Chasing Caitlyn

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Chasing Caitlyn Page 13

by Marnie Cate

  Jeremy devoured his dessert before I finished mine. I savored each bite of the chocolate cherry flavor, knowing he would soon be extremely uncomfortable. When his stomach grumbled loudly, I forced myself not to smile.

  "Did you have a nice day at work? I found the most amazing recipe I know will be perfect for our next dinner party. I was thinking for the amuse bouche we could have an ahi tuna tartar or Mrs. Carlson described a recipe she had in Paris. It was a candied salmon with a yogurt…"

  My words ended as Jeremy jumped up and sprinted down the hallway. Snickering, I slowly finished my dessert. Done, I picked up the dinner dishes. After everything was cleaned up, I forced myself to check on him. That is what a good wife would do, right?

  "Honey, are you ok?" I asked through the bathroom door.

  "I'm just a bit sick," he called. His voice was weak.

  "I brought you some electrolytes. Can I come in?"

  "No, I’ll be out soon," he groaned. I was thankful he was so vain.

  "Ok, love," I said, "I'll be right here waiting for you."

  Changing into comfy pajamas, I climbed into bed and turned on the news. The thought that maybe I had really hurt him came to mind moments before he came out of the bathroom. Jeremy was pale, but the smell of his bath soap wafted towards me. Suppressing a giggle, I ran over to him.

  "My poor angel," I cooed. "You must have caught the horrible bug that is going around. Lucky for you, everyone I know has recovered the next day."

  Handing him the electrolyte water, he took a long slow drink, and then handed it back to me. Stumbling to bed, he climbed under the covers. I slipped in behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

  "Just sleep, love. It will all soon be over," I said, stroking his hair.

  He began to gently snore, so I moved away and took his phone. Carefully using his index finger to unlock the phone, I smiled as I saw messages from Ginger.

  Ginger: Babe. Where are you?

  Ginger: Baby, I am worried. You always call me before bed!

  Ginger: :( You're just being mean now.

  Ginger: Fine. You're missing this.

  Attached to the last message, Ginger had taken a selfie of herself naked, sitting on the edge of a hot tub. Does she have no pride? I locked up the phone after deleting her picture, and climbed into bed, grinning. I couldn't wait for tomorrow's workout.

  Befriending Ginger became a game with a delightful outcome. One month and I had become her best friend. Pity I hated her guts. We could have had a nice friendship, if she wasn't sleeping with my husband.

  I had always followed the rules, but with my new persona, I was free. I was smart with the details I shared about my pretend life. Having no parents alive and just moving to Los Angeles became our shared story.

  When I told Ginger about my parents' sudden death, tears filled her eyes and she threw her arms around me. "We have been through so much of the same things. I’m so glad we met, J."

  She gave me a nickname. Nice. Now I find out more about the boyfriend. "I am so glad, too. I really have no one here since I broke up with my boyfriend. It’s been a relief to find such a great friend."

  "You'll find someone, like my Jeremy, one day. I promise. You're so beautiful, J. I can't believe any man was stupid enough to let you get away." Once again, tears filled her eyes.

  Not rolling my eyes would be my greatest test in this game. Sniffing, I said softly, "I found out he was cheating on me and I couldn't bear to spend another day with someone who couldn't be with me…only me." Wiping away a tear, I laughed. "I guess I don't like to share my toys."

  Ginger let out a small laugh, but her cheery demeanor changed. I had struck a chord. I felt I needed to pluck harder.

  "I mean, she was just the perfume girl and he would meet her in the morning, when he should have been at work. You wouldn't believe the lies he told me. The worst part is, he would have sex with her in the morning.” I stopped as if the story was too painful to share.

  Ginger patted my hand, encouraging me to continue.

  “Then, he had the nerve to make love to me in the evening. How can anyone with self-respect and dignity ever live with that lie? I'm just not that girl."

  Ginger was silent while I talked.

  "What's wrong, Ginger? Are you ok? Did I upset you?"

  "Oh, J, I am a horrible person. A truly bad person." Ginger looked around to confirm we were alone. In a hushed voice, she said, "My boyfriend is married. He says it is a loveless marriage and he’s only staying with her until they stabilize her medication. She’s bipolar and goes into a horrible rage where she breaks everything, and she’s even tried to kill him. I saw the home he made for her. She really shouldn't be angry."

  I wanted to slap her across the face. "You were in his house? You’re lucky his wife didn't show up."

  "No, she was at a women's luncheon. He even let me try on one of her evening gowns." She giggled. "I didn't wear it long before he had me out of it and on their bed." Her voice rose as she continued to talk about Jeremy's horrible wife. "You must think I am terrible, but they haven't had sex in two years."

  More like two hours, I thought wryly.

  Taking my hand, she said, "Do you hate me? I promise I didn't know he was married until it was too late. Until I was so head over heels I couldn't imagine life without him."

  “Oh Ginger, you don't have to apologize to me. I understand. Men play with our heart strings." I patted her hand, and then checked my watch. "Look at the time. Don't you need to meet with your stud soon? I know that’s why you run off after our workouts."

  "Not today, he has a work meeting, but he’s going to make it up to me tonight. He made reservations for us at a cozy Italian restaurant and booked a hotel that overlooks Rodeo Drive. Can you believe it? He said we’re going to shop and shop until we fall into bed. He is so kind. I can't believe I found a man like him."

  "Wow, that sounds so great. A long weekend with a sexy man with money," I encouraged her to talk more.

  "Well, after we are done here, I am going to the salon to get my hair done. I am so thankful Jeremy…oops…I mean, my boyfriend paid for laser hair removal. One less thing to get done." Holding her hands out, she said, "I should probably get my nails done. He loves for me to drag them down his back. Don't all men love that?" Ginger giggled at her comment, and I joined in.

  "Well, Ging. I have an appointment with a client in an hour. I need to run home and shower." I kissed her on the cheek. "You have a fun time, hun. You really deserve it."

  "Thanks, J. I’ll see you Monday. I might be tired from my sexy weekend, so you will have to push me." Ginger giggled again.

  "Oh, I'll push you hard." I laughed and waved. If I could, it would be off the terrace of the nice little condo my husband is paying for.

  There was no time to be angry or bitter. I needed to focus on how to destroy his weekend and I had the perfect plan.


  Caitlyn: Up for Coffee?

  Vicky: Always!!!! Usual place in 30?

  Caitlyn: CAN'T WAIT! See you there.

  After I ditched my costume, I prepared myself for a nice visit with Victoria Carlson. Vicky, as she liked to be called, was the third wife of Tad Carlson, who happened to be one of my husband's best clients. Today, Vicky would be the key to ruining Jeremy's weekend.

  "Caitlyn, you look fabulous. What have you been doing with yourself? You’re glowing." Vicky kissed me on both cheeks before sitting down.

  A man carried over two steaming cups and set them on the table. "Hope you enjoy, Vicky. If this isn't what you gorgeous ladies want, holler. I aim to please."

  "I ordered for us. I hope you don't mind." Vicky smiled. "Phil always knows just what I like."

  "Now, Vicky, if I didn't know better," I teased with a sly smile.

  "Oh, no. Phil doesn't bat for the same team as us. Pity, though. He would be a nice distraction for those long work weeks." Slapping herself on the hand, she giggled. Her giggle was not a childish one, like Ginger’s, but a sexy,
sophisticated one. "I'm so naughty."

  I returned the laugh, and then sipped the drink Phil made for us. "I understand. No matter how much we love them, sometimes, an adventure would be exciting. Pity. If his drink choice indicates what he would be like as a lover…"

  "You’re bad, Caitlyn. You don't need an adventure. Your Jeremy is a fine specimen. Tad has been eating his stress. I am going to send him on a spa weekend soon, if he doesn't get rid of those love handles. You’re lucky to have a man that cares about his appearance." Leaning forward, she whispered, "And from the bulge in his pants, I know you must be satisfied."

  "Yes, my Jeremy is endowed. He can be a bit vain. Sometimes, there can be too much perfection for any one person. A change to someone like your Tad would be exciting." Vicky slapped my hand and giggled. Copying her act of discretion, I leaned in. "Sometimes, it would be nice to have a smaller man to please, if you get my drift."

  Her cheeks blushed, and a dreamy smile crossed her face. "We really need to get together soon. Maybe we can swap husbands," Vicky suggested, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

  "Oh, Jeremy, would never go for that. Not that you wouldn't be a tempting morsel, but he wouldn't share me with Tad."

  "Sexy idea, but Tad would be the same. I guess we just need to settle for dinner." Vicky sighed.

  "Why don't we make it a weekend? Let's surprise the guys and whisk them away to San Diego. They can golf and talk business, and we can get massages and fantasize about cabana boys," I suggested.

  "Done. Tad has been talking about a relaxing weekend. Great suggestion." Vicky pulled out her phone and punched buttons. "Done. Two villas booked. We can square up later. We leave tonight and don't return until Sunday night. Maybe we can skip the fantasizing and find cabana boys to keep us occupied."

  "You're so bad," I said.

  "But that is why you love me." Vicky laughed.

  Caitlyn: Exciting news

  Jeremy: Great. What?

  Caitlyn: Tad and Vicky booked a getaway for the four of us this weekend. Golf, Villas, and you have Tad's ear all weekend.

  I smiled as I imagined the panic on his face. He had plans with Ginger. He would be stuck with his wife for a weekend when he could have been with his mistress. Poor Jeremy.

  Caitlyn: Not good?

  Jeremy: Sorry, phone rang. That’s great, babe. I can't wait. When do we leave?

  Caitlyn: 6 - Tad's limo will drive us. I’ll pack for you.

  Jeremy: I’ll come home early. See you then, babe

  "Jeremy is so excited for the vacation." I smiled at myself in the mirror. My smile was not from happiness or joy. It was the cold calculating smile of a predator, luring its victim into a trap. Poor Ginger. What story did Jeremy make up to let her down?

  When Jeremy arrived home, he seemed flustered. I had packed our bags and been editing for several hours. Tucking away the papers under the couch, I went to him.

  "You’re home early, love." I kissed him. "Is everything ok?"

  "This is just a bad weekend for a getaway. I had business to deal with," Jeremy said sharply.

  "Oh, I am so sorry." I picked up my cell phone. "I’ll cancel right now. I thought that, with how stressful work has been, time with Tad would be a good thing." I pretended to text.

  He stopped me. "No. Wait. The other stuff can hold. You’re right. You’re always right."

  Scooping me up into his arms, he carried me to our bedroom. "We don't have time for this, silly," I said coyly.

  "I always have time to make love to my beautiful wife. You know seeing you in that dress gets me hot," Jeremy growled. He set me down beside the bed and unzipped my dress. As it fell to the ground, he looked me up and down. "I don't think there’s a more beautiful woman in the world than you."

  Not even Ginger, I thought angrily.

  Smiling at him, I spread myself on the bed and seductively ran my fingers along my flesh. "I am sure there are more beautiful women out there. Blondes with larger breasts, and brunettes with perkier ones. Beautiful black women with luscious asses." I described the women I had seen in the photos Jack gave me. Pity Jeremy was too stupid to connect the dots.

  He settled on the bed next to me, and then trailed his mouth along my neck, stopping to nip and play at the tender spots.

  This time, I did not fantasize about my oily cabana boy. I imagined Jack running his fingers along my inner thighs, and it was Jack making my body rock, back and forth, as he gently teased me. On the brink of climaxing, Jeremy stopped focusing on my needs and dove into his own, as if he knew my secret. My fantasy crashed before me. Instead of the delicious image of Jack and I, combining, I faced the cold realization that the man moaning on top of me was my husband, but in no way the man I loved anymore.

  One month, twenty-nine days,

  twelve hours, three minutes.

  Then, I’m free.

  Spent, Jeremy lay on me, breathing in my ear. He finally kissed my cheek, and then rolled off me. I waited for him to fall asleep. When I was sure he was out cold, I slipped out of the bed and went to the bathroom.

  Filling the tub with the hottest water I could stand, I sat fighting back my tears. I didn't need to stay any longer. I had enough money and a job. Do I really need to hurt him? What kind of person have I become? I was no better than him.

  Caitlyn: We need to talk.

  Thomas: What's up, love? Did he do something? I'll come and slap that tan off his face if you want.

  Caitlyn: No. I just don't know how much longer I can fake it. Every time he touches me I want to die. I need out sooner.

  Thomas: I was going to talk to you about an opportunity next week, but now seems right. I’ve been talking to a rich old lady. She wants her story written. You would be perfect.

  Caitlyn: Catch?

  Thomas: You have to move to Montana

  Caitlyn: For fuck's sake, T. Montana?

  Thomas: Let's meet up tomorrow and figure it out.

  Caitlyn: Can't. Going to San Diego for the weekend with J. My fault

  Thomas: Oh, Cat. Why?????

  Caitlyn: Possibly the worst idea I ever had. Can't talk. See you Monday.

  Thomas: Luv you. Text if you need me.

  Caitlyn: <3

  Sinking under the water, I opened my eyes. One day, I would be free of Jeremy, but would the guilt for what I did consume me? Leaving my pity party behind, I wrapped myself in a robe and crept into the bedroom.

  It was only four o'clock. I didn't need to wake Jeremy. His phone was on the ground next to his pants. I picked it up and then checked to see if he moved. Carefully, I pressed the phone to his finger, unlocking it.

  He grabbed my arm. "Back for some more lovin', babe?" he murmured sleepily.

  Dropping the phone, I smiled down on him. "You looked like a sexy angel."

  He pulled me into his arms and crushed his lips against mine. His tongue explored my mouth frantically. I hated that more than anything. I never felt anything loving about it being jammed down my throat, but today, I didn't care. I didn't want this to be a tender moment he would make linger until the last minute before we left on our trip.

  If it had been seven years ago, I would have longed for Jeremy to spend the day with me like this. But now, I had to make it fast and exhaust him. My breaking point felt close. Digging back into my memories of our early days of passion, I twisted around onto him and put myself in the dominate position.

  Jeremy grinned as he undid my robe. For the next fifteen minutes, I focused on tiring him out. My movements were quick and hard. My hours on the treadmill were helpful. My energy was high, and I had a mission.

  When he finally finished, he was panting and moaning. "What are you trying to do, kill me? You were a tiger."

  Slipping off him, I purred, "If you want to go again, I’m ready, willing, and able."

  His heart was still beating fast. Please, say no…please, say no…please, Jeremy, close your eyes.

  "You spent me, babe. I need to take a nap." Grabbing me around the waist, he p
ulled me close and nuzzled my neck. "Let's just stay like this. Damn it, Caitlyn. It felt like the old days. You make me insane. What came over you? I don't think you know how much I love you."

  I didn't respond. I just shifted as if trying to snuggle closer. Why didn’t you say those words a year ago, Jeremy? Why was I not enough?

  I lay still while I waited for the sound of him sleeping. This time, I knew Jeremy was in a deep slumber. Reaching to the floor, I picked up the phone and unlocked it.

  I took the phone with me to the living room, where I quickly gathered the manuscript I had hidden and returned to my closet. When the door was shut, I hid my work and looked through his phone.

  Jeremy: Bad news. I need to cancel this weekend.

  Ginger: No! Why?

  Jeremy: Business in San Diego

  Ginger: I love the beach. I can come like San Fran?

  Jeremy: Sorry, babe. The bitch is coming

  Ginger: Not fair!!! Jeremy I am sick of this. I deserve more!!!

  Jeremy: If you want to be a bitch, pack and get out of my condo. I pay your rent. You don't work. What the fuck else do you deserve for a couple of bjs? I already have a fucking crazy wife. I don't need another. If you want to end this - I'll find a new piece of ass. Trust me. There are other women to fill your spot and cost me less.

  Ginger: No, Jeremy, I’m sorry. Don't say that. I love you. Please don't do this. You’re right. I’ll be better for you, baby.

  Jeremy: I'll talk to you when I return and you better make it up to me. You might want to get to the gym while I am gone. I noticed you have put on a couple of lbs. I don't need a fat girlfriend.

  Ginger: I’m sorry. Please, baby, don't be mad at me. I’ll go to the gym. I love you.

  I wanted to type into the phone that he was not worth this. Seeing the cruel words he wrote to Ginger, my heart hardened. He didn't deserve my guilt. He was a horrible person. I couldn't save Ginger, but maybe I could help. Picking up my phone, I knew what I needed to do to ease my guilt.


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