by Lee Pletzers
Blaze McRob, lover of all things horror, is a former ghostwriter choosing to come out and cavort under his new name. He lives in Cheyenne, Wyoming, close to seven of his eight children. They have no idea what Daddy writes and are too young to read his twisted tales. While novels are his passion, he is enjoying throwing in some short stories and even poetry into the mix. Now that's scary!
Lori R. Lopez writes novels, book series, poetry and columns. Available titles include a collection of strange tales, Out-Of-Mind Experiences, and a Horror-Fantasy novel, Dance Of The Chupacabras (The Tome Trilogy Of Trilogies). Her stories and verse appear in other anthologies such as In Darkness We Play (Triskaideka Books), Deadication (Panic Press), ePocalypse (Pill Hill Press), and I Believe In Werewolves (Netbound Publishing). She has two sons and a website:
After spending a decade as a sports reporter in his native Scotland, Ryan Willox moved to the US to take a career detour as a soccer coach. Having not entirely abandoned his first love of writing in the interim, Ryan's short horror fiction has appeared in publications including the Horror Library, Fear and Trembling and Blood Moon Rising. Ryan resides in Illinois with his better half and their three cats, one of whom he isn't entirely convinced is not a familiar...
Harry Mora was born, in New York City, the youngest of 6 children by 11 years. Raised in "Hell's Kitchen", his family later settled in a Newark suburb in NJ. Harry's writings lean towards the darker aspects of reality, often brutally expressing feelings of loss, heartbreak, and terror. His work began primarily as a way to exorcise his own inner demons, giving them a voice outside his head. Harry Mora is a Multiple Sclerosis survivor and struggles daily to maintain his ability to keep his stories flowing from his fingers.
His work can be found in Black Oak Media presents, Horrotica Online, Bewildering Stories, as well as several short story anthologies. Harry welcomes correspondence at [email protected]. You can delve into Harry's mind at
Lee Pletzers is a writer who is very active in the genre world, online and off. He has three novels published: The Last Church (2009), The Game (2010), and The Armageddon Shadow (2011). He has over 50 short stories published online and in print.
He is also a member of AHWA, Fictioneers and a founding member of SpecFicNZ. He has edited 4 anthologies, worked as editor and reviewer for Sinisteria horror magazine, has translated one novel from Japanese to English and edited several novels for small press authors. Website:
Ken Kuptis is the author of ROCK HER WORLD: A Man's Guide To Women (, STAPLEGUN LOGIC: MORE INHUMAN RESOURCES (Black Bed Sheet Books), INHUMAN RESOURCES and CLOWNWHITE. Also Actor / Comic / Photographer / Teratologist / Heavy Laborer.
C. D. Bennett is an author and aspiring screenwriter who resides in Pennsylvania. In addition to Masters of Horror, his work can been seen in Denizens of Avadnu, Where Madness Dwells, and Swords Into Plowshares, among others. He is also a regular contributor on Slaves to the Muse, an online showcase of talented writers and poets, as well as his own blog, Echoes of Dusk, where he offers his own breed of reflection and reverie.
Visit his blog at
On Twitter @CD_Bennett
Armand Rosamilia is a New Jersey boy currently living in sunny Florida with his children and fiance'. When not listening to Heavy Metal, watching his Boston Red Sox or reading, he's writing something usually involving zombies. His latest release is "Highway To Hell", the first in a series of extreme zombie novellas from Rymfire eBooks. [email protected] if you want to chat.
Joseph A. Pinto is a unique voice horror fans should prepare themselves for. He lives in New Jersey with his wife Stacey and their daughter Athena. He is a diehard New Orleans Saints fan, lover of animals and antique cars, and a rumored lycanthrope.
Joseph is the author of the horror novel Flowers for Evelene and the poignant novella Dusk and Summer, written to honor his deceased father. It is featured as a 'gift that keeps giving' by the Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research.
Keep up with Joe at and
F. PAUL WILSON is the award-winning, NY Times bestselling author of The Keep, The Tomb, and other novels spanning horror, adventure, medical thrillers, science fiction, and virtually everything between. More than eight million copies of his books are in print in the US and his work has been translated into twenty-four languages. He is best known for his urban mercenary, Repairman Jack. His latest novels are Fatal Error and Jack: Secret Vengeance.
Always open to submissions:
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Enjoyed Masters of Horror: Damned if you don’t?
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Masters of Horror: The Anthology:
The original Masters of Horror
Welcome to a world hidden behind the blinds of reality, a landscape waiting to be molded into a thing of pain and torture.
This anthology is not for the faint-hearted. The ideas, themes, and disturbing images portrayed within these pages will send your brain into overdrive on the road to madness. This book is guaranteed to rob you of sleep at night by bringing you the nightmare you've most feared…
Also From Triskaideka Books:
in darkness we play
5 authors tormented by dark visions have penned 15 poems each to chill the spine of Poe.
5 dark and disturbing visions for your pleasure have at last been combined into one volume.
This collection will NOT make you feel cozy and warm. It will NOT make you think of love and happiness.
No. This collection will play games with your mind and rape your soul. It will send you to the madhouse, screaming. But you are not of the weak, are you? You are strong of mind, spirit and body, but still me thinks you shall scream.
Do you think you're immune?
Think again.
The Game by Lee Pletzers
A demon trapped inside a VR game turns Virtual Reality into reality in a desperate bid to enter our dimension. Only one person can make that happen: The Game creator.
He refuses, but there is a backup plan. His daughter.
Warning: contains extreme content: Assault, violence, graphic content.
Available on kindle / ePub / paperback
O My Days by David Mathew
Billy Alfreth is serving five years for Wounding with intent at a maximum security Young Offenders Institute in the north of England. His actions were brutal, violent and alarming. But Billy has very different memories of the crime he committed than the one caught on camera.
Billy finds large chunks of time missing from his days and weeks – time that someone has stolen for his devious means as he wriggles his way into other people’s consciousness, forcing them to commit unthinkable acts. The prison is about to explode in a bloodbath of violence and hate.
Caught in the middle, Billy must fight for his sanity and his memories against a man who can control his thoughts at will.
Supernatural Thriller
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Table of Contents
Aftertaste by John Shirley
Topsy by F. Paul Wilson
Easy To Digest by Scott Goriscak
Smokin’ by Ken Goldman
A Kiss for the Damned by Ryan Willox
Big House by Carole Gill
Taper by Keith Gouveia
The Seal by Lee Pletzers
Showdown with Deacon Blues by K.K.
The Turning by Harry Louis Mora
Plastic by Joseph Pinto
Skin Deep by Carson Buckingham
Shredded by Blaze McRob
Sins of the Flesh by Nomar Knight
The Tortured Room by Marissa Farrar
Backlash by Lori R. Lopez
Devil Dust by C.D. Bennett
Obsessed with a Song by Armand Rosamilla
Doomsday Diary by Scott Nicholson
Afterword/Suggested Reading
Contributor Bios
Table of Contents
Aftertaste by John Shirley
Topsy by F. Paul Wilson
Easy To Digest by Scott Goriscak
Smokin’ by Ken Goldman
A Kiss for the Damned by Ryan Willox
Big House by Carole Gill
Taper by Keith Gouveia
The Seal by Lee Pletzers
Showdown with Deacon Blues by K.K.
The Turning by Harry Louis Mora
Plastic by Joseph Pinto
Skin Deep by Carson Buckingham
Shredded by Blaze McRob
Sins of the Flesh by Nomar Knight
The Tortured Room by Marissa Farrar
Backlash by Lori R. Lopez
Devil Dust by C.D. Bennett
Obsessed with a Song by Armand Rosamilla
Doomsday Diary by Scott Nicholson
Afterword/Suggested Reading
Contributor Bios