Coming Together

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Coming Together Page 20

by Brandy L Rivers


  In answer, she stood upright, pulling his shirt over her head, followed by the remains of her torn clothes. He watched, wishing he could take away the doubt, the fear, any lingering effects of the night.

  To Jackie’s credit, she hadn’t fallen apart. No, she held herself together until getting home. She wasn’t far from crumbling though. He’d witnessed her downward spiral a few times over the years. Never took her long to rise above the low, but maybe this time he could speed the cycle.

  Her fingers trailed each ridge of muscle. She leaned down and placed a kiss over his heart. “Thank you for finding me. For helping. I’m not sure what would have happened.”

  “Want to talk about tonight?”

  She shook her head and opened his pants. “No. Want you to help me forget everything.”

  “Jackie,” he started, “not sure I can.”

  “I’ll help you forget too.” She blinked up at him, tears falling down her face.

  “Jackie, shh. Tell me how.”

  She pushed his pants down and pulled him into the shower. He kicked them away and followed.

  “Be with me,” she pleaded. “Wash away the images in my mind.”

  He tipped her head back and captured her lips, pouring every ounce of love into her. Her hands gripped and kneaded him as they traveled down his body, to his ass. She pulled his hips against her, pressing tight with a moan.

  His hands trailed over her slick skin to cup her breasts. He kissed down her jaw, her neck, traveling until he encountered the purple bruise around her nipple.

  Eddie fought back a snarl as he closed his lips over the tight peak and channeled magic into her. He laved his tongue around the dusky peak.

  She whimpered, “Eddie.”

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “Make love to me. Please, Eddie. Take me, make me yours.”

  He leaned back, looking down her body at the blood swirling in the drain. “Let me wash you first.”

  Her eyes closed as she nodded, then dropped her head back. He took the bar of soap and cleaned her quickly, craving her as badly as she did him.

  Once she was clean, he gripped her ass and hauled her up. Jackie wound her arms and legs around him a second before he sank into her depths.

  Her aquamarine eyes glowed as she pulled his head in for a kiss. Each thrust slow and deliberate, meant to drive sensation all the way to her soul.

  She was right, they needed to wash away the pain, replace it with something better, something stronger. Her hand wrapped around the back of his head, while the other gripped his shoulder. Her body undulated against him, taking him deeper.

  Jackie’s heated core tightened, her magic washing over him as he came harder than he could ever remember. Stars burst through his vision as he held her pinned to the wall, his forehead pressed against hers, before he slid to his knees. They both attempted to catch their breath.

  He caressed her face, looking into her eyes. “That help?”

  She nodded, a soft smile on her face. “Very much.”

  “We’d better dress before Brent comes to find us.”

  She nodded, and climbed to her feet as she breathed deep.

  “Your smile eases my soul,” he murmured.

  “All I need is you, here with me.”

  Chapter 30

  Two men walked up to Stefano’s cell. The blond who wore a suit, and the one Jacqueline called Mike. Stefano lifted his head, doing his best to appear repentant. Whatever happened, he must get to Jacqueline and convince her to come away with him.

  Mike glared. “Stefano, I’m Mike. An old friend of Jackie’s, nothing more. This is Robert. Someone who hadn’t previously met Jackie, and no, he doesn’t want to fuck her either. Just because you have an obsession with a beautiful woman, doesn’t mean we can’t keep our dicks in our pants.”

  Stefano gaped at Mike. “How can you be so crass about Jacqueline?”

  He snorted. “Me? Crass? You’re the asswipe who accused me of sleeping with her. I merely pointed out we aren’t all mindless cocks trying to get some.”

  “Calm down,” Robert said, though he glared at Stefano. “Want to explain why you were following Jackie earlier this evening?”

  “You don’t know Sidra and Clive. They would have tortured her, broken her body and soul, and when they were through, bled her dry.”

  “How did you help the situation tonight, when they found her?”

  He shook his head. “They kept me from going to her. I would have healed her.”

  “Her body was healed,” Robert replied coolly.

  Stefano’s eyes narrowed. “Where is she now?”

  “That’s no concern of yours. She wants you to stay far away from her. Whatever you’ve said or done in the past has her worried about your motives.”

  Stefano stumbled back and sank onto the seat. “I only want to take her far away, keep her from danger.” He saw rage flash across Mike’s face and quickly added, “Though I would never dream of taking her against her will.” The lie rolled off his tongue easily. It had become quite clear, the only way to save her was to keep her apart from everyone she knew.

  “You’ll have to agree to being examined,” Robert stated.

  Stefano accepted the only way he was getting out of the Council’s grasp was to cooperate. He nodded in consent. Both Robert and Mike showed up in front of him, then Robert put his hand on Stefano’s shoulder.

  Memories flashed through his head. Everything Sidra, Clive, and Maverick had done to him. The capture and violation of Eloise, before they finally killed her. Every fantasy he had about Jackie flowed through his mind.

  Next thing he knew, he was alone in the cell. Robert stood on the other side of the glass, his hand on the wall as he shook his head.

  “You’re staying put for the night.” Robert walked away, Mike followed without a word.

  “For what?” Stefano demanded.

  “Time to make sure the restraining order is finalized before we set you free. You can’t be trusted with her,” Robert answered.

  He sucked in a breath, holding back a snarl. “What are you talking about?”

  Robert turned back, disgust on his face. “I saw what you’re planning. You lied. I won’t allow you to abduct a woman. You need help.”

  “You read my mind? Isn’t that some kind of violation?”

  “Not when you present a threat.”

  “I would never harm her!” He slammed his hands against the glass and a jolt of electricity raced through him.

  Mike stalked closer. “That’s bullshit. You may believe sequestering her away would help, but she’d loathe you before the first hour was up. Jackie’s a free spirit. Your ideas of what she needs would break her. Do us all a favor and stay far away.”

  “Would you rather she be taken by Sidra and Clive? You don’t understand what they would do to her.”

  “I do. It’s you who doesn’t understand that none of us will let them touch her.”

  “You can’t stop them. They took her from a crowded restaurant tonight. She’s not safe here.”

  “That’s not for you to decide.” Mike walked away, following Robert out the door. Stefano threw himself on the cot and stared at the ceiling. His phone had been confiscated, or he would have contacted Tiana for help.

  * * * *

  Jared sat on the floor in the middle of a rustic kitchen, all alone. Robert, a mage, had told him to stay put until he brought someone to help. He’d left out the fact waiting wasn’t optional. A shield wrapped around him, allowing about four feet of movement.

  It took what seemed like hours for Robert to reappear, this time with a brunette who could have stepped from some classic movie set. She looked familiar, but he couldn’t place her.

  One dark brow arched. “You weren’t a vampire last I saw you.” Her lips curved in a smirk. “How new are you?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “When were you changed? Robert told me you didn’t choose to become a Shadowstalker

  “Shadowstalker?” he asked, shaking his head.

  Her eyes cut to Robert. “He’s real new, isn’t he?”

  “Three nights ago,” Jared answered. “And no, I didn’t want this. I don’t want to kill anyone else.”

  “Anyone else?” Robert asked cautiously.

  “Katie. Sidra locked someone in the cage with me.” He closed his eyes and shuddered. “Blood was the only thing I could think of. Then she was dead on the floor.” He wiped at his eyes with a strangled whimper. “I didn’t mean to. Didn’t even realize I was doing it.”

  “You can release him,” she told Robert. “He doesn’t want to repeat the mistake. They didn’t give him a choice by the sound of it.”

  Robert gave her a cautious look. “How can you tell?”

  “You told me he didn’t touch the woman tonight. That he saved her, in fact. I’m guessing the one he killed was his first.”

  “You sure you can handle him?”

  “Oh, I’m sure. Though if we move him, his master will be able to track his location.”

  “He can stay here until we deal with Sidra. Hopefully, it will only be a few days. I’ll bring Lincoln back, and you all can stay as long as required.”

  “Thank you. I’ll make sure we take care of Jared.”

  Robert nodded once before disappearing.

  She rolled her eyes and reached her hand out to him. He took it hesitantly. “I’m Victoria. You’re Jared. I’ve seen you play at Dark Temptations.”

  His eyes widened and his mouth fell open. “That’s why you look familiar. I’m not going to be anyone’s slave—”

  Victoria laughed, stopping his protest. “Oh, honey, I’m quite happy with my man. You’ll meet him soon. I intend to help you deal with your addiction to Other blood, but that’s it.”

  “That’s it?” he whispered.

  She nodded. “What did they do to you?”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  “Talk to me. I’ve been victimized. I’ll understand.”

  Jared started at the beginning. The more he talked, the more at ease he became.

  * * * *

  Brent paced the living room while Eddie and Jackie were locked in the bathroom. He stared at his phone as it rang for the third time, and tried to figure out what to tell Tiana. By that point, he wasn’t sure he wanted to continue their affair. However, he couldn’t ignore her either.

  With a heavy sigh, he hit talk. “Evening, Tiana.”

  “Any idea where Stefano is?” Her voice was tense.

  “In a Silver Council cell. I just got off the phone with Robert McCallister. He went into your nephew’s head and is rightfully worried about what he saw. Stefano plans to take Jackie away, believing he is the only one capable of keeping her safe. She’ll never go anywhere with him.”

  “Is that your say, or hers?” Tiana bit out.

  “Hers. Honestly, I can’t blame her at this point. Stefano scares her, Tiana. He doesn’t want Jackie, he wants his wife.”

  Tiana sucked in a breath. “I told him to give up. I didn’t realize it was all about Eloise, or I would never have tried to set them up to begin with.”

  “It’s a cluster fuck. He needs to stay far away from her. Jackie is liable to kill him, if Eddie or I don’t.”

  “What happened? What did he do?”

  Brent told her everything.

  “That fool. Stefano’s heart is in the right place. He’s seen what Sidra is capable of. Of course he wants to protect Jackie.”

  “Oh, don’t defend that shady fuck. I understand why he freaked, but she doesn’t want to be taken and controlled. If you value Stefano’s life, keep him far away from her.”

  “If the Council lets him go, I’ll convince him.”

  “They will, tomorrow night. They’re keeping him long enough to ensure the restraining order is in place, and so Jackie can disappear until this is all over.”

  “So you can take her away, but you don’t trust Stefano to?”

  Brent growled. “I’m giving her the choice. After tonight, I have every confidence she’ll want to be away from the chaos.”

  She let out a heavy sigh, indicating doubt. “You sure about that, Brent?”

  “Eddie and I will present the facts, then let her draw her own conclusion. As much as it pained me, I didn’t force the conversation about her other half until she came to me. I won’t force her to choose hiding, but considering the circumstances, I can’t imagine she’ll want to stay here.”


  “I have to go.”

  “Wait, Brent. The situation with Stefano doesn’t need to change our relationship.”

  “Right now, my priority is Jackie and keeping her safe. I don’t have the time or energy to put into us. When this is all over, we can reevaluate what we have, but I never thought it was that serious.”

  “You fucking prick!”

  He took a slow breath and let it out. “I never promised happily ever after, Tiana. The more I find out about your nephew, and the vital details you withheld, the less I trust you.”

  “He’s my family. I wanted to believe he’d let go of the past. Stefano deserves happiness. That doesn’t excuse what he’s done and said, and I am truly sorry for his behavior, but I never lied about anything.”

  “Look, I don’t have time to discuss this right now. My cousin went through a dose of shit no one should have to endure. My priority is to make sure she’s all right. Keep your nephew away from her. Later, when everything settles down, we can figure out where we stand.”

  “I’ll cut you some slack because Jackie is in the most danger, and I do need to talk some sense into that boy.”

  “He’s a grown man. A vampire more than eight times Jackie’s age.”

  “He won’t bother her again.”

  Brent wished he could believe her. “Good night, Tiana.” He hung up and tossed his phone on the table. “Damned bitch,” he muttered.

  Jackie stepped into the room and gave him a raised brow. “Thought you liked her.”

  He groaned, pushing his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know what I think right now.”

  “None of this is her fault.”

  “No, but she should have warned me about his wife. About his background. I would never have suggested you two meet if I had any idea he’d watched what they did to his wife, especially with your resemblance.”

  Jackie took a slow breath, her eyes narrowed. “What, exactly, did he go through? Other than bad shit.”

  “Sidra kept him captive for months, trying to make him a willing slave. When he didn’t break, they abducted his wife. Neither her nor the baby lived through Clive’s violation.”

  Jackie stumbled back and Eddie caught her. The look of horror on Eddie’s face mirrored his own. Jackie paled as she stared back at him.

  Finally, she took a step out of Eddie’s reach, anger bringing her color back. “Doesn’t excuse the fact he wants to take over my life. I sort of get why he thinks that might be best, but how the fuck is he supposed to protect me? Fucker let that shit happen to his wife.”

  Brent winced and rubbed at his neck. “They were both human at the time. He was bound, and likely drained. There was nothing either of them could do against Shadowstalkers.”

  Jackie went to the cabinet and poured herself a drink. She stared at the glass while Eddie met his gaze. “I think camping would be wise. We’ll stay out of the way, let the Council find and deal with them.”

  Brent looked to Jackie. “What do you think?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I agree. Last thing I want is another stint with those assholes.”

  “Would keep you out of Stefano’s hands too,” Brent added.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Robert saw what Stefano hopes to do. He wants to take you away, against your will if necessary, in an effort to protect you.”

  “What the fuck did I see in him?”

  Brent groaned. “I’m the idiot who pushed you two together
. So it’s my damned fault. If I hadn’t let Tiana persuade me to introduce you two, we wouldn’t be here now.”

  “He followed me for a week. Kept walking by the Jitterhouse. I would have approached him if he hadn’t made a move. If he was following me, it’s a safe bet they were too. So stop thinking like that.”

  She sighed heavily, and gave him a sad smile. “And do me a favor. If there is something between you and Tiana, don’t end it solely because her nephew is an asshole. I’m certain you’d defend me, no matter how stupid I acted.”

  He shook his head, nostrils flaring. “You may have questionable judgment at times, but you aren’t stupid. And you would never try to abduct someone and expect them to fall in love.”

  “No, I wouldn’t. Still, it’s not Tiana’s fault.” She shrugged.

  Brent half-laughed. “I haven’t ended things. I’m mad as hell, and I don’t know what I want anymore.”

  Jackie drank down the Jack and offered a smile. “You have everything you need?”

  Brent nodded.

  “I’m going to bed. Good night. Eddie, when you’re ready, come to me, please.”

  He closed the distance and kissed her lips softly. “I’ll be right there.”

  She dipped her head and left.

  Once the door shut, Eddie turned to Brent. “He’s going to come for her.”

  “The wards won’t let him through. You may want to call the guys and ask them to fortify the campsite. Perhaps warn them we may need help. We’ll leave early enough to ensure the spells are up before dark.”

  Eddie reached for his phone. “I’ll talk to them.”

  “Is she all right?”

  Eddie nodded. “She doesn’t want to think about what happened with Clive. Wanted me to wash away the memory, replace it with something better.”

  Brent snorted. “Pretty sure you two managed that. I could hear it all.” He shook his head with a smirk.

  “Would you rather I let her dwell on it?”

  “Of course not. I’m glad you were able to wash the experience out of both your minds.”


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