Chasing Caitlyn

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Chasing Caitlyn Page 6

by Marnie Cate

  "I see the books I need right there. How about you give me those books and tell the next person about guesstimation? Donald, I would be really, really grateful if you helped me out." I placed my hand on his and smiled.

  "Sorry, do you still want these?" He pointed to the stack of books that I had found.

  "Yes," I sighed.

  Donald began to ring up the items.

  "I'm sorry I was being such a B. I'm just having a bad start to the new year."

  "Your total is seventy-two, ninety-six." Leaning close to me, he whispered, "I gave you my staff discount."

  "That was nice of you." I smiled.

  Donald finished the transaction and scribbled something on a flyer. I looked at the note:

  Meet me at 37289 Iguk Lane in one hour.

  I'll make it worth your while.

  ☺ Donald.

  I raised my eyebrows. He grinned and nodded his head back towards the stack of books behind me.

  "Ok," I finally answered. "See you later, Donald."

  He grinned and waved as I walked away.

  In my car, I looked up the address. It was only two miles away and looked like a nice residential area. His house? I'm going to get murdered, I thought wryly. He's not going to kill you. What do you have to lose? Maybe he is just being nice.

  I wanted to call Thomas and ask his opinion, but I knew he would tell me to drop the class and take it next year. My schedule was mapped out. I didn't want to go off track already.

  To ease my nervousness, I stopped at a drive-thru and ordered an iced tea. I drove to his house and waited until ten minutes past the arranged time to knock on the front door. Donald greeted me. He looked as if he had been running.

  "I just got home," he breathed heavily. "Come in."

  He lived in a normal looking house. It was clean and well furnished. No signs of a hatchet murderer were apparent. A fluffy grey cat rubbed against my leg, and Donald picked it up.

  Dangling the cat towards me, he cooed, "Mr. Cattington, meet Hillary."

  He thought I was Hillary because of the credit card I used. I smiled, but didn't correct him.

  "So, why did you ask me here?" I bluntly asked.

  Donald rushed to the kitchen and returned with a bag. He opened it, showing me the books I needed.

  "Thank you. How much?" I gushed taking the bag.

  He held it tight.

  Now here is the payment time, I thought, forcing myself not to roll my eyes. "Do you want me to buy you a coffee? Sit and have a chat?"

  "No. Um, how about you make out with me?" he blurted.


  He was trying to bargain with me. "Let me feel you up?"

  Feel me up? What, was he fifteen? "Dream on," I pulled on the bag.

  He puffed up. "No action. No books." He tugged the bag out of my hand and went for the door.

  "Fine. Ten minutes."


  "Ok, fifteen." I set the alarm on my cell phone and held it out, showing him the time ticking.

  His bravado faded. He dropped the bag and took his pants off.

  "No, the deal was feel me up." I glared.

  He grunted trying to figure out his next move. Diving at me with both hands, he began manhandling both my breasts.

  "Can I at least see them?" he moaned.

  "Feel," I said, not hiding my boredom.

  "Fine," he grunted again. He squeezed and tugged at me before giving up with my breast.

  I braced myself for his next move.

  Roughly, he slid his hand down my sides and squeezed my butt. When I let out a squeak of surprise, he smiled, and slipped his hand under my skirt. I grabbed it, squeezing his fingers hard.

  "You said I could feel," he whined.

  "Seven minutes left," I relented, feeling repulsed.

  He had beaten me. Without hesitation, he slipped his fingers inside my panties and began exploring my most private parts. His confidence was renewed. He leered as if he was giving me the greatest pleasure of my life. Suddenly, he must have decided to get his money worth. He shoved his hand into his underwear and began to masturbate.

  "Five minutes." I wanted to slap his hand off me. "You really are bad at this," I said cruelly.

  His face flushed with embarrassment. He fumbled around a bit more before stopping. "If I suck so bad, why don't you teach me?"

  "Two minutes." I waved the phone at him.

  "I have a hundred bucks, if you teach me," he pleaded.

  "I am not a whore," I snapped.

  "No, like a tutor."

  "Show me the money," I said, calling his bluff. No way this college student had the money to waste on me. I stopped the time as he picked up his pants and dug through the pockets.

  He counted out ninety-eight dollars. "This is all I have." He crushed the bills into my hand.

  "Just your hands. No mouth, and especially not that.” I pointed at the bulge in his tight white briefs.

  "Ok, teach me."

  "Not here." Damn it, Caitlyn. What are you doing? my inner self screamed.

  "My bedroom. No one will be home for hours," he excitedly suggested.

  I sighed. "One hour. Time starts now."

  I considered reneging on the deal and leaving him, but something inside me liked his desperation. I could find out what it was like for Paul to guide and teach me.

  Donald's room was exactly as I expected. It was a comic convention. Anime and figures lined every spare space. He quickly made his bed, covering his Star Wars sheets.

  "Would you like a drink?" he offered.

  "No." I didn't want to give him the impression that I was interested in him at all.

  "Ok teach me." He stepped closer to me.

  I put his hands on my breasts and gently massaged. Delicately, I squeezed my nipple.

  "I can't feel what I am doing with your sweater," he complained.

  "Fine.” I stripped my shirt and bra off.

  His mouth gaped open.

  "If a girl ever lets you get here, be gentle. Sucking and pinching gently, then firmly. Listen to her body."

  He copied my demo for a few minutes.

  "What about down there." He pointed.

  You asked for this, I thought. You are his teacher. Now teach.

  I slid out of the rest of my clothes and placed his hand on me, I guided his fingers. As I walked him through the steps, my body rocked against him. I was actually aroused by the power I had over him.

  "You’re wet," he said nervously. "Is that bad?"

  "No, that means you are doing it right." I said breathlessly. "Maybe you need to see better what you are touching."

  Feeling confident, I lied on the bed and spread my legs for him to inspect me closer. I was so engaged in his newly learned talents that I didn't object when he kissed the inside of my thigh.

  Abruptly, he sat up and grabbed a box from under his bed. He started counting out money. It looked like he had around eighty dollars. "How much to, you know…"

  He was so eager and so desperate. Something made me want to make his first experience a better one than the one I had. He didn't say he was a virgin, but it was very obvious.

  "This should be enough." I snatched the money from his hand. I looked at my phone – twenty minutes left. "Do you have any protection?"

  "Yeah, I do." He beamed. He rifled through his nightstand until he found an unopened box. "Gift from Mom." He smiled at his own joke.

  I grabbed the condoms and checked the expiration. "So, is this your first time?"

  "No, I've been with…" He started to lie before suddenly confessing, "Yes, it's my first. Is that ok?"

  "Twenty-year-old virgin?" I mocked.

  "Nineteen and a half," he corrected.

  "If you want to spend your hard earned money on one minute of pleasure, who am I to argue? You wanted tutoring, so let's focus on my climax first. Most women will not orgasm with only penetration," I quoted Paul.

  Donald nodded eagerly. This time he dove between my legs. "Ok, teach me."r />
  The memory of Paul was beside me as I walked Donald through the process of finding out what the woman enjoyed.

  He kept asking, "Is that ok?"

  "If you stay quiet I'll be able to focus. You are distracting me," I scolded.

  "Sorry," he said before returning to my previous instructions.

  In a brief time, he learned what made me tick. Before I knew it, I had climaxed.

  While regaining my breath, he eagerly hopped up and began to cover himself with the condom. "Now, my turn?"

  I nodded. I was surprised this awkward boy just rocked my world.

  Donald climbed on top of me. He struggled around his big belly to align himself. I sighed and helped him. His arm muscles were stronger than I expected, and he kept his weight off me.

  Nowhere to look, but his flabby chest, I saw only two black hairs. Reality hit me. You are a prostitute, Cailtyn, my inner voice screamed.

  As if Donald's penis understood he was going to be evicted soon, in less than one minute, he groaned. He spent himself. Carefully, he rolled off me.

  He smiled sleepily and cupped my breast. "You are so beautiful," he murmured, and then fell asleep.

  While he lay snoring, I put all the money he gave me on his nightstand. After I dressed, I dug around his dressers. I found a fast food restaurant menu and a green highlighter. I scribbled a note and placed it on the bills. It read:

  Keep practicing.

  Soon, you will have all the girls screaming your name.

  xoxo, Me.

  Donald taught me I had power. This knew knowledge fueled my desire for sex. I no longer turned down invitations to parties.

  Fraternity boys were eager to sleep with me and forget. I spent the next year finding men who would be around long enough to satisfy me. Ones who worshipped me for only fifteen minutes, but never knew my name.

  I had fulfilled the prophecy, and I was the town whore. Luckily, I had been discrete. Not even my best friend knew how many strangers I had been with. Or I thought I had been.

  The Brit

  "Your order will be right out." His rich British accent sent chills straight through me.

  From the bar, I admired my mother's latest hire. He was model handsome. He had rich mocha skin, piercing brown eyes, and full lips. I sighed as I imagined what I could do to him. I hadn't got his name, but I knew I would have him.

  Serving the drinks, I made sure to press up against him under the guise of passing by. "Oops sorry," I purred and patted his chest as if I had spilled something.

  He grinned at me and returned to his guests.

  The main course had been served, so I approached my mother. "I need a break. I bet I am not the only one." I motioned to the men immediately around my target.

  "Fine, let me know. Fifteen minutes to regroup," my mother said, dismissively.

  "Good news. We are on break." I relayed the instructions. As the others dispersed, I caught my target. "I'm going to get some air. Want to join me?"

  "Sure," he said. "Lead on."

  I knew the hotel very well. When we were in an isolated hallway, I made my move and kissed him.

  "Right here? Right now?" he asked. "I'll get fired."

  "Shh," I said, pushing him into the utility closet. I ripped the tape I placed on the lock earlier that day in case I found someone of interest. This was not my first closet quickie.

  "But, I…" he objected.

  I silenced his objections by grabbing his head and kissing him deeply.

  He didn't resist.

  Seconds later, he lifted me up and pinned me against the wall. He began kissing my breasts and stopped when he found the condom poking out of my bra. I always carried one. I was foolish, but not stupid.

  "For me?" He grinned.

  "Yeah, we need to hurry. Our break is almost over," I teased.

  "You American Girls like it dirty," he commented as he covered his erection. "So, how do you want it?"

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Nothing fancy, but if you take too long you might get fired," I teased.

  He stuck his hand under my skirt and laughed. "You are a dirty girl. No panties?"

  "Shut up and fuck me," I ordered.

  The waiter growled, pulling me towards him, and kissed me deeply. He lifted my leg and wasted no time slipping inside me.

  My leg wrapped firmly around him. My arms were tight around his neck. I rocked as his long, thick strokes sent me over the edge. My finger nails dug into his shoulders, and I moaned. It felt as if he was growing inside me.

  His groans grew so loud I was afraid we would get caught. I covered his mouth with mine. With him silenced, I heard the voice in the hall. I stopped kissing him and listened.

  "I think there is more in here," the voice said. "Ok, I'll check. Yes, two. I'll get two." The familiar voice must have been on a phone or talking to himself.

  Panic filled me. It was Thomas.

  The door jiggled, and then the sounds of keys.

  "Shit." I tried getting the attention of my lover, but my words were muffled as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I pulled away. "Someone is coming."

  "I am not finished," he objected. "Almost there…" He pumped harder.

  You brought him here, I scolded myself. Ride it out, Caitlyn.

  I heard the door open. I closed my eyes and hoped Thomas had turned around when he saw us. It seemed like minutes passed before my stranger finally climaxed.

  "What do you think you are doing? You are not on that kind of break," Thomas screeched.

  The waiter deflated and slipped out of me. Unabashed, he threw the used condom into the trash and pulled up his pants. "I didn't know there were rules about what I did on my break, mate."

  I tried to stay hidden from view as I straightened my clothes.

  "The both of you back to work," Thomas ordered.

  I got away with it. Thomas didn't realize it was me.

  As I walked past him, I felt his grip on my arm. "You, stay."

  The waiter winked at me and kept going. I didn't blame him. I would have done the same thing.

  "Cat? What the hell?" Thomas hissed.

  "I was just having a bit of fun," I said nonchalantly.

  "I thought the stories were lies. Cat, really? You are fucking the wait staff?" Thomas' eyes filled with pity.

  "I'm young and single. I can do whatever I please," I snapped. "Who are to judge? You've had plenty of your own one-night stands."

  "But, you're different, Cat. This isn't you," Thomas' voice was filled with pain. "I let you down. I was supposed to protect you."

  Sadness washed over me. I wasn't different. He couldn’t protect me from anyone, especially not myself.

  I didn't stop right away, but I found, over the next few weeks, that my hunting for strangers to hook up with became less satisfying. Each cheap moment left me full of shame. I had seen myself through Thomas' eyes, and I wondered, who have I become?

  Bad Boys

  One morning, Thomas met me at the mall for an impromptu shopping spree. He was giddy with the idea of transforming my look. Katherine Hepburn meets Marilyn Monroe was his inspiration.

  After a few hundred dollars and several hours, Thomas left me with strict instructions for my next purchases. I was lost in the overwhelming scent choices when I felt a hand on my waist.

  "You don't want anything too overpowering. Men don't like to go home to their wives smelling like their dates," the deep voice of a man advised me.

  I whipped around and was face-to-face with Christopher. He wore a soft beard and mustache now. Any stranger would think he was very handsome, but those people also didn't know he was a psychotic rapist.

  "Long time, no see, Caitlyn," he smiled. His hands squeezed my hips.

  "Get your hands off me," I hissed and shoved him away.

  "Don't be like that, Caitlyn." His voice was strong and clearly sending me a warning. "I am just saying hello to an old friend."

  "You and I were never friends." I backed away.

looked at me with concern. "I don't see your bodyguard anymore. Did the queen take off and leave you all alone?"

  Bile rose in my throat. "No. He's waiting for me." I set the perfume I had been testing down and began to walk away.

  Christopher grabbed my arm, and inhaled deeply. He pressed his mouth to my ear. "I'll always be inside you, Caitlyn. The night we shared was magical. Come away with me. I promised you that I wanted to make our relationship more permanent. I am ready now."

  "Would you like to test any other samples," the sales clerk called to me.

  Christopher released me and turned around to smile at her. "No, thank you."

  I took the opportunity to get away. When I turned to make sure I wasn't being followed, I saw Christopher whispering to the girl.

  You can't leave her, my mind screamed.

  "Christopher, I'll see you at home soon. Our daughter is so happy to know her daddy got off work early tonight," I called, forcing him to address me.

  Christopher turned and glared at me. "I'm looking forward to our evening together, sweetheart. Bath time is always fun."

  I rushed out of the mall and into the parking lot. The bags I carried were heavy and slowing me down. When I reached my car, I checked to make sure he hadn't followed. I threw everything onto the passenger seat before climbing in.

  My hand shook violently, and it took me several seconds to get the key in the ignition. I turned over the engine and pressed the gas. A group of teenage girls on their cell phones walked in front of me, and I slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting them.

  "Put your phones away and watch what you're doing!" I screamed.

  Tears flooded my eyes. Get yourself together, I scolded myself.

  After a few minutes of deep breathing, I composed myself enough to drive away.

  I drove carefully, checking my mirrors to make sure I wasn't being followed. When the gas light flashed, I almost threw up. You are five minutes from home and it was still daylight. My internal guide was correct. The sun would not set for another six hours. I would be safe.


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