Crimson Guard

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Crimson Guard Page 5

by Rebecca Challoner

  Finally something in my favour.

  Slowly I started to move, darting a look to the door to judge how quickly I could try to escape. I had the element of surprise on my side, however, they had years of training on theirs. Even if I somehow managed to dive my way out of the room, I still didn't know where I was. It was a risk. But the alternative...

  I counted down in my mind.


  I bunched up my muscles and gathered all my wits.


  I very slightly pushed up, ready to sprint.

  I didn't even get to one before the soldier realised I was awake.

  He cleared his throat, interrupting what General Volorn was about to say and made a gesture in my direction as I sat up further to start my dash.

  "It seems someone has woken up."

  Volorn's eyes whirled to mine and his frown smoothed out to a neutral expression as he wrapped an arm around my torso and flung me back onto the cot. Not that I had far to go.

  His action gave me a personal view of his features, highlighting the shadows that lingered underneath his eyes. But they were focused as they met mine.

  "Welcome back to the land of the living." He remarked, as though he hadn't just stopped my escape.

  Anger surged through me like fire in my veins and I snapped upright and bit back, "I wouldn't have been unconscious if it wasn't for you!"

  He studied me with raised eyebrows as I gritted my teeth from the sudden throbbing in my jaw, glaring daggers at him.

  He gave a slight nod, "True, however, you are a thief who stole from a member of the elite, took on their persona and fled from capture. A criminal who also tried attacking me. I'm well within the law to detain you by any means."

  His words didn't dull my anger but I could help the small winced as his words hit home. Criminal. Sure I had been stealing for years but I had never thought of myself that way.

  But I didn't let him see that vulnerability, instead, I threw a few home truths at him.

  "What you saw was survival. You can call it a crime all you want but when it's the only way to get food on the table, it's a necessity, not a crime. I'm just like hundreds more in the city, another orphan of the war trying to survive."

  I clenched my jaw, only to relax it again as the pain from his blow danced along it.

  Volorn watched me, taking in my reaction to his remark and the wince from his hit. Apart from a slight shuffle in his chair, he made no reaction and I resorted to glaring at him in silence.

  "What is your name?" He asked.

  Instead of answering him, I tried to assess the situation and look at my options.

  In his eyes, I was a criminal, not just a petty criminal but one who stole from the elite. With meant he had two options for what to do with me. I could be imprisoned, put on trial and sentenced for x amount of years.

  Or I could be sentenced to death.

  With the lofty connections that Wildecrest had, it wouldn't surprise me if he commanded it. He had beggars whipped for asking him for money before.

  But even as I considered these outcomes, I began to wonder if that was all of my options. After all, I wasn't currently laying in a jail cell. Nor was I dead. Instead, I was resting upon a comfortable bed, unrestrained, speaking to the man who found me in an almost civilized manner.

  I slowly turned toward him, studying him as he previously appraised me. He patiently waited for me to answer, leaning back in his chair as though he didn't have a care in the world. Whereas his soldier standing at his back was trying not to look interested, but his gaze too focused to be anything but.

  This was not a regular occasion. They wanted something from me, and maybe I could use that to my advantage.

  "Alise," I finally uttered, trying to adopt an earnest expression.

  He gave a small snort, arms crossing over his chest in disbelief.

  Clearly, I had to work on my acting skills. But I continued to stare at him with my most sincere expression, not giving him an inch.

  The silence stretched and disbelief rang in the air, but I held my tongue until Volorn finally conceded.

  "Okay...Alise...Would you like to explain your actions last night?"

  I darted a look between the men, trying to evaluate a reply which would word to my best advantage, whilst also struggling to grasp a believable reason.

  "I needed the money, they are the wealthiest family around these parts. I knew they wouldn't miss some coin." I tried to make my tone a sulk, as though I were a child caught stealing a sweet.

  "I see." Volorn stood up from his chair and started a slow deliberate pace. "And what about the shielding stones you stole as well? They are a little bit more than 'some coin'."

  I scrambled to respond, something believable, "For protection."


  "We are in a war, aren't we?" I mockingly retorted.

  "You have powers, don't you? Why would you need protection?" Volorn mocked back, an emotion in his eye that I couldn't read.

  My mind flung me back to the past, to my life on the streets where I had to fight for my next meal. Where other larger children beat me for the food I managed to plead and beg for. Where each child fought like a pack of wolves for a place to sleep, to eat, drink, for clothes. I obtained more than my fair share of bruises, cuts, and beatings and my power couldn't do a lick to save me. Only a kind man with an open heart many years later had done that.

  "I happen to be one of the neglected. You know the ones. The ones who are at the brink of starvation. So they risk being arrested for trying to steal food because there are no jobs around to make any money. The only option is to sign up as a soldier in this stupid war and even then not many return."

  Even though I was weaving a lie to try and save my own skin, I allowed the truth to spill from my mouth. I spoke with a righteous conviction that would make a politician proud.

  "We are a broken city, one that is full of poverty, crime and sickness. We have seen no kindness off the Elite. They hoard their money, scorn at those who beg for what they need to survive. That's why I have no problem stealing from the riches. It's an unjust world, but everyone needs to fight to survive in. And I will protect myself and those who need it." I spoke with unwavering confidence whilst also letting my anger colour every word as it left my mouth.

  Volorn seemed to give a slight conceding nod whilst the soldier behind him watched me with begrudging respect.

  "Even so, you stole from a member of the Elite and were caught doing so. They can demand your head for this." Volorn's voice was thoughtful rather than angry.

  Of course they would. Their pride had taken a hit and they would want to make an example of me as a warning to everyone to not mess with them again.

  If it was down to the Elite, I didn't have a chance.

  But the fact I was here and not in a prison cell...

  Using the ace up my sleeve, I straightened, crossed my legs and clasped my hand in front of me. Letting him see I was not cowed, I calmly asked, "What do you want from me?"

  Volorn stopped pacing, shocked by my question, "Want from you?"

  "From what you're saying, my death should be imminent. The Wildecrests have caught me. I should be rotting in a prison cell waiting for my death. But I'm not. I'm here with you and your soldier in this cosy little room on a bed." I smoothly uttered, gesturing around the room, "So what do you want from me."

  Behind the general, the soldier gave a slight smile, his eyes gleaming as though I did something delightful and unexpected. I tried not to scowl at him and kept my attention on Volorn.

  He was gazing at my face but found myself frustrated as I couldn't read him, his expression carefully neutral.

  A long minute drew out, our will battling against each other before he gave in and stated,

  "I want you as one of my soldiers."

  "No." I instantly remarked without thinking. I never wanted to be a part of this war, there was a reason why I avoided the testing and I wasn't willing to be a part of it

  "I don't think you're in a position to negotiate 'Alise'." I could hear the disbelief when he pronounced the name, "You should have been trained for the war years ago. As soon as your powers made an appearance. Somehow you slipped through the cracks. The joke is you probably could have remained your whole life undetected with the power you have."

  He leaned forward to punctuate his next words, "But you messed that up. You used your powers to break the law and got yourself caught. And now you have a choice, become a soldier in my unit or you can be left to the Wildecrests who will imprison you and no doubt you will be dead by the end of the week."

  His sharp words boiled the blood within me and I had to take a calming breath to allow myself to think.

  I couldn't do it. I couldn't leave when Tawney might be in danger. What would happen when I left? That black eye could be just the start of it and without a shielding charm, he had no defense. He was just an old man. And after his son died during the war, I don't know what reaction he would give when I left him to possibly die the same way. He may not survive it.

  But that didn't stop me from asking the question that pulsed in my mind, "Why?"

  "Why?" he parroted.

  "Why do you need me? By the sounds of it, you have your pick of powerful ceruleans. Why me?"

  "You are the only Mimic." He stated, as though it was enough. I guess it was.

  I sat in silence as I thought of what to do. What my options were. I could refuse and allow him to hand me over to the Wildecrests. I could try to escape again...but as I looked at the trained men, I knew I couldn't risk that now. Or... I could accept and be a part of a war I never wanted to be a part of.

  I ran through as many scenarios I could think of, but in the end, there was only one option that ended with me living in the immediate future.

  But I wasn't willing to take this lying down. I would accept, on my own terms.

  So I sat with my back straight, chin tilted up and looked Volorn directly in the eye as I said, "Okay. I will be one of your soldiers."

  He didn't visually show any sign of how he received the news but his soldier at his back let out a small sigh, his shoulders drooping in relief.

  "On one condition." I finished, my stomach a mass of nerves.

  That damn eyebrow went up again but he kept silent.

  "I would like to say goodbye to someone before I go."

  He let out a startled laugh, "I don't think you're in a position to demand such things."

  I lifted my chin and caught his gaze with mine and drawled out, "You would think that, wouldn't you. However, here I am in a room with a bed, relatively unharmed. Instead of dragging me away, unconscious to wherever you need me to go, you have me here. Safe. I think you need me more than you let on."

  In my peripheral vision, I saw the soldier's eyebrows rose and he looked to Volorn, but my attention was completely focused on Volorn.

  "You're pushing your luck here," Volorn stated, his tone like ice.

  I flicked an eyebrow back at him, trying to appear calm and in control, "And you're pushing yours General Volorn."

  Silence descended as he thought about it, rubbing his hand over his five o'clock shadow and assessed me. But I was deadly serious. I was not leaving without seeing Tawney beforehand. Maybe I could escape on the way, or somehow Tawney could help me out of this situation. But at the very least I needed to know he was safe if the opportunity didn't arise to me to leave. I needed to say goodbye.

  "If you want me to be a part of your unit, then that is my condition," I demanded, letting it be clear that I was serious. I felt him looking at me, judging me but I kept silent and waited for him to turn me down.

  "In return, you will do all that is asked, not fight us and be a true soldier?" He enquired.

  I nodded.

  "Good. Axel, bring me the chains." He commanded the soldier.

  "What? Why?!" I protested as Axel walked towards me with thick metal cuffs.

  I tried to back away but before I knew it, one of the cuffs clamped around my wrist and one around his, around a meter of chain between us. I swung to glare at Volorn, anger making me rigid.

  "You may have agreed, Madam. But, I don't know you. I can't trust you. You would probably try to escape at the first opportunity and that's a risk I cannot take. And so until you prove you're trustworthy, you will be chained to one of my Crimson Guards. You will be clothed, fed and trained and when you are ready, you will help us win this war."

  I gritted my teeth, feeling the walls closing in on me. Feeling trapped. "I gave my word. I will not go back on it."

  "That remains to be seen." Volorn supplied, seeming satisfied with the chain that entrapped me.

  "Fine. Let's go." I bit out.

  "Where is the person you wish to say goodbye to?"

  I stared ahead as they lead me out of the room, a sense of dread filling my stomach as I told them, "Tawney's Trinkets."

  Chapter 5

  By the time we walked out of the building where I was being held and made our way towards Tawney's Trinkets, the morning sun started to light the sky. The sky was aflame with pinks, golds, and amber and I had a sense of foreboding shiver through me.

  The streets were desolate, only hungry eyes of the homeless peered at us through the dark alleyways. The figures weaved through the shadows, keeping us insight as we marched down the cold narrow pathway towards Tawney's Trinkets. A low mumble of conversation hummed through the air from the crevices and made my skin prickle with unease.

  I kept my gaze forward, as though I was oblivious to the lurker's plans. But I knew. Much hasn't changed on the streets since I left. The dangerous ones stayed out at night. The ones we children had known to avoid. I passed a look over to Volorn and Axel, seeing if they noticed the excited whispers from around us but I couldn't read them as they strode confidently beside me.

  I chewed on my lip, unsure whether to say anything. Perhaps the shadowed figures could create a distraction and give me an opportunity to flee. As I mused over the possibility, I continued to direct them through the streets, taking turns that looped around to routes we had just walked in a bid to confuse them. I didn't want them knowing a direct route to Tawney's if I could help it.

  As we came to a familiar street for the third time around, Axel's lip curled up and he peered at me in silent amusement, "Funny. I felt like I've been here before."

  I blinked at him as though confused and innocently replied, "Many of the streets look the same, sir."

  He puffed out a little snort before Volorn's voice cut through the air, "If you want to say goodbye to this friend, you best take us there now before my patience runs out."

  I turned my head away to hide the scowl that erupted from my face, "This way."

  I tugged on the chain connecting me to Axel with impatience and anger. They jingled together in a soft clang that caused more figures in the shadow to swarm in interest. Probably thinking it was gold.

  As we made our way further down the dust-ridden streets, I felt the attention on us grow and a cold sweat started to break out on my forehead. The people who stayed out at night were not innocent beggars or petty thieves. These were murderers and abusers. They would slice your throat before stealing from you or torture you for the fun of it. I had managed to avoid many things in my life on the streets but I witnessed more than a child had to. And I could sense an awaiting ambush.

  Axel and Volorn grew grim and they both lowered their hands to their swords at their hips. Slowly they lifted their weapons from their scabbard, the morning light catching the reflection on the blades. A silent warning to those who dared. The shadows seemed to pause, to assess their prey.

  I waited with bated breath to see what they would do whilst thinking of how I could use this to my advantage to escape. I slowly stood a few steps back until I wasn't in their view, giving the impression I was cowering being them. Instead, I studied the metal clamped around my wrist, giving a few experimental tugs whilst darting a few glances to men before, makin
g sure there were remained unaware of my small deception.

  Volorn flicked a quick look to Axel, who gave a faint nod. Axel turned his head, searching for something before suddenly a mass of figures surrounded us, all armed with deadly weapons. I froze, my muscles bunched up in instinct, forgetting the heavy chain in surprise. I was about to yank my arm and struggle my way out of it in rising terror as a hand was placed on my shoulder.

  I jumped and spun around in fright to find Volorn standing over me, his fingers tightening on my shoulder.

  "Look." He calmly stated as he turned me towards our ambushers. It was then when I realised that the figures surrounding us wore the same armor as Axel. It was as though he had summoned an army.


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