by R. Richard

  The sheik tries to speak but can only sputter as the Sheriff is still shaking him.

  About this time, the government lady who led the bodyguard into the corridor prances in nude and screaming that a customer tried to kill her! She is battered, bruised, dripping wet and bloody from a ‘cut’ across her stomach.

  The Sheriff hauls the sheik up to his face and says, “You have the right to remain silent ...”

  OK, the sheik will go to jail and confusion will reign. The matter of two hours or so of government questioning will disappear in the confusion!

  The two battered and bruised naked ladies manage to stagger out into the back corridor. We then stagger into the ladies dressing room to find local male police officers!

  In our battered, bruised and bleeding condition, we try to hide our nudity from the male police, but we don't succeed in hiding much. This last is probably just as well. For, when we stagger into the showers, leaning on one another and nearly fainting, the male police officers dash down the hall to confront the sheik over what they saw with their own eyes.

  Meanwhile the naked ladies don long coats and real head scarves and, when the coast is clear, slip out the back door to a waiting government car.

  Two battered, naked ladies are checked into the hospital by the government in front of witnesses. The same ladies who did the sheik interrogation but now wearing doctor/nurse uniforms have us put on gurneys and wheeled into an operating room. With government agents standing guard, the government ladies use laptops to transmit the data they extracted from the sheik to who knows where.

  In the meantime, the other government lady and I get bandaged by the doctor lady who's not transmitting data at the time.

  Afterward, we two poor, operated on ladies are wheeled out to an ambulance for transfer to a better equipped emergency room. The witnesses can see the bandages and obviously the poor ladies are in bad shape.

  We, of course, wind up in some sort of secure government facility. We get cleaned of our battered and bruised make up and bandages, then we get to shower.

  As we finish our showers I discover a problem. The one small detail I overlooked is that nobody brought clothes for the mostly nude ladies who were at The Pussycat Lounge. We do have coats, but in they're being cleaned of the fake gore make up that came off when we were being transferred from place to place.

  I'm not too bothered by being nude in the middle of a room full of government agents of both sexes. Hell, being nude in the presence of males is my normal work environment.

  The government ladies have a somewhat different view of things. The lady who vamped the bodyguard is the largest and apparently the strongest of the government ladies. She gets in the face of the first male she comes to and inquires in a polite scream, “What in the hell do you think this is, ass hole, a free nudie show?” You had to be there to hear the venom in her voice! (Not too near, the volume is way up.)

  Ass hole and his buddies leave. Not gracefully and not too willingly. They do leave in the face (, tits and pussy) of enraged women!

  Finally, a fully dressed female agent appears with some blankets. The ladies who have coats use them and the others use blankets. We're then transferred to a hotel.

  Of course there are male guards posted. The ladies wearing only blankets are not happy.

  Nothing is going to keep me from clean, fresh sheets after a very hard night. I tell the ladies, “Never fear, I'll take the room at the far end of the hall and I'll create a distraction to let you get to your rooms without peeping toms.”

  I then take off my coat and strut down the hall wearing only stiletto heels. This is what I basically do for a living. I wiggle, I jiggle and every male eye is on me! The other ladies are presumably able to slip into their rooms without too much ogling by the male guards.

  In the morning, the sheik’s lawyer falls all over himself offering to pay for medical treatment and even a payment for my inconvenience. I decide I haven't been inconvenienced so much that $100,000 won't cover the damage. Weighing heavily in my decision is the fact that I have my tame stock nerd doing what stock people call selling short some shares in the sheik’s American enterprises. The disgrace of his arrest, which has been somehow leaked to the press, is causing panic selling and a lot of profit for me once stock nerd buys back the shares at much lower prices.

  If all goes well, Nocturne is soon going to be an ex-whore!


  The Trainee

  AFTER THE SHEIK AFFAIR, I can't remain at The Pussycat Lounge. The sheik will leave the country if he's not first executed by his own people once the results of the stolen information are put into use. However, he or his superiors will undoubtedly seek revenge at some point in time. I'm going to be high on the revenge list.

  While I decide exactly what it is that I want to do, I agree to train a replacement for myself at The Pussycat Lounge.

  They bring me a girl.

  The girl is a sort of mirror image of me. She's about the same height as me and has about the same figure. Her face isn't the same as mine, but she's my body double. She also comes from a rich girl background.

  In her case, she tells me, “My father caught me with my boyfriend and threw me out of his house.”

  I ask if, “Do you mean that your father threw you out of his house just because you were screwing your boyfriend?”

  The girl, who is to become Stormy, tells me, “Well, it was more than one boyfriend.”

  I tell Stormy, “Welcome to The Pussycat Lounge!”

  I introduce Stormy to Andre, the tall, nasty ass hole guy who manages The Pussycat Lounge. I would never have willingly dealt with Andre back when I had a choice. However, Stormy greets him like a long lost boyfriend.

  Andre puts Stormy through the usual questions. She has a little experience dancing and thinks she can do what's needed.

  Andre is willing to give Stormy a chance. He tells her to take off her clothes.

  Without any hesitation or glancing around for the ladies dressing room, Stormy takes off her dress in front of Andre and me.

  Andre snaps at her that she'll have to be nude, not naked, at work. Then he tells her to dance a little.

  Stormy dances a few steps and she actually looks fairly good.

  Andre tells her that she will do, at least for tonight. She will need to learn more moves if she's to stay.

  He then tells her that she'll need to shave off the fur. She'll dance nude and shaved for The Pussycat Lounge customers. If any customer wants her and pays the price, she'll fuck the customer. Does she understand?

  Stormy understands but she wants to know if she'll have any choice in whom she screws?

  Andre tells her that she'll have no choice at all.

  I do break in and tell her, “Stormy, you won't have to screw reeling drunks or obvious crazies and you can refuse to screw a customer if he really has too big a cock for you.”

  For the first time I see a bit of doubt and fear in Stormy. I suspect that she thought all her customers were going to be young, handsome, movie-star type studs.

  However, the spectre of life on the streets or starvation is even scarier than selling herself to old, fat men and Stormy tells Andre she'll screw anyone they send her.

  Andre hits the intercom and calls for Desiree. As is his custom, he tells Desiree he has a wild girl for her.

  Desiree appears with her shaving tools. Stormy is told to lie on a couch and then Desiree calmly begins to shave her bikini area.

  I watch as Desiree shaves her and tell Stormy that privacy is one thing she'll not find at The Pussycat Lounge. She'll work nude in front of customers, the other girls and other Pussycat Lounge workers. I then nod at Andre, who's doing some paperwork.

  Stormy is very embarrassed, but she nods.

  I flash back to my initial interview with Andre and maybe I feel a little of what Stormy is now feeling. I then realize just how much I have changed over my time at The Pussycat Lounge. The idea of my bikini area being shaved while others wat
ch isn't any longer a big deal. I wonder if I have adapted or descended.

  I tell Stormy that her male co-workers won't pay a lot of attention to any nude woman, as they see that every day.

  When the shaving is done and Stormy lies with her bald pussy spread, Andre comes out from behind the desk and takes off his clothes. He puts on a condom and prepares to mountStormy.

  I tell Stormy that she'll always screw with a male Pussycat Lounge employee watching on a close circuit TV, for her own safety.

  The reality of the situation hits Stormy and she's a bit shocked, but seems to accept the idea of a fuck with an audience as part of the job.

  Andre has a good sized cock and he fucks Stormy hard and deep while only I watch, as Desiree has gone back out to do other work.

  Stormy just lies there and I tell her that she's gonna have to move under a customer if she's gonna be a Pussycat Lounge girl.

  Stormy does try to move a bit as Andre works her over good. He obviously knows more about fucking a girl than any of the little boys that Stormy fucked back home.

  Andre uses every bit of Stormy’s pussy and moves around just enough to vary the angle for each stroke into her. I can tell that she feels him deep inside her and that she's excited despite the fact she knows that I'm watching. Or maybe it's because I'm watching, I can't tell.

  Stormy climaxes right away, but Andre doesn't let her off easy. He continues to stroke deep and hard into her and I keep telling her to move, that we don’t use dead meat girls at The Pussycat Lounge.

  After several climaxes by Stormy, Andre lets himself cum. I tell Stormy to help him, by milking his cock with her internal muscles.

  When Andre is finished, he pulls out of Stormy and tells her that she needs to do more work and talk to Nocturne. He then tells her that she'll work next week if she improves her fucking. She'll get 75% of her tips and 50% of her fucking money. She'll fuck anyone who pays the fee. She'll damn well have an orgasm for each guy who fucks her and the fake had better be damn good! If there's any trouble, Taffy will take care of it.

  Andre finishes by saying that Stormy is to clean the mess off the couch. He throws her a roll of paper towels and a spray bottle of cleaner. Andre tells Stormy to clean the couch first, then get dressed and report to Desiree. With that, he turns and goes into his bathroom to get himself cleaned up.

  I can see the shock in Stormy’s face. In a very short time she has gone from pampered rich bitch to probationary whore. I made the same trip myself not so awfully long ago and I know what she's feeling. She assumed that she would become a whore and that would be that. Now she's scared that she won't make it as a whore.

  I watch as nude Stormy cleans the couch. As I was earlier, she's so shocked she doesn't really think about being nude in an office where anyone might just walk in.

  When Stormy finishes the couch, I have her grab her clothes and walk out of Andre’s office in the nude.

  I can see that Stormy is in shock. I sit nude Story down tell her how things work at The Pussycat Lounge.

  She'll dance nude. She'll always have her pussy shaved clean and smooth with no stubble, customers don't like stubble. She 'll always wear a garter belt and nylons. If her nylons get torn up and they will, she'll have several pairs on hand. The Pussycat Lounge doesn't have girls wander around with nylons with runners or with tears in them. Some of the customers will demand that she wear nylons while they fuck her and that's $25 extra per fuck. The customers pay the bartender before she meets them in a back room. She can still get a tip from the customer in the back room. When she gets the high sign from the bartender or the stage manager, she meets whoever the waitress brings her into a back room and fucks his brains out. Taffy will be watching and making damn sure the customer stays in line. If the customer gets out of line, Taffy will handle the problem.

  I then tell her that she isn't really required to fuck any Pussycat Lounge employee. However, she needs to fuck Taffy, maybe once a week to make sure that Taffy has her best interest in mind at all times.

  As if through a fog, Stormy asks who's Taffy?

  I spot him and wave over the large, brown man who has saved me more than once.

  Taffy is maybe five foot ten inches tall and maybe that wide. He's a Samoan and he's big around as a tree and maybe that hard. He's not fat, as I well know.

  Taffy gives Stormy a big smile. He tells her, ”Taffy take care of the girls all the time.

  “Sometime the girls take care of Taffy.

  “You got trouble, Taffy be there for you.” With that, Taffy turns and he's gone.

  I tell Stormy that Taffy is her only defence against a nasty customer. She doesn't need to worry because Taffy can handle the biggest, meanest customer.

  I then tell Stormy that I need to see her dance.

  Stormy gapes at me and says that she's nude and she needs to dress first.

  I tell her that she needs to dance in the nude, so that I can see what she's doing and help her get prepared for her Pussycat Lounge debut. I can see that Stormy is still in disbelief.

  I tell Stormy that she'll dance nude, night by night. Each night a whole roomful of customers will see her dance nude and they'll not only watch, they'll make catcalls and very nasty comments. She needs to develop her own comebacks to make sure that the customers concentrate on her and not the hecklers.

  I tell Stormy that she'll work nude all the time, first on the stage, then in a back room and then in the ladies dressing room. I point out that men will wander through the ladies dressing room from time to time, but that she doesn't need to worry about the men seeing her because they see that all the time and it's no big deal.

  I get Stormy up on a little stage in the back of The Pussycat Lounge. We mostly just use it for training new girls. I point out to Stormy that she's not a girl anymore. She's just another pair of tits and a shaved pussy. How well she uses her tits and pussy will determine if she lasts and how much money she makes, if she lasts.

  I then have Stormy dance a little for me. She's a better dancer than I was when I got to The Pussycat Lounge. However, she's not a polished nude dancer. I tell her some better moves to make and how to make them.

  Stormy is getting tired and I have her finish by shaking it up good and then doing a slow turn with her labia held wide open.

  Stormy is shocked and stammers, “Nocturne will I have to ...?”

  I tell her, “The customers are only interested in tits and pussy. Sometimes you'll have to show the inside of your pussy as well as the outside.” I then tell her, “Tits will get your tip jar filled, pussy will get your bank account filled. The Pussycat Lounge doesn't offer naked girls, they offer nude girls. You'll always wear at least garter belt, nylons and stiletto heels at work. In your case and in mine, it's better to add a French bra to support a set of big tits.”

  I explain to her about keeping a supply of extra stuff on hand, particularly nylons. I also explain about selling signed fetish stuff to the customers.

  I then cover the basics about clothing theft, customers trying to touch a dancer, getting an escort when she leaves in the early morning and the harsh penalties for arriving late when she's scheduled to work and the harsher penalty for failing to show up for scheduled work.

  I then explain to her that she'll fuck any gentleman who pays her price, with the exceptions I mentioned earlier. The race of the customer does not matter; she fucks who they send her. I explain my 'big cock' strategy. What the hell, all The Pussycat Lounge girls are using it by now.

  I then explain that she won't let a customer fuck her in the ass. If she ever does, the rest of the girls will run her right out of The Pussycat Lounge.

  I then explain that she'll suck the cock of any customer who pays her price.

  Stormy is in shock again.

  I point out that it's less wear and tear on a girl to suck cock instead of fucking. I also point out that she has no choice. The Pussycat Lounge sets her prices and she'll do what they sell.

  I tell Stormy that I can see by h
er face that she doesn't have a lot of experience sucking cock.

  Stormy doesn't even reply, she just shakes her head no.

  By now, Taffy isn't busy and I wave him back over. I tell him, “Taffy, Stormy needs some cock sucking practice.”

  Taffy sits in the chair and unzips his pants and draws forth a large, brown cock. I have grabbed a pad and I throw it on the floor. I have Stormy kneel in front of Taffy on the pad.

  Stormy looks uncertainly at Taffy’s erect cock.

  I suspect that it's the first time she's actually seen a man’s cock up close. I know that it was my first time back when I had to suck Taffy’s cock for the first time.


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