Boss: A Dark Mafia Romance

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Boss: A Dark Mafia Romance Page 1

by Sara Fields



  Sara Fields

  Copyright © 2020 by Stormy Night Publications and Sara Fields

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Stormy Night Publications and Design, LLC.

  Fields, Sara


  Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

  Images by Shutterstock/LUMIKK555, Shutterstock/Jack Frog, Shutterstock/Vasya Kobelev, Shutterstock/123dartist, and Shutterstock/xpixel

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  More Stormy Night Books by Sara Fields

  Sara Fields Links

  Chapter One


  The sound of a heavy deadbolt engaging behind me was jarring.

  I was locked inside. I couldn’t get out even if I tried.

  He’d wanted me. Here. Alone. With him.

  There was a tiny wave of fear deep in my belly, but I pushed it away. There was no time for emotions like that. I had to be strong, rational, and clever with every word that left my lips. I was about to meet with a very powerful and dangerous man, and I needed to keep a level head the entire time.

  With a deep breath, I pulled my shoulders back and lifted my head when I heard the sounds of footsteps brush against the marble tile floor. Dark gray eyes met mine, brutal in their intensity as they dragged up and down my body. I shivered hard before I remembered myself.

  I was ready for this. I’d trained for something like this my entire life.

  I was dressed to the nines. I had a Prada bag on my arm, a feminine Dior pantsuit encasing my body, a pair of black Louboutin peep-toe pumps on my pedicured feet, and my hair and makeup freshly styled. I knew that I looked the part of a spoiled heiress, but that’s exactly the impression I had intended to give. It was a mask I’d cultivated over the years so that no one knew that I was as much of a shark as my father was.

  It made people weak. I’d learned a great deal of insider details through the use of this technique and the company had grown ten-fold because of it.

  But now, I had to focus my skills on one man in particular.

  I wanted him to underestimate me. I wanted him to let his guard down so that he’d say things that he wouldn’t say if he thought I was a threat. Things he might say in front of a pretty girl that he’d never say in front of a man.

  “Brooke Mikaels,” a deep masculine voice purred.

  “Dominic Porter,” I answered as smoothly as I could in return.

  “I am delighted that you were able to find the time to meet with me,” he replied, and I had to school my expression to keep myself from giving away what I was really thinking. Even I knew that this meeting wasn’t an option. He’d heard that I was asking questions about him and he wanted to know why. When a man like Dominic requested your presence, you came, or you paid the price.

  I needed answers and right now Dominic was my only lead. My father was gone. Vanished without a trace. He hadn’t even left a note or sent an email to anyone. Now his entire corporation rested on my shoulders in his absence. Which was fine really, but a little advance notice would have been nice, Dad.

  I’d searched his office. Read any file I could get my hands on. I’d pored over every single email he’d received in the last six months for any clue that I could find. One of those emails had been from Dominic. On the surface, it appeared to be just like any innocent business-related email, but I knew how to read between the lines. I knew a carefully concealed threat when I saw one.

  I’d come here not knowing much about him. I knew he was rich. Ungodly rich. He had the kind of money that bought whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. The kind of money that bought untold amounts of power. My father had never even mentioned his name. I hadn’t even known what he had looked like or how he had come by his fortune, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. I started asking questions. I wasn’t quiet about it because I had wanted him to find out and he had. He’d called for me and I’d come. Exactly as I had planned.

  “It is my pleasure,” I said dryly, keeping my voice cheery and unconcerned.

  “Come. Let’s go into my office,” he offered, cocking his head toward a room off to the side of the rather extravagant foyer entry. With a curt nod, I followed him into his study. It was a very large room, but the design was simple. There was a massive dark mahogany desk and its surface was entirely uncluttered with only a computer and keyboard off to the side. In the center were a very nice ballpoint pen and a pad of paper. The walls gave away little about him; nothing about his education or where he’d lived his life. Instead, there were a number of rather abstract oil paintings arranged along each one. I thought they appeared to be inspired by nature, but it was difficult to tell.

  There was a single large heavy wooden bookcase lined with leather binders and books. I scanned the spines of some of them and found that they were related to a variety of different business including aviation, architecture, and a diverse array of others.

  None of it told me much about who Dominic Porter really was. Not even a shred of it told me anything about what he and my father had in common. I’d have to dig deeper.

  He sat down behind his desk and I did the same in one of the two leather armchairs in front of it. I lifted my eyes and took a moment to really study him. To assess the man that might be the reason my father had disappeared in the first place.

  He was attractive. Very attractive. The epitome of tall, dark, and handsome and the kind of face that belonged on the cover of any fashion magazine. He oozed rugged power and carried the air of a man who was used to getting his way. His dark brown hair was slightly mussed as if he had just run his fingers through it. Dark gray eyes flecked with green and blue sparkled as he watched me assess him. His jawline was strong and angular, lined with a carefully trimmed five o’clock shadow. I sat back as his lips tensed. He’d noticed that I was sizing him up.

  He was a big guy. Probably about six feet tall and strong. The white cotton button-up shirt he was wearing did nothing to cover up the endless bulges of firm muscle beneath the expensive fabric. He took care of himself; that much was clear.

  He licked his lips. I smiled, making sure that I kept my expression as nonthreatening and casual as I possibly could.

  “I hear you’ve been asking questions about me,” he began. He dragged out the last few words suggestively, leaving an air of expectation in the room between the two of us. I swallowed quickly and prepared myself for what I had to do, squashing any semblance of fear that I had. I suspected that Dominic had something to do with my father’s disappearance and before I left his penthouse today, I was going to find out exactly what that something was.

  “From what I’ve heard, you’re the kind of man that offers solutions,” I responded cheerily. “You see, my father has disappeared, and I’m really concerned about the state of his company. I just want to make sure that things continue to get paid, like my apartment and cred
it cards and everything. I’m used to a certain lifestyle. I like nice things and I don’t want to be forced to give any of that up because the people that work for him decided to cut me off just because my father decided to take a vacation and not tell anyone.”

  Some of that was true. I did like nice things but what Dominic didn’t know was that I had the company completely under my control. My mother had died when I was young, and my father had raised me by himself. I was his only child and he’d done everything he could to train me in the inner workings of his corporation and business. He paid for the best schools. I’d finished in the top of my class and earned my Master’s in business from one of the most prestigious schools in the country. Behind the scenes, he’d already entrusted me with vast responsibilities in the daily operations of his company. In essence, I was his silent partner and I’d been running it entirely since he had disappeared. Dominic didn’t need to know that though.

  “You’re here to ensure that your allowance is maintained,” he responded, his tone flat. He lifted an eyebrow skeptically as he stared back at me and I took a moment to inspect the bright pink color of my nail polish. Hmm. I’d chipped the paint on my thumb. I’d have to fix that.

  “Yes. I’m hoping you can help me. I planned to use our private jet this weekend to fly to Key West on a shopping trip, but the board of directors has decided they need it instead. This would have never happened if my father was around,” I complained, my voice sounding incredibly whiney and spoiled.

  His right eyebrow rose even higher in disbelief.

  “So... you’ve come to me not to help you find your father but to make sure that your bank account is kept full so you can continue to buy pretty things,” he replied flatly.

  “Exactly,” I replied lightly. “I’m sure my father will show up. He probably just went on a business trip and forgot to tell me or the board of directors.”

  Dominic just stared at me, his judgement clear in his expression. He traced his chin with his thumb as he studied me, trying to figure out if I was serious or not. After several long seconds, his eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed. My ruse was working.

  “I’ve known your father for a very long time, Brooke. Even I know that he would never walk away from his company and tell no one. You should know this better than anyone. You’re his daughter,” he said, his voice lowering as he scolded me.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing,” I responded curtly. “He’ll be back in no time.”

  Dominic cleared his throat.

  “When was the last time you heard from your father?” he asked. With a heavy sigh, he leaned forward toward me and placed his elbows on top of his desk as he clasped his thick fingers together. A small sliver of nervousness began to grow deep in my belly, but I did my best to ignore it.

  “One week ago,” I answered. “He hasn’t been seen in the office since a few days before that though, which is why the board of directors is concerned.”

  “You’re telling me that you haven’t seen him, talked to him, or received any sort of communication with him in over a week?” Dominic asked, his tone revealing his growing concern. The furrow in his brow deepened and as he stared at me, I started to feel the tiniest bit uneasy.

  “That’s right. I saw him before I left to go to Greece last week and I haven’t run into him since I got back on Wednesday,” I replied.

  “This is serious, Brooke. Seth isn’t the type of man to disappear like this. He’s a hardworking man that takes great pride in his work and wouldn’t just walk away from a company that he’s worked to build his whole life,” he said firmly, and I shrugged.

  “I’m sure everything will be fine. He’ll turn up,” I replied. “Wait. You know my father?” I questioned next, taking the opportunity to press him for information since he’d already casually revealed that he was quite familiar with the type of man that my father was.

  He scoffed and shook his head before he dragged his palm across his face. For a long moment, he said nothing and just stared back at me like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  “Seth and I never talked about you specifically, but I’d always envisioned his daughter to be something like him. Intelligent. Logical. Rational-minded. Ruthless when it comes to business,” he mused with a sigh. “I never imagined you to be a spoiled little princess whose only concern would be the money in her purse and the clothes on your back over your own father’s wellbeing.”

  Hook. Line. Sinker.

  “I really don’t think we need to worry. I’m sure he’s just on a trip and will return soon and everything will be fine. I just need to keep the people that work for him happy in the meantime, which is why I need you,” I backpedaled.

  It was obvious he’d bought my entire act. I had wanted him to think I was just an entitled heiress and it was working far better than I had planned for. I wanted him to let his guard down around me so he’d say more than he would around anyone else.

  “How did you know my father anyway? Did you do business together?” I pressed. Now was the perfect time to get information.

  He didn’t answer. Instead, he just sat there for several long moments with a concerned expression on his face.

  “Tell me everything you remember about the last day you saw your father. I want to know every last detail, from what he ate, to what he wore, to where he went that day. I want to know everything that you know,” he demanded.

  I sighed but I didn’t see any other option except to answer.

  I gave him cursory details of everything I could remember from the last time my father and I were together. I told the truth as much as possible while still playing the role of the spoiled rich daughter. I made my major concerns shopping and vacationing instead of the price of our company’s stock and our next major acquisitions contract. I did everything I could to make myself as much of a nonthreat as possible.

  “Seth was never afraid of getting his hands dirty over the years in order to keep the position of his company strong,” Dominic said quietly, and my ears perked up. “I’m sure he made a number of enemies that might wish to take revenge for past wrongs.”

  “What do you mean?” I pressed.

  Again, he ignored my question. Fucker. Maybe I was going to have to change tactics.

  “I need you to understand that this is serious, Brooke,” he said firmly as his eyes rose to meet mine. They were dark and stormy, swirling with a tumultuous depth of emotion that held me captive for a moment too long before I was able to pull myself away.

  “It will be if the board of directors cuts me off,” I replied curtly, lifting my chin in annoyance. I was beginning to get aggravated. He wasn’t revealing information like I had thought he would, so if things didn’t start turning around quickly, I was going to have to resort to plan B.

  He licked his lips and sighed heavily once more before he pressed his palms to the desk and stood up. Casually, he walked around the big piece of furniture, pausing in front of me as he leaned back against it and crossed his arms over his chest. He carried with him an air of tension and danger that left me feeling decidedly off balance. For a minute, I wondered if I’d made the right decision in even coming here at all.

  Dominic Porter was a powerful man. And a dangerous one. He had the kind of money that could make people disappear without a trace. He could wipe a person off the record entirely and he was the only clue I had that might help me in finding my father. Hell, Dominic could be the reason he was even gone in the first place.

  He cleared his throat and my heart jumped.

  “If your father pissed off the wrong people, little girl, they could have taken him. Even worse, he could be dead. If he made them mad enough, that means you could be in danger too. You need to be taking this far more seriously than you are right now,” he chided me.

  “Don’t call me little girl,” I scoffed.

  Who the fuck did he think he was?

  “I will call you whatever I want,” he warned.

  That uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach
compounded and began to grow. I knew that the meeting was over now. Dominic wasn’t going to give me the information I needed, and it was time to cut my losses. I needed to reevaluate, learn more about him, and come back with an entirely new plan. Right now though, I needed to get out of here before this escalated any further.

  “If you don’t want to help me, you could have just said so,” I retorted. Quickly, I pushed myself out of the chair and scowled in his direction. I fisted my hands at my sides and frowned as he stared down at me. I wanted to walk away but his dark glare kept my feet cemented to the floor. I kept telling myself to move but my body just wasn’t responding.

  “I’m going to help you,” he finally said, and I rolled my eyes.

  “I don’t need your help if you don’t want to give it,” I replied.

  “You do. You could be in danger and you need to understand that,” he added next.

  “Honestly, I think you’re overreacting. I’ll pay you whatever you want to keep the board of directors happy and the company running smoothly until my father shows up,” I replied tersely, and his jawline ticked with his restraint. The tension between the two of us was so palpable that I felt like I could cut it with a knife.

  He reached for me and the moment his skin touched mine, a shock of electricity raced straight down to my core. The unexpected reaction caught me off guard and I did my best to shake it off as quickly as I could, but I was sure he had noticed my reaction by the darkening look in his eyes. His finger dragged along the bottom of my chin and lifted my head a bit higher to face him. His eyes narrowed ominously and everything in me wanted to step away from him. I had the sudden feeling that I no longer had control of this meeting. He did.

  “Spoiled princess and all, if anything ever happened to you, I could never look Seth in the eye again, not when I can do something about it. Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to find your father and I’m going to keep you out of danger, even if that means I have to save you from yourself,” he said quietly, and that nervous feeling in the pit of my belly grew even stronger. “But before I begin to look into your father’s disappearance, I’m going to teach you a lesson about how very serious this whole thing is.”


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