One Touch

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One Touch Page 4

by Susie Charles

  "Mine.” The whispered claim against her lips was a prelude to a soft, sensual caress that deepened into a wild exploration as her mouth opened under his. For too brief a moment, she leaned into him, soft curves and hollows aligned with his rigid length, encouraging him with the soft moan that escaped her lips.

  "No.” She broke the connection and tried to push away, but he held her firm against him, reluctant to lose the feel of her in his arms.

  "For tonight ... yes.” And for the rest of your bloody life, too. His head lifted at the thought. Testing it. Feeling its truth. He kept it to himself. It would happen. He would make it happen.

  With a closer glance, he noticed her hair was still the same rich dark brown, maybe longer, although it was hard to tell with all the curls pulled up. He would take great delight in releasing it and running his fingers through it once again if ... scratch that—when he got the chance.

  She pushed against his chest more firmly and lifted an inquiring eyebrow at him. There was a poise about her now that showed just how much she had grown up. He resented the thought of the men who had passed through her life, gifting her with that assurance. She was a woman in every sense of the word. No matter. He was going to make bloody sure he was the last one.

  Her eyes glittered, the honey flecks bright against the green, the hint of a smile upon her lips. “You can't hold me captive here all night, Jake. Someone is bound to come looking for us. In fact,” she motioned with her head, “shouldn't we be with the rest of the bridal party?” A wicked thought ran through his mind, dwelling on the possibility of them taking off now and nobody even noticing.

  "It won't work, Jake.” She was looking at him with a cheeky grin as if she knew the thoughts running through his head. “Photos. We'll be missed."

  He sighed theatrically and nodded in acquiescence. “Later then. Most definitely."

  "We'll see...” Her laugh, husky and warm, went straight to his groin.

  "Ha! You can count on it, darlin.” His point made, he offered her his arm once again. “Shall we?"

  * * * *

  The photo session turned out to be an excellent means for getting as close to Cassie as he needed to right at that point without getting naked into the bargain. The photographer must have read his mind, bless him, as he wanted informal shots of all of them in “romantic” poses. That was a prospect Jake could embrace—literally.

  He felt Cassie stiffen once, just a slight movement, when they had to look like they were hugging for a shot. At the photographer's direction, he was leaning, his back up against a tree. With his arms wrapped around her, Cassie was nestled up against him, back to front so that she was pulled up flush against him. She fit so perfectly, her head sitting under his chin. But for all her earlier bravado, she was nervous. The rapid beat of her heart as it drummed under his arm was a dead giveaway. He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Just relax, darlin'. I won't bite. Promise."

  He nearly choked when she turned slightly in his arms and chuckled. “I know, but I might."

  Maybe it wasn't nerves after all.

  * * * *

  When it was time for the photos of Lizzy and Rob on their own, Cass couldn't resist a sigh of relief. Her self-control was just about shattered. Standing that close to Jake for so long was not good for her piece of mind. Sexual Tension. Capitalised. She might be a bit of a novice, but she was a woman after all, and all that evolutionary programming wasn't all for nothing. It thrummed between them so loudly it was almost audible. And she only had to get through, oh, about another four hours of this pleasurable torture.

  The guys were standing behind the photographer, ribbing Rob and Lizzy and making some rather inappropriate comments that raised smiles all round. She felt Rachael's hand at her elbow, an assessing look in her eyes.

  "You might want to turn it down a notch or two."

  Cass, distracted by watching Jake, turned to Rach. “Hmmm? What?"

  "Whatever game you're playing with Jake. The guy looks like he's about to explode out of his pants any second. He looked like he was going to eat you up."

  "You noticed that, too?” She grinned wickedly. “Let's just say I'm giving him a bit of his own medicine."

  Rachael looked at her in concern. “Well, make sure he doesn't O.D. And watch it doesn't backfire, sweetie. Your threshold of resistance with Jake ain't all that high, if you recall."

  "Don't worry. I'm a lot older and a lot wiser than I was back then."

  "Oh, right. Famous last words. Let's not forget that on the experience-with-men meter, you're about two seconds past being a virgin. All these years and you haven't let a single man within five feet of you romantically.” She held up her hand at Cass's look. “Yes, I know why, sweetie. But this is different. This is Jake and he's not some guy you can just toss off and go back to your nice little life. You have an emotional connection to him through Chloe. So be careful, Cass. I'm serious. The way he looks at you when you're not watching..."

  "Like how?” This was getting interesting.

  "His eyes follow you everywhere, and honey, that is one intense look, let me tell you."


  "If a man looked at me like that, I would be checking my underwear at the door. The man is seriously interested. And I mean, seriously."

  "I'm surprised you noticed, Rach. You looked like you were trying to climb into Tom's skin at one point there."

  Rachael laughed. “He's a hottie, isn't he? Boy, what I would give to see him in his uniform, or better still, out of it.” She winked in jest but then her expression turned serious. “You, though, sweetie. Be careful,” she warned one last time. “Uh-oh, looks like the photographer's done. Time to go mingle with the guests."

  "Thank God for that. I could do with a break from Jake. I think I'm out of practice at this stuff.” With a sigh, Cass started to walk back towards the house where the reception was underway.

  "I know you are, if you ever were.” Rach tossed a cheeky grin over her shoulder as she trotted over to Tom.

  "Going somewhere?” The husky baritone rumbled all the way down her spine as two strong arms wrapped around her.

  Rachael's warning skipped out of her mind like it had never been there as her insides melted.

  Chapter Four

  Like bees around a fucking honey pot. Jake was growing a little tired of watching any and every unattached male swarm around Cassie. The meal was finished, the toasts completed, and he still hadn't been able to grab more than a few seconds alone with her. He leaned up against the bar, hands thrust in his pockets and watched, his expression brooding.

  Why did he want to be alone with her, anyway? Had he imagined what passed between them at that first touch, or was it just a flashback? A chance to revisit and explore the taste of passion he had awakened between them that night so long ago? This was the first time he had seen or spoken to her since that night and the feeling, this unsettling need to possess her again was driving him crazy with want.

  But every time he had managed to work himself within five feet of her, some other guy with more hormones than good sense came along and started talking to her. He wanted to talk to her alone, and he had no intention of sharing her with anyone else. He normally had the patience of an oyster, but right about now was about to shuck or be shucked.

  "Hello, Jake.” He recognised the soft female voice behind him straight away, unfortunately. Damn! Kate Richards.

  "What's up, Kate?” He didn't even bother turning around. Kate was not only his cousin, but a good friend of Sandy's to boot. The two had become close during the course of his marriage. Just what he needed. An attack on his conscience. It was coming. Kate never missed an opportunity when it presented itself.

  "You look like you're doing okay, Jake, considering..."

  "Considering what?"

  "The divorce and all that ... you know..."

  "Yes, I do know.” He sighed, prepared for what he knew was coming. “What's your point? Is there some reason I shouldn't be okay?” He frowned as he
watched Bill Turner take Cassie a drink and sit down next to her. Too damn close. The casual arm Bill threw around the back of her seat just deepened the frown on Jake's face. Didn't Cass know what a major sleaze the guy was? He had to fight an urge to snarl.

  "Sorry?” He realised Kate had said something, but had missed it, not surprising considering Bill was about to eat a knuckle sandwich if he didn't put some daylight between him and Cassie.

  "I said,” Kate tugged on his sleeve, forcing his attention, “Sandy is still upset over the divorce. She wants you back, you know."

  Yes, he did know. It didn't change anything, though. Things between him and Sandy had never been the same once they were back together. Sure, they had settled back into the relationship easily enough, but he had soon realised it was more out of a sense of habit than anything else. His heart just wasn't in it. Unfortunately, by that time they were married. Things had started to slide. They fought. For the last twelve months, he had been spending more time at work than he was at home. The push to start a family had been the clincher. Sandy had never been hung up on the whole having-kids thing, and he had suspected it was a move on her part to try and bond them again. He just couldn't do it. If nothing else, it made him face the fact that what they had once had was gone. He knew he had hurt her, but he couldn't go on living a lie. It wasn't fair to either of them.

  "It's over, Kate. Just let it drop."

  "Well, it's not over for Sandy, Jake. You should realise that. She doesn't give up that easy."

  "Is there a point to all this, Kate?” He turned a weary face to hers. Every time he saw her she wanted to talk about Sandy. Like she was the president of her fan club or something. “I've moved on. It's time for Sandy to be doin’ the same thing.” He wished she would go and interfere in somebody else's life and leave his the hell alone. “Now, if you'll excuse me?"

  Without conscious thought or design, his feet started propelling him towards Cassie. As soon as his mind kicked in, he thought what a damn good idea it was and followed suit. Getting to her, though, was like running an obstacle course of friends and relatives, and it was almost fifteen minutes before he finally neared her that he saw her duck out through the French doors leading to the garden. Now was his chance and he moved quickly. At least Bill Turner wasn't around. Just as well. His frustration was so great, he felt like hitting something.

  He faltered a moment and his expression darkened when it occurred to him that she might be meeting someone out there. If that were the case, he was about to burst their little bubble real quick. Determination in his stride, he followed, his footfalls silent on the dewy grass. She unknowingly led him around the side of the large house to a small pergola off to the side of the main garden.

  Even though it was partly covered in rambling ivy and bougainvillea, he could still see her through the greenery. He stopped to watch, as with a tired sigh, she sat down on the garden bench, crossed her legs and took off a shoe. She closed her eyes and started to gently massage a foot. With a predatory grin, he moved towards her, kneeling in front of her before she even knew he was there.

  "Allow me, darlin'.” He knelt down in front of her, and holding her foot, massaged the tender arch with gentle fingers. Her eyes flew open in surprise.

  "Jake! What are you doing here?"

  "Following you. How does that feel?” With a firm touch, he eased the swelling and knots with strong, skilled fingers. She sat back and a moan escaped.

  "That feels wonderful. I'm not used to wearing such high heels. My feet are killing me. You have magic hands, you know."

  He grinned and resisted the urge to comment. Continuing his ministrations, he worked along to her heel, and then further up, kneading the firm calves. She made to pull back from him, but he held her firmly. “No, just enjoy it. Relax. You may not be gettin’ another chance tonight.” He finished with that leg and tapped her on the knee. “Next one.” She smiled and changed legs, allowing him to lavish the same care on that one, a sigh of pure delight escaping her lips as he finished the massage with soothing strokes of her leg from knee to ankle.

  She looked so relaxed sitting back with her eyes closed. She had bitten her bottom lip as he had worked the tension out of her tired legs and feet, and they still glistened invitingly. He couldn't resist a taste. Leaning forward, he brushed his lips over hers.

  He felt her hum of approval against his lips and knew he had to taste more. With a flick of his tongue, he licked at the seam of her lips. In surprise, she opened them and he slid inside, a leisurely, seductive sweep into her warmth. Her lips were so soft under his, and for a moment he felt her respond, the tip of her tongue brushing against his. God, but she tasted good.

  That feeling of heaven lasted all of thirty seconds before he felt her hands on his chest, pushing him gently away.

  She stood abruptly and turned quickly to leave. “I-I have to go."

  He grasped her elbow firmly, halting her mid-stride. Drawing her against him, he tipped her chin up with his finger so that she had to look at him. “Don't keep running away from me, Cassie."

  "I'm not running."


  "Of course not. Whatever gave you that idea?"

  "If I didn't know better, I'd say you're avoiding me."

  "Don't be silly. I'm the bridesmaid. I have ... responsibilities."

  "One of which is partnering the best man."

  "What is this really all about, Jake?"

  He should have asked himself the same question, but his answer would have still been the same. “I don't know ... yet.” He leaned down to lay a tender kiss on her forehead. It was true—he didn't. All he was sure of was that he just wanted her to himself and resented every intrusion.

  She moved away from him, pulling her dress down from where it had ridden up during the foot massage. “I don't know, either.” A small smile creased her face. “At least that's one thing we agree on."

  Her eyes drifted past him. “Uh oh. Looks like we've been discovered.” She nodded past his shoulder. “Your mum. Looks like she's on a mission, too."

  He rolled his eyes in exasperation. He must have pissed off the gods well and truly considering how this night was turning out.

  "Jake? Cass? There you are. I've been looking for the two of you everywhere. Would there a problem?” With a knowing glint, her eyes swung between the two of them.

  "No, no problem, Ma. Just talking.” Damn interruptions!

  "Mighty cosy chat, Son.” Gwen Reilly's eyes twinkled watching her son squirm with discomfort. “I'm the search and rescue party. It's time for the bridal waltz and you are needed. Now. So shake your booties back inside, you two. You can continue your ‘talk’ later.” She walked away, turning back once to make sure they were following, a knowing chuckle filtering back to them on the soft breeze.

  He loved his ma, but her timing really, really sucked. Actually ... A pleasant thought hit him.

  "That means I'll be gettin’ you all to myself for a little while longer, darlin'.” He leaned down and placed a feather-light kiss on her forehead, moving with teasing slowness down to her jaw line, fighting the urge to wrap her in his arms and crush her against him when he felt her lean into him just a fraction.

  The music for the dance filtered out to them. “Umm, Jake. Your mum's right. Hadn't we better go?” Her voice was soft and low, the effect not unlike a the gentle scrape of fingernails raking down his spine, giving him shivers that had nothing to do with cold and a whole lot to do with heat.

  She felt so good in his arms. “Come on, then. Let's go. I can wait until later. But you and I aren't done yet, darlin'. We have to talk. And there'll be no more games, then, Cassie."

  * * * *

  It was with a combination of relief and sadness that Cass realised the reception was nearly over. Lizzy and Rob left to change out of their wedding gear.

  She noticed Bill Turner heading in her direction and quickened her pace over to Rachael to get away from him. The guy was all arms.

  "Save me, Rach. Quick!"<
br />
  "What? Why?"

  "Bill Turner. I think he wants to ask me out."

  "I take it you're not interested?” Rachael smirked at her.

  "Bingo, Einstein. Isn't there some ‘bridesmaidy’ stuff we should be doing?"

  "Nope. This little hoe-down is all done, bar the shouting. I do have a suggestion for you, though."

  "Suggest away."

  Rachael looked at her closely, seeming to consider her words. “You're still staying the night in the hotel, aren't you?"

  "Sure. Chloe is sleeping over at Larry and Deb's. He won't be dropping her off till tomorrow afternoon. I think they have a beach picnic planned for all the kids.” Her brother, Larry, had four kids of his own ranging in ages from Ben who was seven, down to little Amy who was just starting to walk. To Chloe, they were like the brothers and sisters she didn't have. Wasn't likely to have either, considering her mother's love life. “What did you have in mind? I hope it doesn't involve dancing or anything. My feet are killing me."

  "Not exactly. Tom and I are going to get changed once we get back to the hotel and then have a few quiet drinks in the bar. How about you join us?"

  "Won't I be cramping your style, hon?” No way she wanted to get in the middle of Rach and her target for the night.

  "Nope. The plans I have for the nice policeman don't include bonking him the first night I've met him. I have a little bit more class than that."

  Her wink raised a laugh from Cass. “If you say so.” Actually, a quiet drink in a dimly lit bar sounded just about right. It wasn't often she had the chance, or the reason for that matter, to stay out late. She liked to be home with Chloe as much as possible. And staying in the hotel tonight meant she didn't have to drive anywhere, which was even better. After two or three drinks she could just stumble up to her room and crash. “Sure. I'd love to come."

  Of course, there was the chance that Jake would be there, but the “talk” he kept mentioning would just be that much harder if they were with other people.

  At that moment, an arm draped around her shoulder, and the overpowering smell of aftershave and beer hit her nostrils. Bill. She turned to him, hoping to dislodge his arm but failed. Trying not to be rude, she pasted what she hoped was a pleasant smile on her face.


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