by Wiley, John
“What if I take her to a comedy club?” Joey asks Rhys. They’re sitting in a booth at the pizza restaurant, trying to think of an appropriate thank you for Cheryl.
Rhys shakes his head. “Face it, there’s only one thing that you can do that’s big enough to thank her for giving up her last ever summer vacation.”
“But I hate tuxedos,” he complains.
Rhys shrugs. “You have to throw her a surprise prom.”
“Can it be a casual prom at least?”
“Nope,” Rhys shakes his head. “You need to go all out on this.”
“Where are we going to have it? Our apartment? That’s hardly nice. Maybe I should just take her for a casino weekend.”
“What could be more romantic than a surprise prom?”
“How about I quit smoking for her?”
Rhys shakes his head. “You do that for you, prom for her.”
“Do you know how much this is going to cost me?” Joey asks.
“Maybe you can get your parents to buy you stuff for it during your IKEA trip?”
“Huh…that’s a good thought.” Joey glances at the time on his phone. “I’ve gotta get to work soon; we better kill this pitcher.” He fills both his and Rhys’ glasses with beer.
As Joey is clocking in, he sees Liam heading towards him to clock out.
“What are you doing getting here so late?” Liam asks.
“Night class,” he says as he finishes typing his employee number. “I had two morning classes today for a summer day camp and then two night classes for adults.”
“So did you see what Rhys tweeted earlier?” Liam asks after he clocks out.
“You have it bad for him, don’t you?” Joey rolls his eyes.
“Maybe a little,” he says, embarrassed. “I hate to be so obvious, but I don’t know what else to do to hint to you that I want you to set us up without asking you to, which I would never do on account of I have far too much pride.”
“OK, OK,” Joey laughs. “He’s working tomorrow morning; go ask him out and I’ll warn him that you’re coming.”
“No, don’t do that; I just needed you to get us in the same room,” Liam says. “Thanks!” He turns and runs out of the building.
“You’re welcome!” Joey yells back to him. “I hope Rhys doesn’t mind me pimping him out,” he says to himself as he walks to his classroom.
Rhys is mixing the batter for some cupcakes on the back counter at Coffee Cafe the next morning when the bell rings, signaling a new customer. “I’ll be right with you,” he says.
“That’s fine,” Liam says.
Startled to hear Liam’s voice, Rhys spins around, accidentally dropping the bowl of batter on the floor. “Oops!”
“Sorry,” Liam says with a smirk. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It was more of a startle than a scare.” Rhys picks up the bowl and blushes.
“You can go ahead and clean that if you want,” Liam says. “I can wait.”
“No, that’s OK. What can I get you?”
“Nothing,” Liam says with a huge grin on his face.
“Oh. OK?”
“I was hoping I could get you something.”
“Are you trying to save me?” Rhys asks, raising his eyebrows.
“No,” Liam laughs. “I was hoping I could get you dinner.”
“What?” He laughs nervously.
“Oh, was that not clear? I was asking you out.”
“Oh…” Rhys looks away, trying to hide his bright red face. “Uh, I don’t know.”
Liam bites his lip. “That’s fine. I just thought I would ask.”
“It’s not you,” Rhys says quickly. “It’s just…I don’t know if I’m ready to date.”
“No, I understand. I didn’t realize you just got out of a relationship.”
Rhys smiles sheepishly. “Maybe another time though?”
Liam nods with a forced smile. “Well, I’ll see you around,” he says as he backs to the door.
“Damn,” Rhys says once Liam is gone. He kicks his foot through the mess in frustration and yells (which is OK on account of there being no costumers in the store right now). He looks down at the mess and goes to get a mop.
“So, how was your day?” Joey asks expectantly when Rhys comes home that afternoon.
“Fine,” he shrugs.
“Any special…visitors?”
Rhys looks at him, confused. “What? Oh, you mean Liam? Did you do that?”
“You can just call me Pimp Daddy Joey.”
“I’ll call you unemployed Pimp Daddy Joey.”
“I turned him down.” Rhys avoids Joey’s eyes.
“What? Why?” Joey asks.
Rhys drops his bag on the floor and sits on the recliner. “I was thrilled at first, but my gut said no. After Jared…I just don’t think I’m ready to date yet.”
“You’re talking like it was a long term relationship. It was just a shitty date.”
Rhys shrugs. “I guess.” He stands up after a few minutes and picks up his bag. “I’m going to get changed and then go for a bike ride,” he says as he walks upstairs.
The next day, Erick is sitting outside of the Olsen and Miller offices on the park bench under the tree. He’s eating pretzel nuggets as he reads The Da Vinci Code. “Hey,” Gene says as he walks by with Lisa and a guy that Erick hasn’t really spoken to before - Tom might be his name.
“Hi,” Erick says. He turns the book over and sets it on his leg as to not lose his place. “What’s going on?”
“We’re getting Thai food for lunch,” Gene says. “Wanna come?”
“He’s not invited,” Adele says as she walks past the group.
“Yeah he is, I just invited him,” Gene says.
“It’s fine guys,” Erick says. “I have my lunch already.” He holds up the baggie of pretzels.
“Come on,” Adele calls from the parking lot. She unlocks the door to her car and climbs in.
“Well, we were going out for drinks after work,” the guy that might be called Tom says. “In case you want to come with us.”
Adele gets out of her car and walks back to the group of people. “I told you that you aren’t allowed to invite him out with us,” she says in an immature tone.
“Yes, but you didn’t tell us why,” Lisa says.
“That’s not important.”
“It is,” Lisa says. “You’re a receptionist; you aren’t our boss, you can’t tell us who to talk to.”
“I told her I didn’t want to date her,” Erick says from the bench. “She was really rude to me and my friend and I told her I couldn’t see her anymore.”
“And I told him I would ruin his life,” Adele says. “Now, let’s get lunch.”
“I think I’ll drive myself,” Lisa says. She reaches in her purse to find her keys.
“Don’t make me ruin your life too,” Adele threatens.
“That’s cute,” Lisa says. “You think you can ruin my life.”
“This is my father’s firm!” Adele yells. “If I tell him to fire you, he will!”
“I’ve been working for your father since you were in elementary school,” Lisa says. “See if he listens to you.”
“Fine! You’ll all be sorry!” Adele stomps back into the office to talk to her dad.
“I can’t stand that girl!” Lisa says. “Anyway,” she takes a few deep breaths, “now you can come out with us, no problem.”
“Actually, I can’t,” Erick says. “I have a date tonight.”
“Who with?” Gene asks.
“Jennifer,” Erick grins.
“I didn’t expect that,” Gene says.
“Me either,” he says. “But she’s really nice.”
“I know,” Gene says. “See, you shouldn’t have prejudged her.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Erick rolls his eyes.
“Well, another time then,” pos
sibly Tom says. “You guys wanna go eat now?”
“Yeah,” Lisa says, placing a hand over her rumbling stomach.
“Bye guys,” Erick says as he picks his book back up.
It’s Saturday and Joey and Cheryl both have the day off, so he took her to the art museum for the Norman Rockwell exhibit. Part way through, Joey sees Liam leading a tour group just ahead of them.
“Hey, babe, I’ll be right back,” Joey says to Cheryl.
“OK.” She leans closer to a painting of a girl in a yellow sweater reading The Saturday Evening Post and reads the description next to it.
“So if you want to look around this room for a few minutes we’ll continue with the tour shortly,” Liam says when he sees Joey walking to him. “Hey,” he says. “Just can’t stay away from this place, huh?”
“Yeah,” Joey says with a smile. “Figured I’d might as well use the perks of my employment and see the exhibits for free. I brought my girlfriend.” He turns to face Cheryl and points her out to Liam.
“Cool. That’s one of the disadvantages of giving the tours; I see these things so much I have no need to come back and look at them on my day off, even if it is free.”
“True.” Joey runs his hand through his spiky hair. “So…sorry about Rhys.”
“Oh, it’s cool. I just thought we might get along.”
“You will,” Joey says. “You’re perfect for each other.”
Liam shrugs. “Well maybe in a few months, when he gets over his ex.”
“It’s not an ex,” Joey says. “He just…had a bad experience and it kind of put him off dating.”
“Oh.” Liam makes a disappointed face.
“But if you’re interested I have a plan that could help you win him over.”
“OK,” Liam shrugs. “It’s worth a shot I guess.”
“Thanks for tonight,” Jennifer says. She’s standing in front of her apartment with Erick.
“Thanks for asking me,” he says. “You’re not near as crazy as you seemed when we first met.”
“Aw, I bet you say that to all of the girls.”
“Not as often as one would hope,” he grins. “Well…good night. I’ll text you tomorrow.”
“OK. “ She starts to turn to go inside but Erick pulls her to him and kisses her softly.
“Good night,” he says, slowly backing toward his door.
“Good night.” She reaches for her door knob.
“Good night.” He opens his door.
“Good night,” she says one more time before slipping inside.
Erick walks in his own apartment and shuts the door behind him, a huge smile on his face.
“I’m guessing it went well then?” Annie asks. She’s sitting at the dining room table with some text books.
“It did…” he says, reliving the night in his head. “She’s so nice and funny and doesn’t take herself too seriously.” He sighs as he flops on the couch.
“Aw, sounds like you’re smitten,” Annie teases.
“When are you going to get smittened?” Erick asks. “I had hoped that you were having fun living on campus, but now that you’re here with me I see that all you do is study.”
“Smittened?” she says with a laugh. “I’m not really concerned with dating right now.”
“You aren’t a lesbian, are you? If you are there’s one two doors down I can try to set you up with.”
“No,” she laughs. “I’m not a lesbian. I’m just not pursuing a relationship; not when I’m so busy with school. Of course, if a guy comes along I won’t not pursue it…I’m just not actively looking.”
“So you aren’t working any corners?”
“Nah,” she shakes her head. “I’ll probably wait until it’s not quite so hot out.”
“That’s a good plan; no one wants a sweaty hooker.”
The next day when Rhys gets off of work he has a voicemail from Joey. “Hey, I was hoping you would meet me at the park when you get off work. I want to go over the prom details, but I don’t want to risk Cheryl overhearing. I’ll be at the north shelter at 4:30. Text me when you get this so I know you’re coming. Later.”
Rhys sends a text to Joey saying he’ll be there and then goes home to get changed into something better suited for the park. An hour later he arrives at the shelter but doesn’t see Joey. He sits there for about five minutes before texting him. When there’s no reply he gets up and walks to his car. Right as he reaches to open the door he hears a rustling in the trees behind him. He turns, expecting to see a squirrel, and is surprised when Liam is standing there.
“Hey,” Liam says.
“Joey couldn’t make it, so he sent me.”
“You’re helping plan the prom?” Rhys asks.
“Come with me,” Liam says as he walks toward a trail leading into the woods.
“What’s going on?” Rhys asks, not moving.
Liam holds out his hand. “Do you trust me?”
“What?” Rhys asks.
“Do you trust me?”
“Yes…This sounds vaguely familiar,” he says as Liam leads him through the forest.
“Oh?” Liam turns his head toward Rhys and smirks. He grabs his wrist and leads him to the trail he just came out of.
“You aren’t going to kill me, are you?”
“I don’t think so,” Liam says.
“So what are we doing?”
“Shh, just be patient.”
After a five minute walk through the forest they come to a clearing in the trees. A stream runs through the small field; its source is a waterfall on the tree line.
“Is this where we’re going?” Rhys asks.
Liam nods and walks over to a rock and fumbles with it. Rhys watches him intently and realizes that the rock is actually one of those rock speakers. Liam plugs his phone into the rock and pushes play; ‘It’s You’ by Chris Salvatore begins to play from it.
“What’s going on?” Rhys looks around for hidden cameras.
“I wish the wind would pick up,” Liam says.
As if waiting for its cue, the wind gushes through the clearing and cotton from the cotton wood trees surround the guys. Rhys blushes in realization of his dream date coming true. “OK, seriously, what’s going on?” he asks, getting annoyed at being in the dark.
“Joey told me you might appreciate this. It was hard to find snow in the middle of August, but I thought this would be a good substitute.” He catches a piece of the blowing cotton in his hand, and then blows it away. “And I know this isn’t the song you envisioned, but based on your tweets I thought you’d like this.”
“You follow my tweets?”
“Yeah,” Liam blushes. “I can’t help but feel a rush of excitement when you post something new.”
“That’s a little creepy.”
Liam nods. “I know. I probably shouldn’t have told you that.”
“So why are you doing this?” Rhys asks.
Liam smiles and walks over to a bush; he reaches behind it and pulls out a small bouquet of sunflowers. He walks back to Rhys and hands them to him. Rhys takes them and sees a card attached. He opens it and can’t help but to smile when he sees what it says:
“Really?” Rhys asks.
Liam nods. “Joey says you guys are having a prom, and I’d love it if you would go with me. Well, actually, I’d like to be invited to crash your prom, and then I’d like to go to it with you.”
Rhys beams at him. “Liam, would you like to attend our prom?”
Liam nods. “Yeah, that sounds OK. Would you like to be my date for it?”
Rhys looks around him at the blowing cotton, the waterfall and twisting stream, and the love song acting as the soundtrack to this dream. “I would love to.”
Liam laughs involuntarily, thrilled that it worked. “I was hoping you’d say that.” He walks back over to the bush and grabs a picnic b
asket. “I brought snacks!” As he walks back to Rhys, the basket clips the side of another bush that is housing hundreds of white butterflies. At the disturbance, they all evacuate the bush and fly circles around the boys, adding to Rhys’ fantasy about snow in summer.
Rhys spins around, watching the butterflies dance around him. He wipes a tear of joy from his eyes and sits on the blanket next to Liam, where they talk until the park closes that night.
That night when Rhys comes home he notices the kitchen is full of party supplies and decorations; apparently Joey was able to convince his parents to be benefactors for his prom. He goes in the kitchen to get some water and can hear voices on the back porch. He grabs a bottle and goes out back where Joey and Jeremy are sitting in chairs talking.
“Hey,” Rhys says as he sits down.
“So you’re finally home, I see,” Joey smirks.
“Mhmm, thanks for setting me up like that.”
“You should have been able to figure out something was up,” Joey says. “I told you today was the day our parents were coming to visit.”
“Well, I forgot.”
“And it was worth it?”
Rhys sighs. “It was almost perfect. I mean, after all these years, it’s been built up in my head, but…” he sighs. “It was awesome,” he can’t help but to smile. “But anyway, I see you convinced your parents to pay for the whole prom, apparently.”
“It was a surprisingly good day,” Joey says.
“Why is that surprising?”
Joey tilts his head to Jeremy.
“Oh, crap, sorry! I should have asked right away – how’d it go?” Rhys asks.
“They were really supportive,” Jeremy says. “They were both kind of shocked, but they weren’t upset or anything.”
“We had lunch at IKEA and he was pouring sweat from nerves,” Joey says. “So they made him tell them right there.”
“They said they were glad to know the real reason Allison and I broke up.”
“I’m really happy for you,” Rhys says. “And I’m really happy for me.” He looks to Joey. “Do I have reason to be really happy for you?”
Jeremy looks at his brother expectantly.