He Brings Out The Hood In Me 3

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He Brings Out The Hood In Me 3 Page 9

by Nikki Brown

  “Damn I was really doing the most.”

  “Girrlllll, like I don’t get it. You have a bomb ass career, you’re beautiful as fuck, you have an amazing son, why would you stoop to a level that made you look and seem less than?”

  “You have to understand-” Karson started and Sutton stopped her. She looked down at Kahlil who was soaking up every word that was being passed back and forth.

  “Kahlil, go into the break room and I’ll be back there in a minute.”

  He looked at Sutton with a smirk on his face. He didn’t care what he was doing or trying to do she always figured him out. He didn’t care this time though, all he wanted was for his mom and his dad to be happy and he knew that it had to start with his mom and Sutton getting along.

  Once he was out of ear shot, Karson continued.

  “I grew up in a two-parent home, my mother and my father loved each other and they raised me with that same love. I thought that’s what I needed to be happy. I wanted the family and life that my mother and father had.”

  Her eyes glossed over and for a second Sutton felt bad for her and then she remembered all the hell she put her through these last few months. She would hold her sympathy until after this conversation.

  “I get that, my mom and dad were the same way until she was murdered,” Sutton sighed because that’s why she tried so hard with Trouble even though it wasn’t worth it. “I was the same way with my ex, we didn’t have kids but I was looking for the love that my dad showed my mother. I accepted some things that I will never be proud of just to have a love that wasn’t meant for me.” Sutton tapped her chest.

  Karson shook her head because after a long conversation with herself; she realized that if Kahleno wanted her, he would be with her. If the love that she thought they shared was real then there would be no Sutton. That thought process alone took her back through their relationship, they were content at best.

  She pushed him to be a man like her father and that wasn’t him, she sees that now. He went out looking for other women because she wasn’t what he wanted. She couldn’t sit back and say that she didn’t envy Sutton and Kahleno’s relationship still, that would take a while for her to get over but she was done with fighting with them.

  “Kahleno and I are Kahlil’s parents, nothing more. It took me a minute to get that but I understand.”

  What she wanted to say was, that Siya threatened her life again after she left the hospital. She told her that if she tried anything like that again that she would kill her and her parents. The look in her eyes let Karson know that she wasn’t joking with her. She knew all too well who the Maler family was and what they were capable of.

  She also knew that she was grateful to have gotten by this long with her shenanigans. Kahlil was the sole reason and she was grateful for him but she had ran out of chances. To be honest, she was getting tired of the back and forth. It was like the more she vied for Kahleno’s attention, the more she hated herself and her self-esteem began to diminish. To the point where she hated to look in the mirror because her reflection was sickening.

  “I’m glad because I don’t want to fight with you. You’re Kahlil’s mother, if anything we should be coming together and if that baby is Kahleno’s then we’re gonna be even closer.”

  “It’s not! That was another one of my ploys to get you out of our lives. Then when I heard you were pregnant with his kid; I knew that it was over for me.”

  “Is it Trouble’s kid?” Sutton had to ask because of the whole picture thing. She didn’t think that it was a coincidence that she was there at the same exact time that Trouble was proposing. That was a little strange to her.

  “Who? Oh no, your ex?” She frowned her eyebrows. “Oh no ma’am, I was really just coming here to tell you to stay the hell away from my family, but when I saw that I thought I could use it to turn Kahleno against you.”

  Sutton nodded her head; she didn’t have any more words on the situation. She just wanted to make sure that the lines in the sand were clear. Her and Kahleno were going to be together and she didn’t want any shit out of Karson.

  “Well as long as the lines of communication and respect are open, I’m good on the past. Me almost losing Kahleno made me realize that life is way too short to be trying to worry about shit that don’t matter. So, I’m good if you are, just don’t try me again. You all out of chances when it comes to me and my happiness.”

  “Oh God, you sound like Siya.” Karson shook her head and rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “I get it now.” She laughed and then turned to leave, but before she did, she stopped and contemplated on whether she was going to say what she was about to say. Then again, she felt like if they were starting over, she should know how she feels. “Thank you for who you are to my son despite our relationship, that little boy loves you to death and I’m glad. It makes this a little easier knowing that he is with someone like you.”

  Karson didn’t wait for a response; her statement didn’t warrant one. She just wanted Sutton to know that she was officially throwing in the towel.

  Sutton smiled and walked to the back where Kahlil and Kane were staring each other down. Key had walked back up front so that she could get ready for her next appointment.

  “Hey what’s going on back here?” Sutton asked.

  “I was watching TV and he came back and changed the channel,” Kane said taking a step towards Kahlil.

  “Nigga I don’t know you and this my shit!” Kahlil said taking his own step forward.

  “Kahlil, watch your mouth.”

  “Yeah Kahlil, watch your damn mouth.”

  “Kane, I know you ain’t back there cussin!” Key said making her way back to the break room. When she appeared she glared at her son. “You want your ass beat, don’t you?” She pointed at him.

  “He needs his ass beat, let me help.” Kahlil laughed until Sutton popped him in the back of the head. Warranting Kane to pick up where he stopped with the laughing. Key popped him in the head and they both just glared at each other.

  Sutton looked at Key and they both shook their heads. Boys!

  Everything That Glitters

  “Umm shit Sunny,” Trouble moaned as he worked himself in and out of her sopping tunnel. Pregnant pussy was his favorite, he loved sleeping with pregnant women, he just didn’t want them to be pregnant by him. Now that Sunny was he decided to live with it.

  “Hurry up Trouble, my back hurts and this baby is on my bladder. I have to pee.”

  Trouble smacked his lips in aggravation. Ever since he told her that he would be with her, she had changed. She wasn’t the girl that made him turn his back on the only person that had ever been there for him. Now all she did was nag and complain about the things that Piper’s man is doing for her and how happy Sutton was, and that was the last thing that Trouble wanted to hear.

  “You sure know how to fuck up a good time. Got damn!” he huffed and eased out of her. he rolled over to his back and just looked up at the ceiling. He couldn’t explain how much he missed Sutton, and to know that she was out there living her life with another man killed him.

  Trouble also knew that going against the Maler’s would be a death sentence. He was already looking over his shoulder from the job that they did to get Kahleno back his money. Menz never told him whose trap they were hitting he just told him he had a way to get him the money that he needed. It wasn’t until after the fact, did he tell him that it was a Maler trap.

  Trouble knew he was fucked and the only thing that saved him was the fact that they both had masks on. There was nothing that they did that would have pointed that job back to them, at least that’s what they thought.

  “Damn I didn’t tell you to stop, I was just telling you to hurry up.”

  “Man, I’m good.” Trouble rolled off of her and threw on a pair of ball shorts. He grabbed the things that he would need to shower and left to get dressed in the guest bathroom. He was tired of Sunny’s shit, everything was all good when he was with Sutton and she was the side
chick. As soon as he gives her what she wants she starts to act stupid. “Damn I should have kept Sutton,” Trouble said to himself.

  Talking to Sutton wasn’t something that would be easy for him to do, a part of him wanted to give up while he still had his life. Word on the street was that Hudson was looking for him after he showed up at the shop, but he had been steering clear of him.

  Climbing out of the shower, he dried off and doused on his favorite cologne. Trouble was in the need of some pussy. Good pussy, pussy that didn’t complain that he was going too deep or was taking too long trying to make it feel good. He knew exactly who gave him exactly what he needed. The two hadn’t talked for a while, not since he asked her for money, but she was always a set of open legs when she needed to be, he was sure that that hadn’t changed.

  “Where the hell do you think you going? I thought you were going with me to the grand opening of A Touch of Beauty tonight?” Sunny whined.

  She didn’t care that he was mad because she told him to hurry up. Hell, the way she looked at it she was doing him a favor by keeping this baby. She had enough kids and really didn’t want any more but he didn’t have any and he wanted her to have it so she kept it. Now he wanted to act brand new.

  “I’ll be back man.” He tried to move past her but she put her hand up to stop him.

  “You better not be going to fuck no bitches!” she warned.

  “Why the fuck do you care? I’m not fucking you!” Trouble boasted.

  “Are you really tripping that I had to pee? Your baby was on my bladder and made me have to pee. You know the baby you asked me to keep.” Her hands went to her hips and she rolled her neck.

  Sunny could feel the tears stinging her eyes, she had given up so much to be with Trouble and he didn’t even deserve her. She lost her job, she was pregnant with a kid that she didn’t want, and she was having to take care of a grown man. She was starting to think that none of this was worth it.

  “That baby ain’t big enough to cause you to do all of that. You are a fucking drama queen and I wish I would have left you right where you were when you tried me. I should have known better, then maybe I would still have my girl.”

  “You selfish son of a bitch! You know what? You’re right. I should have left your no count ass right where you were. If I would have known what I know now I damn sure would have kept my pussy to myself. Sutton was a good one to put up with your shit for as long as she did but I tell you what, I ain’t her. You damn sure ain’t doing shit to better my life so if you would so kindly pack your shit and get out.” She pointed to the door with tears in her eyes.

  She really did care about Trouble. The time they spent together really meant something to her at first, then his gambling and lying over shadowed what she thought they were building. At least that’s what she told herself.

  In reality, she had her eyes on another target, she saw how Saque treated Piper and she wanted that. She just knew she had to be smarter about it, she refused to put herself in the situation that she did with Sutton because all of that came back to bite her in the ass. This time she would definitely make sure that she was on the receiving end of the stick.

  “Yeah whatever, I’ll be back,” he waved her off because this wasn’t the first time, they’ve argued about this and it wouldn’t be the last. Pulling out his phone he dialed the one person outside of Sutton that could make him feel better.

  Across town, Cami was sitting in between Vinny’s legs while he greased her scalp. That was one of her favorite things they did together. She didn’t know if it was because it was him or if it just felt that good but she was in heaven every time he touched her head.

  “Yo you better not tell nobody about this faggot ass shit.” He pushed her head with his knuckles, and she laughed. “I’m serious yo, niggas hear about this and I’ma have to go on a fucking killing spree to show niggas I’m bout that life.”

  Cami grabbed her stomach she was laughing so hard. She thought that was the funniest thing in the world. Vinny had a way of making the world seem light and airy when he was around. Even when things weren’t as happy as she would like them to be, he made it okay.

  The only thing standing in their way was the fact that her brother hated when she dated people in the camp, as he called it. Cami worked for the Maler’s, she normally ran count for the different houses and reported back to her brother Spiff.

  She had more money than she knew what to do with but she was smart with it. She had invested in some stocks that were flourishing, she was still trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life long term. This life didn’t last forever and the Maler’s made sure that everyone that worked for them had a plan.

  “Nigga your young ass is nuts, there ain’t much that people would question when it comes to that.” Vinny smirked but mushed her in the back of the head again. He hated when she brought up his age because even though he was young, he was wise beyond his years.

  “The fuck I tell you about that young shit. Huh?” He threw the comb down and stood up towering over her back. Stepping over her, he stood in front of her and just glared at her. “I bet you like this young dick though.” His eyebrow raised.

  Cami opened her mouth to say something and then closed it, because he was right. Sucking her teeth, she rolled her eyes and turned her head to the side causing Vinny to bend over laughing in her face.

  Just seeing his thick pink lips turned her on and she couldn’t help but to lean up and pull his bottom one into her mouth. Leaning down, he climbed between her legs, never losing connection with each other.

  “Ummmm,” Cami moaned at the same time her phone went off. She went to clear it but accidentally hit talk instead.

  “Take this shit off,” Vinny said against her lips.

  “Hello! Hello!” Trouble yelled on the other side of the phone. He had been texting Cami ever since he left the house with Sunny but she wasn’t texting back. He didn’t know if she was with someone else or working but he decided to take the chance. He wanted to see her, plus he was right outside.

  Cami’s eyebrows came together as a deep frown graced her beautiful face. Vinny slowly released her lips and looked down to see who was calling. He knew he had no right in doing that seeing as though they weren’t together but he did it anyway.

  When he saw that it was Trouble on her line his nose began to flare as he created some space between the two of them. Cami reached down and immediately shut her phone off and threw it on the couch.

  “Really? You fucking with clowns though?” Vinny said quickly jumping to his feet.

  “I’m not fucking no one right now but you.”

  “But you fucked him though?” Vinny chuckled. “Were you fucking that nigga when he robbed my ass?”

  Cami jumped to her feet and got right in Vinny’s face; she was pissed the fuck off that he was insinuating that she had somehow set him up. If anyone should know how she operated then it should be him.

  “Don’t fucking play me Vincent. You know good and damn well. Yeah, I fucked the nigga but me and you were just chilling when I did. We hadn’t even started fucking around yet. So, don’t even go there with me, hell I forgot about the nigga. He asked me to borrow some money and I cut him off.”

  “You should have told me that shit! That’s fucked up Cam, really fucked up. Call that nigga and tell him to come through,” Vinny said with his hands in his pockets.

  He didn’t know how he felt about Cami sleeping with Trouble. Then again, he didn’t feel right about Cami sleeping with anyone but him but he was only nineteen and wasn’t ready to settle down with her or anyone else for that matter so he couldn’t commit to her.

  “Okay!” she said rolling her eyes.

  Her loyalty was to Vinny and the Maler’s, she didn’t give a damn about Trouble and if she had to prove that then she would. She picked up the phone and went to call Trouble but there was a knock on the door.

  Vinny grabbed the gun off the coffee table and stood on the side of the door so that Troub
le wouldn’t see him. He looked at Cami and shook his head, he couldn’t believe that they use to fuck around.

  “Who is it?” Cami said all sweet and it put a nasty taste in Vinny’s mouth.

  “It’s me baby, it’s Trouble,” Trouble said through the door.

  Vinny glared at Cami and mouthed baby really, then threw his hands in the air and shook his head. Cami shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes again. Cami opened the door and the minute that Trouble was in her presence he had his hands on her.

  He was so damn horny that he couldn’t even contain himself, so the minute his eyes were on Cami he couldn’t contain the urge to touch her. Vinny on the other hand was fuming that his hands were on what he considered to be his.

  “Sit the fuck down and keep ya hands to yourself,” Vinny seethed. He pushed Trouble on the couch.

  Trouble instantly became hot; it was like he couldn’t breathe and everything around him was spinning. He could feel death surround him and he wasn’t ready. He tried to jump up but the click of Vinny’s tech nine stopped him in his tracks.

  “Man listen, it wasn’t my idea,” Trouble tried to explain but was met with the butt of Vinny’s gun instead.

  “Shut the fuck up. You think you gone rob me, shoot me, and steal the only thing left I had of my moms?” he said through gritted teeth.

  “It wasn’t me that shot you man, Menz it was Menz who shot you!” he cried.

  The minute he looked into Vinny’s eyes he knew what this was about. He knew when he heard a male’s voice he should have just kept going and found him someone else. He was so eager to get his dick wet that common sense didn’t come into play now he was about to pay with his life.

  Trouble knew better than to trust Menz and now he would have to pay with his life. He wasn’t about to do that alone though. He had every intention on telling them everything about Menz and Senior as payback for getting him into this shit.

  “Get the fuck up,” Vinny said to a bloody faced Trouble.


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