Coming Together

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Coming Together Page 14

by Brandy L Rivers

  Zhi’s words healed a part of his heart. Eddie nodded, unable to form a response.

  “Go. Let her give you comfort. Today is hard for all of us.” He gave Eddie a gentle push.

  Letting his heart guide him, Eddie moved back to Jackie, taking her hand the same way as before.

  Jackie turned to him, tears filling her eyes. He squeezed her hand, and gave her a slight nod. So many things he wanted to say, but this was neither the time nor the place.

  * * * *

  Relief flooded Jackie as they escaped the funeral home. Brent led her and Eddie to the Jitterhouse. She wanted to crunch the ice from her Americano, hopefully drown out the guilty voice in her head.

  “Why so quiet?” Eddie asked softly.

  She blinked back tears as she met his gaze. “My heart’s broken after hearing such beautiful words for Kim. I’m the worst friend.”

  He stopped and turned toward her, taking her hands. “You’re the best friend I could ever hope for. There would be no words if I lost you because I wouldn’t survive.”

  Looking away she sighed. “I don’t know what to say.”

  He whispered against her ear, “I love you. I’ve always loved you, even Zhi figured it out.”

  A gasp left her lips as she leaned back.

  Eddie captured her eyes with a smile. “He encouraged me to move on. Even if it’s now, and with you.”

  “You want to move on?”

  His gaze never wavered. “I can’t claim I won’t grieve at times, but I can’t imagine letting you go. I need you, Jackie. More so now than ever before.”

  She laid her head against his shoulder and held on tight. “I would break to pieces if I ever had to let you go.”

  Brent placed a hand on her shoulder. “Okay, you’ll have to tell Stefano there’s no hope, sooner than later. I hope he can accept your decision.”

  Jackie stepped away from Eddie, turning to Brent. “He’ll have to. I know you wanted me to remain neutral, but he makes me really uncomfortable after seeing in his head. I’m not willing to pretend, even to gain his help.”

  Brent nodded. “You’re right. Come on, let’s get coffee, and get you two home.”

  Eddie pulled her through the door.

  Mike had somehow beat them to the café. He stood with Doug at the counter. Mike motioned them over, and looked at Brent. “Hey, you heard from Jared lately?” Jared rented a room from Brent, so it was a logical question.

  Brent shook his head, a look of concern on his face. “Sorry. I haven’t been home since yesterday afternoon.”

  “Can you check your house?” Mike asked with an edge, his gaze intense.

  Doug stood beside them, looking from one to another. “I wouldn’t be worried, except he’s never been late. Jared never showed up, didn’t call. I’m concerned, especially with that weird disease all over the news.”

  Jackie held her comment. Human, Doug hadn’t accepted the world of Others. He wasn’t ready to have his bubble burst, so she reached over to squeeze his shoulder.

  “We’re heading there next.” Brent looked to Jackie. “Go, get your coffee. Let me talk to Mike.”

  She nodded. Eddie pulled Doug aside, and she went to the counter where Skylar hopped up from her stool behind the counter. “Hey, your Americano on ice?”

  She nodded. “Splash some coconut in there, please.” There were a few flavors she alternated between.

  “How was the funeral?” Skylar asked.


  “That’s typical. How’s Eddie holding up?”

  “Better than I imagined he would. He’s not falling apart.” She wasn’t ready to admit how things had changed. Not yet.

  Skylar looked over her shoulder, presumably at Eddie, and gave her a knowing smile. “Because he has an amazing friend to hold him up.”

  Jackie nodded. If Mr. Xhangxi urged him to move on with her, she had to question why. A cold dread crept into her stomach.

  Then there was Jared. Had he become the next victim? Did Stefano hear about her night with him? Would he kill Jared? What did she really know about the vampire? He could have easily been the one who killed Kim.

  Maybe I should have asked.

  Skylar handed her the drink, and Jackie reached for her purse. “It’s on me. Don’t argue this time.” She came around the counter to hug Jackie and whisper, “Eddie’s lucky he has you. Don’t let him go.”

  “I won’t. Not this time,” she vowed.

  Jackie stepped next to Eddie.

  Brent gave Doug a nod. “I’ll call you when we find him.”

  “Thanks. Hopefully he isn’t sick.”

  “Hopefully not.” Brent offered a smile before pulling Jackie and Eddie toward the door.

  He walked briskly back to his house, a few blocks down the road. Jackie and Eddie hurried to keep up. Her stomach soured as she imagined the upcoming conversation. Sooner or later, she’d have to explain what happened with Jared.

  The sun dipped below the horizon as Brent let them in and Jackie stopped. The dread multiplied, exponentially worse. She looked from Eddie to Brent, and back.

  What would Eddie think of her when he learned the truth? That night left a coat of filth she couldn’t scrub away.

  Swallowing hard, she turned to him. “Eddie, don’t freak too badly. That night I went home with Jared wasn’t what I expected. It all went wrong.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Did he hurt you?”

  “Not exactly.” She swallowed hard. “It’d be best if you didn’t look in his room.”

  Fear and anger darkened his eyes, his voice dropping dangerously low. “What the fuck did he do to you?”

  She shook her head. “Not now. I’ll explain later. And I’m fine. He didn’t—it wasn’t exactly—”

  Brent groaned. “What she means to say is she enjoyed the night, but was freaked out enough she won’t let him touch her with a ten-foot pole now.”

  Eddie blinked, his jaw clenched, nostrils flaring. Then he growled. “I smell the same scent from the night you were attacked.”

  Brent held up his hand. “Stay here. Let me check on him.” He moved down the hall.

  Eddie started after him, and Jackie pushed ahead, hoping to block his view.

  She put her hands up, trying to slow him down. “Trust me. You don’t want to see his room.”

  “What are you afraid of?” he ground out.

  Too many things that could change his view of her. She couldn’t find her voice, or an answer.

  The door creaked open and Brent stumbled back into the wall while he fumbled to pull his phone out.

  Jackie spun, and looked inside. Jared’s arms were chained above his head, his body sagging against the rack. Red welts crisscrossed over deathly pale skin, as if all the blood had pooled in the marks on his body.

  Her heart lodged in her throat when his chest rose with a slow breath.

  Brent slammed the door shut, locked it with a spell, and then cast wards. He handed his phone to Jackie.

  Eddie’s eyes burned a hole through her, but she was too afraid to see his reaction.

  Tiana’s voice came on the speakerphone. “Hello, Brent,” she purred.

  Jackie shuddered. “He’s busy casting a ward. I’m not sure why he called you.” She had a guess, but didn’t want to believe Jared was now a vampire.

  “He did that to you?” Eddie whispered against her ear.

  Tears filled her eyes.

  “Why did you let him?”

  She sucked in a breath. “It wasn’t like that. We’ll talk later, okay? I can’t right now.”

  He turned her gently. “Doesn’t change anything.”

  Too good to believe, she only nodded.

  Tiana hissed. “What’s going on?”

  Brent finally stopped chanting. “My roommate was turned. I need you to get down here and help me figure out what to do with him. Also, it would be best if you kept your damned nephew far away from Jackie.”

  “Why? What happened?” Tiana demanded.

>   Stefano growled over the phone. “Why do I have to stay away from Jacqueline?”

  Brent sighed. “Now is not the time. We need to deal with a fledgling vampire, and I have my reasons for not trusting you.”

  “I’ll never hurt her,” Stefano vowed.

  Jackie squeezed her eyes shut.

  “Even if she doesn’t choose you?” Brent challenged.

  Stefano let out a long breath. “Even if. I would never dream of forcing anything on Jacqueline like your scumbag roommate did.”

  Her hand clamped over her mouth as she turned to stare at Brent.

  She tried to walk past them all, wanted to get away, to go home, lock herself in her room and shut everything out. Forget the whole damned night happened.

  Eddie spun her back to him, a cautious expression on his face. “I can’t let you walk away. I’m right here, with you, no matter what.” Anger, concern, and sadness all stared back at her. “It’s dark now,” he continued. “With the Shadowstalkers out there, you can’t leave alone.”

  She wanted to believe nothing had changed, but hope drowned in doubt.

  Brent kept talking, but she couldn’t tear her eyes from Eddie’s gaze.

  Hurt stared back at her. Eddie reached out and ran his thumb over her cheek. “Will you tell me what happened later so I can understand?”

  “Will you judge me?”

  He shook his head. “Never. I didn’t realize how uncomfortable Jared made you. The look on your face—I want to wipe it away. Tell me soon so I don’t do something stupid.”

  She relaxed slightly. “Not here.”

  Eddie caressed her cheek. “Whatever happened, it doesn’t change us. I swear it.”

  Her hands tangled in his shirt as she desperately tried to believe.

  Stefano roared over the phone, “Get Jacqueline out of there, now! Send her home.”

  Jackie spun, anger flowing through her. “I’m not going anywhere. You don’t have any say over me.”

  “It’s not safe. You must leave.” Stefano’s rage sent a shiver down her spine. “I’ll drag you home if you don’t leave on your own.”

  “You will never touch me again.”

  “Jacqueline, you don’t understand what Sidra and Clive are capable of. They make the things Jared did to you seem like child’s play.”

  Brent clicked off the phone before she could reply. “They’ll be here soon, and your arguing is only going to delay their arrival. I’m hoping they get here before Jared wakes up, starved and ready to feed.”

  Brent held out his hand. “Give me the necklace.”

  Jackie pulled it from under her collar and handed it over.

  “Perfect, it’s clear.” He shoved the jewelry at Eddie. “Put that on. The enchantment will help protect against the vampires’ tricks. Jackie appears to be naturally immune.”

  Eddie didn’t argue. Instead, he asked, “Is it wise for Stefano to be here?”

  “Fuck, no. We don’t have much choice,” Brent muttered. He shook his head and looked at Jackie. “You okay?”

  She grit her teeth. “No. That asshole wants to control me.”

  The bell rang. Brent gripped Jackie’s shoulder. “Stefano won’t touch you.” He hurried down the hall.

  Chapter 20

  Stefano’s heart shattered when Jacqueline swore he would never touch her again. Tiana was right. She would not be tamed or controlled, and he’d made a grave mistake.

  “You’re a fool. You know that, Stefano.” The acid in his aunt’s tone burned through his system. “She’s in danger. Surely they see that. Three together is better than her out, alone.”

  Stefano’s hands cranked into fists. “She needs protection, Tiana. Do you trust Brent and Eddie to keep her safe?”

  “I trust her to keep herself safe. Eddie and Brent will help, but she’s perfectly capable.”

  “How can you believe that? She’s a woman with no idea how much danger her beauty draws.”

  Tiana shook her head slowly, a dangerous glint in her narrowed eyes. “Eloise might have let you lead her around and take charge. However, Jackie is not that woman. You cannot expect her to do as you say because you believe you know better.”

  “I want her far away from Sidra and Clive. And especially far from Jared. I saw into his memory. What he did to her.”

  “That wasn’t completely his fault. Her magic surged and Jared lost control. He wants to make up for his mistake, but she isn’t the most forgiving person. You just blew any chance you had.”

  He growled. “No. I have to make this right.”

  She shook her head. “How do you expect to do that? You would have to start from scratch and prove you can handle her choices, regardless of what she decides. You would have to settle for being her friend because she is going to choose Eddie. Can you let her go when that happens? I honestly don’t believe you’re capable.”

  “I can try,” he insisted.

  “Not enough.” She started for the door, and rushed to Brent’s home. Stefano easily kept up.

  Before he could reach for the door, she shoved him back. “Don’t. And do try to keep your fool mouth shut before you make the situation worse.”

  Brent opened the door and shot a glare at Stefano. Flames of hell flickered in his eyes. “You touch Jackie, and I will kill you. Do you understand?” Power rolled off the sorcerer in waves.

  Stefano staggered back and nodded slowly.

  * * * *

  Jared growled, the sound more beast than human, and terror shot through Jackie.

  Eddie caught her face. “Jared is locked in there. He can’t touch you.”

  Jackie relaxed slightly, anger replacing fear. “I won’t let him touch me again.”

  He grinned. “There’s my Jackie. And if Stefano opens his mouth, if you don’t shut him up, my fist will.”

  A giggle escaped, her chest loosening. Eventually, she’d tell him about that night, but she no longer feared his reaction.

  Stefano walked toward her with purpose. “You should go home. You’d be safer.” His tone was gentle this time but tension rolled through the hall in his wake.

  Jackie spun to face him. “That’s not for you to say.”

  “I want you safe.”

  She laughed, a cold and bitter sound. “Look, I get it. You’re a couple hundred years old and used to women who only want to serve. Got news for you, Stefano, that’s not me. Back the fuck off.”

  He blinked, staring at her. Finally, he found his words. “You understand they’ll be back for him? That you being here means they could easily finish what they started? They’ll do things so terrible you’ll beg to die, but they won’t stop until they break you.”

  “You don’t get it, do you? I’m not leaving because you’re scared.” She sneered. “I don’t bow to you, or anyone else. I can take care of myself.”

  “She can,” Eddie offered.

  Stefano growled at him. “You’re a fool.”

  Jackie’s hands clenched into fists. “No. You’re the fool, and there will never be anything between us. I don’t have patience for someone stuck in the past.”

  He moved closer, anger melting away as his eyes pleaded. “Don’t give up on me yet.”

  She put her hands up to stop his approach. “Too late. It’s not me you want anyway.”

  A pink tear trailed down his cheek. “It’s you, Jacqueline. Let me prove it.”

  “Not interested.”

  “Let me be a friend. Show me the new world. You don’t have to date me—don’t have to do anything but teach me to accept the present.”

  She snorted. “I can’t. Pull your head out of your ass on your own.”

  Something slammed against the door. “Jackie,” Jared growled, banging into the door again, making it shudder in the frame. The wood busted down the center, but Brent’s ward mended the crack seconds later.

  “Shit,” Jackie whispered.

  “I’ll find a way out. I need you, Jackie,” Jared snarled.

  “Jared, touch me,
and you’ll be in a world of hurt,” she promised.

  “Already hurting. I crave you.”

  Stefano took another step closer, concern and seriousness transforming his face. “Trust me, Jacqueline. It’s best if you go. If he gets through...” He wrung his hands, pleading with his eyes. “You don’t understand what will happen.”

  She wasn’t fooled. “You obviously don’t understand me. Statements like that aren’t going to sway me, only convince me you’re an asshole who wants to squash my independence.” Jackie stepped away from all of them.

  Tiana gave her a sympathetic nod. “I tried to warn him.”

  Jackie’s brow arched before turning to Brent. “How do we help Jared? Can we help him?”

  Rage flashed across Stefano’s face, his fangs descending. He looked more monster than human, sounded worse too. “After what he did, you want to help him?”

  “It wasn’t all his fault. Magic played a role. And now he’s clearly not himself. We’ve got to do something.”

  “You’re worried about me?” Jared purred from the other side of the door. “This time, I’ll only go as far as you want.”

  Her jaw clenched tight. “Then you won’t touch me.”

  A defeated sigh escaped Tiana. “There is no way to break his bond to his maker, other than killing one of them.”

  Brent turned to Jackie as a scrabbling sound rattled her nerves. “I’m not sure there is anything we can do right now. He’s right,” with a nod at Stefano, “we shouldn’t be here when they come. We could call the Council. There’s a mage who could transport him to a place beyond Sidra and Clive’s reach.”

  “I’ll call Mike,” she answered.

  Stefano glared at Brent. “That would doom him to death. You realize that, don’t you?”

  Brent shook his head. “The Council is changing. The man I’d call wouldn’t condemn Jared to death. They would help him until we can get rid of Sidra.”

  “How can you trust them?”

  Crawling sounds came from overhead a second before Jared fell through the ceiling, landing on his feet before Jackie. He pushed her wrap dress open, exposing her as she threw her hands up to stop him from going for her throat. She gripped his face and he froze, ice crystals spread down his body. He became a solid statue and she backed away, pulling her dress together.


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