Boss: A Dark Mafia Romance

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Boss: A Dark Mafia Romance Page 8

by Sara Fields

  I knew he was right. I didn’t want him to be, but he was. And the worst part about it was that I liked it.

  For a long time after that, he was quiet. He simply traced his fingers up and down my spine or he gently scratched the back of my head as my tears slowed and eventually stopped. I felt like I was floating. I didn’t say anything, but for the very first time, I felt like I had found something that I had been missing my whole life.

  Maybe I needed to be taken in hand like this. Maybe I needed someone to control me like this. To show me that I didn’t always have to be in charge myself.

  And he wanted to know more. He wanted to know who I was.

  I was going to tell him. I was going to tell him everything.

  He reached for my chin and used his thumb to wipe away the remains of my tears. His touch was gentle and caring. Carefully, he lifted my eyes to meet his and his gaze searched mine. Instead of demanding that I speak and tell him my story, he drew me in a sweet kiss that fractured my ice-cold heart into pieces.

  I wanted to hate him. I feared that I loved him.

  He kissed my lips first. After that, he kissed my wet cheeks before he told me to close my eyes. He kissed those next and my heart warmed even more.

  My tears had stopped. My heartbeat had calmed, and my body was beginning to come down to a normal temperature. Finally, when I felt ready to speak, I opened my mouth and I began to tell him my story.

  I told him how my mother had died and how my father had trained me from birth to be a strong independent woman who was capable of running his multimillion-dollar company. I told him that I knew my father’s disappearance was alarming and how I knew that something had likely happened to him. I also confessed that I thought he might be involved based on the email I’d found. I admitted that I’d searched his home in an effort to find any clue that he had left out in the open. Lastly, I conceded that I suspected that it was entirely possible that Dominic had made my father disappear and that he might have even been involved in his death.

  For a long while after that, Dominic was quiet.

  “I understand what you did, little girl, but your suspicions are not correct. I had nothing to do with your father’s disappearance. The two of us were close friends and I had helped him a number of times over the years in order to ensure the future of his company. I’d assisted him in accruing funds, in securing the rising prices of his stocks, in making the rules bend as he grew into other states and eventually other countries. But I was not his only ally. He made other, less desirable connections in the past, many of which eventually soured. He asked for me to help him make the worst ones go away, but I don’t know them all,” he answered.

  I bit my lip.

  “Then if you’re not involved, I have nothing,” I said, unable to hide my sorrow.

  “No. You have me. You have my resources,” he answered. “I won’t leave a single stone unturned. You came here asking for my help and I’m going to give it to you,” he continued, and I stared up at him as I pressed my cheek into his shoulder.

  “You’d do that? How will I repay you?” I asked.

  “Naked. In my bed. Over my knee. However I want,” he replied, and I shivered in his arms. As much as his words made me nervous, they also made me feel comforted. Safe, even. He felt like my protector.

  “Yes, sir,” I whispered, curling into his chest.

  “You will obey me though, little girl. I wasn’t lying when I said this might be dangerous. If you disobey me, I will punish you as thoroughly as necessary. I won’t hesitate to redden your bottom or to fuck you hard enough to make all of your little holes sore. Is that clear?” he said firmly, and I trembled a little as I lay against him.

  “Yes, sir. I understand,” I answered. I had no doubts that he would. My gaze dragged across the room, only stopping on the black leather of his belt on the floor.

  This lesson was a hard one. One that I wasn’t going to forget anytime soon.

  But maybe, just maybe it had been worth it.

  Dominic Porter was going to help me find my father and he was a very powerful man with very powerful connections.

  If anyone could find my father, he was the man who was going to do it.

  Chapter Five


  Seth Mikaels was a ruthless businessman and I could see much of him in his daughter. Not only was she beautiful, but she carried with her a sense of courage and bravery that was quite rare. While her plan to figure out my involvement in her father’s disappearance had ultimately failed, I respected the way she’d gone about it. She’d been so incredibly good at pulling off the spoiled rich daughter act that even I had bought it. She’d tricked me and it took a very strong and intelligent person to pull one over on me. She was a woman worthy of the world.

  She didn’t need a man to help her get things done, but she was going to get one. She was going to get me, and she didn’t have the slightest choice about it.

  She was mine now.

  Curled up in my arms, completely naked and satisfied, she looked innocent. Happy, even. She’d lain her head on my shoulder and wound herself around me even more closely than before, holding onto me like a safety blanket. She traced her small fingers along the collar of my shirt, just touching my neck almost as if she was afraid to touch me. I took her fingers in mine and pressed my lips gently to her knuckles. I returned her fingers to my throat to reassure her that I wanted her to continue. She grew a bit bolder after that and I could have sworn I saw her lips tug up slightly in a tentative smile.

  Several hours had passed and I could see the sun beginning to set outside the window. After her breathing had calmed and returned to normal, I lifted her up in my arms and took her with me into the restroom. I filled up the large claw-foot tub with her still clinging to my chest and when it was ready, I slowly slid her body into the warm water.

  I was going to bathe her and this time I planned to be gentle with her.

  Carefully, I dipped her head back and kept water from getting in her eyes as I wet her hair. I used shampoo first, taking extra time to massage my fingers into her scalp so that she sighed with pleasure. Next, I cleansed her body, using a soft Egyptian cotton washcloth. With great care, I washed her pussy clean, before I slipped the cloth in between her bottom cheeks. She sucked in a nervous breath that was laced with pain.

  She was sore and rightly so.

  I didn’t dwell there and instead rinsed the small towel before I finished washing the rest of her body. I massaged her sore muscles with my fingers, and she relaxed under my touch. Finally, I poured a liberal amount of conditioner into my palm before I kneaded it into the long beautiful strands of her hair. Lastly, I brushed out every knot in her long locks with the conditioner still in it, ensuring that I was as tender as possible.

  She allowed me to care for her in silence, her body soft and submissive as I cleansed her of the events of the past twenty-four hours.

  “I want you to relax now. I’m going to bring you a glass of wine and then I’m going to make a few calls. Tomorrow, we’ll start looking into your father’s disappearance. Together,” I said softly, and she nodded, dropping her eyes deferentially to the floor.

  “I’d like that, sir,” she replied.

  “Red or white, little girl?” I asked next.

  “Red, sir,” she answered as she lay her head back against the edge of the bathtub. I left the room and padded into the kitchen. I popped open an expensive bottle of Syrah, before I poured her a generous portion into a stemless glass. I gathered a healthy portion of cheeses, meats, and fruit for her to eat as well because neither of us had eaten since breakfast. I returned to the bathroom and found her exactly where I’d left her. I placed the wine and the food on a table next to the claw-foot tub and she reached for it. I watched her take a small sip and she hummed quietly in enjoyment.

  “This is delicious,” she murmured, and I smiled.

  “I’ll be in my office for a short bit. I will come to check on you, but if you want to get out before
I do, you will come tell me and then it will be time for you to go to bed,” I said, my voice firm but quiet. She bit her lip before she nodded, raising her eyes to meet mine.

  “Good girl,” I added, and she smiled in response. I stood and let my eyes linger on her naked form, enjoying the sight of her bare body beneath the water. She really was a beautiful little thing and just the sight of her made my cock harden beneath my slacks. I ignored it and continued to gaze back at her, taking in her pretty pink nipples and her gorgeous curves. I recalled the look on her face when she’d come for me, the way her lips had opened, and her eyes had fluttered with arousal. I remembered the way she’d writhed beneath me and I yearned to press my cock deep between her thighs once more. But there would be more opportunities for that because the more time I spent with her, the more I realized that I wanted more of her. I wanted to keep her for myself.

  As mine. For the rest of her days.

  Her eyes turned back to meet my own and I could have sworn I saw interest there too. At the very least, I saw desire in her eyes and that was more than enough for me for now.

  “Enjoy your bath, little girl,” I said.

  “I will, sir,” she replied, her voice full of contentment and satisfaction.

  This pleased me.

  I turned away and left the bathroom, leaving her to finish her bath in peace. I strode to my office and powered on my computer, before logging into my encrypted access to the web. I sent several emails inquiring about Seth Mikaels and after that, I made several phone calls. Before long, I had the internal records of Seth’s company going back twenty years to the date of its founding.

  I was going to get to the bottom of his disappearance, and use everything at my disposal in order to do it. Before I started going through the records though, I picked up my phone and dialed the number of a man who had worked for me for years. I trusted him explicitly.

  “Richardson,” I said curtly the moment he picked up on the other line.

  “Mr. Porter,” he answered. Always so respectful. It was something I especially liked about him. He was ex-military and had a certain set of skills that I found extraordinarily useful. Not only did he have a knack for detective work, but he was also an exceptional coder who could find information at the drop of a hat. I paid him especially well and he was incredibly loyal to me.

  “I have a job for you. I’m going to send you access codes to some company files, Mikaels Communications and Data Systems. I want you to look into everyone that put money into the corporation. I want to know if any of them have connection to powerful people, organized crime, the mob, whether it be American, Italian, Russian, or the Japanese Yakuza or whoever else it could be,” I instructed, and he listened as I spoke.

  “Of course. I’ll have a list of suspect donations by tomorrow evening,” he answered.

  “I’d appreciate it as soon as possible,” I replied.

  “Duly noted. I’ll give you a call by lunchtime, Mr. Porter,” he said in return.

  “Good. I look forward to it,” I murmured before I hung up the phone.

  I scrolled through the records myself and saw nothing especially suspicious in my cursory inspection. Another half hour passed before I heard the telltale sound of footsteps in the hallway. I looked up to see Brooke, still damp from her bath. She’d wrapped one of my oversized towels around her body and was waiting in the doorway, looking a bit unsure of herself.

  “Are you ready for bed, little girl?” I asked her, deciding to take charge.

  “Yes, sir,” she nodded, keeping her voice low. She looked up from beneath her thick eyelashes, her expression demure as she watched me. I stood up and left my work, slowly walking over to her. I slipped my arm around her waist and led her back to the bedroom. I was gentle, but my movements were firm, leaving her with no question that I expected her to comply. She was beautifully obedient, and I felt my lips curl up in a smile.

  She was a very good little submissive after she’d been properly taken in hand. I liked that. Quite a lot.

  I liked it so much that I wanted to keep her. For myself.

  Once we reached the bed, I took the towel and pulled it from her body.

  “You will sleep naked to remind you that when you are with me, you aren’t in control. I am and I will decide when you are bare for me and when you are allowed the privilege of covering this beautiful body with clothing,” I said quietly, and I watched as a delightful shiver raced down her spine. I curled my arms around her waist and dipped my fingers between her thighs. She didn’t fight me, and I was proud of her for it.

  She had accepted her place.

  “You’re wet for me,” I observed out loud and the quiet gasp that escaped her lips was like music to my ears.

  “Yes, sir,” she whimpered, and my cock throbbed with blood. I pressed my erection between her naked cheeks, and she pulled in a breath as I showed her exactly how much I wanted her. She pushed back against me.

  She wanted me too.


  She was going to have to wait until morning though. I’d used her hard quite a bit since she’d walked in my door and she needed her rest.

  “Climb into bed now,” I instructed, and I heard her huff softly in disappointment. I decided to ignore it. This time.

  She crawled beneath the covers and I pulled them up to cover her. She laid her head on the pillow and watched me as I undressed. I unbuttoned my shirt, kicked off my slacks, and climbed into bed with her in just a pair of black cotton boxers. I pulled her close to me, my arm around her waist and she leaned back against me, her damp hair pressing against the skin of my chest.

  “Sleep now. We will start working together in the morning to find your father. In the meantime, you will rest,” I ordered, and she nodded. Within minutes, her breathing had slowed, and her body relaxed against mine. She’d never admit it, but she was exhausted from the events of the past day. I could tell she was. She’d been especially quiet, likely reflecting on her punishment and how it had made her feel. I’d put her through enough for the time being and she needed to come to terms with how things were going to be now that she belonged to me.

  I knew this was new for her. I doubted she’d ever lost control like she had with me and she was dealing with how she felt. Tomorrow, I’d show her that even though I held all the power between the two of us that I also respected the value of her mind.

  I had every intention of working with her to find her father as a team, but that wasn’t going to stop me from enjoying her beautiful little body whenever I wanted. With a deep breath, I enjoyed the scent of vanilla and sweet berries that radiated off her freshly cleansed skin and I closed my own eyes, imagining the multitudes of ways that I could claim her that would leave her moaning and writhing in my arms.

  There were so very many. Eventually, she’d learn all of them.

  I fell asleep and dreamed of her bare little body all night. When we woke in the morning, the sun had already risen. I treated Brooke to a home-cooked breakfast once again, all while keeping her completely naked just because I wanted her to be. She blushed rather beautifully every time she noticed that I was admiring her bared form, especially so when I gazed down at the hardened nipples of her breasts and the swollen folds of her pussy. If I was a betting man, I’d put money on the fact that it made her wet. She was probably soaked.

  After we finished eating, I brought her into my office and sat her down on my knee. I showed her the records I had gathered, and she breathed out a worried sigh.

  “How did you get these?” she asked. “These go back to when my father’s company was first established and were behind extensive firewalls for their protection.”

  “I pay a number of people very well to perform certain tasks for me. They’re very good at what they do,” I told her.

  “The amount of power you have is unhealthy,” she retorted.

  She was sitting on one thigh and her legs were spread slightly. I laid my palm overtop of her mound and just held it there, causing her to still as she
waited for what I was going to do next.

  “I have the kind of money that buys me very powerful allies in very powerful places,” I answered. She trembled slightly in my arms and I grinned, enjoying the effect I was having on her. I decided to leave my hand where it was, a constant reminder to her that I could spank that pretty pussy whenever I liked, that I was in control and she wasn’t.

  “Now, I want to know if you recognize any of these names, whether they be someone you know or a corporation that seems out of place amongst those that paid into the company. We will inspect the records together and you will tell me what you know about the ones we highlight as potential enemies your father might have incurred,” I said and she leaned forward, placing her elbows on my desk as she gazed at the computer screen.

  “Maybe we should start at the beginning,” she offered.

  “That is a good idea,” I answered.

  For the next several hours, I kept her on my knee while we scrolled through the files together. She picked up on a couple of suspect companies and I took note of them all, intending to research if they were real or sham corporations for something else. Her father had money coming in from all over the world and it was difficult for either of us to pinpoint deposits that didn’t fit into the normal patterns in his income but working together as a team proved to be enough to identify some of them.

  When it was time for lunch, my phone rang. It was Richardson. He’d made good on his word. I smiled and answered, putting it on speakerphone so that Brooke could hear what he had to say too. I wanted her to trust me and when it came to her father, I’d hide nothing from her. She needed to know that.

  “Richardson,” I said.

  “Mr. Porter,” he replied.

  “Tell me what you found,” I initiated.

  “Most of the deposits and payments are to legitimate companies, but I was able to identify a number of suspect donations originating from a number of names out of Japan. Many of them turned out to be sham corporations but upon further digging, I found out that they were tied to a number of major stockholders, all of Japanese origin. Your suspicion of mafia ties seems to be a distinct possibility, as one of them has been identified as Yakuza before and many others are rumored to be as well,” he explained.


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