by Staci Parker
He pulled his head back and looked at her hungrily. “Do you know how long it has been since I begged anyone for anything?”
She looked him square in the eye and tightened her grip. She stroked him hard and fast for just three strokes and then returned to the slow and loose. Then three more hard and fast, and then again back to the slow pace and loose grip. As she tried the cycle one more time, she felt his fingers dig into her ass hard as he bit his lip.
“I can keep this up all afternoon. Remember you bought me an afternoon off so I’m in no hurry.”
She continued to alternate the hard and fast with the slow and gentle. After about the sixth cycle, she felt his knees buckle slightly but he still kept quiet. She dropped her hand altogether and still staring at him squarely in the eyes; she raised both arms and slowly untied the strings that held the triangles over her nipples. When her firm breasts swung free, his eyes dropped to watch them float on the surface of the water.
Taylor resumed her pattern on his cock, but now his eyes watched her breasts shimmy and bounce with her movements. Hard and fast followed by slow and loose, and every time her arm moved, her breasts would bounce.
She could feel his cock twitch in her hand at the end of every hard and fast cycle, and she started lengthening that part, hard and fast for longer, before switching back to the slow and loose strokes.
“Dammit woman,” he breathed, “you’re killing me…”
“All you have to do is ask,” she giggled as her fingertips tickled the head of his cock.
“Fuck,” he rasped, “c’mon, finish me.”
“What was that?” she teased. “You’re finished? You want me to stop?”
“Stroke me off, finish me,” he demanded.
Even his begging sounded like orders. She gripped him tightly and stroked for only seconds before his eyes closed and she felt that final swell and twitch and then he grunted loudly as the water spotted with his seed.
Chapter Ten
After Draco’s breathing slowed and his cock stopped twitching, he eased her arms and legs down from around his body, and buttoned up the fly of his swimsuit.
“How about a nice clean shower?” he offered.
Taylor nodded and walked towards the steps to leave the pool, knowing full well that his eyes were following her every move through the water.
“I’ll join you shortly,” he promised.
She wrapped the thick beach towel around her dripping body, and headed back to the guestroom where she had originally changed. She ran the shower until the water was nice and warm, and then stepped under the stream still clothed in her swimsuit. After she removed and rinsed the bikini bottom, she carefully hung it up to dry on the towel bar.
The bath products that Draco kept for his guests to use were several degrees nicer than the items she used at home. She lathered up her long blonde hair until she could no longer smell chlorine and then rinsed carefully before finger combing the conditioner through her locks. She hazarded a guess that the simple bar of soap probably cost more than her last haircut, and she inhaled the lavender scent deeply as she slid the bar over her skin.
A cool breeze across her back startled her, and she looked over her shoulder at a naked Draco in the shower with her.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“Just finishing what we started,” he grinned down at her.
His wet hair hung in dark curls around his eyes as they flashed with desire. His broad shoulders and hard muscled chest still gleamed with droplets of water as he stepped forward and let the shower water mingle with the pool water. He was only inches from her, and the release she experienced in the pool seemed to have only intensified her physical desire to feel the rest of him.
She turned fully around and closed the gap between them, pressing her soft full breasts up against the hardness of his chest. His hands played down her spine like the keys of a piano and she could not stop the shiver that coursed over her skin.
Draco tangled one hand through her long wet hair and pulled her head back as he lowered his lips to hers. As his lips parted and his tongue sought hers, she could feel his desire twitching and throbbing between their bodies. As long and thick as it felt in her hand, it felt even more intimidating with no cloth between his cock and her body.
She wrapped her arms around his waist and gyrated her hips against him, eliciting a deep moan from his throat.
“Taylor,” he rumbled.
He slid his lips from her mouth to her neck, letting his teeth rake against her skin.
“I’m ready to pin you up against this wall,” he threatened.
A sudden flash blinked behind her closed eyelids and she pulled back. “Oh, like if you went to jail for your crime?” she smirked.
“Wait, what? Jail? Wh-What are you talking about?”
“You do remember that I’m your lawyer, and you are charged with assault? You’re out on bail right now.”
“What does that have to do with anything? I know you and your boss can make that all disappear and we’ll be good to go.” His breath tickled the valley between her breasts as his hands roamed over her hips and backside.
It was like someone had turned on nothing but the cold water. She gasped and stepped back from the sensory assault of his body.
“No,” she stated flatly.
“No? No sex? Because I’m pretty sure you want me,” he taunted.
“No, no disappearing criminal charges,” she declared, “and no sex.”
“What? What are you talking about?” The lack of blood flowing to his brain caused severe confusion since all of his thought processes were focused on his hard cock bobbing against his abs.
She ran her fingers lightly down the exposed underside of his shaft and he almost shuddered.
“You heard me,” she teased.
“I’m still pretty sure you wouldn’t mind being up against that wall or spread eagle on my bed,” he countered.
“Irrelevant at this moment.”
She let her fingers tickle and tease the sensitive ridges just behind the head of his cock and stroked him lightly and loosely.
“Irrelevant as you play with my cock? I don’t follow,” his brows knitted together in genuine confusion.
Taylor grinned up at the bulky billionaire and dropped to her knees in front of him. As her tongue traced the same path her fingers had been tormenting him with, he groaned and looked down at her with half-closed eyes.
“I’ll only sleep with you on two conditions.”
“Seriously?” he asked, painful desire making his voice raspy and thick. “Like what?”
“One, you take me out on a proper date, not some invented excuse to get me in a bikini.”
Draco laughed despite himself. “Ok. And two?”
“Two, you call my boss and tell him you are pleading guilty to the charges.”
It was Draco’s turn for the cold shower effect. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I’m sick of these clients who buy their way out of trouble and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. You hit that guy in the bar and laid him out. You have to own that.”
“You’d rather sleep with a criminal?”
“In your case, I’d rather sleep with an honest criminal than a rich liar.”
She ran her tongue up the length of his cock and swirled it over the throbbing head.
He braced himself against the shower walls and groaned deeply.
“Are you fucking serious?”
“Yes, I’m serious about who I fuck.”
As she stood up from her kneeling position, she enclosed his cock with her breasts and slid them up and over until he bobbed loose again.
“I have to get going, but you let me know what you decide.”
Before he could even focus his eyes, she had stepped out of the shower and was nearly dried off. He ripped back the shower curtain and stared at her.
“You’ve lost your fucking mind. I can’t go to jail.”
“I did
n’t say jail, I said plead guilty. Unless you have a criminal record we are unaware of, then you will most likely pay some fines and do some community service. It’s not about the punishment; it’s about taking ownership of yourself and your actions.”
Draco was still baffled by the sudden change of events, and had barely wrapped the towel around his waist before she had her hair coiled into a bun, was dressed back in her suit, and was at the elevator door bidding him goodbye.
Chapter Eleven
Taylor had barely walked through the door of her own apartment before her cell phone started jangling loudly from the depths of her purse. She looked at the number and knew she was about to get fired.
“Hello?” She tried to make her voice sound steady to her boss on the other end.
“You want to explain the phone call I just finished? Draco Morgan told me to enter a plea of guilty for him.”
She grinned to herself. Apparently his desire for sex was pretty strong.
“We had a long chat this afternoon about taking responsibility for his actions. I guess he was paying attention.”
“Ms. Skiles, we are not being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to create criminal records for these guys. We are paid to stop that.”
“I told him that a lot of people are more impressed with someone who owns up to his mistakes than someone who always comes out squeaky clean.”
She smirked at her own private pun, since she came out of that shower squeaky clean.
“That took balls,” the partner stated, “and I can admire that kind of courage and guts. Let’s have a chat about your future with the firm on Monday when I’m back in town.”
She clicked off the phone, but it only stayed silent for a moment before an unknown number jangled through.
“Hello?” she answered again.
“So I made the call,” his deep voice rumbled.
“I know, I was just informed, and I had to explain myself,” she laughed.
“So how about that date?”
She shook her head. “Still got a little ache, hmm?”
He huffed into the phone. “Something like that. I’ll text you a time for tomorrow night.” And he was gone.
She shook her head and slipped the phone back in her purse. It was about seven in the evening on Friday and she was tired. Taylor tossed her suit into the dry cleaning pile and collapsed into her tee shirt and yoga pants. Several hours later, Taylor woke up on the couch and staggered to her bed for the rest of the night.
The next morning she awoke around 9:00AM to her cell phone chirping the alert that a text message had been delivered. All it said was “1:00PM.” Nice and cryptic, she thought. I’m a little afraid of what he has in mind. And 1:00PM? What kind of date starts in the middle of the day?
She decided that she would take the rare Saturday off, and sipped her second cup of coffee, curled back up on the couch still in her yoga pants. After about her fourth cup, she decided to take a nice long shower and get ready.
As the cool water soaked her long blonde hair and soothed her skin, she lathered and rinsed. She also carefully shaved everything below the neck, knowing that it would cost her dearly if she said no to Draco this time and wanting to make a good impression even for just one night.
With her hair wrapped in a towel, she stood in front of her closet, trying to pick an outfit for an unknown activity at an unknown destination. She finally chose a simple black shift dress and a light pink cardigan. It seemed casual enough just in case and dressy enough, also just in case. She also blew dry her hair smooth, and applied her makeup with a light but practiced hand.
Right at 1:00PM, she exited her apartment building as the car pulled up. It was the same gentleman who had delivered her to the penthouse building the previous day, and he closed the door softly behind her.
As they drove off, she tried to interrogate him. “Where are we going? Do you know what Draco has in mind?”
The driver stayed devoted to his employer and simply declined to answer. The tinted windows were so dark that she could barely see where they were headed. After about thirty minutes, they came to a stop and the driver walked around to let her out. She gaped as she shouldered her purse and stepped out. Draco was waving down at her from the metal staircase that led up and into the private jet that sat idling on the tarmac.
“Right on time,” he yelled over the background engine noise.
As she climbed the stairs and stopped facing him, his face broke into a grin.
“I wasn’t sure you’d come.”
She smirked at him. “Guess that’s up to you later…”
He wrapped an arm around her waist and ushered her inside. “I hope it will be the first of many.”
Knocked Up by a Billionaire
Nairobi grew up in South Africa and her mother had done her best to protect her. She had taught Nairobi how to speak English the best that she could and had taught her the ways of the West. She had started explaining to Nairobi from a young age how important it was for her to find a husband in America. Nairobi’s mother had ensured that Nairobi would have the opportunity to be a mail order bride. She had done her best to make sure Nairobi looked beautiful in the photo that the men took of her for the internet site.
Nairobi was naturally light-skinned and had beautiful dark brown eyes. Her lips were plump and her body was thin with round perky breasts and full hips. Her mother kept her hidden away as much as she could in a shack that was made out of mud. She knew that if the Guerillas saw her daughter they would take her away. She had heard the stories of what happened to the girls that were taken by the Guerillas and she did everything that she could to protect her daughter.
Men would use her for what men used women for, until there was nothing left of her daughter.
Nairobi had grown up without a father and that had made it even harder for her mother. He had been killed when Nairobi was a young girl, but that only made her mother want to protect her even more. Each night before Nairobi went to bed her mother would tell her tales of the land she called America. Nairobi had met a few people from this country, those who had brought food and medical supplies, mostly nurses or missionaries. They were very sweet and loving people and Nairobi dreamed of the world that they came from.
At the age of eighteen, Nairobi’s mother had taken her to become a mail order bride. It was the only way that she could think of to get Nairobi out of South Africa and into the United States. The men who owned the mail order bride company told Nairobi and her mother that they would have no problem finding her a husband and they were correct.
Within a month of Nairobi turning eighteen the men came to her mother’s house to pick Nairobi up and send her to her future husband. The men gave her mother more money than Nairobi had ever seen and she wondered how much the man had actually paid for her. She cried as she hugged her mother and told her goodbye and then she was loaded into a truck. They drove for what seemed like hours before they reached a small airport. Nairobi was shuffled onto a tiny plane and accompanied by one man.
The small plane took them to a much larger airport where Nairobi was escorted to a jet and told to board it. She was told that she would be met when she landed and then taken to her future husband. Nairobi shook with fear the entire flight. She did not know how she was supposed to act when she saw this man for the first time. She was afraid that he would be mean to her or that he could possibly kill her. After all he had paid for her. She was his property.
She imagined the pain it would cause her mother if something happened to her. Nairobi closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. She tried to focus on the stories that her mother had told her as a child. Stories of houses with real floors that were not made out of dirt, houses that were made out of wood and that were heated and cooled. She had told Nairobi how the houses have windows that did not allow the bugs in and that she would not have to sleep under a mosquito net any more.
Then there were the stories of the stores. Nairobi’s mother had told h
er that there were stores that were taller than trees and that were filled with beautiful things. Nairobi had no idea what her future would hold, but as she thought of her mother’s stories she began to relax.
The man that she was going to marry was named Mitch. He was a wealthy man that owned a chain of hotels in the wild western area of the United States. Mitch had been married before to his college sweetheart, but it turned out she wasn’t in love with him. She was also in love with the pool boy, the gardener and a few other men around town.
His ex-wife loved his money more than she loved him and that became very clear to Mitch in the later years of their marriage. Mitch was forty-seven and had been married for five years before he ever questioned his wife. The divorce had almost taken everything from him. His businesses did not matter, his money was just money to him, but it was the sadness that took over his life that almost destroyed him. Mitch had done everything that he could to take care of his wife. He had loved her with everything he had and treated her like his queen.
When he realized that she had never really loved him, he wanted to give up on life and came close to it. After a few years of therapy Mitch had begun dating again, but found that it was awkward and that he did not enjoy it at all. That was when he decided to look into getting a mail order bride. He wanted someone who would adore him, someone who would treat him just as well as he treated them, not someone that he could boss around our mistreat, but someone that would respect him and respect the things he gave to them.
More than anything, Mitch just did not want to be alone any more. He had decided that his best option was a mail order bride because it would be a win-win situation. He wanted to have someone to come home to. He didn’t care who it was as long as he was not alone and he knew that the woman would benefit from the life he was able to give her.
He knew how his friends felt about what he was doing and he knew how his family felt as well. None of that mattered to him. All that mattered was not being alone any longer. He tried to explain to them what it felt like to come home to a big empty house each day, what it was like to eat all of his meals alone and to only have himself to talk to. None of them seemed to understand. The ones that were married thought that Mitch had the perfect life, the ones that were single told him all the things that they would do if they were him.