Speak No Evil (The Brotherhood Trilogy #2)

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Speak No Evil (The Brotherhood Trilogy #2) Page 17

by Jordan Ford

  “We can trust her!” Kade yells over my head. “I’ve already told her the whole story.”

  Everything about Ana is round and horrified right now—her eyes, her lips, and now her cheeks are starting to puff. They’re turning an angry red and I want to cry.

  “You arrogant son of a bitch!” Trey shouts.

  Kade tenses, his fingers curling into a fist.

  I grip the back of his jacket and glance at the fair-haired guy. He looks like the safest bet right now, walking around the car with these slow, measured steps. “Kade, lose the fist. No one’s fighting right now.”

  “That’s not your call, Ry. If I need to beat some sense into this asshole, then I will.”

  Trey flinches, getting ready to jump in, but Riley steps between them. Planting his feet to face me, he lets out a soft sigh and shoves his hands in his jacket pockets.

  “What’s your name?”


  He has to lean forward to hear me. “What?”

  I clear my throat. “Julienne. Bishop. I… People call me Jules.”

  “Jules.” He scratches his bristles and forces a smile. “Did you have any idea that Kade bringing you up here would start a cataclysmic shit storm?”

  I can’t help a soft snicker. “Maybe.”

  “Then why’d you agree to come?”

  Tears pop onto my lashes before I can stop them. My nose starts tingling and it’s an effort to form the right words. “Kade says it’s safe up here.”

  Riley’s eyes tighten at the corners, but his voice stays smooth and even. “And why do you need to be safe?”

  I swallow and look up at Kade. His expression is tender as he brushes his knuckles over the spot where Antonio slapped me. I can’t speak. I’m so ashamed and humiliated right now. It’s bad enough that I’m pregnant, but to have to admit to sleeping with a complete psycho…

  “It’s okay,” Kade whispers.

  I blink and look to the ground, so Kade answers for me.

  “The father wants the baby dead.” His voice is so matter-of-fact.

  No matter how anyone says it, it feels like a punch to the chest.

  Riley’s face creases with a mixture of concern and surprise.

  “Dead?” Ana whispers behind him while Trey barks out another, “What?”

  “He doesn’t want me to have it, even though I’m planning on adopting it out.” My voice wobbles over the word ‘adopting.’ I don’t know why. I clear my throat. “It’s got to do with his dad and it’s kind of complicated.”

  Ana scoffs, “Yeah, well, dads are.”

  I give her a sympathetic smile and her expression finally relaxes, wide eyes lifting into a semi-convincing smile.

  “Geez, you really know how to pick ’em, huh?” Trey mutters, his eyes flicking to Kade and then across to me.

  I shrink away from his steely glare, feeling completely reprimanded by it. The shame I’ve been fighting suddenly swamps me and the tears fall, unchecked and unstoppable.

  “Excuse me.” I lurch away from Kade. “I have to use the bathroom.”

  My feet slip on the mud again, but Kade catches my arm to steady me. “It’s just past the kitchen, on your left.”

  I nod and scamper away, swiping tears off my cheeks.

  “Don’t you dare do that to her.” I glance behind me to see Kade towering over Trey, pointing a finger in his face.

  Trey’s fingers curl into two tight fists and I rush inside before I see the fight.

  I’ve brought this on everyone. I should never have agreed to let Kade bring me up here. Stepping into the cute little cabin, I rush to the bathroom and slam the door behind me. Trailing my fingers over the wooden walls, I slump onto the toilet seat lid and look up to the ceiling. My chin is trembling and tears continue to flow.

  “What are we going to do now?” I rub my belly.

  A soft flutter tickles my insides. I jerk still and look down at my little bump.

  “Was that you?”

  I go still, waiting for another flutter, but I don’t feel it again.

  I know, though.

  My baby moved.

  I mean, the baby.

  “Not mine.” I squeak the words as fresh tears flood my vision.

  My shoulders slump forward on a ragged breath as I wonder how hard Kade is fighting outside. Will he really go against his brothers to protect me? Or will I once again be on my own with a little baby growing inside of me?


  The Most Awkward Moment Ever


  “Why are you being such an asshole?” My nostrils flare as I seethe in Trey’s face.

  I can’t believe he played it like that. Poor Jules was mortified. I want to smash Trey for being such a jerk.

  “You brought a stranger up here and put Ana at risk. I’m pissed off and I have every right to be!”

  “We can trust her!” I throw my arms up and spin away before I’m tempted to smack my fist in his face. Jules has seen enough violence over the past couple of days. She’s fragile enough as it is; I’m not about to expose her to anything that will upset her.

  I pace away, then jerk back, catching Riley’s eye.

  He’s not saying much, as usual. He’s always so fucking calm in these situations. For some weird reason, it pisses me off.

  With a loud huff, I shake my head and glare at Trey. “So she made a mistake. We all have.” I glance between each member of my family, even Ana.

  She runs her fingers through her hair and sighs, taking a step closer to Trey.

  “She needs to be here right now. And you have to treat her like more than street scum. She’s a good person. The best person I’ve ever met.”

  “How would I know that?” Trey bites back. “You’ve never mentioned her once. She’s a complete stranger. She means nothing to us.”

  “Well she means something to me.” My voice cracks, giving away the thick emotion running through me. “And if you remember, I put everything on the line for the girl you love, so I feel like I’ve earned the same courtesy.”

  “You love her?” Ana breathes, completely mystified by my confession.

  “Yeah.” I wince, then swallow, hating that it’s so damn hard to admit. I’m telling these guys before I’ve even told Jules. “Yeah, I love her.”

  “Wow.” Ana blinks, then looks at Trey. His expression is unfolding, the anger making way for surprise as he takes in my raw honesty.

  Threading his fingers between Ana’s, he rubs the back of her hand with his thumb.

  I love the soft feel of Julienne’s skin when I do that, and I finally understand why Trey always wants to be so close to his girlfriend.

  My lips twitch and I glance away from their interlocked fingers. I need to check on Jules, make sure she’s okay. She’s probably sitting on the toilet bawling her eyes out. The thought cuts me and I make a move for the cabin.

  “Wait.” Riley grabs my sleeve to stop me. “Is she the only reason you’ve come up here? Please tell me this isn’t just some spontaneous thing, because the repercussions are huge, man. She’s pregnant, and pregnant women have to actually give birth to a baby at some point. She said she’s going to put it up for adoption. How the hell is she supposed to do that from up here?”

  I hate that Riley is always so damn thoughtful.

  If I look to the ground, can I avoid answering any of his questions?

  His grip on my shirt tightens, the fabric straining as he uses it to take a step closer. “Kade.” His voice is low with warning.

  I can never lie to the guy, so why the hell am I trying to get away with it now?

  “We won’t stay forever.” I sigh. “We just need to lay low for a while.”

  “Do you think the sperm donor followed you up here?” Trey’s voice is sharp as he glances down the driveway.

  “No.” I shake my head. “He… I swapped out the car. We covered our backs. I just…” Squeezing my eyes shut, I spit out the words quickly, like ripping off a Band-Aid. “I had a run-in w
ith Agent Rybeck, ended up knocking him out, and I had to split. All I could think about was getting up here to see you guys again, but then I had to go back and get Jules. I just…I couldn’t leave her. And when I got there her jerk ex was hurting her and I just… I lost it. Beat the crap out of him.”

  “Shit.” Riley says the word on a sigh, closing his eyes and grimacing. “Okay, let’s just deal with one thing at a time. How’d Rybeck find you?”

  I swallow. “He was in Reno for a wedding.”

  “Still doesn’t explain how he found you.”

  With a reluctant sigh, I spit out the rest. “He saw my picture in an online paper. I’ve been playing for a local team in Reno and…” I hitch my shoulder, a touch of pride tugging at my lips. “I’ve been winning all the games for them.”

  “The paper? You—?” Ana huffs and slaps me on the back of the head.

  It doesn’t really hurt but I rub the spot anyway. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to get settled, but…” I point at the cabin.

  “Always a girl.” Riley rolls his eyes.

  “This one’s different.” I say it firmly, hoping he’ll understand how much I mean it.

  “The fact is, you never should have left in the first place,” Trey snaps.

  I turn to him with a scowl. “Yeah, I should have. You believe in fate, right? Well, this was fate. I was meant to find Jules, and I’m sorry if bringing her here pisses everyone off, but I needed her to meet my family. You guys are my safety net, and she needs to feel safe right now. I don’t know all the details yet or how we’re going to work this out, but until she gets over being attacked by her psycho ex-boyfriend, she’s staying here.”

  I march toward the house, not giving them a chance to say anything else.

  Ana’s saying something about being attacked and I can’t hear Trey’s reply. Shoving the slider open, I step into the cabin.

  Jules isn’t in sight so I head to the bathroom to have my suspicions confirmed. Her soft sniff tugs at my heart as I lean against the door and softly tap the wood.


  “I’m okay,” she squeaks. “I’ll be out in a sec and then I’ll get going.”

  My eyebrows dip together. “You’re not going anywhere. We’re spending the night here.”

  “You know I can’t do that.” Her voice pitches. “They don’t want me here.”

  “But I do.”

  There’s a soft huff and then the door is pulled away from me. Jules grips the wood and stares up at me. Her face is a blotchy mess, her eyes swollen and puffy. Snot is glistening just beneath her nose. Before she can say anything, I brush past her and grab a wad of toilet paper. “Here.”

  “Thank you,” she mumbles, dabbing her wet cheeks then wiping her nose.

  “Yeah, they’re mad. Yeah, they’re kind of horrified. But they’ll get over it.”

  I shake my head. “I’m a complete stranger to them. I have no right to be here.”

  Stepping into her space, I brush my fingers down her cheek and rest my thumb on the point of her chin. “You’re not a stranger to me, and that gives you every right to be here.”

  Her eyes search mine. I don’t know what she’s looking for. I wish I had the courage to tell her I love her. I just admitted it to the guys, so I should be able to say it to her, but I can’t. It’ll be the first time I’ve ever said it to a girl. Should I really be doing something so epic in a cramped bathroom?

  Letting out a shaky sigh, I try to reassure her with a smile. “They just need a little time to get to know you. Don’t worry. They’ll defrost fast enough. Cook them supper and they’ll be yours for life.”

  She lets out a breathy snicker and shakes her head. “I’m not that go—”

  “Yeah, you are.” I cock my head in the direction of the kitchen. “Come on, let’s go cook. I’ll help you.”

  Her eyebrows pop north. “You’ll help me?”

  “Sure.” I shrug. “Why not. The kitchen’s big enough for two. You willing to let me hang out in your domain for a little while?”

  Her giggle is soft and wispy as she shrugs. “Sure, why not.”

  Watching the smile grow on her lips is magic. I kiss her nose and grin. “Let’s go.”

  I take her hand and pull her into the kitchen.

  The guys are still outside discussing shit. Thinking about it’s just gonna piss me off, so I turn my attention to Jules.

  She pops open the fridge and has a look inside. “There’s not much here, but I think I can probably put something together with this loaf of bread and these eggs.”

  “French toast?” I wriggle my eyebrows.

  “I’ll try.” She grins.

  Damn, I love her. I should just say it, but the sliding door shuts me up.

  Riley, Trey and Ana file in and jerk to a stop when they notice Jules getting busy in the kitchen.

  “What are you doing?” Ana asks.

  “I’m…making you supper. I hope that’s okay. There’s not much here, but—”

  “You cook?” Trey’s eyebrows shoot up.

  Jules nods while my smile grows a mile wide. “Best food I’ve ever tasted.”

  Ana crosses her arms. “So, that’s why you’re in love with her.”

  A butter knife clatters onto the floor.

  Jules jerks down to collect it while I shoot Ana a give me a break kind of glare. Her head pops back. She’s puzzled by my anger until I raise my eyebrows and silently tell her what she’s missing.

  Her lips make an O and she bites them together to squash her giggle. Jules stands back up, tucking her hair behind her ear and acting like nothing’s been said as she rinses the knife. Her hands are shaking. Her olive skin has a burning red hue.

  With a stiff smile, I turn back to the fridge to pull out the eggs. Some things are better left unsaid when you’re being stared at by your brothers. I’ll tell Jules how I feel in my own sweet time, and not with an audience.

  Placing the carton of eggs on the counter, I try to share a quick look with Jules but she won’t look up at me.

  Trey snickers. I cut the sound short with a sharp glare. He looks to Riley, who’s also fighting a grin.

  Assholes. I’ll get them back later.

  For now, I’m going to crack some damn eggs into a damn bowl and pretend like this isn’t the most awkward moment ever!




  Kade loves me.

  At least that’s what Ana implied. Did he say something to them while I was crying in the bathroom?

  No, this can’t be true.

  I’m pregnant with someone else’s kid! He can’t love me. That’s not possible.

  My lips won’t stop twitching though. As I fry the bread in the pan, my insides flood with this warm fuzz. I want to yell at myself to stop. Dreams like this don’t come true. My life is too complicated. Kade’s life is complicated!

  We can’t love each other right now.

  It doesn’t make sense.

  So why is my heart singing?

  I keep my eyes down. If I look at Kade, I’ll giggle or do something stupid. The others are already judging me for sleeping with a psycho; I don’t need to be thought of as girly and immature as well. I hate my giggle. It’s so embarrassing.

  Flipping the bread, I let the other side brown before sliding it onto the stack.

  There isn’t much in the way of supplies in the kitchen, but I manage to melt down some old honey as a maple syrup substitute. It tastes slightly bland, but it’ll do. Fresh berries would make this dish a hundred times better.

  Sucking the honey off my fingertip, I glance behind me. Riley is hovering on the other side of the counter, watching me work.

  “Have you guys checked out the area for edible plant life?”

  His eyebrows pucker. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m pretty sure currants grow in this kind of environment. A little burst of fruit would be delicious with this. You know the forest is filled with natural resources, r

  His lips dip thoughtfully. “Yeah. I’m sure it is. I just haven’t really looked into it.” Scratching the back of his neck, he glances at the floor, his pale cheeks growing red. “I’m kind of annoyed with myself that I haven’t done that already. Canned beans are getting kind of old.”

  I turn off the stove and place the fry pan away from the edge. “Are you telling me that you’ve spent the last four…five months living on canned beans?”

  “I…” He shrugs again. “We buy a few supplies from the store in Legacy. Eggs, bread, milk, cereal, and sometimes I’ll get the leftover produce that’s about to go off. You know, the scraps they can’t sell. They give it to me cheap. Which is helpful because we have to be really careful how much we spend. The money won’t last forever.”

  “It can also be super gross,” Ana mutters. “The fruit we get takes ripe to a whole new level.”

  I look at her and her boyfriend. They’re facing me with interest, watching my every move as I make this simple meal for them.

  “That’s it?”

  “That’s what?” Trey’s eyebrows dip.

  “Staples and overripe produce? That’s it? What about fresh vegetables, fruits, proteins? No wonder you all look so skinny and pale. I bet you’re constantly fighting fatigue.”

  Trey steps up to Riley’s side. “That’s because we’ve been working our asses off.”

  “And not refueling properly. You have an entire forest around you. Are you using any of it?”

  “We’re using wood to keep the fire going.” Ana curls her arm around Trey’s shoulders.

  “I’m not talking wood. I’m talking plants, squirrels, birds. There’s bound to be a place for you to plant a vegetable garden.” I point out the window. “I know high altitude growing can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. There are definitely vegetables you can grow up here.”

  “We don’t know how to do any of that stuff.”

  I cross my arms and gape at them while Kade walks past me with a stack of plates. “Well, I do.”

  Kade sets the plates on the table and lets out a triumphant whoop that makes me jump. “Fate,” he sings.


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