Calling Mrs Claus

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Calling Mrs Claus Page 6

by Charlie Conwell

  Ann is impressed and now understands Lina’s reluctance, “You think that by doing the project with me that it will be too commercial for you and take away from the soul reason of your creations?”

  Before Lina can respond the waitress is back again with their main course. Again, the first few minutes is savouring the taste of the food. “Yes and no to your question, I think that you have a deeper understanding of the story behind my pieces. I saw it by the way you told me the story of the centrepiece. You have a deep sincerity there that I cannot deny. The part I don’t like is the commercial, magazine side and I know, I know it’s the way your business works. I’m not a fool, I just don’t want to become one of those people that are stuck in a magazine with no appreciation of why and what I do. I would be a commodity to you and the store. That’s not how I work, I would rather make things and receive no money for them knowing that I have passed on kindness and joy. Does the project intrigue me? Of course, it does, I’m not an idiot. I have ideas swirling in my mind since you came to meet me.”

  Ann nods as she listens, “How about if we keep your name a mystery and to show you that I am not just there to use you. We can give whatever you make to whomever you want?”

  Lina is trying to think of some way to say no. Ann recognises the signs, “Come on Lina, throw me a freaking bone here. You are the best artist I know, and I know that you will be able to work to deadlines and I need that. Do you want me to get on my knees and beg? Is that what it's going to take?”

  Lina bites her lip and quirks her eyebrow, “You want to get on your knees for me?”

  Ann hears the undercurrent in Lina’s voice, blushes and shakes her head, “Not like that big head and anyway I don’t want to go near your frosty knickers my tongue would get frostbite and get stuck there.”

  Lina bursts out laughing, “You really need to stop calling me that, I am a hot-blooded female through and through. So hot, I would scorch you.”

  Now it is Ann’s turn to laugh out loud, “Oh my God, you’re killing me. Are you going to come and join me in this project?”

  Lina cocks her head to the side, “I will do it on one condition?”

  “Only one?”

  Lina sticks out her tongue, “The condition is that you have to say the following; Lina Wouters, you are the hottest and most intriguing woman I know, and I need you.”

  Ann almost chokes on her drink, “You are joking, I’m not saying that!”

  Lina is enjoying the blush on Ann’s cheeks, puts her knife and fork down and folds her arms, “I’m afraid we have come to another impasse, Miss Peeters.”

  Ann hears the banter in Lina’s voice and knows how stubborn she is. She sighs and rolls her eyes, “Lina Wouters, you are an incredible artist and I need your help.”

  Lina cocks her head to the side, “That was a nice try but nope, that is not what was the condition of our deal.”

  She bites her lip as Ann tuts and folds her arms narrowing her eyes, “You really want me to stroke your ego?”

  “The question is, how much do you need me on this project?”

  Ann grinds her teeth and finally acquiesces, “Fine, oh my God, Lina Wouters, you are the hottest and most intriguing woman I know.”

  Lina rolls her finger urging her to keep going and laughs at the look Ann throws her, “And I need you. There are you satisfied now?”

  Lina laughs and claps her hands, “For now, yes, that was fun.”

  “I’m glad you are amused, I’m now thinking of having the dessert myself you can order your own.”

  Lina gasps, “Oh you’re a bad loser, you can’t do that, that’s mean.”

  “Mean my butt, I had to just spout out some crap to get you to join my project, you are not getting my dessert.”

  Lina pouts, “It wasn’t all crap, you do like me and that really annoys you that you do.”

  Ann blushes harder making Lina laugh, “See! I’m right, now be sweet and order dessert for us to share.”

  Ann cocks her head to the side, “You know you sound all brave when you have the upper hand, but I also know that you like me but are too stubborn to admit that. I think a lack of dessert might be in order to tame you.”

  “Tame me! I’m not an animal!”

  Ann laughs, “I didn’t call you an animal, I just merely said that I need to train you into my way of thinking.”

  Lina laughs out loud, “You are deluded.”

  “Am I? So, tell me, what would you do if I leaned across the table and kissed you?”

  Lina blushes and stutters much to Ann’s amusement. She is shocked by her own statement but is loving seeing Lina squirm.

  Again, the waitress comes to Lina’s rescue, “Are we all finished here? Can I interest you in some dessert?”

  Lina is still reeling giving Ann the upper hand, “Yes, could I have the Joy of Chocolate please, that one over there doesn’t deserve dessert so no need to ask her for her choice.”

  The waitress is unsure what to do and looks at Lina who is blushing hard. Ann touches her wrist, “Okay, maybe bring two spoons with the dessert.”

  The waitress is relieved and leaves them alone again. Ann is enjoying teasing Lina but is taken aback when Lina leans over the table cups her cheeks and kisses her softly on the lips. Ann is stunned and takes a second for the kiss to register and for her to respond. It doesn’t last long, and Lina sits down grinning again. Ann puffs out her cheeks, “Maybe you deserve dessert after all.”

  Lina raises an eyebrow and starts to grin, Ann holds up her hand, “Not that kind of dessert…well not yet anyway. Damn this evening has taken a completely different route than I thought it would.”

  She fans herself with her hand and Lina can’t resist, “See I told you that statement about me was right.”

  Ann throws her napkin at Lina laughing. Their dessert arrives and Lina looks at what could only be described as art on a plate.

  “So, here you have a milk chocolate mousse with a dark chocolate fondant on a speculoos crumb and a raspberry coulis. I hope you enjoy ladies.”

  Ann grins, “Oh I intend to.”

  She gathers some of the mousse up on her spoon and seductively licks the chocolate off it. Her eyes never leave Lina’s who is now squirming in her chair watching her.

  Ann hands Lina a spoon but she shakes her head, “I think I would rather watch you eat it.”

  Ann laughs, “I will feed you, open up oh high and mighty Miss Wouters.”

  Lina chuckles but does as she is asked. “Oh my God, that is so nice.”

  “You’re welcome, your majesty.”

  Lina rolls her eyes and grins, “I could get used to that title, much better than the last one.”

  “Don’t even think that I am going to call you that from now on. You will be lucky if I call you Lina, I’m already thinking, torture, annoying are the better adjectives to describe you.”

  They tease each other some more while they enjoy their dessert. The dinner comes to an end and as they leave the restaurant neither one wants the night to end yet.

  “Do you want to go for a little walk before we get a cab home?”

  “Why would we get a cab?”

  Ann laughs, “We drank two bottles of Cava.”

  “Oh, that’s right, I forgot that a cab is a good idea. Maybe a walk is needed.”

  Chapter 9

  Both ladies are quiet as they walk down one of the beautiful cobbled streets. Ann looks across at Lina who is a little tipsy, but she seems so relaxed. Ann can’t help but smile.

  “Why are you looking at me?”

  Even in the dark, under the streetlight, she spots the blush on Ann’s cheeks and smiles triumphantly.

  “It’s just been such a nice evening and you just look so relaxed at this moment. I’m glad I’m here to share it with you.”

  Lina grins, “I don’t think I’ve been this relaxed in quite some time.” She looks over at Ann and can’t resist teasing her. “I should drink Cava more often since it makes me feel this way.”
  Ann laughs and bumps Lina’s shoulder, Lina laughs and puts her arm around Ann’s shoulders pulling her in close to her side. Ann is surprised by the movement but wraps her arm around Lina’s waist. “You’re an ass.”

  “I know, but you still like me.”

  “Maybe just a little.”

  Lina grins and leads her over to a nearby bench, “Let’s sit here we can chat some more.”

  They both sit down and breathe in the cold night air. “I have talked a lot about myself tonight, I want to hear all about you now.”

  Ann grimaces, “There’s not much to tell, but you have opened up to me so it’s only right that I open up to you too. Here it goes. I grew up in a small village in West Flanders. Like you, we were not the wealthiest family. My mother was a seamstress and could transform any piece of material into beautiful clothes. I think that’s where my love of clothes came from. She would make me my clothes and I would walk around so proud knowing no one had the same outfit as me. I was in the original Inge Peeters, it’s what I always told her when she would make me something new. I’m an only child, no brothers or sisters. That was a little lonely for me, but I had friends. My mother taught me everything she knew about dressmaking. We spent many evenings sewing together and comparing new pieces. My father worked hard, and they are the most romantic couple I know. They would dance by the fire and the way they look at each other even now you can tell they are madly in love. They always wanted me to succeed and scraped the money together to send me to college. I did business and marketing and excelled in it. I came out with top marks and got into the Willems store where I work to this day. I have an eye for detail and knowing what would appeal to our customers. I was a very successful personal shopper and Mr Willems saw my potential and gave me more responsibility. Suddenly, I was running my own department store and I love it. I’m in control of everything that comes through that door. My mother and father are so proud of me. I paid them back for all they gave to me, I was able to take over their mortgage and because it was a low amount, their house is now paid off and for the first time, they can just enjoy life. I have everything I could want in life except someone to share it with. I came out to my parents when I went to college and they were supportive. They met my ex-girlfriend and loved her, she just fitted into the family easily. Everything was going so well or so I thought and then five years ago on Christmas Eve, she arrived at my house, as usual, we always exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve. I had her gift ready and she wouldn’t sit down and just blurted out that it was over, and she was sorry, but she couldn’t stay with me any longer. She turned on her heel and left the house with no explanation, no nothing. Let’s just say I don’t share in the same Christmas spirit anymore. She took the joy out of one of my favourite times of the year. Working in a department store you know that Christmas is planned early, and this year has put the top hat on it with Mr Willems and his transforming upstairs into what he has dubbed as Willems’ Winter Wonderland. He could have chosen anyone, but no, he had to pick me and give this job to me.”

  She goes quiet and Lina pulls her tighter into her body holding her close. “I can’t believe someone can do that to another person. She is a horrible human being and you definitely deserve better than her. I knew there was a creative side to you when you talked about my centrepiece. Your mother sounds incredible and I have had another little idea for our project if you would be interested? Your boss chose you because you are the best and he knows that. You can carry out what he needs, and he knows it will be spectacular. My mission, from this moment, is to help bring the true joy of Christmas back to you. You have been away too long from that magic.”

  Ann smiles softly and snuggles into Lina’s side more. She is surprising herself with how she is acting with Lina but doesn’t want to move away. She pushes away her nerves and places her hand tentatively on Lina’s stomach, “Tell me about your idea.”

  Lina runs her fingers softly along Ann’s shoulder, “I was thinking that I could work with your mother and make some rag dolls and teddy bears. With her sewing prowess and my willingness to take orders, we could make some beautiful soft toys as well as the others that I have in my mind.”

  Ann sits up and turns to look into Lina’s eyes, “You want to work with my mother?”

  “Sure, why not, you just told me how good she is, and I have no doubt that we would be able to create some really cool toys. You don’t think it’s a good idea?”

  “I think it’s an incredible idea, but that means you need to meet my mother.”

  Lina grins, “Ooh, that’s what it is, you’re afraid to have her meet me.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “You’re afraid that she will love me and give me all of the attention. I see, but it’s okay I can share.”

  Ann laughs out loud, “She is not going to love you more than me, I’m her daughter.”

  “That’s true, but I am so cute and lovable. Just you wait and see she will love me and forget you’re in the room.”

  Ann hears the teasing tone and hits her on the stomach, “You really are an ass! Oh, here is a question my mother will ask you, what will your answer be to this? Are you my daughter’s new girlfriend?”

  Lina laughs, “She’s not going to ask me that, the first day I meet her.”

  Ann looks at her incredulously, “You will barely be in the door before that question passes her lips. It’s the first thing she asks me when I go and visit her, it has been that way since my break up. I think she just wants me to have what she and dad has.”

  “Well, I can just tell her I am a friend that has kissed her daughter a couple of times and have enjoyed them immensely and hopes to have more of them in the very near future.”

  Ann is grinning but shocked to hear what is said, “You want to kiss me again? What if I don’t want to kiss you again?”

  Lina hears the challenge in her voice and chuckles, “Let’s test that theory.”

  She leans in close to Ann her lips so close but not touching and she waits. She sees Ann’s tongue slip out licking her lips as she swallows. Ann can’t resist any longer and presses her lips to Lina’s. Lina smiles into the kiss enjoys it for a few minutes and then pulls back and whispers, “I win.”

  Ann laughs, “Shut up and kiss me.”

  Lina grins and kisses her again. They sit on the bench kissing and cuddling before they walk back towards the taxi rank. Ann stops in front of the first one and is instantly shy. “I know we have had a nice evening and I really enjoy kissing you, but I don’t think I’m ready just yet to go further with you.”

  Lina looks around and stands closer to her places her hands on Ann’s cheeks, “I am a gentlewoman and just like you, I have had an amazing evening and have enjoyed more than I thought I could. I would like to take this slowly too. So, on that note, I would like to share a taxi with you and kiss you goodnight and hopefully, if you would like, you can come by my workshop and I will show you some of the other pieces I have.”

  Ann smiles softly grateful that they are both on the same page. They get into the back of the taxi and laugh together at how the night has turned around.

  “You know we should probably thank Sophie and Olivia for not turning up, but I would also love to play them at their own game first. You know, just for fun.”

  Ann shakes her head, “I really think you love messing with people’s minds, just for fun.”

  Lina grins, “I only use my powers for good, I promise, and they deserve to sweat just a little.”

  Ann rolls her eyes, “I think on this occasion you might be right. It could be fun to just mess with them a little, teach them a lesson.”

  Lina grins, kisses the top of Ann’s head, “That’s my girl.”

  Ann snuggles closer feeling happier than she has in a long time but is still cautious after her last relationship.

  The taxi pulls up outside of Ann’s house. Lina gets out with her and as they had agreed she kisses her goodnight and watches until Ann goes inside and closes the door. She
gets back into the taxi leans her head on the headrest, closes her eyes and grins, “Sophie, you are never going to let me live this down. Damn, that woman can kiss, my lips are still tingling.”

  Chapter 10

  Lina groans hearing her phone ringing, she hides her head under the pillow, groaning. When she realises that the person is not giving up on talking to her she reaches out for the phone not looking at the id and gruffly answers, “Hello?”


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