Desire Too Wild To Tame: The Bad Baker Boys: Luke's Story

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Desire Too Wild To Tame: The Bad Baker Boys: Luke's Story Page 19

by Tonya Brooks

  Luke knew his mentor was a diehard biker and would ride through hell without stopping. If Easy had stuck with Bear and the club then she must be a damn good rider. He slid his arms around her waist from behind and pulled her body back against his. “I don't doubt it, Joe,” he assured the other man. “I'm just anxious to see what kind of wife she's gonna make.”

  That announcement pleased the older biker and he said, “I knew she was perfect for you the minute I met her.” Joe assured Luke with a satisfied smile. “That’s why I invited her to tag along for the ride.”

  Luke had been shocked that Joe had let a woman ride with the club since it had never happened before. In biker culture, women rode with their men or not at all, and there were no female members. Yeah, they were an unenlightened bunch, but it looked like things might be changing for the better.

  “You did, huh?” he questioned and knew there was more to the story than he’d heard yet. Joe was devious like that. Always three moves ahead of everybody else.

  “Yep. Then I told Easy to stop by your brother’s garage for directions when she got to Lakeside. I knew it wouldn’t take long until you heard about a smokin’ hot biker chick on a badass Harley,” he admitted and flashed them both a grin filled with devilment. “Looks like it worked.”

  “Why you conniving Heathen,” Easy accused with a laugh and recalled that Bear had told her during the trip that his son needed a good woman and she’d do nicely. “You were matchmaking?”

  “Damn right.” Joe admitted in unabashed delight. “When’s the wedding?”

  “As soon as she can arrange it,” Luke grinned. “And the whole club's invited.” If that didn't set Lakeside on its ear, he didn't know what would.

  “Hot damn,” Joe said in approval and wrapped those massive arms around the younger man to hug him tightly. It was about damn time Luke showed his true colors and quit worrying about what people thought. He grabbed the microphone and his growling voice boomed over the sound of the jukebox, “Listen up!”

  When everyone quieted down, he said, “Wild Man claimed Easy as his lady and that officially makes her Heathen property. But since my son’s got the good sense to marry her, that makes her my daughter and you know there ain’t nothing I won’t do to protect my family.” Hard brown eyes swept the room and everyone saw that he meant what he said. Joe would kill to protect her, as would the man he claimed as his son. “It’s time to celebrate so drinks are on the house.”

  Luke could not have been happier with his decision to show Easy this side of his life. She fit in with his friends as if she had known them her whole life and charmed them all. Most important, she had Joe’s approval and that meant more than he could say. Easy was one of them and it was more than obvious that she liked it that way. He tried to imagine Shelly with this group and laughed out loud at the image. The woman would have had a heart attack.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sunday, March 23, 2014

  “You're sure this is what you want to do?” Easy asked as Luke straddled the bike.

  “I should have done it years ago,” he confessed.

  “I don't want you to feel like you have to do it because of me,” she assured him. “I don't mind you keeping this part of your life private, Luke.”

  “I'm tired of the secrets.” Luke admitted. “I just want to be myself.”

  She smiled her approval and swung her leg over the seat. “Then let’s go be who we are.”

  Luke cranked the bike and eased her out of the driveway as his neighbors watched in disbelief. He headed over to Main Street and nodded at the people they passed who were staring at him in open mouth shock. When he passed the church, the congregation was leaving the building and some imp from hell prompted him to rev the engine and he lifted a hand to wave at his old friend Gator. The pastor nearly fell down the steps when he recognized him and then he burst into laughter. Yeah, that should do it, Luke decided. By dark everybody in town would know his deepest, darkest secret and the knowledge filled him with a deep sense of satisfaction.

  He pulled into the driveway lined with gnarled live oak trees, eased the bike onto the lawn and drove around the house to where the family was gathered in the back yard for Sunday dinner. Luke couldn't prevent a smile at the looks of astonishment he received as he parked the bike.

  “Cool bike, Uncle Luke,” his nephew Jed enthused as he ran over to get a better look.

  “Thanks, Jed.”

  “Damn nice bike.” Matt agreed in genuine appreciation as he joined them. Every inch of it looked custom made. “Where the hell did you get it?”

  “I've had it since college,” he admitted as he stepped off of the bike and slid his arm around Easy's waist. By this point the entire clan had gathered around the bike and they all stared at him in disbelief. “I kept her hidden because I didn't know how to tell you guys about it.”

  “You got a bike. What's to tell?” Mark asked in confusion.

  “I also got a patch,” he pointed out and turned around so they could see the emblem on the back of the vest, “when I joined the Heathen's.” Stunned silence followed that announcement. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long.

  “You joined a motorcycle gang?” John asked in disbelief.

  “An outlaw gang?” Matt asked in astonishment.

  “I did,” Luke admitted as he faced his family proudly. “The day I graduated from college.”

  “Why the hell would you do something as insane as that?” Mark demanded in shock.

  “Because he's always been the wildest one in the bunch,” their father said seriously. “Luke just kept it hidden while the rest of you didn't give a damn who knew.”

  “Why the hell didn't you tell us?” Matt frowned.

  “I knew Pop wouldn't approve, so I didn't say anything and the longer I waited, the harder it became to explain.” Luke confessed.

  “So what made you finally decide to tell us?” John asked curiously and was amazed that there was a side of his brother that he’d never known about.

  “This beautiful lady did.” Luke smiled down at her. “Easy made me realize I can be a Heathen and a lawyer. That the two don't have to remain separate and I don't have to be ashamed of either one. She loves me for who I am, not what I do or the image I project.”

  “She does, huh?” the family patriarch asked with a knowing smile.

  “Does this mean you two are gonna settle down and have some little Heathen's?” Mark joked.

  “Damn straight.” Luke agreed and kissed her temple. “Now that I've got her, I'm not letting Easy get away.”

  “Welcome to the family, Easy.” Jedidiah said with gentle gruffness as he hugged her fiercely. “You've got your hands full with that one. Even though he likes to pretend he is, Luke's never been completely tamed. There's a lot of wildness left in him.”

  “I wouldn't have him any other way,” she assured the older man sincerely.

  When the family finally stopped questioning him, Luke walked over to the picnic table where his father sat alone and asked, “How'd you know?”

  Jedidiah laughed at that. “You are my son,” he reminded him. “I knew it was there. I could see it in your eyes when you didn't have your head stuck in a damn book. I knew that wild side would show itself sooner or later.”

  “So you're not mad with me?” he asked hopefully.

  “Hell, no,” the older man denied. “I wish the worst thing I'd ever done was join a biker club.”

  Luke laughed and shook his head. “Pop, you’re the most honorable man I know. I can’t imagine you doing anything wilder than this.”

  Jedidiah’s expression became somber as he contemplated his response. “There’s a reason I don’t talk about my life before I met your mama,” he assured his son. “I made an oath to defend this country and did what I was ordered to whether it was wrong or right. It’s not something I’m proud of, but I damn sure ain’t ashamed of it either.”

  Luke was surprised at the admission. This was the first time he could ever recall his
father mentioning his career in the military. “You were a SEAL,” he stated as if that was explanation enough.

  The older man cocked his head and asked, “Figured that out, did ya?”

  Luke nodded at the tattoo on the inside of his father’s forearm. “I’ve got a friend with a tat like that,” he explained. “Joe doesn’t talk about his past either, but he did tell me that much.”

  Jedidiah nodded his understanding. “The thing about the military is that you form a bond with the men on your team. A band of brother’s who’d do anything for each other,” he admitted. “My spotter was the best friend I ever had.”

  His spotter. Holy hell. That could only mean his father had been a sniper. A SEAL team sniper. No wonder the old man never talked about it. From what he’d heard, those men did the roughest, dirtiest jobs there were. “You still keep in touch?” he wondered.

  “Yep,” he admitted with a nod. “When we got out, the plan was that we would go home and visit our families, then we were gonna meet up and tour the country on motorcycles. But I met your mama and the plan changed.”

  Luke was amazed, not only that his father was sharing this much, but that he’d wanted to ride a bike cross country. “You’re kidding.”

  “Nope,” Jedidiah denied. “He went on without me and wound up joining an OMC.”

  “You have a friend in a club?” Luke asked in amazement. “Which one?”

  “The Heathen’s.”

  Luke’s eyes widened in shock and then narrowed suspiciously. The old man never did anything without a reason and he was beginning to get the feeling that this little talk had a purpose. “Which chapter?”

  “Ah, hell, Luke,” the older man said with a devilish grin. “You know damn well I’m talking about Joe.”

  Like the tumblers in a lock, all the pieces fell into place with a series of little clicks in his brain. “You knew,” he accused. “You’ve known the whole damn time.”

  “Damn right I knew,” Jedidiah admitted without an ounce of remorse. “I knew that wild side would cut loose and I wanted to make damn sure there was somebody around to keep it in check. Joe just happened to be in the right area and he agreed to keep an eye on you.”

  Luke stared at his father in shock and admiration. “You set me up to join the club?”

  “Nah, we just gave you an outlet for the side you kept hidden,” he corrected. “Joining the club was your idea.”

  “Now I know where Mark gets his devious streak from,” he said in awe.

  Jedidiah placed a hand on his shoulder and said, “I just wanted to know you’d be looked after and Joe... well after his son died, Joe needed you to keep him sane. You gave him a reason to live, Luke. That’s a damn fine thing.”

  “He always reminded me of you, Pop.” Luke admitted. “I’ve tried to be a son you both would be proud of.”

  “You’ve done a damn fine job of it,” he assured him and gave his shoulder an affectionate squeeze. “You’re a good man, Luke, and a hell of a lawyer. It’s about time you stopped trying to hide who you really are. You deserve to raise hell any way you please. Just make damn sure you keep your nose clean.”

  “That's one of the benefits of being a lawyer, Pop. I do a pretty good job of keeping the rest of the chapter out of trouble and when they screw up, they get free representation,” he grinned.

  “You'd better not screw this up,” he said with a nod at Easy. “She's perfect for you. I knew it the minute I met her.”

  “So did I,” Luke admitted. “I was just too damn scared to give her a chance to prove it.”

  “That gal ain't got nothin' to prove. She's crazy about you and doesn't care who knows it,” he informed the younger man happily. “Just do me one favor, Son.”

  “What's that?”

  “Don't park the damn bike on the grass.”

  The old man was as particular about the yard as he was the house. “No problem, Pop.” Luke easily agreed.


  “So all of those phone calls and texts at odd hours were from club members?” Easy queried as they lay curled together in his hammock.

  “Yep,” he confirmed and did not go into details since club business was club business and not to be discussed with anyone. Period.

  “And those times you disappeared to meet a client?” she pressed.

  “Uh huh,” he agreed and hoped she didn’t press for information he couldn’t give.

  Easy was well versed in the culture. She knew how closed mouth MC members were so she didn’t ask for details, but she had to clarify a few points just for her peace of mind. As the chapter’s sergeant at arms, Luke’s job was to make sure the presidents orders got carried out. It also meant he was the man who enforced the clubs rules and regulations as well as doled out punishment when it was required.

  “You’re the enforcer.” Since it was a statement and not a question, Luke just nodded his acknowledgement. “That can be dangerous.”

  “It can,” he agreed.

  “Do you carry?” she asked warily and wasn’t sure if he would tell her or not.

  “Nope,” Luke said firmly. “Don’t like guns.”

  That both relieved and frightened her because it meant he relied strictly on his fighting skills even if his opponent was armed. “Just how good are your martial arts skills?”

  Luke’s grin wasn’t all that cocky when he admitted, “The only person who’s ever kicked my ass is Matt. To be perfectly honest, I’ve never really tried to take him down because I’d have to hurt him to do it and I’m not willing to do that just to prove a point.”

  Easy nodded her understanding and asked, “Would you let me teach you Krav Maga?” At his stunned look, she added, “I have to know you’re safe, Luke. I couldn’t bear losing you.”

  Was it any wonder that he loved this woman? My God, she was absolutely perfect for him. Instead of insisting he give up something that could be dangerous, she wanted to teach him to better defend himself. That was so friggin’ hot. “Baby, I’d be honored.” he assured her seriously.


  “So, do you think your being a member of an OMC will affect your chances at running for office?” Brett asked curiously that night as the two men sat on Luke’s back porch while their women cooked dinner.

  “I really don't care,” Luke admitted much to his friend’s surprise. “When you come right down to it, it's just a job and I already have one of those. I can live without it, but I can't live without Easy.”

  The Chief understood completely. There was no way in hell he'd choose a career over the woman he loved.

  “I don't think it will matter as long as you’re up front about it,” Easy assured her fiancée as she brought both men a fresh beer and overheard their conversation. “It’s those hidden skeletons being brought to light that ruin political careers.”

  “Jerome might not feel the same way,” he pointed out and pulled her down onto his lap.

  “Oh, Uncle Jerome won't mind,” she assured him with a knowing smile. “He wanted to join the Hells Angels when he was young, but my father talked him out of it.”

  “Are you serious?” he asked in shock.

  “Absolutely,” Easy confirmed with a wicked grin. “Who do you think taught me how to ride?”

  Luke stared at her in amazement. The woman never ceased to amaze him and he knew she always would. He kissed her soundly and said, “Never doubt that you are the perfect woman for me, baby.”

  “Easy!” Dizzy yelled from the kitchen a split second before the smoke alarm went off.

  Brett sighed in resignation when his sister-in-law jumped up and ran for the kitchen to try and salvage dinner. “At least yours can cook,” he grinned.

  “Unfortunately, she can shoot, too,” he grumbled and fervently hoped that being trigger happy was not a family trait the sisters shared.

  “Hell, I’m just glad Dizzy doesn’t want a bike,” was said with feeling.

  “Luke, do you have a fire extinguisher?” Easy called from the kitchen window in a p
anicked tone.

  When his soon to be brother-in-law shot to his feet and ran in the house, Brett took a sip of beer and said, “Looks like we’re eating out again tonight,” before he followed Luke inside to where complete chaos reigned. If there was one thing that he could count on not to change, it was that life was never boring in Lakeside. And he wouldn’t change a thing.

  Available Now By

  Tonya Brooks:

  Desire Had A Name

  The Bad Baker Boys Series: Matt’s Story

  “Why are we here, Matthew?” Harley asked somberly as her pensive gaze stared at the silvery moon reflected on the surface of the water.

  “To settle a few things,” Matt responded as he stared at her profile broodingly in the moonlight. “Like why the thought of making love with me repulses you.”

  “I am not having this conversation.” Harley refused.

  The fact that she didn't deny it hurt like hell. “We're not leaving here until you tell me, Harley.” he insisted stubbornly.

  “Contrary to local gossip, I don't jump in bed with any man who comes along,” she informed him indignantly.

  “I'm not just any man,” he countered. “I'm your husband and the father of your child.”

  “And I'm engaged to someone else,” she reminded him. “Donald sure as hell wouldn't appreciate me sleeping with my ex.”

  “Not even if it meant getting the divorce you want so badly?” Matt asked shrewdly as a completely insane idea occurred to him. Hell, he knew she wouldn't agree to it, but it was worth a shot and he was willing to try anything at this point.

  “What do you mean?” She asked and looked at him in confusion.

  “The only way I'll sign the divorce papers is if you make love with me.”

  Harley's jaw dropped and she stared at him as if he were deranged. “You can't be serious,” she barely breathed. This was a low blow, even for Matthew. Hell, she knew he was willing to go to any lengths to get what he wanted, but this was taking things too damn far.


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