Crimson Guard

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Crimson Guard Page 9

by Rebecca Challoner

  "Oh. Why didn't you wake me?" I asked, flustered and embarrassed for sleeping so late. I turned to blink at him in confusion again, my mind still sluggish.

  Axel smirked, nudging my shoulder, "The way you were snoring, it seemed like you needed the sleep."

  I swung my arm and punched him in the shoulder before I could think about it, "Shut up, I do not snore!"

  "Oh yes, you do! Doesn't she Thorlan?!" Axel shouted over to Thorlan whilst I tried to control a blush.

  "Yes, you do Milady. But don't worry, half the time we can't hear you over Axel's rumbling snore. He sounds like an angry bear!" He chortled back, a giant grin spread across his face.

  "Shh, you're not supposed to tell her that!!" Axel exclaimed.

  "Oh, as if I don't already know you snore! I've been sleeping next to you over the last couple of days! I'm surprised I got any sleep at all! You must be the reason why I'm snoring, trying to cover the sound of your beastly snore!!" I replied triumphantly.

  I smiled brightly at Axel, feeling victorious in my retort. He gained a funny look as his eyes darted over my features, his full lips slightly parted as his face went slack.

  Axel opened his mouth to reply but was cut off from Volorn, "As amusing as talking about who snores the loudest is, we need to get going. We're almost at the capital and I wish to get there as soon as possible."

  The smile dropped from my face, the reminder of the capital, of the change in my life ruined the light-hearted feel of the morning. As if sensing my drop in mood, Axel nudged my shoulder again and whispered, "He only said that so we wouldn't tell you that he is the worst of the lot for snoring."

  I gave him a faint smile before shooting out of the bed and started rolling up the bedroll. The reminder of where we would be arriving caused my nerves to be shot.

  "I never got a chance to say before, but I admire you," Axel mumbled as he hovered behind me, the light of the morning casting his shadow over me.

  I snorted. Why would he admire me? I was a silly orphan girl, a petty criminal.

  "No, I mean it Fawn." His voice was serious, reminding me of the way he spoke after Tawney's death. I turned and looked at him to find his face sincere, "I admire what you did for Tawney before his death. Even when it looked like you had no options, you tried your hardest to keep him safe. If he was the reason you were stealing those charms, then I understand that too. Sometimes you have to do things to protect those you love, even if it is breaking the law."

  I assessed his earnest expression, before quietly replying, "Thank you."

  I went back to rolling up the bedroll, avoiding his gaze. I felt anything but admirable. I felt like a failure. My mind continuously looped around how I could have changed the past. If only I wasn't caught, I could have used the shielding charm to protect him. If only I had stopped him from going to his meeting before I went to the Wildecrest heist. If only I didn't go to the Wildecrest's at all, then I wouldn't be in this mess. But these thoughts wouldn't change the past.


  We had been riding for half a day before I started to notice a difference in the scenery. During our days of travel, there were lush green hills stretched for miles, vivid greens of every shade scattered the countryside, trees clustered together to make beautiful forests that swayed softly to the breeze. It seemed heavenly, a quiet paradise compared to the busy slum of the city we had come from. But in the distance the lush green turned to a muddy brown, buildings littered the horizon, their murky white stone towers a stark contrast against the dirty brown earth. From afar you could just make out citizens moving around, like busy ants working in their colony. It was an intimidating sight and one that made me uncomfortable.

  "Not long now," Axel remarked.

  "Yes almost home!" Thorlan's voice a jolly boom.

  "Home? Do you all live in the capital then?" I asked, curious.

  "What Thorlan means is it's where Rema is," Axel remarked.


  "Ahh Rema, my darling Rema." Thorlan straightened, a giant smile taking up his face. "As quick as a snake, as sly as a fox, as graceful as a panther, as- "

  "- Enchanting as the softest melody." Axel and Volorn quoted at the same time.

  I smiled, "I'm assuming he says this a lot."

  "Only every time the sun rises and sets." Axel joked.

  "Quote me all you want, you know it's true!" Thorlan replied as he vibrated in his saddle.

  Axel snorted and murmured to me, "Rema is an Enchanter in the Crimson Guard and Thorlan's lady love."

  "Ahh," I replied, trying to imagine someone to match Thorlan's giant strength and jolly personality. Perhaps someone tall, graceful with a kind light-hearted smile and open character to match Thorlan's.

  "Whatever you're imagining, that's not it," Volorn remarked and he pulled his horse to walk next to ours. "Rema has...a very feisty personality. Amazing at what she does and a credit to the Crimson Guard or else I wouldn't have recruited her. But be prepared when you meet her, she has a way of catching people off guard." He said with a smile, his eyes distant as if recalling a memory.

  Axel snorted, "I remember when I first met her, she certainly makes a lasting impression."

  Interesting. They spoke of her as though she was an annoying but lovable sister and it was clear that the members of the Crimson Guard have a bond with each other that I would be lying if I said I wasn't envious of.

  "Not long at all until sweet Rema is in my arms again!" Thorlan boomed, his excitement a buzz of energy that hovered around him.

  "Well, what are we waiting for?" Volorn smirked and gave his horse a gentle kick that had it galloping in front, racing towards the sea of buildings.

  Thorlan and Axel let out a whoop and before I knew it our horse had picked up the pace until we were racing after him. The wind whipping my hair back and we flew, air rushed around me so fast that I felt my cheeks rippled. We hurtling forward as the landscape blurred and a sense of exhilaration filled me. Volorn had a small head start but we were gaining on him as was Thorlan, who was just edging that little bit further than us.

  "Can we go any faster?!" I shouted to Axel.

  "As Milady commands!"

  Axel gave another kick and before we knew it we were shooting ahead, passing Thorlan and Volorn. I wanted to lift my arms out to the side and shout in exhilaration, like an eagle taking flight. I never felt so free whilst the world sped around me, I wanted to close my eyes in bliss but didn't want to miss a moment.

  Within seconds we reached the capital's high walls, were we slowed and waited for the others to catch up, which didn't take long. I felt a sense of loss, of missing the exhilaration of flying in the wind, until I saw that we had won.

  "We won!" I exclaimed as my excitement got the best of me.

  The men laughed and Thorlan opened his mouth for a retort before he was violently pulled from the horse. Thorlan rolled on impact and sprang up, his fists clenched ready to fight. But I couldn't see an opponent, there was no one near him. Confused, I looked to Volorn who was relaxed on his saddle, watching Thorlan without concerned.

  Thorlan started to relax, his eyes darting around. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a figure sprang at him from behind. A foot slammed into the backs of his knees, making him drop as he let out a startled yell. The attacker was slight, dressed in all black with a midnight mask covering their face, hiding any features. The figure rolled, darting away just as Thorlan twisted and plowed his fist where the empty space was. The assailant dashed back to Thorlan's unprotected side, delivering a crushing blow to his ribs. The foe then stepped back into...nothing. Gone again.

  I twisted to Axel, "What's going on?! We need to help him!" Panic rushing through me.

  Axel smiled, "Nah, I don't feel like helping." He gave a careless shrug.


  "I don't feel like it."

  I stared at him, mouth open in shock. I shifted, trying to get off the horse but Axel grabbed my arm, "Just watch."

sp; I turned back to the fight, watching as Thorlan was again on his feet. He circled around, his eyes darted as he tried to find his hidden opponent. His foe popped out from behind him again, rushing him. Thorlan was prepared this time, spinning around with his arms out wide before catching the figure in a bear hug. His muscles bulged as he tried to crush the attacker in his grip. The assailant struggled, their legs kicked out and slammed into him but he held strong. The figure slammed their head back and caught Thorlan in the nose. Blood exploded out of his nostrils, but still, he did not let go.

  "Alright, I give." The figure exclaimed.

  Thorlan smiled, his blood from his nose staining his teeth red in a gruesome smile. "Nice try, almost had me for a second there."

  The figure stopped moving and Thorlan let them drop before pulling off the mask, grasping the person's head and... Kissing them?

  Axel let out a laugh whilst my mouth dropped and shock flooded my system.

  "Almost Rema, but not quite on Thorlan's level yet," Axel remarked which made the figure, Rema, stiffen and spin to glare at Axel.

  "I had him!"

  Rema was not what I expected. Her voice strong, bold in contrast to her slight frame. Her eyes deep indigo which almost made them look black sparked with outrage, framed with black long lashes that matched her charcoal hair which hung to her chin in a tousled bob. She was a golden bronze which was in complete contrast to the locals of the city I lived in, different from what I have ever seen. Her mouth formed a snarl showing of straight pearly whites. She was beautiful, even with the angry burn wound that sliced across her left cheekbone. It looked like an old wound but her skin was forever marked by the red and shiny membrane that healed where a fire had once destroyed.

  "If you had him then why didn't you win?" Axel replied.

  She took a threatening step forward before Thorlan pulled her back into his chest.

  "I think one fight will do for the moment, my love." He murmured to her, looking extremely happy to have her in his arms.

  She huffed before looking at me, "Who's the kid?"

  I stiffened, insulted. "I'm not a child."

  "Look like one to me." She mocked.

  "This is Fawn, she will be a part of the Crimson Guard," Volorn interrupted, sensing an argument not doubt.

  Rema scoffed, "You think she's good enough to be one of us?"

  "Yes." He simply replied, his tone insinuating he would take no argument on this.

  Rema eyed me up before turning to her General. "We aren't a babysitting service. Look at her. It will take months to train her. We don't have time for this, we have a war to win."

  "You will accept Fawn and make her feel welcome. The last I heard I am the General and you are not," Volorn snapped. "The next time you question my judgment you will be pulled from the guard altogether."

  Rema stood straighter and stepped out of Thorlan's arms, "Yes sir."

  Inside I was seething. How dare she, this woman just took one look at me and dismissed me. I was not a child and to be treated like a burden when I was forced to be here filled me with outrage.

  "Now let's move. There is a lot we need to catch up on."

  The Guards nodded and Volorn led the way, soldiers and citizens alike saluting him as he passed.

  Axel softly murmured into my ear, "I told you before, whatever you were expecting, she is not it."

  "Well, I can see that now."

  "She will grow on you, I promise. She prickly at first but once you get to know each other more, she's a loyal friend."

  "Gee, lucky me," I responded.

  Axel just laughed, no doubt knowing how I didn't believe him. But I had to admit even though Rema insulted me, she was right. Not about me being a child but that I would be of no use to them. I can't fight, had never been taught to.

  Determination steeled my spine. I would be of use. I will take their lessons and become one of the best. I would not be the useless little orphan thief anymore. It was time I made use of myself and my powers. I would show Rema.

  Chapter 10

  We made our way through the capital, weaving in-between run-down homes that littered the streets. The hum of conversations that surrounded us reminding me of a swarm of bees within their hive. The roads were so busy with soldiers and citizens and that had shocked me. I was so used to Ebonhost's poverty that it was a shock to find somewhere so...alive.

  "Is it always this busy?" I asked Axel.

  "Busy?" Axel replied whilst looking around, "This isn't really that busy. We have two units fighting on the front at the moment, you should see it when everyone is back. You can barely move!"

  Axel laughed at my stunned look but continued walking towards...

  "Where are we going?"

  "To the Crimson Guard's tower."

  "You have your separate tower?"

  "We have our own training ground too. To be the best, you need to train to be the best and we train as much as possible before we go to the war front."

  I was amused, "That's very big-headed to say. That you're the best."

  "It's not big-headed, its fact. We train the hardest and have honed our skills into deadly weapons. All of us have been to the war front many times, we have all survived," He pridefully replied.

  I gave a slow nod and Axel continued walking us to the camp.



  "You may be the best and survived the front lines. But the war is not over, if you're all the best and we still haven't won the war, then how do we expect to win this war now?"

  He carried on walking as I trailed behind, seeming to think over his reply.

  "I don't claim to know everything Fawn but Volorn is an amazing General. He will find a way, have faith in him. And besides, we now have you on our side. Who knows, maybe you're the person to tip the war in our favour."

  I let out a snort but didn't reply. When they see how useless I was at fighting then he will know what a lost cause that was.

  "Well let's hope there are more people with exceptional powers to help win this war because you're going to be disappointed if all your hopes are resting on me."

  Axel smiled, lighting up his face, "We will see."

  We walked a little while longer before coming to a large grey stone tower. It stood high and proud in the sky, causing me to tilt my head back to view it in all its glory. Ivy and moss stained the grey bricks an emerald green, giving a mystical almost romantic look to the intimidating building. Large rounded windows dotted structure, allowing the sun to stream into the rooms within but unfortunately, I couldn't make out anything inside, the bright light glaring off the glass. It looked magnificent. It looked terrifying. It looked like change.

  I took my avid gaze off my new home to look at the scene in the training yard in front of me. A small cluster of people stood in a semi-circle, watching as two figures, one female and one male, fought each other in a clash of blades. Their swords danced together in a battle of grace and danger whilst the wielders grunted and roared in frustration. They appeared evenly matched and it was clear by the gleaming eyes of their onlookers that this match was captivating.

  Volorn strolled over to the group of spectators, Rema and Thorlan trailing after him. A chorus of greetings rose when they saw them and they were embraced with a hug and a couple of slaps on the back.

  "Here's our Crimson Guards!" Axel announced.

  At our entrance, the soldiers stopped fighting and turned towards us.

  "Ah, so you're all back! Who is this you have brought back with you!" One asked.

  Thorlan stepped forward, "This is Fawn, she is to be a new member of our Crimson Guard!"

  "A new person to babysit," Rema muttered but everyone ignored her.

  I stepped forward with Axel hovering beside me, almost protectively.

  "Left to gather information and come back with a new member. How efficient of you General," A female supplied, pushing her blade into her scabbard now she was no longer engaged in battle.

  She was a tall woma
n with a long straight nose and eyes that were such a pale blue they almost looked grey. Her chocolate brown hair was pulled back into a plait that reached her waist. She wasn't a beautiful woman but I still couldn't stop staring at her, her features commanding attention in a way that was striking. I wanted to study her face for hours, learning how to make a face as commanding as hers, showing a strength that demanded attention.

  "Fawn let me introduce you to everyone. The lovely lady with the blade is Zan, she is one of our titans. Simond was her opponent and he is another shielder." Volorn announced, gesturing to the man standing next to Zan.


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