Boss: A Dark Mafia Romance

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Boss: A Dark Mafia Romance Page 10

by Sara Fields

  The television was on in front of me, but I was hardly paying attention. Instead, I was thinking about everything that had happened between us since I’d walked into the doors of his penthouse apartment. He’d been overbearing, a true alpha male who expected my complete and utter obedience, but I’d never be the kind of woman to put up with that kind of behavior. For some reason though, I had, and it threw me decidedly off balance.

  I didn’t understand it. I was strong. Hell, since my father had disappeared, I’d been the one running his multimillion-dollar company. I’d procured a number of profitable deals in that time, increasing the value of our stocks too. I earned my salary. Every penny of it.

  Dominic couldn’t control me. I wouldn’t allow it.

  I knew more about my father’s disappearance now though than when I started. He’d made deals with very dangerous people and when he’d refused doing something that they requested, they’d taken him to Tokyo. The fact that they were tied to the Japanese mob even scared me a little.

  The problem was that I still needed Dominic and his connections. If we were to continue though, I was going to have to stand up for myself. I couldn’t allow my heart and the place between my thighs to dictate how I behaved with him.

  We’d had our twenty-four hours. That was all I was going to allow.

  I took a deep breath and lifted my head.

  “Dominic, we need to talk,” I began, careful to keep my voice steady and brave.

  “Do we now?” he answered, lifting his eyebrow with gentle suspicion at my tone.

  “What happened at your penthouse can’t happen again. I’m not that kind of woman. I’m the current head of my father’s company and I have to remain focused on that,” I started.

  He stared back at me, his expression an enigma.

  “I am your equal. The two of us will find my father and then we’ll go our separate ways,” I continued. He carefully shut his laptop and put it off to the side. His gaze darkened and a very small ball of anxiety began to grow deep in the pit of my belly.

  He stood up and walked over to my seat. He offered me a hand.

  “Take it,” he warned, his voice expectant.

  It was like his voice had switched something inside me and without thinking, I put my fingers within his. He jerked me up and I stood there staring up into those gray eyes, trying to figure out what was next to come. For a long minute, he was quiet, and he reached for me with his other hand. With tender care, he grazed his thumb along my chin and along my lip, reminding me that he could be as kind as he could be cruel. I waited anxiously for his next move, wondering what he would do. The seconds ticked by painfully slowly and he finally began to speak.

  “You see, little girl, I think you are clearly confused. The moment you walked into my apartment, you became mine. Mine to do with as I please. This beautiful body will wear my mark and my seed whenever I desire, and you don’t have the slightest choice about it. I can see that you aren’t used to giving into someone more powerful than you, so I’m going to have to remind you of your place quite often, aren’t I?” he explained as his tone dropped an octave, a clear indication that things were about to become much more dangerous for me.

  “My place?” I whispered.

  “Yes. Naked. Soaking wet. Marked. Mine,” he answered.

  I remembered myself.

  “I’m not yours,” I countered. “You can’t do this to me.”

  “I can do whatever I like with what is mine,” he replied, and his jawline tensed. His lips curled up in a smirk and I tried to take a step back, but he still held my fingers firmly in his palm. I tried to dig my nails into his skin to break free and even attempted to bring my knee up between his legs. He blocked my assault with his thigh and twisted his hand so that he held my wrist instead. None of my efforts to escape his grasp worked.

  He spun me around and pulled the zipper of the dress down. I tried to fight back, but he swiftly grasped the hair at the back of my scalp and pulled it hard enough that I squeaked in agony and had to stand on the tips of my toes in order to alleviate the pain, at least a little. He finished unzipping my dress and pushed it down my shoulders. The pretty satin fell to the floor in a heap. Next, he unclasped my bra and that joined the pile too. Lastly, he jerked my panties down my hips and slid them down my legs, leaving me entirely naked in his presence once again.

  “Kick off your heels, little girl,” he commanded.

  I refused.

  With the hand not holding my hair, he grasped my left nipple within his fingers. With remarkable swiftness, he pinched it roughly and twisted it hard enough so that I couldn’t contain my cry of pain. Splintering agony fluttered across my breast and I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to cope with the burn at the back of my scalp and the unending bite of his fingers on my nipple. He didn’t release it. If anything, he just twisted it harder and I whimpered quietly as I fought the advent of tears.

  I gave in so that the pain might stop. I kicked off one heel and then the other. When both of my feet were finally flat on the soft carpet, he released my nipple and my whimpers of pain were loud and pitiful, even to my own ears.

  “Did you already forget how I can punish you, little girl? Do you already yearn to sob over my knee once more?” he warned, and I gritted my teeth.

  “I can’t give in,” I retorted.

  “You need to accept that is no longer up to you, little girl,” he answered.

  Every time he called me that I could feel my resolve breaking down. I could feel my will to fight begin to ebb away and no matter how much I tried to will myself not to, I found it to be a losing battle. And the worst part of it all was that it turned me on.

  “I think you’re scared of what has happened to your father and you’re lashing out at me so I remind you that I have full control and no matter what happens, I will keep you safe,” he said gently and I gritted my teeth as I considered his words.

  I licked my lips and his palm rose to caress the front of my bare throat, curling around it and tightening just a hair. I drew in a nervous breath at the maneuver, fully aware that with a tighter grip that he could cut off my ability to draw in air. He didn’t. Instead he just held it there while I came to terms with what he said.

  “You feel out of control of the situation yourself, so you want me to take it, don’t you, little girl?” he asked.

  I was certainly scared for my father. He’d gotten involved with very dangerous and powerful people and for all I knew, he could be dead lying in an alley somewhere in Tokyo. I felt helpless and I hated that I needed Dominic, but I knew I couldn’t find my father without him. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right.

  I did want him to take control but there was something else and I realized that I wanted to tell him, so I did.

  “I want to forget about it all. For a little while, sir,” I whispered, and his grip tightened a little bit on my throat. His fingers jerked my head back a little more and a fresh wave of pain rolled over my scalp. This time though, I welcomed the feeling because I found myself wanting it. Needing it.

  He released my neck and dragged his fingertips between my breasts to venture down my belly and over top of my pussy. He slid a single finger into my folds and discovered that I was wet for him.

  He circled around my clit, pinching it lightly before he pressed down on it a little more firmly. I moaned softly and bit my lower lip when I realized what I had done. He slapped my pussy hard and I gasped with surprise.

  “Naughty girls don’t get to come until they understand their rightful place,” he said firmly, and I shivered with desire at his words. His other hand squeezed my naked backside and I sucked in a heated breath, too nervous about what he might do to say anything at all. When he did it again, I found myself pushing into his grasp, so very shamefully desperate for more.

  “Wet. Needy. Beautiful,” he murmured, and I trembled in his embrace. “Come, you will put yourself over my knee because I think you need it.”

  He took me by the hand and led
me over to the elegant leather couch. He took a seat and guided me over his lap. I didn’t fight him.

  I should have, but I didn’t.

  I realized I didn’t want to. I wanted him to take control, to punish me when he thought I needed it, to take control whenever he liked. His fingers brushed over my bare bottom and I gasped as electric shivers of pleasure buzzed across my skin. My pussy tightened with need and I wondered how long it would be until he allowed me to come. If he would let me, that is.

  The unknown always left me guessing and wanting more.

  The first spank echoed inside the small plane and I was suddenly afraid that the pilot could hear. If he did, he said nothing over the intercom and the door to the cockpit never opened. For several moments, Dominic spanked me slowly, warming up my backside as the intensity of each punishing slap began to increase. I squirmed, still caught up in the desire to come for him. The more he spanked me, the more I remembered just how much his heavy palm had hurt the first time.

  “Wait, please,” I pleaded, and he ignored me, simply spanking me harder.

  “Did you forget that it isn’t up to you when this will end? It’s up to me, little girl, and I will punish this beautiful bottom of yours until I decide that it has had enough,” he said, and I shuddered.

  He was hard against me. Unbelievably hard.

  I licked my lips and when he grasped me and pressed me against him, it only made me yearn for him more.

  I wanted him to fuck me. I wanted to feel him deep inside my pussy. I wanted to come all over that cock.

  He slapped my thighs and I remembered myself after that. I couldn’t stop myself from crying out as he punished the backs of my legs and the lower curves of my bottom cheeks. With every smack, he reminded me that he was in charge and I was left feeling the sting from his palm long after each strike.

  “Such a pretty pink bottom. I’m going to enjoy spanking it until it turns bright red,” he warned, and I gasped as the punishment grew harder and much more intense. His hand felt like a brand, marking my backside and teaching me a lesson I wouldn’t ever forget.

  I yelped. I squirmed and I tried to avoid his painfully hard palm, but to no avail. Every spank met its mark, reminding me that he was ultimately in charge and I wasn’t. Each time I thought he couldn’t punish me any harder, he did until I was close to tears.

  My sounds grew more desperate and just when I thought I was going to cry, he paused my spanking and lightly brushed his fingertips along my stinging skin. His touch seemed more vivid and when he scratched his nails along my flesh, I whimpered at the ache that ensued, both with pain and with pleasure.

  “Open your thighs. Show me what is mine,” he instructed, and I bit my lip as I obeyed. I knew what he would find. My pussy was wet. It was wet for him.

  His thick digits slid along my wet folds until he found my clit.

  “I have a gift for you,” he said as he reached beneath the pillow on the couch. He pulled out a small velvet bag and handed it to me. “Open it.”

  I did and when I saw what was inside, I very nearly pushed myself off his lap. He kept me in place though and it was soon very clear to me that I wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Tell me what it is,” he pressed, and I could feel myself blushing with embarrassment.

  “It’s a plug for my bottom,” I whispered nervously. My mouth felt dry.

  It was a sizable steel plug and it felt heavy in my palm. At one end was a deep blue jewel and even though I didn’t want to admit it, it was a rather pretty color. The other end was pointed, meant for pressing into my asshole. Its widest point left me feeling decidedly nervous, enough to want to throw it across the room.

  “Hand it to me now, little girl,” he commanded, and I found myself obeying without even thinking about it.

  “Sometimes I’ll remind you of your place by spanking this beautiful backside of yours. Sometimes I’ll punish your tight little asshole instead. Today, I’m going to punish this beautiful bottom of yours, both inside and out,” he said firmly. While he spoke, he took the metal plug and slid it along my folds, slickening its surface with the rampant wetness between my thighs. Then he spread my bottom wide with his fingers before he placed the tip of the plug right on top of my naughtiest hole.

  I blushed as he touched me there. He pressed the plug down, increasing the pressure and despite my body’s reluctance, my tight rim of muscle began to give way. He hadn’t prepared me at all, so the plug hurt quite a bit, stretching me painfully wide. I cried out as the burning pain raced up my spine and I squirmed. I tried to relax but the more I attempted to calm myself, the more tense I became.

  With one rough push, he inserted the plug completely and an incredibly intense burst of agony made me cry out. After several moments, the pain faded considerably, and I knew that my body had begun to accept the foreign feeling of having a plug inside me.

  “Sir,” I murmured softly.

  “Good girl. You took that well,” he said, his words reassuring as I slowly began to settle.

  The plug was heavy, and my bottom felt so very full. I wriggled just a little and the toy moved with me. There was a subtle ache that lingered, a constant reminder that Dominic had decided to punish my bottom hole whether I wanted it or not.

  That lack of choice had made me wet. I was so sore, but so very aroused too.

  His fingers dipped between my legs and he found exactly that.

  “Do you think you deserve to come for me, little girl?” he asked, and he lightly pinched my clit. His teasing touch caused my inner walls to flutter with excitement and I moaned quietly as pleasure twisted hard in my core.

  “Please, sir,” I begged.

  “Answer the question, little girl, or you’ll be wearing a much larger plug as punishment instead,” he warned.

  “Yes, sir. I deserve to come for you,” I quickly answered, not wanting to experience a larger one when the one already inside me had hurt quite a bit.

  “I think so too. You took your spanking and the plug very well and I think you have earned a reward,” he replied, and my hips rocked against his fingers in hopes that he would continue to touch the needy little bud in between my legs.

  He did and I groaned with appreciation. His thumb settled on top of the plug and he gently pressed on it at the same time as he taunted my clit. I was so aroused and there wasn’t anything I could do to fight it. My pussy tightened with desire and my aching bottom hole clenched around the plug, which hurt more than I was prepared for. Instead of chasing away my passion though, it only seemed to strengthen it. I wanted to come even more than I did before.

  Pain and pleasure warred inside me, neither one gaining over the other. My thighs trembled with need and I did everything I could to press my clit more firmly against his fingers. As if he knew what I was doing, he kept touching me just lightly enough to tease but not hard enough to give me the release that I so badly wanted.

  The more he taunted me, the more I felt like a trembling wire, coiled so tight that I wondered if I would break.

  Naked. Spanked, plugged, and so very wet over his knee.

  I could feel myself beginning to lose control.

  “Please,” I begged. I was so close, and I needed to come like I needed air to breathe.

  Every muscle in my body was tense with desire. I was so very hot, my skin a feverish mass of sensation that threatened to ignite into a fiery blaze of passionate release.

  “Come hard for me, little girl,” he demanded, and my world fractured as my body obeyed his command. I screamed with my orgasm and writhed over his thighs as pleasurable bliss took over every single one of my senses. I was blinded with my ecstasy as his fingers tortured my clit and his thumb jostled the plug, reigniting the painful ache of my bottom hole. I came even harder because of it.

  “Oh, please, sir,” I moaned and the pressure of his touch increased, forcing me to experience wave after wave of pleasure as I came for him. As I thought about how I must look over his thighs, I quivered as a second more powe
rful orgasm followed in the wake of the first.

  “You will come a great many times before you’re allowed to stop. Tonight, little girl, this beautiful little body is mine to do with as I please,” he murmured, and I couldn’t stop my next orgasm from crashing over me.

  My hips rolled and every muscle in my body tightened with my release. I cried out as I lost control. I squirmed and writhed over his knee with my bottom burning, inside and out. I came so hard that my thighs clenched tightly together, and I couldn’t open them no matter how much I tried to fight it.

  My eyes rolled back in my head and I squeezed them shut, the lights around me too bright as I drowned in my orgasm. My pussy clenched tightly, desperate to be filled and I hoped that he would reward me with his cock very soon.

  He made me come a total of five times as I lay over his lap, enough so that my little clit was starting to get sore. Each one tore through me like a hurricane, whipping me up into a frenzy as I came again and again. Every orgasm was more intense than the last and I struggled to take each one, but I did because that’s what he asked of me.

  When I thought I couldn’t take any more, he grasped me by the waist and lifted me up into his arms. With very little effort, he stood and pressed my back down on the seat of the couch.

  After that, he unbuckled his belt and I licked my lips, remembering how not very long ago that very same piece of leather had whipped both my backside and my pussy until both were bright red.

  My pussy clenched tight as he freed his cock.

  He was going to fuck me, and I hoped he wasn’t going to be gentle.

  He wasn’t.

  He climbed over top of me and slammed into me without warmup or any preparation. His thick cock stretched my pussy wide and I cried out as a sudden stab of pain twisted in my core. With the large plug in my bottom, his cock felt even bigger. My body struggled to take both, but I knew I didn’t have a choice.

  That very thought turned me on.

  His hips pistoned roughly into mine, punishing my pussy hard and giving me exactly what I needed. Again and again he fucked me until I knew I was close to orgasm once more. I couldn’t hold back this time and it shattered me even more than the others had.


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