Desire Too Wild To Tame: The Bad Baker Boys: Luke's Story

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Desire Too Wild To Tame: The Bad Baker Boys: Luke's Story Page 17

by Tonya Brooks


  Brett was patrolling Main Street when he saw a wet, bedraggled woman walking in the rain. When he recognized her, he slammed on brakes in the middle of the street and she kept right on walking as if she hadn't even seen him. Realizing that something must be seriously wrong, he made a u-turn and parked on the curb ahead of her. Jumping out in the rain, he ran around to the sidewalk and grasped her shoulders. “Easy, are you alright?” he demanded in concern.

  The anguish in her eyes assured him that she was not and he loaded her into the passenger side before running around to climb in on his side. Brett pulled a blanket out of the back seat and draped it over her because she was shaking like a leaf and sobbing uncontrollably. He turned the heater on high and demanded, “What happened?” Her dress was ripped to hell and back, her arms, legs and face were covered in scratches and she was barefoot for God’s sake.

  “Luke... hurt me,” she said brokenly and couldn't go on. The pain was too intense to bear.

  Sonuvabitch! “Luke did this?” he demanded furiously but she didn't answer. If anything she cried even harder. At a loss to deal with the situation, Brett drove her home and carried her inside and upstairs to her room. Dizzy was on his heels demanding answers that he didn't have, but he knew where to get them.

  He pulled his distraught wife into the hall and said, “The only thing she said was that Luke had hurt her. Find out what the hell happened and if we need to take her to the hospital.”

  “Where are you going?” Dizzy asked with a frown.

  “To get some answers out of Luke,” he assured her and went back out to the jeep. Brett drove over to his friend’s house and pounded his fist on the front door instead of ringing the bell.

  Luke snatched the door open and was disappointed when he saw Brett. “I was hoping you were Easy,” he said as he held the door open for the other man to come inside.

  “What the hell did you do to her?” Brett demanded as he stalked inside furiously.

  “We had an argument,” he admitted and raked a hand through his hair in frustration. “She was pretty upset when she left.”

  “She wasn't even coherent when I found her walking barefoot in the rain.” Brett informed him. “Her dress was shredded and she was covered in scratches. It looked like she'd been attacked.”

  “What?” Luke barely breathed and then demanded fearfully, “Where is she? Is she alright? What the hell happened?”

  “The only thing she managed to say was that you had hurt her,” his friend informed him heatedly. “Now, you wanna tell me what the hell happened, or should we take this down to the station?”

  “You're outta your damn mind if you think I'd hurt her.” Luke snapped. “I love that woman. Hell, I just asked her to marry me right in front of the governor.”

  “Then why the hell isn't she here with you?” the Chief demanded.

  “Because I'm a damn fool,” he confessed and sank wearily onto the sofa. “I said something stupid, but I didn't mean it the way it came out and now she thinks I'm ashamed of her.”

  “Are you?” Brett asked bluntly.

  “Hell no,” he adamantly denied. “I'm ashamed of myself.”

  “Look, Luke, I don't know what the hell is going on, but I'm going to get some straight answers out of one of you. Right now you're my best bet, so, start talking and it better be good,” the Chief said as he sat across from him.

  Luke explained the situation to him and even though Brett understood his predicament, he still had to ask, “Why the hell didn't you just tell her the truth?”

  “I didn't know how and then she just walked out,” he admitted. “I thought it would be better to wait until she calmed down and try again.”

  When his phone rang, Brett saw it was his wife and answered with, “How is she?”

  “She cried herself to sleep.” Dizzy said and he could tell from her tone that she was worried. “I got her cleaned up and found out she broke her shoe and fell into a hedge, hence the scratches. But, Brett, she's convinced that Luke is ashamed of her. I know the man too well to believe he'd be that small minded.”

  “He's not,” he assured her. “The whole damn thing is a misunderstanding.”

  “Easy said he proposed to her.”

  “He did.”

  “She's so hurt right now. I've never seen Easy this upset before,” she said with a worried frown. “She’s leaving in the morning.”

  “Just keep an eye on her,” he advised wearily. “I'll be home soon.”

  “How is she?” Luke asked anxiously.

  “Dizzy got her to sleep,” he informed him. “She’s planning to leave in the morning so you need to explain this to her ASAP.”

  “If she'll listen,” he said hopefully.


  When he finally got tired of pacing the living room, Luke gave up and went to his bedroom. He saw a small gift wrapped box sitting on his nightstand and knew that Easy had put it there after he had gotten dressed. Curiously, he lifted the lid and sank slowly onto the bed when he saw what was inside. It contained a jar of honey and a pair of handcuffs. He closed his eyes in anguish.

  Luke spent a miserable, sleepless night without Easy. He couldn't believe he'd already grown so accustomed to having her in his bed that he couldn't sleep without her beside him, but it was true. God, he loved that woman with every fiber of his being and he'd do anything to get her back. Whatever it took, he couldn't let her be the one that got away.

  Chapter Nine

  Friday, March 21, 2014

  “A heads up would have been nice.” Brett said as recognized the man he’d seen sneaking into the carriage house before daybreak.

  Luke turned slowly from where he knelt beside the motorcycle and came face to face with the business end of a Glock .45. “You gonna shoot me or did you come to help?” he queried.

  The chief lowered his weapon and admitted, “I was headed out here to disable the damn thing when I saw you sneaking around. You’re damn lucky it was me and not Dizzy.”

  The chief’s wife had been known to shoot first and ask questions later. Mind you it was usually Brett she was shooting at, but even so, the woman was dangerous when she was armed. Luke turned back to the bike and disconnected the battery cables just enough that they wouldn’t make a connection. “That should do it,” he said in satisfaction and stood.

  “What’s the plan?”

  “You need to convince her to let Matt haul it to the garage,” he explained. “He’ll come up with some excuse to keep the bike until Monday. That should give me enough time to explain this mess to her.”

  Brett nodded his agreement. “The Grayson sisters are a lot alike. They’re stubborn, quick tempered and hell on a man’s nerves,” he admitted and then flashed his own bad boy smile. “But they’re worth the effort.”

  “I look forward to every minute of it.” Luke grinned back.


  “You did what?” Matt asked in surprise as he hefted the weights back onto the rack and sat up.

  “I sabotaged Easy’s bike.” Luke repeated.

  His law abiding brother had obviously gone as fool as a fly. The visit before daylight had been the first clue since his younger brother was not a morning person. Seeing the normally GQ Luke unshaved, dressed in faded jeans and an old Bad Company t-shirt that had seen better days had been the second. His unrepentant announcement had sealed the verdict. John was right. The woman was making Luke batshit crazy.

  “Any particular reason why you committed an act of vandalism, Counselor?” he queried in amazement and wiped his face and chest with a towel.

  “To keep her from leaving me,” he admitted bluntly. “And I need your help.”

  “Do tell,” his older brother said in amusement as he rose and moved over to the punching bag.

  “Brett’s gonna have you bring the bike in to look it over,” he explained. “You’re gonna tell Easy that it won’t be ready until Monday.”

  “Which gives you three days to convince her to stay,” h
e deduced as he delivered a right cross that sent the bag swinging.

  “Oh, she’s staying.” Luke assured him confidently and stepped up to hold the bag steady while his brother pummeled it. “She just doesn’t know it yet.”

  Matt couldn’t help laughing at that. A pissed off woman was never easy to deal with and Easy Grayson was a handful at the best of times. His brother just might get his ass handed to him on a platter. “You’ve got balls, bro. I’ll give you that.”

  “So you’ll do it?” he asked impatiently.

  “Damn straight,” he agreed with a solid left jab.

  “I owe you one, bro,” Luke said in relief.


  “Monday!” Easy barked angrily. “Are you kidding me?”

  Matt wiped his hands on a grease rag and asked, “How much do you know about motorcycles, Easy?”

  “I know how to ride it, but the mechanics are a complete mystery,” she admitted in frustration.

  His brother had better thank God for small favors. It was obvious just from looking that the battery cables were barely connected. If she’d even tried to tighten them the bike would have cranked and she’d be gone. Since Luke never left anything to chance, he’d bet his brother was fully aware of her lack of knowledge and had taken advantage of it.

  “Well, the starter is locked up and the motor won’t turn over without it,” he explained the ruse he’d come up with. “I called the Harley dealership and they don’t have one for this model in stock. The closest one is in Pennsylvania so it’ll be Monday before it gets here.”

  “Hell, I could drive there, pick it up and bring it back faster than that,” she complained and stopped pacing long enough to glare at her beloved bike.

  “It’s better that it happened here than while you were on the way home,” Brett said encouragingly and received a stony look for the effort.

  Easy would rather be stuck in the middle of nowhere on the interstate than in this damn town for one more minute. At least then she wouldn’t have to worry about running into Luke again. Just the thought of him made her chest constrict in pain. God, if she didn’t love him so much she’d hate him for what he’d done.

  “You’ll call me as soon as she’s ready to roll?” she asked Matt.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he confirmed with a nod. Or as soon as his brother would let him anyway.

  “Dammit.” Easy muttered in disgust and walked back out of the garage and got in the Jeep.

  “I hope Luke knows what he’s doing,” Brett sighed and followed his sister-in-law outside.

  So did Matt because that was one pissed off female. He didn’t know what his brother had done to deserve it, but he had the feeling that Easy was going to lead Luke on a merry chase before she decided to let him catch her. This ought to be entertaining as hell and he was gonna enjoy every minute of it.


  When he heard the key in the lock, Luke sprang up off of the couch and headed to the door as stealthily as a ghost. He remained motionless behind it as the door swung slowly open and then he pounced, grasping the feminine hand that held the knob. A startled yelp was the only sound as he swung her inside and kicked the door closed. “Dizzy!” he exclaimed in surprise.

  “Jesus, Luke, you scared the hell out of me,” she admonished and swatted his restraining arm with her free hand.

  “I thought you were Easy,” he said lamely and released her.

  “Oh, sorry,” she said apologetically. “I didn’t realize you were home or I would have knocked.”

  “The hummer’s in the garage with your car,” he explained.

  “Yeah, I’m here to get it,” she admitted as she handed over the key. “Easy wants me to get her things.” The string of expletives he spewed had her brows rising in surprise. “You two really need to talk.”

  “She’s blocked my number so I can’t call her,” he complained.

  “Well, she’s at home alone right now,” Easy said with a mischievous grin so like her sisters. “The kitchen door is unlocked and the key is under the mat if she locks you out.”

  Luke was out the door and in the hummer in a flash. He hauled ass across town to the Walker’s and eased quietly up the drive to the rear of the house. Careful not to slam the door when he got out, he bounded across the lawn to the screen porch and heard the kitchen door slam shut. Not a good sign. He knocked politely and tried the knob. Locked.

  “Easy? Baby let me in,” he encouraged her through the glass.

  “Go to hell,” she growled and walked away.

  Luke sighed and lifted the mat to grab the key. He unlocked the door and slipped quietly inside the kitchen. A look into the dining room and living area revealed they were empty so he stepped into the hallway that divided the house. He saw Easy on the stairs and moved stealthily in that direction.

  Easy caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of her eye and stopped to lean over the banister. The sight of Luke sent her pulse rate into overdrive as always. She didn’t know how he got in, but the determined expression on his face assured her that he was not leaving. “Get out,” she said coldly.

  “Baby talk to me,” Luke urged as he kept walking toward her.

  “No,” she flatly refused and raced up the stairs.

  Luke bolted after her and heard a door slam when he hit the landing at the top. Well it wouldn’t be too hard to find her since all of the bedroom doors but one was open. He marched to her door and wasn’t surprised to find it locked. “Easy, you have to let me explain.”

  “You already did that,” she said angrily from where she was leaning against the door, arms folded defensively over her chest.

  “I love you. You know I do,” he said confidently. “I have never, not once, ever been ashamed of you. Baby, you’re perfect just like you are. I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”

  “Right, because instead of being a hindrance to your ambitions, I’m an asset now,” Easy said in disgust and wiped a tear from her cheek.

  Luke frowned at that. “What?”

  “Oh, come on, Luke,” she said scathingly. “Having an ambassador’s daughter on your arm is bound to open a hell of a lot more doors than some biker chick could. Hell, I know all the right people, move in the right circles. Of course you love me now.”

  Luke’s mouth dropped open in shock and he could not believe that she had just said that. “I loved you the minute I saw you,” he defended. “And I didn’t know a damn thing about you.”

  “Then explain to me why you didn’t consider me wife material until after Uncle Jerome spilled the beans?” She demanded. “Were you just trying to impress him? Is that why you proposed during dinner?” His fist slammed against the door and she jumped away from it in surprise.

  Luke was absolutely livid. “Woman, I don’t know where you got the idea that I’d ever use you like that, but you can damn well get rid of it right now,” he all but thundered. “How the hell could you believe that any man would want you for anything except the incredible woman you are?”

  “Maybe because you’re just the latest in a long line of them,” she shot back bitterly. “My former fiancée thought our marriage would ensure a political alliance with the US until he decided some crazy biker chick wasn’t good enough to bear his royal heirs.”

  His fists clenched in realization. The bastard had used her and hurt her and now Easy expected him to do the same thing. “I’m not him, baby,” he said quietly. “Don’t make me pay for his sins.”

  “I can’t do this again, Luke.” Easy said tremulously and backed away from the door. “Please, leave me alone.”

  Luke dropped his forehead against the door. “I won’t let you go, Easy. I can’t live without you,” he confessed. “Please let me explain.”

  Easy picked up her phone, found her favorite playlist and cranked the volume up until she couldn’t hear him anymore. She curled up on the bed and hugged a pillow tightly to her chest as tears slid unchecked from her eyes. She had never felt so defeated in her life as she did in that moment
. Remi’s betrayal was nothing compared to the pain she felt at losing Luke.

  Luke continued to try and talk to Easy through the door even though he knew she probably couldn’t hear a word he said with that damn music playing. He slid slowly down the door and parked his ass on the floor to wait her out. She had to come out sooner or later and when she did, he’d be there.

  Three hours later, Luke was at the end of his patience. Easy still refused to talk to him and she wouldn’t come out of her room. He had shouted through the bedroom door until he was hoarse and she wouldn’t even answer him. She had cut him out of her life and refused to have anything to do with him. Short of breaking the damn door down, he didn’t know what else to do.

  The hell he didn’t. Luke knew exactly how he could get to her and at this point, he didn’t have any other choice. A desperate man would use any means at his disposal, and Luke was about as desperate as a man could get. Grim determination filled his eyes. No matter what happened, he would not lose her. Easy would not be the one that got away.

  He went downstairs and found her sister in the kitchen. “Dizzy, I'm gonna need you to return that favor,” he pointed out and explained what he planned to do much to her utter astonishment.


  Easy looked at her phone when a message flashed on the screen. She had been texting her sister for the last hour to see if Luke was still there since he had stopped yelling through the door. The man was determined, she’d give him that much. He was also stubborn as hell, but then she’d already known that.

  Dizzy: He’s gone. You can come out now.

  She was relieved that he had given up, but a tiny part of her heart had hoped that he would stay and fight for her. For them and the possibility of a future together. There wasn’t a chance of that happening, she assured herself sternly. No way in hell would she stay with a man who had been ashamed of her. She did have some pride left, although not much after this.


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