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Denial_A Stone Billionaire Series Novel

Page 10

by Kaya Woodward

  But my period is late.

  Way later than it’s ever been before, I can smell everything from a mile away, and my breasts are so sore I barely want to put a bra on.

  There’s only one answer.

  I’m pregnant.

  This isn’t like the last time with Noah, where I was convinced I was pregnant I thought I was.

  I crawl towards the cabinet in the washroom and shuffle through the mess of crap to find the pregnancy test.

  It was a spur of the moment purchase, after Noah and I got engaged, and everything seemed so bright.

  Like we had a future.

  The wait is torture, even though I know what that test is going to say.

  Maybe I’m just in disbelief that, after all this time, and in my darkest hour, Noah got me pregnant?

  I’m half convinced that this is just another hallucination when the timer goes off.

  Two little pink lines.

  It’s positive.


  “Well Tinsley, it wasn’t a false positive, look at the screen,” Dr. Ainsley announces.

  My eyes are focused on the blurry black and white image, and the little peanut shape she’s pointing to.

  “Is this real?” I ask her in a daze.

  “As real as it gets,” Dr. Ainsley nods to me, with a warm smile.

  “Congratulations, mom,” she adds.

  “Oh my god,” I gasp.

  We weren’t trying, is all I can think to myself.

  Noah and I have been less than careful, but none of that matters now, because that little peanut shape on the screen is all I can think about.

  This is the best news I’ve had all year.

  Is it a boy or a girl?

  Will they have Noah’s eyes?

  Will they look more like me, or more like Noah?

  I am floored.

  There’s the strange sensation of panic and excitement building inside me.

  Then a sound, unlike anything I’ve ever heard fills the air.

  Steady, sound, and regular.

  “That’s the heartbeat,” Dr. Ainsley’s voice is smooth, and it soothes me.

  That’s Noah’s baby.

  Our baby.

  My whole body relaxes, and a wave of complete relief washes over me as it truly sets in what has happened.

  We conceived!

  That’s Noah’s baby, inside me.

  The wave of warmth that washes over me is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, it’s comforting and leaves no room for anxiety or trepidation.

  For the first time in my life, I’m certain that something wonderful has happened to me, and nothing is going to take away from this.


  Not now, not ever.

  “Everything looks good,” The doctor continues when I say nothing, entranced by the image on the screen.

  “How far along am I?” I ask finally.

  My guess is seven or eight weeks?

  “Eight weeks, give or take a few days,” Dr. Ainsley answers.

  I can pinpoint the night.

  The night Noah and I finally fell back together, when we thought everything would be perfect.

  Ava’s wedding.

  In the limo.

  When we couldn’t resist each other anymore and promised to make this work.

  Now, look at us, being torn apart by the last person on earth I want to be married to.

  People do get divorced.

  I think we both know that against all odds, we will happen.

  I will be Noah’s wife.

  Free and clear.

  As I get in the car and give my driver directions, I don’t even think about where I’m going.

  I’m wondering how my mother is going to handle this.

  I can’t lie to her.

  Of all people, I have to be honest with her.

  I’m just going to tell her I am eight weeks pregnant, everything is normal, and leave it at that.

  The car comes to a stop, and when he opens the door, I’m in front of my building.

  Noah’s building.

  “Oh, I meant I wanted to go to-” I begin to tell the driver.

  “Your mother’s?” Noah’s deep voice is in my ear.

  All my senses are suddenly on high alert, and all I want to do is throw myself into his arms.

  I want to blurt the good news out.

  “Yes, my mother’s,” I say.

  Then I look up, into those steely blue eyes and it’s as though Noah knows everything, Connor doesn’t exist, and we’re free.

  “It’s good to see you, Tinsley,” Noah whispers in my ear.

  “I always miss you,” I admit all too easily.

  “I’ll give you a lift?” He asks, pointing to his driver.

  “Of course,” I accept immediately.

  Not because I want to, but because I crave just a little bit of alone time with him.

  Noah slides into the limo after me and barely leaves any space between us.

  “How is the merger going?” Is the first question he asks.

  “I want to know how long it’ll be before you divorce that imbecile,” he admits.

  “Good, we should have everything said and done by October,” I answer him.

  “That’s good,” Noah says easily.

  “I mean, it’s not good enough, I wish this whole process was faster, but, all we can hope for is everything to go smoothly,” he adds.

  “It will. Everything will go smoothly, and then I’ll be done with this mess,” I agree with him.

  “Does that mean you’ll be free to make your own decisions?” Noah asks, his tone downright sexy.

  God what this man does to me.

  Maybe it’s the pregnancy, but I’m suddenly desperate for him.

  I fan myself slightly.

  “Yes,” I nod instantly to Noah.

  “You know I will wait, as long as it takes,” he tells me slowly, every word edged with desire.

  Desire for us to finally be together.

  “I don’t expect you to,” I tell him out of obligation.

  “You should,” he is honest with me.

  “You should expect me to wait, because, I am the only man you’re supposed to be with, and you are the only woman I can imagine being with for the rest of my life,” His every word is laced with longing.

  Noah takes my breath away, and a gasp escapes my mouth.

  I have to roll my shoulders and arch my head back to try and gain perspective.

  Somehow, I’ve convinced myself he doesn’t have to wait, he doesn’t want to.

  Unaware of where these feelings came from, he assures me that everything is going to be alright and that I have always been the woman in his heart.

  But then when I look at him again, it’s like I’m an entirely different person.

  No one’s ever looked at me the way that Noah does, and that’s never changed.

  I love the way he looks at me like I’m brand new and nothing has ever happened between us, or what has doesn’t make him care any less.

  Not once has his love for me waned.

  “You know I’ll always pick you,” I manage to whisper.

  This is as much as I can offer him, at least before our lips crush together in a kiss that blows my mind.

  I’m weak all the way from my arms wrapped around his neck to my toes.

  My whole body sizzles with the need to have my hands on that perfect cock.

  I melt into his lips, let my senses take over, and revel in this sensation.

  I’m light as air, and the only thing that matters is Noah.

  When we finally come up for air, the car has stopped.

  “I’ll see you?” He asks.

  “Yes,” I nod.

  “I love you, Tinsley,” he tells me in slow, beautiful words.

  That’s all I want to hear.

  “I love you too,” I whisper, then I kiss him on the nose.

  It’s just my luck that Connor is at my mother’s apartment.

>   “There you are! I’ve been trying to find you everywhere!” He nearly screams at me.

  “Don’t take that tone with me, Connor,” I snap instantly.

  Then I turn to my mother.

  “Give us a moment?” I ask, an innocent look on my face.

  My mother scurries the hell out of there.

  “I was at the Doctor’s,” I smile.

  “What do you have cancer or something?” Connor replies in a snarky tone.

  “I’m pregnant,” I tell him.

  Connor freezes, I observe his expressions.

  “You are going to say, this child is yours, you will be respectful to me at all times, and if I witness another scene like this one, you have no idea what I’m going to do to you,” My voice is fierce, and firm.

  Connor is taken back for the first time in his life.

  “So, what,” he finally says.

  “It’s Stone’s child?” He rolls his eyes.

  “Yes, in fact, Noah Stone got your wife pregnant,” I reply snidely.

  Two can play his stupid game.

  I place a hand on my stomach.

  “Of course, the story will be that we used IVF because you can’t even give me a child,” I mock him.

  “I will not-” Connor starts.

  “The press release has been sent out already,” I wave a hand.

  “You humiliated me!” Connor screams.

  “You will not scream at me, Connor. What would everything think, if Noah Stone was your sperm donor and that your wife prefers his bed, instead of yours?” I sneer at him.

  “Are you threatening me?” Connor asks, he narrows his eyes.

  “It’s a promise,” I shoot back.

  He’s no more willing to damage our companies with idle gossip.

  “These are the terms, you can act however you want in public, but in private, I want nothing to do with you,” I tell him flatly.

  Connor doesn’t say anything.

  “You wanted a business deal? This is business, deal with it,” my sarcastic done only flares up his rage.


  “Are we understood? Or do I have to send out a press release that Noah Stone was graciously, our sperm donor?” I ask, my voice void of emotion as I blow on my nails.

  “You wouldn’t,” Connor snaps.

  “I already told the entire world your swimmers are crap, what makes you think I won’t?” I ask innocently.

  “Fuck you, Tinsley!” Connor snaps at me.

  “You can leave now,” I tell Connor Coldly.

  Connor slams the door behind him and my mother runs out.

  “What happened?” she asks with wide eyes.

  “Connor just realized, that I can do business, just as well as he can,” I smile at my mother.

  I’m going to torment Connor every chance I get, and everything I do will drive him closer to divorce me before this merger even occurs.

  It would serve him right.

  I better tell her, before she finds out from someone else.

  “Mother, I’m pregnant,” I tell her swiftly.

  “You’re what!” She screams in elation.

  “Oh my god!” She yells.

  Suddenly I am engulfed in my mother’s arms.

  She hugs me tightly I can’t breathe.

  When she finally lets me go, I answer her barrage of questions.

  “Honestly, I didn’t believe it until the doctor showed me,” I produce the sonogram.

  “Oh, can I keep this?” my mother asks hopefully.

  “Of course,” I smile.

  My mother thinks for a moment.

  “So, you’re pregnant with Noah Stone’s child I assume?” She asks.

  I nod.

  “Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. Does he know?”

  “I’m going to tell him,” I admit.

  Then she says something that takes me back.

  “After all this time, you two deserve this kind of happiness. You two deserve each other,” she says.

  And then just like, she’s talking about baby showers and nurseries.



  September 1, 2017

  “Thank you for taking today off for me,” Athena smiles as we walk through central park.

  She is back from London.

  Avoiding another scandal.

  “I couldn't take the thought of all those people judging me,” Athena takes a deep breath.

  “I think it's time for me to, leave that all behind. We should sell the London home,” she adds.

  “Finally, you agree with me,” I smile at my sister as we walk arm in arm.

  We are not at odds for once.

  “What happened?” I ask.

  “Oh, what's it matter. Married men are scoundrels,” Athena huffs, exasperated.

  “It doesn't matter,” I assure her.

  “No one in Manhattan gives two shits about London high society. Unless you're royalty,” I quip.

  “Technically father was a Duke; I believe that makes us royalty,” she jokes.

  “Technically, our Uncle is the Duke now, but If you want me to call you Duchess Athena, I might oblige you, just because you ran back to New York the first chance you got,” I smirk at her.

  “Oh, I won't lie. I missed this. This city is always alive, there are actual seasons, and everyone is much less pretentious than our crowd in London. Especially the Darlingtons. I hear Lauren is in town?” she questions.

  “We're still friends, Athena. We've always been friends. You know that” I reply.

  This is to shut down her willingness to set Lauren and me up for the tenth time.

  “I figured. Considering the other woman in this situation,” she quips.

  Athena refuses to say Elizabeth's name.

  It's a beautiful summer day, but the heat is sultry.

  The park around us is filled with city goers enjoying the moment.

  I intend to do none of that.

  All I want to do is sulk.

  Instead, I hold my head high and pretend to enjoy the day.

  “Are you not going to have dinner with Lauren tonight?” Athena says with a smirk.

  Now I know she's been talking to Lauren.

  “A friendly dinner Athena,” I remind her.

  “Noah, you've been fighting for Tinsley for so long, maybe it's time you faced reality. It's just not going to work out between the two of you. And I know that Evan and Ava both have the same belief,” she states calmly.

  Athena doesn’t know the whole truth, and I would hardly be the one to tell her because I know what her reaction would be.

  She doesn’t see an eye for an eye as logical, just a vicious circle.

  “Whatever,” I give her a passive-aggressive response.

  “Noah I will not have you break up her marriage. I know that's probably your intent, but let her be. Let her be happy!” Athena exclaims.

  “She married him out of convenience,” I remind her.

  “So did your parents,” she adds.

  “Look out that marriage turned out,” I look at her sternly.

  Reminding her, she is the product of an affair is probably the best way to raise my sister's ire.

  However, it doesn't.

  “Suppose you're right. But you need to give her time, let her figure out on her own if she can love him or not. Without your interference. I know how strongly you feel about each other, but she at least deserves a chance to have a life without you in it,” Athena rationalizes.

  I want to argue with her that everything is going in accordance with our plan, and nothing is going to stop Tinsley and I from having what we want.

  What we want is each other, but for now, I must lie to my sister.

  “I suppose you're right,” I acquiesce.

  My resolve to cancel dinner with Lauren in favor of Tinsley wavers.

  So, I keep my plans.

  “Are you not divulging something, dear brother?” Athena prods me further.

  She can always tell w
hen I lie to her.

  It’s a gift, or rather, Athena says my nostrils flare when I lie to her.

  “Tinsley doesn’t know, but there are some lands, from Her Royal Majesty, that were given to her family a long time ago,” I tell Athena.

  “So, she is Royalty?” I ask.

  Athena shrugs.

  “You thought this?” I ask.

  “Of course, everyone knows the name Whittaker in London. You know that. There’s plenty of Whittaker’s, most notably, Duke John Whittaker,” Athena recites everything verbatim from memory.

  “So, she’s related to him?” I ask.

  “Most likely, there are no other Whittaker’s that hold a legitimate royal title,” Athena adds with dismay.

  “Apparently, you can pay, to have people call you Lord and Lady,” she sounds disgusted.

  I only laugh at her.

  “I mean, I will have to go back to London,” she admits.

  “Leviathan, you need to go back to England, sooner or later,” Athena adds.

  “I tend to try to forget, that I’m next in line,” I admit.

  “Well, you’re eventually going to be the Duke of Valfort, like it or not,” she laughs.

  “Back to what you said,” Athena turns the conversation around.

  “If she’s related to that Duke, those lands are probably worth quite a bit, if there some condition, and she were to lose them,” Athena says pointedly.

  “Are you reading my mind again?” I ask.

  “What was the term? Of her inheritance?”

  “That she had to marry Connor, her father made it so,” I tell Athena.

  “Even her father wasn’t aware of the story,” Athena thinks out loud.

  “My guess is he was told, or never cared,” I respond back.

  “Well, in any case, she’s married, those lands are safe. If the lands are titled to her family, they remain titled to her family, regardless of who she marries, they stay within the family,” Athena concurs.

  “At least I can rest easy on that one,” I tell Athena with relief.

  “What does that mean?” Athena asks.

  She narrows her eyes at me.

  “Tinsley and I decided that she should marry Connor to keep the company safe,” I admit.

  “Oh, bloody! Leviathan Woodward!” She yells at me.

  “Tell me this is a joke,” Athena demands.

  “It’s not,” my voice is stern.


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