by Staci Parker
She finally caught up to Gerard in private, away from the critical heckling of his clan.
“What happened? I thought we had a deal.”
“We have no deal,” he said cautiously. “I thought I explained to you why we cannot be together.”
“You’re really doing it? You’re going to marry someone in your own family rather than trust a human being whom you know?”
“You don’t understand,” he said regretfully. “This is entirely political. I like you as a person. But politically, in terms of preventing war, no good can come of this.”
“They’ll listen to you,” she counseled him. “You know they’d have to. But you don’t want to lift a finger to protect me. I’m just a quick fuck to you before dying?”
“That’s not what’s happening here. I just need…time.”
“Time? They want to cast me off into the wilderness where there is certain death!”
“I never told you that you were my wife, woman!”
He stared her down until she cowered and turned away.
“No, I guess you didn’t. It was foolish of me to think that I had any chance for survival, wasn’t it?”
“You know I’ll do everything I can to ensure your release and protection.”
“Except risk yourself and your position, you mean.”
“You don’t understand,” he said with an angry stare.
“Wait a minute…how do you know you didn’t give me a baby, anyway?”
“You? Produce a highlander offspring?” he said in disbelief. “You don’t even know what you ask for, woman.”
“I might already be carrying one.”
“No, you aren’t. The fact is, we can decide when our genes shall be passed down and when to shut the farm down.”
“You mean…you use immortal magic to stop from…”
“Yes. I would never treat you so poorly so as to give you a baby you cannot handle.”
“How dare you,” Allia said. “I am more than qualified to be your queen and you know it.”
“What about love then? Is that so meaningless?”
The sentiment hurt Allia who then shut her eyes and lowered her head in dread. “You are correct, Sire,” she said, barely able to look at him. “It was all my mistake. I was foolish to think someone like you could ever love someone as worthless as me.”
She walked away from him and returned to the public view in the campsite on the clan.
“Wait…that’s not what I…”
He held his own head down in regret, as he watched her walk away and leave him. Sex, though a beautiful form of art, was hardly worth the chaos of the mind now, was it?
Late at night, Allia received a rather rude awakening from a familiar face.
As she came to and opened her eyes she saw the heinous site of an angry human warrior and a highlander woman, neither too happy to see her.
“You! What is it?” she said quickly backing away and eventually falling out of the guest tent.
“Your lease has expired,” the warrior said. The default condition of the ransom was made clear. You become property of us. You have already forfeited the right to run away. And now…you will pay for your sins against humanity.”
“Very well.”
The others looked surprised and had to inquire. “Has despair truly kicked in for you, woman?”
“Look, the truth is I know that my family were and are rotten people. They’re the kind of wonderful folk that don’t even pay a ransom for my life because of the high value placed on my safe return. And besides, no one’s shaming you for taking out the males of my village that committed war crimes.”
She shut her eyes in tired frustration. “I also know that I was a fool for thinking that I was ever going to be a queen. The truth is that all these titles are meaningless. And it was foolish of me to think that such a great being as your rightful king and protector would ever love me. The truth is he owed me nothing.”
She looked at her two foes in surrender and with no joy left in her eyes. “Just take me and treat me as a slave. I only ask that you kill me quickly and not prolong my torture.”
The clan looked at each other, wondering what they might do. What would be the moral thing to do, and how important was it to be forgiving?
Unfortunately, compassion for the “spoils” was non-existent amongst the highlander clans. It didn’t take them five minutes to strip the heiress of all her clothes and put her in a tow-piece whore’s uniform, wearing heavy shackles for her sins.
Lena, the highlander clan’s eldest sister announced her humiliation publicly, declaring her a slave and as recompense for the death of their warriors at the hands of Fonnelly Village and their dynasty.
However, it didn’t take long for Gerard to hear the commotion from all the noise Lena was making with her profane pronouncements.
Gerard looked appalled the moment he saw his “bride” shackled in chains. What grave humiliation could this be?
“What have you done?” he asked in agony. “This is the respect you show to what is mine?”
“She is not our kind!” Lena said. “And you said she would become our slave…”
“I said we would negotiate with her family for her life. I never spoke of this. And you all should know that until I officially say otherwise, she is my bride and no one shall defile my name and honor this way.”
“Just let them ridicule me,” Allia said to Gerard in coldness. “I have no right to be with you or expect anything from you. I’m not being difficult. I merely agree with you. Love is far too precious a thing for one to equate it with business, promise and need. I’m sorry I put you in that position. Marry whomever you want. Love, above all else, must exist. Or else why do we even live?”
Gerard seemed unsatisfied. Allia walked away despite his impassioned rejections of “Wait!”, “Please!” and “Stop!” In Allia’s mind there was nothing left to say. He had chosen, and she had gambled and lost everything. One thing was for sure, the old medicine man Angus was certainly right about “not running” from this spectacle. They were all doomed. They had all been doomed for a long time now, thanks to this crooked dynasty of looters and thieves.
On the other hand, Gerard was fuming with anger. “You are barbarians,” he said to the humans. “In return for my sparing your life, this is what you show me? Shouldn’t the unity of your own people be strong? Something worth fighting for? This is how you would treat your own kind, rather than plead on her behalf?”
He slanted his eyes and got face to face with his human warrior slave. “I release you from your bondage. You are no longer a slave.”
“But… I liked working for you, master.”
“And you have proven yourself unworthy in your treachery. The same punishment you would have given the Queen give to yourself. You are in exile. Leave our clan and make a living for yourself, free of our luxuries and protection.
He looked at Lena in disdain. “And you…I am not marrying you or any other highlander in this clan. I declare myself through with the likes of your kind.”
“What? You can’t break with tradition!”
But that’s precisely what Gerard wanted: to break with tradition. The honest truth was that he was still infatuated with Allia’s body and mind. He would be a fool to deny what he felt. But there was still one misunderstanding.
He ran up to Allia who was running away in shame, still wearing shackles of disgrace.
“Stop! Listen to me.”
“No. We have nothing to say. I accept what happened. My negotiation failed.”
“I want you as my wife. Queen, whatever you wish to call it.”
“You don’t mean it…”
“Allia…of course I am attracted to you. We shared a great night together. But what I want for you most of all is for you to have the chance to rule your kingdom once again. You will become the heiress you deserve to be. And then it will be your choice to fall in love with whomever you want.”
Allia listened in heartache. �
�But don’t you understand? I have nothing left…”
“What if you did?”
“Then I know, Gerard, that I am never going to find another man as kind as you. Not in this world. It’s pointless to even look. Any woman would be a fool to let you go. And it’s not because you’re immortal or a sorcerer. She’d be a fool because you’d make a great husband. And that’s a fact.”
Gerard could think of nothing to say, nothing to merit her kind words and her beautiful face. All the immortal could think to do was kiss her, reach into her lips and take her by the arms, planting an epic kiss without holding back.
This time he followed his heart. He wanted her for no other reason except that to live is human. To take a chance is human. And this one, this love, the humans had right.
Gerard lifted Allia into the air and took her against an adobe wall on the border of the camp. She was already quite the sight to behold in her two-piece suit, but the insult of the dress was still glaring at him. He ripped the piece off and made her stand naked—the true, artful state and the most naturally beautiful body of the highlander queen. He also tore the shackles off and cleaned up her grimy face with a whiff of magic, counteracting the cruelty of his clan, which was bound to fall apart at the seams.
But he didn’t care. He ripped off his own pants and belt and sent them down, grabbing his large erection and pointing it upwards, for the perfect slanted fit. He lifted Allia high up in to the air and penetrated her deeply. This time they held nothing back. They cried, bellowed, grunted and panted like wild animals. No inhibitions or regrets. Just complete trust and surrender. He entered her hard and fast this time, pounding her pussy with a warrior’s own vengeance.
His cock was hard throbbing and filled Allia up with as many inches as would fit in the tight squeeze. He grinded his cock deeper into her pussy as he held her high and kept her legs wrapped around his back. She loved the feeling of letting go and letting him protect her, lift her up and fight for her.
He inhaled and exhaled on her neck and shoulders, as he held her by the hands and spread her arms out on the surrounding wall. This was the hardest raw passion encounter he had ever experienced with any being, let alone a non-immortal. But even at this point he could tell that their genetics were compatible. She craved his body and his powerful mind. She was docile enough to learn the ways of the immortal and to carry on the legacy.
He also uncovered his shirt and dropped it to the ground just to feel her chest and his mashing together and feeling so raw. Gerard rammed his cock deep into her hard squeezing lips and began bucking from the high pressure. He grunted her name as he felt the throbbing in his cock, which was well matched to the racing heart of his lover. This time they could fuck as loud as they wanted to because they had the power—the power to move on, change and improve the gene pool. The power to live for love and not tradition. To take a chance on something greater.
None of this would bode well with his clan, but their approval never mattered. Whatever they were, their hearts were hardened, but the heiress’s heart remained pure.
Gerard was fucking her so furiously he couldn’t help but grip onto her hair and ready her for the huge slap of his cum. She opened her mouth wide as she felt him entering in and out with a screaming passion. Just as he began to tremble, she gyrated against his fast-pounding cock and created an even stronger sensation. All this sucking and fucking on his most sensitive weapon was too much to bear.
He grunted deep and slow, as he held her tight with his muscular arms and fought the feeling of losing control for a good two minutes of continual thrusting, before finally releasing a gush of semen. They were both wet and in each other’s arms and it felt perfectly right.
But there was something else this time: the strange surging feeling when his cum had dropped and pressed on through to the other side of her internal organs. She felt sick almost immediately after the sex concluded, not to mention a rush of dizziness and seeing psychedelic stars.
He dropped her on the ground but still held her in a tight embrace as they continued putting light lip pecks all over each other’s faces.
“Now this time…” he said with a grin, “I’m going to make sure we stay by each other’s side forever…or at least as long as forever means for people gifted like us.”
“Wait…you mean…”
“The only way I can ensure that your heritage is protected and that our unique species’ genes are crossed, against the will of my family, is to give you a child now.”
“Oh my God…I’m pregnant.”
“And with the baby of monster.”
“No…” she said, as she smiled and rubbed her tummy, already feeling an otherworldly echo inside her body as the chemistry exploded, creating something wonderful. “Not a monster. You’re a wonderful group of immortals, warriors beyond all our capacity. And yet you choose to be kind. Our child will be a great king one day…”
And nothing could stop them now, since their destiny together was forever sealed with a kiss and an internal emission of magic power that led to the greatest conception in three generations. A great and portentous day indeed, and a ransom plot turned into a love story for the ages. In the end, she may have been his captive, but she was the one who captivated his heart.
Taken Captive by the Thug
Chapter one
“I’ve worked tirelessly to get away from all of this. I’m not exactly happy about coming back after all this time. I didn’t even return for my parent’s funeral after the car accident. A drunk driver ran into them at a speed that killed them on contact. I’ve lost sight of what is important. I need to remind myself that family is something that I cannot turn my back on. No matter how much I dislike my little brother’s decisions, it doesn’t mean that I should throw him aside and never give him another thought.” I was talking to an elderly lady beside me. She was knitting and listening. I felt like I had found a kinship with a grandmother figure that I never had before.
“This whole thing has been bothering you for some time. You need to make things right and by going back; you can settle some old scores once and for all. Don’t let past grievances get in your way. You need to come to terms with what your brother has made of his life. You may not agree with it, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be a part of it.” I never had a white grandmother or even any grandmother for that matter. She was talking like she knew my situation. I had no idea how that was even possible in her white bred world.
“I know that you’re only trying to help, but how is it that you have this much insight into my problems. You don’t look like the type that would’ve been living with the threat of joining a gang anytime that you went to school.” I only asked the question because I was an African American woman struggling to make it in this world. I always look behind me driving my red Lexus, thinking that a police officer was going to take exception to me being behind the wheel. I didn’t want to become just another statistic.
“You don’t have a monopoly on having a rotten childhood. I may have not had gangs to worry about, but I did have my fair share of bullies. I thought that I was trapped with no where to turn. I actually contemplated taking my own life when I was eighteen. You don’t have to look at me like that. I realized before I did anything that I couldn’t allow them to have that kind of power over me. The only way to deal with it was head on. I found out soon after that bullies are afraid of anyone who stands up to them. They will fight of course, but you just need to stand and fight back to get their respect. Your brother deserves a second chance. I can only imagine what your parents’ death did to him emotionally. Not having you around turned him to the only life that he knew.” Betty sure knew how to get to the heart of the matter.
“You make some valid points. I’ve been trying to hide from my past, when the past is always going to be there, whether I like it or not. My brother may have turned towards a life of which I want no part, but I need to let him know that I will always be there for him. If he wants to get
out, then I can help him find a way to extricate himself from a situation that is either going to land him in jail or dead on the street somewhere.” Every time that I got an e-mail from my brother, I felt this cold distance between us. It was time to put that where it belonged – in the past.
“You’ve already told me that you are a very respected professor teaching ethics and economics. You of all people know that there is a fine line between what is right and what is wrong. Everybody needs to decide what is best for them. You just have to hope that they have been given the tools to make the right decisions. To be honest, I’ve never really believed in differences in color. We are all here on earth to serve the one man above. Why we continue to fight against one another is beyond me.” If I could, I would bottle what she was selling and give it to anyone that was having their share of doubts.
“I’m exactly like you. I stress tolerance and show restraint when faced with an overwhelming problem. I’m giving the next generation a chance to rise above the expectations of society. We don’t have to be pigeonholed into a world that we can’t wrestle free from. We can fight our way out and there is always something that will allow us to reach for that lifeline. Economics is a subject that I feel very strongly about. If a person knows how their money works, then they can make their money work for them and not against them. I’ve given you some pointers. These are not foolproof by any means. I’m just making sure that you have everything that you need in your twilight years.”
“I appreciate that, Carmela. That is a very unusual name, but I imagine that it has some significance to your mother.” She was very astute. My name came from my grandmother. She was a strong woman that fought for equal rights and died during a period that was full of strife. “I thought that playing the market was for fools. I guess you just need to know what to look for to make an educated chance.” The plane was landing and I felt a momentary sense of hesitation creep into my bones. I really wasn’t sure I wanted to be back here.