Depths Of Desire XW5

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Depths Of Desire XW5 Page 2

by Ruth D. Kerce

  The other warrior chuckled as he drilled his finger deep.

  “Keep still so I can lick your clit,” the male beneath her ordered as he tightened his hold on her hips.

  She jerked slightly and her fingers curled against his thighs. Torque could almost feel her pleasure. He understood her reaction to the penetration of her ass and now the licking of her pussy. She loved all the stimulation. “You like being fucked by all of us at the same time, don’t you?” In response she bobbed her head faster, practically demanding the cum from his cock.

  He moaned at the sight and sensations. Each movement and sound drew him closer to an explosive climax. No way was he letting this woman go after this was over. She was too special and sexually compliant. She’d be more than happy to indulge him and all of his personal sexual needs, he was certain. He was quite eager to indulge hers.

  Beyond the sexual attraction, she was obviously strong-willed, intelligent and self-reliant. A woman of substance. A fighter. He’d seen the fire in her eyes more than once. She was a woman who would stand by his side as an equal.

  A sound penetrated his head. Like before. Only louder this time. No! This woman had the best tongue and mouth in the universe and he was about to shoot a massive amount of cum down her throat. Just one more minute…

  Chapter One

  Deep Space

  An alarm jarred Torque awake. Fuck!

  When he opened his eyes, the frigid expanse of empty space greeted him through the viewing portals along the front of the orbiter. He sat in the controller seat and scrubbed a hand down his face. Focusing on his source of irritation, he looked down at the orbiter’s navigational panel.

  The piss-poor alarm sounded more like a sick avian. Unfortunately it had been enough to jolt him back to reality. His dreams and fantasies held much more appeal these days than the shit storm that made up his real life. He cringed and rubbed his arm, which still ached from where he’d been shot with a disruptor not long ago.

  Brianna, his sister and the one in charge of their deep-space mission, stepped up behind him. She placed a hand on his shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. It’s just an alert. We’re about to make the system-entry point into what the humans call the Milky Way.” He switched off the noise then turned toward her. “It won’t be long now.”

  As she checked their coordinates, she nodded. “We made better time than I expected. You’re not pushing the engines too hard, are you?”

  “We haven’t exploded yet, have we?”

  Brianna frowned. “Not the time or the place for sarcasm, brother. Control your attitude until this is over. At least in front of the others.”

  He glanced around. “The others aren’t up here with us.”

  “I’m just advising you, Torque. We have no backup out here. Not for a while. We only have ourselves to rely on. Remember the seriousness of this mission and don’t bring down morale with your usual poor outlook when faced with a difficult situation.”

  Usual poor outlook? His outlook was realistic, which was something they definitely needed here. His siblings had a habit of glorifying missions, even after all they’d lost, believing that good would prevail, no matter the circumstances. Someone needed to remain levelheaded about what they were facing.

  Her eyes narrowed as if she had read his response. And he expected she had from the probable look on his face. She knew him well. But then, he knew her too and anticipated her next move would be to pull rank to try to put him in his place. Given his irritation, the outcome of such would be dubious at best.

  Instead, and to his surprise, she asked, “What’s the yellow light on Panel N3? A warning? I’m not familiar with this control layout.”

  Grateful for the change in subject from a situation that likely would have turned into a battle of wills, he swiveled toward the panel. He was barely familiar with this outdated ship himself. He leaned forward. Engineering Panel N3… What the hell was that?

  A female warrior, Halah Shirota, pushed past Brianna and tapped a small data screen. “Nothing to worry about. It’s a thruster problem. I’m working on it. It needs a manual reset.”

  “A reset? I can take care of that,” Brianna said. “You stay here and make sure it engages correctly with the software. I’ll go down.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes. I need to do something physical to burn off my stress.”

  Stress caused by me, Torque thought as their gazes briefly met. Well, he was stressed too. Fucking mission.

  She brushed past Halah. “Sam? You want to join me? I’ll show you a few things about the ship.”

  Torque frowned. His sister had recently become mated to an Earth man—Lieutenant Colonel Sam Briggs. The joining would likely produce problems in the future. He hadn’t even been able to brand her to show their union. Instead, she’d given him her Koll family ID jewel to wear on his uniform. Far from official under Xylon law. But then, Xylon had been destroyed, so their laws meant little more than tradition now, he supposed. Still, their differences were bound to cause major conflicts at some point. He was certain of that. Teaching Briggs too much about their technology didn’t sit well in his mind.

  Sam rose from his seat and stepped forward. “Sure. The more I know, the better.” They both disappeared down a hatch into the bowels of the orbiter.

  As Halah sat down and called up the software, Torque checked the thruster settings. Sure enough. Offline. Shitty piece of crap. If they arrived at their destination in one piece and still able to carry out their mission, he’d eat a moon minion’s cunt.

  The memory of his dream suddenly returned in full force and he almost groaned. He’d rather eat her cunt. And experience her eating his cock once more. Next time to completion.

  The woman on the bed had been tormenting him for too many nights to count. He didn’t even know her name. Strangely, her visage seemed to shift slightly from dream to dream. But he always knew it was her. He didn’t know if she was a Xylon female, someone from Earth, or a woman who inhabited some other humanoid-populated planet.

  She was definitely a woman of some importance—a commander maybe—and she was more than a sexual figment of his imagination. Well, he longed for her to be. The possibility kept him going, kept him hoping it was finally a breeder vision of his own. Not that he’d ever admit something like that aloud. He was a loner, always had been and had always preferred it that way. But lately…

  * * * * *

  Sam followed Brianna down to what he surmised were the engineering and environmental controls of the ship. He’d been a pilot for many years but he had little understanding of this alien technology and felt sorely out of place.

  “It’s not that different than what you’re used to,” she said as if reading his confusion. “Just a bit more advanced.”

  “More than a bit, I’d say.”

  “Well, perhaps. The principle functions are basically the same though. If you could read Akkadian, the official language of Xylon, you’d recognize various controls, I’m sure.”

  “I think you give me too much credit.” Their energy sources, environmental controls and computer systems felt eons beyond anything he’d ever worked with.

  She stopped in front of a panel and opened it to reveal several rows of small, multicolored, square buttons. “The thruster controls are in here. We need to reset the sequence.”

  A letter of some sort appeared in the center of each button. No other writing was apparent from what he could see. “I’m impressed with your engineering knowledge.”

  “Why’s that? Because I’m a female?” She grinned.

  “Um…yeah.” From the smile on her face, he apparently hadn’t insulted her. But he still regretted his words. “Sorry.”

  “Earth women are engineers too, aren’t they?”

  “Sure. But I haven’t come across that many lately. Not the ones that still get down and dirty with the equipment.” Truth be told, women were generally higher up in the engineering fields now and men did the grunt work

  “Don’t be too impressed. I’m familiar with most of the controls down here. The panel up top is more than a bit confusing. It’s an old layout that I never trained under. Halah knows about the detailed workings if you have any in-depth questions. This old model has been refurbished to save time and resources. I’m sure you can guess at the problems that causes.”

  “I can relate. I’ve dealt with plenty of outdated equipment throughout my career.” Sam watched her work. Damn, he loved this woman. Now that they were finally headed back to Earth, he worried about their future though. If the Xylons’ agenda interfered in any way with the safety of the planet, trouble was a given. They were trying to help. He knew that. But Xylon was their priority. He just hoped they understood that Earth was his priority.

  Brianna glanced back at him with a question in her eyes. Had she asked him something or started explaining the reset procedure? “I’m sorry. What?”

  She smiled slightly. “It wasn’t important. You seemed very deep in thought. Are you all right?”

  “I was just thinking how incredibly sexy you look.” Which actually was the truth. He’d never seen a more desirable woman.

  She chuckled. “While I’m working on a thruster?”

  “The fact that you know how to work on a thruster is oddly seductive to me.” He stepped up behind her and slid his arms around her waist.

  She closed the panel and turned in his arms. “If I’d have known that, I would have taken over the engineering duties earlier. This is probably the only part of the ship where we can be alone. It’s been too long.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” He leaned in and covered her lips with his. When he’d volunteered for this job, he’d known it would change his life. He just hadn’t known how much. She opened her mouth and he slipped his tongue inside. She tasted of hot, needy woman. He loved that. He moved his hands down her back to settle on her butt. Each cheek was a perfect handful.

  Gradually she slid her hand between their bodies and began tugging at his belt. The world of Xylon and their society was steeped in sexual ceremonies and rites. Sex for them was central to survival. More than reproductive, it was integral to their entire well-being. He had no complaints. He squeezed her ass briefly then moved his hands up her shapely body. Working on one fastener, then the next, he undid the front of her uniform, exposing her ample breasts, along with a set of dog tags he’d given her to wear, which for him represented their connection as mates.

  She unzipped his trousers, reached inside his pants and wrapped her fingers around his cock. “Already semi-hard. I love that.”

  He loved it too. Just thinking about her touch made his cock stand at attention. He leaned down and took one of her plump nipples between his lips.

  “Yes. Suck it,” she whispered. “Oh, more, Sam. Yes, just like that.”

  As he sucked her nipple, enjoying the taste of her skin, he pushed down her uniform until she stepped out of it. He felt between her legs. Wet. So wet. His heart pounded and his cock hardened almost painfully. He released her nipple and dropped to one knee. Unfortunately she had to let go of his cock as he knelt. But he’d be inside her soon, fucking her until his cock exploded and went limp from being completely sucked dry by her alien pussy. He knew exactly what to expect, craved it, and doubted he’d ever tire of loving this woman.

  Brianna tangled her fingers in his hair. He spread the outer lips of her pussy with his thumbs and touched her lightly with his tongue. Each Xylon woman had her own taste, he’d been told, and she smelled and tasted unlike any Earth woman—warm, slightly sweet like an exotic piece of fruit and extremely tantalizing. Even her breasts had a unique flavor—like warm cinnamon. When she moaned and draped one leg over his shoulder, he cupped that side of her butt with his palm to hold her steady. He began to lick her slowly, thoroughly.

  She squirmed and whimpered. “Faster. I need to come. Lick faster.”

  He loved it when she demanded more. Despite her words, he continued the slow torture. Then he took her clit between his teeth and nibbled on the fleshy bud.

  “Oh! Sam! Yes. I’m going to come.”

  He released her clit, ending the sensations before she reached the point of no return. He wanted to extend the pleasure just a while longer. She always came harder that way.

  “Don’t stop now!” She tugged on his hair.

  He knew her body as well as his own and relished the challenge of making her climax wildly whenever they were together. He didn’t succeed every time but they always enjoyed each other. He covered her clit with his lips and gently sucked.

  She bucked against his mouth. “Ah, ah, ah!”

  Again just before she came, he stopped.


  Despite her cry of protest, he pulled away and stood before her. He wanted them to orgasm together. “I’m going to fuck you until you beg me to stop.”

  “That’ll never happen.”

  Then until we’re both completely spent. He grabbed her ass and lifted her, pressing her against the closed panel behind her. There wasn’t much room down here. But they didn’t need much. Without another word, he thrust his cock deeply into her pussy. His mind and body exploded with desire and pleasure. Being inside her always felt so right.

  Brianna groaned and clawed at his back. She wrapped her legs around him. “Yes, fuck me!”

  He began fucking her like a wild man, knowing this might be their last chance for a long while. At the same time, he wanted to love her tenderly. Unfortunately the bowels of an old, dirty ship weren’t the place for it so he continued thrusting into her with abandon. He had no intentions of stopping this time. He needed to come—hard and heavy. And he needed to feel her come.

  Her muscles tightened around his body and around his cock. When she screeched in pleasure, he came a second later with a loud groan and they enjoyed their mind-numbing climax together. He didn’t even care if everyone up top heard them. He needed his wife.

  She collapsed in his arms and he simply held her for a moment. He brushed her ear with his lips. “I love you.” Slowly he lowered her to her feet. The soft look in her eyes when their gazes met almost undid him.

  “I love you too, Sam.” She cupped his cheek. “More than I ever believed was possible to love one person.”

  Ah yes. Despite their myriad differences, she was his woman. For now and forever. He’d make sure of that.

  * * * * *

  Torque watched Brianna and Sam come back up top. They released their clasped hands but their fingers lingered as they slowly parted.

  “It’s about time,” he muttered.

  Halah had vacated the seat next to him to check some additional controls at the back of the orbiter. Brianna slipped into the empty seat. Torque felt her pointed stare. When she failed to speak, he broke the silence. “What?”

  “Are you all right? You’re more surly than usual. What’s going on with you this mission? Talk to me.”

  Surly? He almost chuckled. He’d certainly been called a lot worse in his time. He rubbed his chin as he stared out into empty space and thought about her questions.

  He wasn’t used to answering to anyone. He’d made his rank early, years ago, but hadn’t responded well to authority. In fact, he’d burned down a training facility. On purpose. So he’d been stripped of most everything, until his brother’s last Earth mission and his own escape from temporary banishment on the Sand Moon. In the blink of an eye, things had changed for all of them.

  Giving up his rebellious ways to embrace the Koll family legacy and the true warrior way hadn’t turned out as he’d expected. With responsibility came choices he’d rather not make. A lot of people were relying on him to do the right thing. What if he failed?

  “Torque? You’ve been zoning out and overly moody since we began this journey. It’s worrisome.”

  He turned his head to look at her and finally spoke. “I just think all this is a piss-poor idea, as the humans are so fond of saying. Coming out here without adequate weapons and fighters is,
well, about as close to a suicide mission as it gets.” There, he said it. He knew she wasn’t going to like it, but what the fuck.

  Brianna locked her gaze with his. Her eyes hardened and her entire being tensed. “I don’t want to hear that from you.”

  “You shouldn’t have asked then. We can’t win this fight, Brianna.” Their asses had been fried by their enemies. Now they were headed into another fight with even fewer resources.

  “And your solution would be? You know what will happen if we don’t stop this.” When he didn’t respond, she asked, “Is that how you truly feel? Like this is hopeless and a waste of time.”

  “Pretty much.” Hell. He didn’t know how he felt. It was all a jumble in his head. Self-preservation versus military duty versus family loyalty versus avenging Xylon. To truly win this war, they needed their fleets restored, their commanders back in charge and their society whole again. How could the few fighters who remained be victorious? He’d been all for getting out of that hole they’d been stuck in on Xylon, but now that he’d had time to think about things, he realized just how under-prepared for this fight they really were. He didn’t want to lose his family or any more Xylons to a cause that seemed destined to fail.

  “You’d better get a new attitude quick, brother.”

  Her tone grated on his nerves. And his patience. He never liked being told how to act or feel. Not even from his own family. She couldn’t ask him what he thought, then demand that he change when what he said didn’t meet with her approval. That was just fucking screwy. His attitude was his damn attitude.

  “Did you hear me, Torque?”

  “Yeah. I heard. And if I don’t change my attitude?”

  “I’ll assign Halah to take your place. If I feel like you’re going to jeopardize this mission, I will do whatever has to be done.”

  Torque recognized his sister’s command voice. He touched the insignia Laszlo—Xylon’s military leader—had given him for this mission, partially reinstating his own command status. He did have the authority to provide input on how this mission went down.


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