Planet Glecerus

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Planet Glecerus Page 9

by Olivia Black

  Sebastian had to admit he was really impressed. The homes were beautiful, each of them similar in nature, unlike on Earth where there was a real difference between people who had money and those who didn’t. Here, the Glecerians were treated as equals. They worked together for the betterment of society and received a place to live, food to eat, and other necessities to live comfortably.

  It gave Sebastian a view of what the future might hold for him, but his own fate wouldn’t be decided until after the competition. Knowing that the competition was just around the corner made Sebastian a little anxious. Who would be his mate? Which male would claim him? Where would he end up living? And he thought about his brother, Jason. When would they finally be able to spend time together?

  Sebastian followed the group toward the boat that would take them back to the dormitory. He shuffled his feet along the gray stone pathway, falling behind, his mind consumed with thoughts of the future. Sebastian was so lost inside his own head that he ended up running straight into someone.

  “Oh, excuse me.” Sebastian jerked his head up. “I wasn’t paying attention…I’m so…wow…” He automatically stopped talking and stared at the human’s extended belly with a mixture of shock and awe. “You-you-you’re pregnant.”

  He chuckled, rubbing a hand over his stomach. “Yes, I am.”

  “How? I mean…” He tore his eyes away from the man’s stomach. “How is this possible?”

  “The injections you received during the treatment when you first arrived. It changes our bodies so that we can get pregnant and have children.”

  Sebastian shook his head. He wasn’t really surprised, not after everything he’d learned about Glecerus. It seemed that anything was possible on this planet. And truthfully, he should’ve known. As far as he could tell, there weren’t any women. So, it stood to reason that the Glecerians would have another way to procreate.

  “I really need to read that damn manual.”

  Even though Auden had sent a copy to the dormitory, Sebastian couldn’t find the time to sit down and read.

  “I didn’t read it either,” he said, smiling at Sebastian. “When I first arrived, I was a mess. It took me a while to accept this world and my new life. I fought against it, but in the end, I wouldn’t change anything. I’m so happy.”

  “How long have you lived here in Glecerus?”

  “About six years now.” The man held out his hand, and Sebastian took it. “I’m Scott Ramdeim.”

  “Sebastian Cain.”

  “Daddy!” A young boy, around five years old, ran toward Scott with a big smile on his face. “Daddy!”

  Scott crouched down and wrapped his arms around his son. He lifted the boy up and held him in his arms. “Hey, sweetheart.”

  “I heard your voice, and Papa said I could come out here and make sure you got home safely.”

  “Aw.” Scott kissed his son’s nose. “I’m so lucky to have you.”

  “And Papa.”

  Scott chuckled. “And Papa.”

  “I love you.” The little boy kissed Scott’s cheek before rubbing his nose back and forth, snuggling close.

  Sebastian looked away. He felt as though he were intruding on a private moment between father and son. Sebastian had to admit that he was jealous. This was what he wanted. He wanted a loving relationship and a family. He wanted someone who was excited to see him at the end of a long day. His mind drifted to thoughts of Auden and Regin. Auden already had a family. He also had a mate at one time. Regin hadn’t. He was a fresh slate without any baggage. It was possible that Regin would want a family, whereas Auden might not want to start over again.

  “Well, I should let you get back to your family.”

  “And you should catch up to the rest of your group before they leave without you.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. I don’t want to miss the boat.”

  Sebastian started walking down the hall, hurrying after the group.

  “Hey, Sebastian,” Scott called out.

  He glanced over his shoulder. “Yeah?”

  “Look me up sometime. We’ll get together and share a meal.”

  Sebastian nodded. “I’d like that.”

  It didn’t take long for Sebastian to catch up to the rest of the group. They were boarding the boat when he reached them. Stepping aboard, Sebastian took the first available seat along one of the wooden pews. The men around him spoke to one another, but Sebastian merely sat there, thinking about the future.

  “Hey.” Aaron tapped Sebastian on the shoulder to get his attention. “Are you okay?”

  Sebastian looked up and nodded. “I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure?”


  Aaron made a face. “Then why are you sitting over here? Didn’t you see me waving to you?”

  “No.” Sebastian sighed. “I’m sorry.”

  “Come on.” He tilted his head. “Come sit with me and Georgie. We saved you a seat.”

  Sebastian rose to his feet and followed Aaron to the other side of the boat. He dragged his feet against the wooden planks as he made his way around the other men.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Aaron asked, glancing over his shoulder at Sebastian.

  “I’m sure everything will turn out okay,” he said. The words were more of a pep talk to himself than an answer for Aaron.

  “What does that mean?”

  He shook his head. “Nothing.”

  Sebastian knew he wasn’t the only one thinking about the future. All of the men were wound up, knowing that tomorrow would bring an end to their single days in the dormitory. Tomorrow, they would find out which male had won the auction. And Sebastian would find out about the competition.

  Sebastian took a seat beside Aaron. He crossed his arms over his chest and slouched down, tucking his chin against his chest.

  Aaron leaned into him, pressing their shoulders together. “Do you think we’ll end up living near each other?”

  Sebastian took a deep breath and slowly blew it out. He didn’t know. He didn’t have any answers. There was a good possibility that they might live on opposite sides of the planet. If that happened, Sebastian wasn’t sure when he would see Aaron again.

  “I hope so.”

  “Promise me, no matter what happens, we won’t lose touch. I don’t want to end up in a different region, all alone. You have to find me.”

  Sebastian lifted his head and looked at Aaron. “You won’t be alone. You’ll have a mate, and you’ll make new friends.”

  “You have to promise me,” he insisted. “I won’t be happy without you in my life. You’re my best friend.”

  “I promise.” Sebastian grasped Aaron’s hand and gave it a little squeeze. “We won’t lose touch. It doesn’t matter where we end up. We’ll always be friends. I’ll always be here for you, okay?”

  He nodded. “Okay.”

  Aaron seemed appeased by Sebastian’s response. He smiled happily before relaxing back against the bench. It looked as if all his worries magically disappeared. Sebastian, on the other hand, was hoping that his response wouldn’t turn him into a liar. He didn’t know if he’d be able to keep his promise. Glecerus was a big planet, and their only mode of transportation was by boat.

  “All right, it’s time to take your seats,” Mark announced. “We’re pushing off the dock and heading back to the dormitory.”

  The boat gently swayed as one of the crewmembers pushed off from the dock. The rest of the males in the crew moved around, taking their positions as they set sail, heading back toward the dock nearest to the dormitory.

  * * * *

  When they returned to the dormitory, Mark escorted the group into the dining room, where a familiar Glecerian male was waiting for them.

  “Please come in and take a seat.” He gestured toward the tables.

  The men filed into the room.

  Sebastian took a seat at one of the tables. He folded his hands, placing them on the table in front of him and looked toward the f
ront of the dining hall, focusing on their visitor.

  “What is he doing here?” Aaron asked in a hushed whisper.

  Sebastian shrugged “I don’t know.”

  “Good afternoon.” He smiled. “My name is Trygg Ja’Dar. I’m a teacher and a scholar. Since today is your last day inside the dormitory, I’m here to have you fill out an exit questionnaire. I’ll be handing out a tablet and a writing instrument like these.” Trygg held up the items, showing the group. “You’ll use the writing instrument to write on the screen. When you’re done answering the questions, you may exit the room. The rest of the night is yours to do with as you wish.”

  Trygg walked around the dining room, placing a tablet and writing instrument in front of each man. When Trygg reached their table, he paused beside Aaron. Their eyes connected, and the two stared at each other, sharing a silent conversation. Sebastian watched the two with great interest. Aaron blushed and ducked his head, breaking the contact. His reaction toward Trygg was surprising, considering how carefree Aaron had been with other Glecerian males.

  Sebastian looked down when Trygg placed the device in front of him. He looked over the questionnaire and remembered his conversation with Auden from the welcoming dinner. This wasn’t just a casual exit questionnaire. It was important. The answers could change the outcome of the auction.

  One grouping of questions stood out among the rest. Over the last week, did you meet a male that you were drawn to? Was there one Glecerian that stood out inside your mind over the others? What drew you to him? What are your feelings toward the male? Write the male’s name and describe in detail.

  Glancing up from his device, he stared intently at Aaron, hoping to get his attention without speaking a word. It didn’t take long before Aaron looked up and Sebastian made a face.

  “What?” Aaron asked, mouthing the word.

  Sebastian pointed to the device in front of him and mouthed, “Important.”

  Aaron shook his head, clearly confused. “What?”

  “This is really important,” he whispered. “It can change everything, so you need to be completely honest.”

  Aaron’s brows furrowed. It looked as though he wanted to ask a ton of questions, but he merely nodded and said, “Okay.”

  Sebastian looked down at the device and read through the questions once more. He tapped the writing tool on the table, trying to figure out if he should write a name. Auden. Regin. He felt a connection with both of them. Sebastian knew he couldn’t pick one, not right now. After only a couple of minutes, Sebastian abandoned the device on the table and left the dining hall.

  He marched straight to the exercise room. Sebastian pulled his shirt off before stepping onto the treadmill platform. He started the machine and pressed the button rapidly, going straight into a jog.

  Sebastian didn’t want to think about Auden or Regin. He didn’t want to think about the future, the male he might end up with, or the upcoming competition. Taking a deep breath, Sebastian cleared his mind. He zoned out and focused on his breathing, letting the anxiety and the fear of the unknown work out of his system.

  Chapter Eleven

  The week was officially over.

  Sebastian could barely believe that their time in the dormitory had come to an end. He sat in a chair, surrounded by the other men, like on their first day inside the dorm. Except this time, they were all waiting anxiously to hear their fate. Aaron gripped his arm, clinging to him on the left while Georgie held his right hand. They were both tense, waiting for Mark to call out their names.

  Mark stood in front of the group, holding a small device in his hand. He called out a short list of names. The men were escorted to the treatment center. When they returned, thick black designs were painted on their skin, proof that they had mates. The men collected their belongings and said their good-byes. There was only a small group left waiting. The others had to go since they were being transported to one of the other eight regions within Glecerus. The remaining men would be staying in Nviia’ Ladur, either to be mated or to be sent to the singles dormitory.

  “Aaron.” Sebastian pried the young man’s fingers off his arm. “Your nails are digging into my skin.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m just nervous.”

  “I know, but I’m sure you don’t have anything to worry about. With all the gifts and attention you’ve received this week, you probably have most of Glecerus’ unmated males bidding on you.”

  He sighed, as if he were disappointed. “I don’t really want a mate, not yet anyway. I’m kind of hoping they put me in the singles dormitory.”

  Georgie gasped, clearly shocked. “You can’t be serious.”

  Aaron leaned forward. “Don’t you want some time to get to know more about this place and the people?” he asked. “Being in the singles dormitory would give me freedom. I could go on dates and play around a little before settling down with one male.”

  Georgie shook his head. “No. We volunteered to come to Glecerus to become mates. Ending up in the singles dormitory means that nobody wants you.”

  “That’s not true, Georgie,” Sebastian said.

  “Oh, come on. Everyone will know that you weren’t chosen. They’ll know that nobody bid on you. Can you imagine the humiliation? I don’t think I would be able to show my face in public.”

  Sebastian could only shake his head. He wanted to object. He wanted to tell Georgie that he was wrong. But Sebastian knew the other man wouldn’t listen to him, not given Georgie’s history. Georgie had grown up in an orphanage on Earth so, to him, ending up without a mate meant that he was unwanted. Sebastian knew that this whole situation brought back a lot of painful memories. It wouldn’t matter what he said, the past was firmly locked inside Georgie’s mind.

  “Aaron Butler. Kevin Frazier. Evan Meyers. Nathaniel Ware. Jimmie Foster.”

  “Oh God,” Aaron muttered. He wrapped an arm around his stomach as he rose to his feet. “I think I’m gonna be sick.”

  “Calm down,” Sebastian told him.

  Aaron shot him a pleading look. “I don’t think I can do this.”

  Sebastian stood up and wrapped his arms around Aaron, pulling him in for a hug. The young man trembled, shaking with fear. “You’re going to be okay. There’s no reason to be scared. Remember, no matter what happens, I’m still here. We have each other.”

  Aaron nodded. He clung to Sebastian for several minutes. After he calmed down, Aaron dropped his arms. He took a deep breath and slowly blew it out. Turning on his heel, Aaron walked out of the dormitory, and Sebastian watched him go. When Aaron disappeared, Sebastian sat back down beside Georgie.

  “You know he’s going to be okay, right?” Georgie asked, gaining his attention.

  Sebastian nodded. “Yeah, I know.”

  “The Glecerians really do cherish their mates. And if Aaron does end up in the singles dormitory or on another planet, he’ll be treasured.”

  “I just wish I knew why he was so scared.”

  Sebastian didn’t understand why Aaron was acting this way. He’d been nervous, sure, but this was something else entirely.

  “I know Aaron seems a little wild and carefree, but maybe he’s inexperienced.”

  “Maybe,” Sebastian muttered.

  “Grant Byers. Eric Wilson. George Larson. Dennis Osborne. Howard Turner. Bryson Garrett.”

  Georgie grinned. “It’s my turn.” He jumped to his feet and followed the other men out of the dormitory without another word. Georgie didn’t seem worried at all.

  As the names were read aloud, their numbers dwindled down until Sebastian was sitting alone.

  “Sebastian Cain.”

  “Yes.” He stood up.

  “The competition is scheduled for tomorrow. Tonight, you’ll be staying in the singles dormitory. I’ll walk you over as soon as the others are ready to go.”

  “The others?” Sebastian questioned.

  Mark nodded. “There’s a group of men that will be moving into the singles dormitory. Right now, they�
��re talking to one of the Glecerian ambassadors.”

  “Why weren’t they chosen?”

  “It’s not that they weren’t chosen,” Mark told him. “Sometimes men end up in the singles dormitory because they ask to be placed there. Other times, high-ranking males from other planets request human mates from our ambassadors. And then, there are those few that volunteer to go off planet. There are many reasons.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  When the door hissed open, Sebastian turned around.

  He watched as a group of men walked back into the dormitory. Sebastian found Aaron right away. The young man had his arms crossed over his bare chest. The black marks were painted on his chest, over both his shoulders, and down his arms. The thick, black lines stood out against his light complexion. From just one look, it was clear that Aaron wasn’t happy.

  Sebastian walked to him. “Are you okay? What happened?”

  “You’re not going to believe who my mate is.”

  “Who?” Sebastian asked, brows drawn together in concern.

  “Trygg Ja’Dar.”

  “The teacher?”


  “What’s wrong with him?”

  Aaron shook his head. “He’s not the right one for me.”

  “You don’t know that. You haven’t spent much time with him.”

  “Why wouldn’t they just put me in the singles dormitory?”

  “You know why.” Sebastian gave him a pointed look. He hated to mimic Georgie’s earlier words, but he didn’t have a choice. “We were brought here to be mates.”

  “What if it doesn’t work out? What if I can’t stand him? What if I don’t like…” He cleared his throat. “What will happen to me?” Aaron whispered.

  “You’re not the only one who’s scared. We all are. It’s going to take some time to adjust to life in Glecerus, but I’m sure Trygg will be patient and understanding.”

  “I don’t even know why he bid on me.”


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