. I have a reason to be concerned.”

  “Yeah. Don’t blame you there.”

  She half-laughed. “Why do you think I called you? Figured Silver Council backup would set Eddie’s mind at ease.”

  “I’m glad you called.”

  Smiling, Jackie climbed out of the car and slipped into A Good Book.

  Mike hurried to catch up. “Maybe you and Eddie should try a new approach. Watch out for each other,” he said as he stepped inside.

  “He’ll argue that I’m the target.”

  “Usually you are. I’ll talk to him.”

  She grinned. “Thanks. Maybe it will work.”

  “What will work?” Tremaine asked.

  “Nevermind. Hey, do you have books about siren? Please. And maybe something on shaman? Oh, and on vampires and/or Shadowstalkers. Yes, I plan on doing a lot of reading.”

  Tremaine smirked. “I heard you had a photoshoot with a couple siren. Why not ask them?”

  Heat infused Jackie’s cheeks. “Um… for now, I’d rather not.”

  A grin lifted one corner of his mouth, but he held his comment. “Okay. Why shaman?”

  “Eddie is one. Want to catch up on what to expect when he shifts for the first time tonight. It’s been awhile since Grampa John told us.”

  “First time? How old is he?” Tremaine asked with wide eyes.

  “Twenty-six. Later than normal by a few years or so. For some reason, he finds it hard to wrap his head around it all. He does better if I can help explain stuff.”

  “You do have a curious mind. Why not look up siren sooner?”

  “Didn’t realize I was half-siren.”

  “Oh,” Tremaine said slowly. “And why the interest in vampires?”

  “I played an unwilling blood bank last night. Now I want to learn any and all tricks to get rid of them.”

  “Well, shit. Give me a few and I’ll get you those books.”

  * * * *

  Eddie sat at the kitchen table staring at the eulogy he’d written for Kim. Another helping of guilt dropped into the pit of his stomach. While he wrote eloquently of their friendship and love, he left out the fact Kim was never first in his heart.

  I’m a damned prick.

  Glancing at his watch, he sat back in the chair and glared at the ceiling. Jackie had been gone for hours. Temptation to track her down almost drove him out the door. Toryn had a point though. Too much watching over her and she’d feel like a prisoner. He didn’t want to do that to her.

  I could text her. That’s not too intrusive.

  The door opened, and Jackie stepped in with her messenger bag full, a brown paper sack—no doubt holding a bottle of Jack Daniels—and an empty iced coffee cup. He had to grin as she moved past him with a flirty smile and dropped the cup in the trash.

  He stood up and stalked toward her. She sat her things on the bar as his hands wrapped around her waist, walking her back against the counter.

  Jackie stared into his eyes while pressing against him. “Mmm, kiss me,” she whispered.

  His lips grazed over hers as they parted. His tongue slid in, caressing hers. Moaning, she threaded her fingers into his hair. “Eddie,” she murmured against his lips.

  “Hmm,” he groaned, sucking her bottom lip while his hands moved under her shirt, caressing her silky skin.

  “How long before Brent gets here?”

  “Not long,” he answered, wishing they had more time.

  “I can’t wait for everything to settle down,” she said in a husky purr, pulling his head back down for another ki

  He cupped her breasts and her needy whimper made him impossibly harder. No bra, skin soft, tight pebbled tips begging for attention. Pinching lightly caused her body to undulate. “Eddie, please.”

  They both jumped at the knock on the door.

  “Time’s up.” He backed away, releasing her as she tugged her shirt down with her lip caught between her teeth.

  Brent let himself in while they stared at each other.

  “Well, this should be an interesting adventure,” Brent offered sarcastically.

  “I have to pack real quick.” Jackie quietly slipped from the room.

  Brent stalked closer, his voice dropping low. “If you get horny after you shift, I’m cutting your balls off.”

  Eddie’s whole face wrinkled. “Uh, yeah, I’m not going to hump Jackie’s leg or anything.”

  “Thank goodness. She’d probably kill me for maiming you.” Brent shuddered.

  “Think there’s any chance I might hurt her?”

  Brent shook his head, a slow smile spreading. “No. You love her. You’ll never harm Jackie.”

  Eddie peeked in the paper bag and shook his head. Two bottles.

  A sheepish shrug lifted her shoulder as Jackie came out with her backpack in hand. Snatching the brown sack, she tucked it in the front compartment. “I’ll need some liquid courage for my conversation with Brent.”

  A soft laugh left his lips. “You really feel comfortable drinking in the woods while I’m prowling around in my other form?”

  Her lips quirked up, light dancing in her eyes. “Brent and I can climb a tree to stay out of the way if you lose it. Shaman, though, don’t usually go crazy their first shift like some wereanimals can.”

  He wet his lips. “That so?”

  Watching his mouth, she nodded slowly. “Mmm, it is.”

  “Do you have any idea what I’ll become?” His brow arched.

  She shrugged, her eyes skating to his. “You never told me about your spirit walk, and your dad said you wouldn’t learn until you went.” Her nose wrinkled as she tipped her head. “I don’t have a clue.”

  “Hmm, I never did tell you.” A frown marred his face. All shaman went through their spirit walk sometime around puberty. He only ever told his grandfather about his. “I’ll have to fix that someday soon, but it’s not important right now. Cougar, that’s what I’ll be.”


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