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Page 14

by Dee, L J

  The room was old world elegant luxury, a beautiful mix of pale blues, creams and whites. A huge unlit fireplace dominated the centre of the room where a number of smartly dressed, handsome men stood talking, while the women milled around chatting quietly by the window or occupying the plush high backed chairs that were dotted around the room. It was bright in here, much brighter than it had been last time at the party and I was slightly worried about the transparency of my clingy dress.

  There were fewer people, but I assumed that was because there were a number of drawing rooms, reception rooms and living areas from what I’d seen as we walked in, rather than one huge space. It felt somehow more intimate, like a house party with a twist. Last time I’d been on my own and didn’t have a choice, but tonight I wasn’t sure about the protocol required, whether I was supposed to stand with the females or stay with Jason. “Where do I go?” I asked eventually, as he started towards the fireplace. “Right here” he said, gripping my hand tightly and pulling me by his side and I was relieved at the gesture. Sasha had said that apart from the sex, the parties were normal and I suppose in many ways she was right, I just wasn’t sure what sort of conversation to strike up with a bunch of submissive sex partners. This was still very much a learning curve.

  Jason entered the group, clearly knowing everyone there from the jovial handshakes and back patting that ensued and introduced me. The necklace got some raised eyebrows, particularly from Ewan who I recognised immediately. My natural reaction would have been to make polite conversation but I waited, saying nothing. I didn’t really know how the hell I was supposed to behave.

  The talk switched from business to sport and then to yachts and for the most part I stood there quietly, wondering what was in the other rooms, and desperate to explore and go and find Sasha, and even more desperate to quiet the constant pulsing between my legs. I was fidgeting and it hadn’t gone unnoticed. He excused us from the group as we walked out into the gleaming marble reception area, eyes blazing down at me. “What’s the matter?” he asked firmly as I looked up at him and rolled my eyes before realising that was probably utterly inappropriate. Doing this with King would definitely be a challenge.

  I should have thought the reason for my behaviour was obvious. He had scowled briefly at the eye rolling but the rest of his reaction indicated that he understood. Thank God. “Come with me” he growled sexily, leading me up the curved mahogany staircase to the fourth room on the third floor, closing the huge dark wood door behind us and setting the catch. There was an enormous four poster bed dominating the space, looking utterly sumptuous and ready for action, crisp white cotton with a golden strip across it and several metal rings attached in various locations around the intricately carved mahogany frame. ‘Hallelujah’ my inner wicked cried, as I bit my lip, trying to stifle my giggles as Jason shook his head.

  “If you’re going to be fidgeting I need to make you stop”. He said firmly, peeling the clingy dress down my body and standing back to assess me, nipples hardening under the intensity of his gaze. “You look divine” he said, moving towards me, kissing me all too swiftly before moving away again. His tongue ran a slow deliberate line over the curve of his full soft lips as I tried to disguise my sigh and pressed my legs together in a vain attempt to cease the throbbing that was driving me insane. It didn’t work and the small smirk that played on his lips betrayed he knew exactly what I was doing.

  “I’ll stop you fidgeting and then we’ll rejoin the party for now.” “Thank you” I muttered quietly under my breath, his sentence like music to my ears, but he didn’t look entirely happy with the plan and I assumed that he hadn’t planned to be in here this soon. He stood straight and tall, his face almost stern as he beckoned me towards him with an outstretched finger. He used the same skilled finger to stroke deliciously between my thighs and that was almost all I needed. Two more swift strokes and I had come apart against his fully clothed body, his low chuckle revealing he knew exactly just how desperate I had been.

  There was something incredibly sexy about him holding me, almost naked against his beautifully clothed body and I didn’t want to move away, leaning against him, inhaling the deep woody scent. Shaking his head very slowly at me, I noticed the tiniest hint of a smile touching his lips, and I got the feeling that despite my best efforts, I wasn’t doing very well at this. “We’re going to have to work on that Charlotte. Next time I will make you wait” he said, a gentle edge to his otherwise firm tone as he pulled my dress back up. “Better?” he asked, stilling as I nuzzled back into him. “Yes but I’d rather you were inside me” I said quietly, looking up at him and it was the absolute truth. His mouth was set firm, his head shaking slowly again, his only response to pull me to the door and back out into the party.

  We entered a different drawing room, a full wall of floor to ceiling leather bound books in greens and browns, several hard leather, old fashioned chairs, deep wood furniture and another giant fireplace and I was thankful that the dark wooden floors, ceilings and panelled walls made it slightly less bright. I spotted Sasha immediately and was grinning broadly, about to run over to her when Jason gazed down at me, raising his eyebrows, letting me know in no uncertain terms to stay where I was, at his side. I guessed Sasha wasn’t subject to the same rules that I appeared to be, so I gestured her over with my eyes as covertly as I could manage. Thankfully, she knew exactly what I was up to.

  “Hi Jason” she smiled brightly as he bent to kiss her cheeks before she even officially acknowledged me, and I wondered if this was part of the protocol, it would probably make sense. “Well?” and I couldn’t hold my curiosity back as she smiled and he gazed down at me strangely. The barrister sidled up behind her, standing at least at foot back and she just nodded briefly, stifling her smile as I tried to stifle my own.

  “You look amazing” I grinned, glancing sideways at her lover who looked like he was literally salivating. “Have you seen the dungeons yet?” she smiled politely, clearly trying to gain an insight into what Jason had planned. “No she hasn’t” he answered for me, as she nodded gently. “We’re on our way there now Sasha” he said, letting go of my hand and motioning for me to follow me as I gasped slightly, wracked with nerves and anticipation and wondering just exactly was in store. I couldn’t disguise my instant attack of nerves as Sasha smiled reassuringly at me and I turned to follow Jason out of the room.

  I was two steps behind him and it appeared that he was happy with that, so I hung back slightly following him behind the huge curved staircase we had ascended earlier to a small, almost concealed door behind it. He opened it and began his descent. The steps were smaller, grey stone, leading down to the very bowels of the house I imagined had once comprised the cellars, and as we moved further and further down the dimly lit stairwell my stomach was churning, my heart in my mouth. It was dark and a few people were milling around silently and from the noises I heard, I realised this was where you could watch various scenes unfolding, and my heart was pounding. Sasha had mentioned today that Jason wanted to show me off tonight and I swallowed hard, gripping his hand tightly and looking up at him as his eyes flew to mine.

  “We’re just going to watch” he whispered very, very quietly as I relaxed slightly, reassured, unable to help myself moving as closely to his side as I could. The environment was strange and unfamiliar, and I was craving the protection of the strong, experienced man beside me. I had never come across anything like this before and being in the dark cellars of an ancient country mansion, played into all my subconsciously embedded thoughts of fear. I wasn’t actually afraid, my logical side knew that these were consenting adults playing for sexual, emotional and physical gratification, but it was a heady, strange mix of feelings nevertheless.

  The first scene unfolding was one which seemed infinitely more up Sasha’s street than my own and I suspected Jason was simply trying to broaden my mind and give me the whole experience of the party as I stood and watched silently in fascination. A female dominatrix, tall in a skin tight r
ubber cat suit and skyscraper heels, stood cracking a huge whip against the concrete floor, which made me flinch every time she crashed it down in the low lit room. My God that thing looked like it would hurt. There were steel mesh cages of various sizes and cowering in one that was far too small for him, was a man wearing a collar and a leash that the woman was holding the end of, in her other hand.

  He was naked apart from what looked like leather underwear and the collar, and there were some soft pink marks on his back where she had clearly recently unleashed her apparent disapproval with the scary looking whip, and I wondered what transgression had occurred for him to be sent to the cage. As she tugged the leash and he made his way out, I noticed his eyes were rimmed red and he looked incredibly sad, despite the huge bulge in his underwear which betrayed something else entirely. I couldn’t get my head around it all. It seemed incredible that someone could find being treated like that arousing, yet the way they responded to one another was absolutely intriguing. Undoubtedly, they were accurately reading each other’s silent body language perfectly, it was clear they knew what they were doing and had done it many times before. Jason was watching me intently as I turned to him and I wondered if he had been assessing me, more than the scene unfolding before our eyes that I had found utterly absorbing.

  He moved quietly and slowly, as I followed him instinctively, realising instantly that the scene in the next cell of the dark dungeon, that we watched through a huge open viewing space with no glass, was definitely more Jason Kings style. This I had to take note of, because this might well be happening to me someday. I watched avidly, imagining myself as the girl tied up, entirely naked bar a black silk blindfold, cuffed by her hands and feet on a strange mediaeval looking rack. The man was tall, muscular with cropped blond hair and flogging different areas across her body, multiple black leather strands pinkening her skin under its wake. She was serene and still, her body moving slightly at the connection of each stroke. Rather than flinch under the pain I perceived to be there, she almost arched into it, craving it, needing it.

  I moved closer to Jason, suddenly aware of the strange dynamic being created between us. If I was this girl, it would be him doling out the pain, determining its ferocity, where he hit, how hard he hit, yet I craved his proximity and ultimately his protection. It was a hugely confusing yet intimate feeling, the intensity making me gasp slightly as he looked down at me, concern and puzzlement flickered briefly across his face, before he turned again towards the scene. I followed his eyes, finding myself drawn further and further into the world of the lovers acting out their fantasies before us. It was so unusual to be a party to something clearly so private, like a ritual between two souls, strongly connected whilst not physically even touching. The air was thick, and the engagement of the mind as much as the body in the unusual lifestyle I had found myself in began to become more and more apparent. I closed the gap between us to leave no space at all. Side by side, arms, hips and legs all touching and I physically ached to be in his arms. He didn’t move away, but made no effort to increase the closeness further still by putting a firm hand around my shoulders or waist, and I knew it wasn’t my place to initiate such things. Eventually he moved away without looking at me, ignoring the scenes unfolding further down in the cellars and the low moans emanating from the unseen guests, making his way purposefully back to the stairs as I followed quietly and needily behind him. It was fair to say that right now, Charlotte Smith had been well and truly left at the door of this beautiful country pile and there was no question that whatever Jason King had in mind, at least for tonight I would totally and whole heartedly submit to him.

  I followed him all the way back up to the room we had been in before, silently watching his body language as he closed the door, but he was giving absolutely nothing away. “Take off your dress” he demanded suddenly as I slipped the straps from my shoulders and peeled the tight material slowly down my body, shimmying out of its grip before stepping out and kicking it across the floor. “Now lie on the bed and open your legs”. I swallowed hard, knowing that this was what I’d agreed to but slightly nervous nonetheless, and did as he asked. He was standing over me, his mouth still in that unreadable line, sapphire blue eyes eclipsed with huge black pools betraying his lust, that acted like an aphrodisiac and I was determined to please him. “Except for binding your hands, I haven’t tied you up before Charlotte. I am going to chain you to the bed by your wrists and your ankles, completely exposed for my pleasure. Then I am going to blindfold you”. I was so desperate to please him I nodded in anticipation, excited by the thought of the wonderful things he’d do to me while I couldn’t move and I couldn’t see. I had enjoyed being bound and I had loved the blindfold in the creative space. ‘Excellent’ cried my inner wicked as I smiled up at him.

  “You are fidgety and impatient and I need to teach you not to be” he gazed intensely down at me and I couldn’t help myself. “How will you do it Jason?” and he pulled his wonderful little smirk, raising his eyebrows at me. “Still impatient Charlotte, but what I’ve got in mind will make the fidgeting stop”. The smooth low velvet voice slid over my senses and I was desperate to know what he had in mind as he moved away to a drawer removing something from what looked like a freezer disguised in a cupboard, returning slowly to the bed, keeping the item out of view and placing it with some others on top of a high dresser. I couldn’t see what they were from my position on the bed, gasping as he showed me the glinting blade and I swallowed hard shaking my head involuntarily as he moved towards me, smirking broadly. It was fucking huge and there was no way that was going anywhere near me. “I’ll be using this Charlotte” he offered, showing me the knife.

  “Can you imagine what will happen if you so much as flinch while I’m running this over your skin?” I was shaking my head, wide eyed, sweating mildly and incredibly nervous. “I said I didn’t want to do anything that will draw blood Jason” I gasped. His smirk was broadening. “I have no intention of drawing blood, or marking your beautiful body in any way Charlotte, but that largely depends on how still you are” he said challenging me. “I like knife play” he growled, grabbing my hand suddenly and placing it on the crotch of his trousers which was imprisoning what felt like a huge erection and I was torn, wanting to please him and terrified of being hurt. “Do you trust me?” he asked gently, tipping his head and regarding me closely. “Yes, but I’m really scared”. The logical side of me reasoned that Jason King would not want to hurt me, and there was no way he’d cut me up at a party in a house full of people, but I would be tied up, effectively blind and unable to do anything about it. He seemed to read my mind. “Do you remember your safe word?” “Mercedes” I said quickly. “Use it if you need to” he said moving away, returning with four chains with fur lined cuffs on each end, attaching them first to the rings in the bed posts and then to me.

  When he had finished, I was completely secured, spread eagle and unable to move, and thinking we were supposed to be taking it slowly. If knife play was slowly, what the hell did my future have in store? He bent to kiss me while putting on my blindfold and the small, affectionate gesture touched me, firing up my arousal while my body begged my brain to play along, realising what pleasures would come at the end of it. I smiled to myself, it was a very effective way to get someone to stop fidgeting and I was hard pressed to think of anything that would work better, despite the fact that it was more than mildly terrifying. I knew this was fantasy, I knew I was safe, yet the fear felt absolutely real. The reality was that this man had complete and utter control over my body and it was something I had never given up before. I’d been tied, but only my hands, now none of me was free. All I had was one word and the trust that he would stop if I used it. I almost did, the only thing stopping me, the confusing, intoxicating mix of the curious arousal that was spreading through me like wildfire, as it suddenly hit me that I might actually be a little bit odd in my tastes.

  I flinched involuntary as something hit my thighs, soon realising it was his h
ands as I relaxed into it, relishing the feel of him on me, igniting my nerves as he ran them gently up the inside of my legs, surprised when I realised how wet I was as he stroked my swollen lips. His low rumbling growls of appreciation caused me to arch towards him as he laughed gently. “Still” he growled as I tried to stop, make myself immobile. With every slight movement came a rattle from one of the chains that tied me to the bed and it was a noise I couldn’t afford to hear when that knife came into play. I gasped as he sucked at my nipples, biting them gently and stilled when I felt his weight move from the bed, my ragged breathing growing increasingly heavy as I anticipated his return.

  I could hear the noises as he moved the objects around on the top of the dresser, waiting for the glinting blade to touch my flesh, nervous, sweating, and more than a little aroused. There was something intensely erotic about being held captive by Jason King and he was ramping up the tension and taking his time as I wondered where he’d touch first, nerves jumping as I felt the ice cold sharpness of the blade against my stomach.

  ‘Fuck’ I cried inwardly, forcing myself to freeze as he ran it slowly along my skin. My brain was a mix of jumbled emotions, fear, terror, trust, arousal and my body was on such a heightened state of alert, I could literally feel every cell exploding beneath his touch. It was a psychological torment as much as a physical one. Every time I wanted to cry out my safe word, I had to inwardly reinforce the trust to my scared inner self. ‘This was Jason, he wouldn’t hurt me’, but the threat was there and that was enough. He peppered small, soft kisses along the trail of skin where he had run the knife and the contrast was sudden, exquisite and almost enough to make me jump. I didn’t.


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