Sen and Neicey- Life After Love

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Sen and Neicey- Life After Love Page 21

by Briann Danae

  “Before you ask, she’s at the suite probably sleep by now,” Neicey told him, before he could speak.

  “Alright, bet. Let me call and wake her up,” Juvie said, and Erica shook her head. Waking a pregnant woman up out of her sleep was the quickest way to get cursed out, other than fucking with her food.

  Neicey scanned the section with thorough eyes and she had to remind herself to remain calm. Sen was nowhere in sight, and that wasn’t like him at all. He loved strippers. Hell, he had met and cuffed her at the strip club, so for him to be missing in action wasn’t sitting well at all with her.

  “Now, I know that’s your boy and we shouldn’t have popped up on ya’ll, but tell me where he’s at before I shut this entire operation the fuck down,” Neicey hissed, standing in front of Meechi and Erica, who were sitting on the couch.

  “Girl,” Erica slurred. She was good and tipsy, with Meechi rubbing on her thighs. With each stroke of his palm, he was inching closer and closer to the middle of her legs. “Don’t talk to my husband like that. Sen probably around here somewhere. Right, babe?”

  Meechi licked his lips and shook his head no. “Nah. He ain’t here.”

  “Excuse me?” Neicey chuckled, and Erica straightened her posture on his lap. She knew that chuckle, and it wasn’t one to take lightly. “If he’s not here, where the fuck is he at? Lord, please. I told you I was going to be good this weekend, and this nigga is taking me there. You better save him,” Neicey hissed, clasping her hands together.

  “What’s good?” Lano walked over with his arm over Anika’s shoulder.

  Seeing the look on her cousin’s face, Anika scanned the section for the one person she knew could make her frown right now. Neicey was good on the flight there and was turning up, ready to throw some ones at a few strippers she knew from back home who had relocated, but the look on her face was nothing to play with.

  “Where’s Sen?” Anika asked.

  “That’s what the fuck I’m trying to figure out, and one of you niggas better start talking or it’s about to get real ugly up in here.”

  Erica giggled softly, and Meechi smacked her thigh. Neicey was standing there sounding just like her other half, with that mean mug on her face. Lano looked at Meechi, and they smirked. The gesture caused both Neicey and Anika to jerk their heads back.

  “What’s the issue? That nigga off in a private room or something?” Anika asked, ready for whatever. She wished Sen would have the audacity to play her cousin like that. Better yet, she wished Lano would let him. She’d be going upside his head first.

  “That man went back to the hotel. He got drunk and in his feelings and said he didn’t want to see no basic ass strippers who could barely make their ass clap, ‘cause they couldn’t compare to his baby,” Meechi said, mocking his cousin’s sad ass tone of voice before they left him at the hotel.

  “Awwww,” Anika and Erica cooed. “That’s so not Sen-ish,” Erica laughed, and Meechi bit her neck in a warning.

  “Stooop,” she whined.

  “Mind your business then. Matter fact,” he said, before leaning over and grabbing the cash cannon from the table. “Gon’ and shake that ass for your husband. Let me see if you still got it. Let these other strippers know what’s up.”

  Rotating her neck to look at him, Erica smacked her lips. “You know I still got it. That’s why we’re here now,” she laughed, wiggling her finger and flashing her fat engagement ring. If she thought Meechi had outdone himself with that, she was going to be in for a hell of a surprise next weekend.

  As everyone around her went back to doing their own thing, Neicey was still stuck on the fact that Sen had gone back to the hotel. That was not like him at all, and she was wondering how drunk he had really gotten. Seeing the two love birds enthralled in one another, she walked over to Lano, who had his eyes glued on Anika while she got a lap dance in the chair next to him. Glancing up, he asked her what was wrong.

  “What hotel ya’ll staying at?”

  “The Omni. Here,” he said, digging in his pocket for his extra set of keys. The valet had his other set to the rental he was pushing for the weekend. “Drive the rental.”

  “You know what room he’s in?”

  “3314,” he answered, with a soft grin.

  “Thank you,” Neicey said softly. That quickly, she had gotten in her feelings.

  After telling Erica where she was headed, she walked out front and waited for valet to pull the car around front. Once inside, she entered the hotel’s address and headed toward the highway. On what should have been a twenty-five-minute drive but wound up being almost less than twenty, Neicey’s mind ran wild with scenarios of why Sen had ditched his cousin on his weekend. Meechi wasn’t even tripping over it. He, too, had once dealt with a broken heart, and that shit was nothing to play with. He was about ready to go to jail inside that airport when he thought Erica had left him.

  Pulling into the garage, thankfully, there was a car pulled out and she whipped the rental right in its post. Not thinking to ask if any of the men had an extra key to his room, Neicey was stuck with calling Sen’s phone as she climbed on the elevator. With no such luck, she dialed it again while getting off on the third floor and heading down the hall. Locating his room, she knocked as her call went to voicemail for a second time.

  Placing her ear on the door, she could hear the tv blaring loudly and shook her head. He was always falling asleep with the tv on. With the time of morning it was, she didn’t want to keep knocking on the door and awakening the other guests, so she did the next best thing; called his trap phone. Hearing the annoying ringtone, she couldn’t do anything but shake her head when Sen’s raspy voice came through the speaker.


  “Come open the door,” she said and hung up.

  Sleepily, Sen climbed from the bed with squinted eyes and unlocked the door. Pulling it open and seeing Neicey there had him thinking he was dreaming but, when she walked in and he got a whiff of her perfume, he knew he was well awake.

  “You damn sure gone answer that trap phone, huh?” she said more than questioned, plopping down on the bed.

  Sen brushed her question off and licked his dry lips. The liquor had him thirsty as hell. “What you doing here?”

  “Um, to see you. What you mean? Meechi said you got drunk and came back here, so I was checking on you,” Neicey replied, like he had offended her.

  He wasn’t trying to at all, but the last time he remembered seeing her was a few days ago, at Juvie’s nem crib. He wasn’t nearly expecting for her to be all the way in Houston. Snatching the bottle of water Meechi left him on the dresser, he downed it in a few gulps and belched loudly.

  “Good one,” Neicey snickered.

  Sen smirked and turned the volume on the tv down. “That was. What’s up, though? Come here. You looking good.”

  Standing up, she took the miniature step between the beds and sat on his lap. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Sen just rested his head against her chest. He loved Neicey so damn much; he felt like he was losing himself because they weren’t exactly on good terms. Feeling her heart rate increase and her skin flush hot let him know she was feeling the same.

  “You have fun tonight? A nigga got drunk so fast, I had to lay it down,” he said in a hushed tone, rubbing the palm of his hand across her exposed stomach.

  “Sen,” she heavily breathed out. “What’s the matter with you?”

  Lifting his head, he looked her directly in the eyes, and Neicey choked back on tears when she saw his eyes water. Placing a hand over his forehead, he was trying to formulate the right words to say without coming off as soft but, when he couldn’t, he said fuck it. There wasn’t shit soft about a man expressing his feelings and, if he was ashamed to do so, he wasn’t a real man.

  “You broke a nigga’s heart, Shanice,” he croaked out, making the tears Neicey tried keeping at bay roll down her cheeks.

  “I know, and I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you. I didn’t know how to tell you wi
thout hurting you, but I ended up doing it anyway,” she cried, and Sen squeezed her frame tighter.

  Feeling her stomach become wet, Neicey cried harder. She had only ever saw Sen cry one time, and that was years ago. This cry right now wasn’t because someone had died though. He was releasing the type of cry a man lets out when he loved a woman so much, he couldn’t even think straight. The type of love a man had for his woman when all he ever wanted to see was a smile on her face, and the only tears he wanted to see her shed were on their wedding day or when he was making sweet, nasty, passionate love to her. Sen was crying because he had given his entire heart over to Neicey, and she had only given him three fourths of hers. Not only that, but because he couldn’t protect her from the ways of the world.

  “Why you didn’t just tell me, baby? I could have handled it,” he groaned, grabbing her face in his hands. Wiping his tears from his cheeks, Neicey swallowed hard.

  “I couldn’t tell you because I was still harboring ill feelings, Sen. I never want to be a burden to anyone. Especially not you.”

  “You could never be a burden to me, Shanice. You’re my fucking rib. You got my heart, man. Quit playing with me. Do you know what a nigga been going through since that shit went down? I can’t even sleep. Be up all wee hours of the night, because I’ll be damned if another mufucka violates what’s mine. Fuck, man!”

  Moving Neicey off his lap, he stood and pulled at the wild bun in his head. Just the thought of Kiran touching a young Neicey had him ready to find the fish that had eaten his body parts and kill his ass all over again. Standing to her feet, Neicey wrapped her arms around him from the back. Sen placed his palms flat against the dresser and dropped his head.

  “It’s not your fault,” Neicey soothed him. “You couldn’t have stopped what happened, baby. I know it’s hurting you, and I’m so sorry. If you don’t want to-”

  Sen pivoted on his heels so quick, Neicey didn’t have a chance to back away from him. And, he wasn’t going to let her. Grabbing her around the back of her neck, Sen placed his forehead against hers.

  “If I don’t what? You better not utter that dumb shit, you hear me? I love your ass so fucking much, if you tried to leave me…” Biting his bottom lip, Sen couldn’t even finish his sentence. The thoughts running through his head were nuts. He’d surely have to be placed on suicidal watch and some more shit, had Neicey uttered the words.

  “I ain’t never leaving you, and you damn sure aren’t leaving me. Unless someone bodies the both of us at the same time, you better not die without me,” he hissed, with her face back in between his hands.

  Neicey chuckled and sniffled her tears. “You need to apologize to me.”

  “Damn, man. I know. I said some fucked up things to you and, though that shit was wrong, I ain’t sorry for saying it. I was mad as a mufucka, but that shit was real. Don’t ever take up for another man in your life. I wanted to body your ass so bad. And stay away from that Keith Sweat looking mufucka who works at your job, too. Nigga got a fade coming real soon.”

  “Sen,” Neicey huffed. “What kind of apology was that? I’m serious. That shit hurt my feelings, and we’re not cool until you say sorry.”

  Smirking, Sen leaned his body against the dresser and pulled her into his embrace. “Shanice. Baby. My heart. My big booty stripper bae with the fat ass, and-”

  “Sensay!” Neicey spat, slapping his arm.

  He chuckled and kissed her forehead. “Alright, damn. You can’t ever just let a nigga do his thang. I’m sorry, alright. I was wrong as fuck for throwing it in your face that we can’t have kids. That shit was dead wrong. On my dead homies, a nigga gone try to start speaking to you in a nice way. My mouth been reckless for so long, it’s hard for me to change.”

  Neicey looked up at him with the sincerest look Sen had ever saw. “I’m not asking you to change. Just tone it down some. You don’t always have to be on go mode with everything you do. Killing folk and moving reckless is behind you. You’re not out here in these streets with enemies anymore, and you don’t need to make new ones. We’ll both be sitting in jail if a nigga or bitch comes for you.”

  Smirking, Sen nodded his head at his little rider in front of him. There was no doubt in his mind that Neicey would go to war with him. She was built to hold her nigga down, and Sen appreciated her even more because she needed someone to ride for her as well. A woman as loyal as she deserved everything tenfold.

  Swooping her up in his arms, he held onto her ass and walked them over to the bed. “You love a nigga, huh?”

  Neicey smiled and nodded her head. “You know I do, with your ugly ass.”

  Pulling his shirt over his head, Neicey sat up and rubbed her hands over his stomach. Sen didn’t own a six-pack, hell not even a four-pack, but Neicey didn’t care. She loved his regular stomach that was covered in tattoos, and a trail of hair that led to his prized possession.

  “If I’m ugly, you are too. We been together so long, we starting to look alike,” he laughed and pulled her shorts from underneath her. It was the truth though, especially when Neicey rocked her real hair. They could pass for brother and sister, instead of lovers.

  Reaching for the band of his shorts, Sen slapped her hand away. “Nah. Lay back and let me handle my pussy. You been showing your ass these last few months. You must have forgot who the fuck I am?”

  In one swift motion, he snatched the lace thong she was wearing from her body. Spreading her legs, Sen wasted no time diving head first into her treasure. Kissing it as if they were the lips on her face, Neicey was in pure bliss at how skillfully he could pull a nut up out of her, and it reminded her that she needed to pay him back for his last episode. Grabbing him by his face, she leaned up and offered him her tongue. Hungrily, he sucked on it, and Neicey helped him from his shorts and boxers.

  Pushing him back on the bed, Sen situated himself in the middle and Neicey took over from there. Taking him into her mouth, she made sure not to gag as she took him to the back of her throat. Sen gripped her hair so tight; Neicey was praying he didn’t snatch her damn wig off. He wouldn’t care though, and she knew he wouldn’t. Once he was nice and hard, Neicey straddled her leg over his and began to ride him.

  A slap was delivered to her ass, and she sped up her pace. “Fuck, baby. Slow up some for I nut,” Sen groaned, pulling her to his chest.

  “Mmm, I can’t. You’re so deep.”

  With both hands on her hips, Sen pounded into her from below. The impending nut he was trying to hold off for at least another five minutes wasn’t going to happen. With her face in the crook his neck, Neicey lifted up and they locked lips. Bouncing her ass up and down the way she knew he loved it, Sen sent another smack to her ass, and they broke their kiss.

  “Ride this dick then,” he coached, as he felt her legs begin to shake. “Yeah… you better make my pussy cum right now. Cum,” he demanded, wrapping his hand around the front of her neck. With her held tilted back and hands on his hairy thighs, Neicey came so hard, she was seeing stars.

  “Seeeeensaaaaay!” she screamed out, eliciting a moan so sexy from Sen; she had to lean forward and tongue her down.

  Neicey surely thought he would be releasing right after her, but he had been drinking Hennessy all night. He was about to wear her the fuck out. Flipping her over, he came up on his knees behind her, lifting her hips so that her ass was in the air and her back was arched, exposing all of herself to him.

  “Mhm, bae. Throw that ass back,” he groaned, hitting her with strokes so lethal, Neicey wanted to cry. Sen felt like he had something to prove and, if Neicey didn’t know it before, she knew it now.

  His hips moved slowly at first as Neicey caught her rhythm, but that didn’t last long. He could never last long when she put it on him from the back. As she rubbed her clit, Sen dug deeper into her, making the sound of her insides echo throughout the room.

  “Pussy so fucking wet. Shit! Keep playing with it,” he hissed, feeling his toes pop. Wanting to look him in the face as he came, Neicey
rotated her body with him still inside of her and tossed her legs back. Stroking like his life depended on it, Neicey cradled his head in her hands, wanting him to go deeper.

  “I love you so much,” she choked out, as he hit her spot.

  Hearing the words were different for Sen this go around. Neicey had always told him she loved him but, this time, he could feel her giving over the piece of her heart she had kept from him for so long. Passionately, Sen kissed her, swallowing her cries as she matched his thrust. When she felt erratic and jerky movements, she held onto him for dear life. Ramming into her three more good times, he released a nut so powerful, he surely thought he had died and gone to heaven. And, had he went out that way, Sen wouldn’t have cared one bit.

  Collapsing atop her frame, Sen stayed buried inside her and mumbled out of breath, “I love you more, girl,” but meant every word.

  Chapter Twelve

  Dramatic gasps were released around the entire room, as Erica stepped from her private room. As if the two makeup artists hadn’t touched up the ladies’ faces enough in the last hour and a half, fresh tears pooled in all of their eyes. The strapless, A-line gown only heightened her breathtaking beauty. After only having tried on what seemed to be fifty dresses, Erica had finally made her choice and a damn good one. Though strapless, the sweetheart neckline had her breasts sitting lovely and flowed effortlessly down the curve of her thicker frame since having kids and widened at the feet.

  Though she would have loved to go long for her hair, she decided to take it back to the hairstyle she had when she and Meechi first met. The soft feather waves Moo blessed her with were the perfect addition to complete her look. Blinking back tears, Erica glanced around the room at her bridal party and softly smiled.

  “I look okay?” She was nervous as all get out.

  “Bitch, okay?!” Neicey exclaimed, walking over to her. “You are fine as hell. If I wasn’t in a relationship, girrrrl!” That placed a real smile on Erica’s face. “Seriously best friend. I want to cry so bad right now, but Asia has fixed my face like four times already. You are fucking beautiful boo. Look at you!”


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