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Not Your Average Happy Ending

Page 3

by Chantele Sedgwick

  “I can’t control it.” He stared at his hands. “When I’m angry or upset, the djinn part of me takes over. I’m not sure what to do about it.”

  I grabbed his hand and traced the back of it with my finger. I knew he didn’t want to talk about Dax again, but something about the whole thing was bothering me. “Do you know why Dax hurt me?”


  “He wanted my necklace. Why?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “He said I had to give it to him. He couldn’t just take it from me.”

  Ash reached out and fingered the blue stone. “Huh. It’s warm. Which means it’s enchanted somehow, but how did I not know that before? It’s not something you can miss that easily. Maybe I wasn’t paying attention.” He frowned. “And if I didn’t notice it was enchanted, how would Dax know? I didn’t even think he knew about it.” He shook his head. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

  “What do you mean—it’s enchanted?” I knew something was different, since it was warm to the touch. And it helped me remember Ash after I made my last wish. Not to mention the voice I’d heard after Dax stabbed me. I wasn’t about to tell Ash I was hearing voices though. He’d think I was crazy.

  “I don’t know, but if Dax wants it then we have a problem. I don’t want you anywhere near the necklace. Why don’t you give it to me? I’ll keep it safe and then Dax will leave you alone.”


  “Kendall. I won’t have you getting hurt again or worse over a stupid necklace.”

  “It’s not stupid.” I didn’t want to give it back, since I was so used to wearing it, but I decided to listen to him. It would be better if he had it. I reached back to undo the clasp, and couldn’t find it. Again. I pulled the chain around to see every part of it and the clasp had disappeared.

  “What the…?”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “The clasp is gone. And it’s too small to fit over my head.”

  Ash raised an eyebrow. “Well, it has to come off somehow. Let me try something.” He said something under his breath and I felt the chain heat before growing cold again. He did several more spells, but finally sat back looking confused.

  “It has some kind of spell on it. A powerful one. I can’t break it.”

  “The spell or the necklace?”

  “Both.” He frowned as if deep in thought. After a while, he pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it. “You need to sleep. We’ll talk about this tomorrow.” He tried to stand, but I pulled him back down.

  “Please,” I begged. “Don’t leave me. What if he…” I trailed off, blinking back my tears.

  Ash touched my cheek. “He won’t. And I won’t leave you.”

  I scooted over so he could join me on the bed. He pulled the covers up around my chin and made sure I was comfy before lying down next to me. I could feel his heat through the blankets and tried to keep my head clear. His arm came around me and I snuggled up against him.

  “This can’t become a habit of yours.” His breath tickled my ear. “I may be respectful, but I’m still a guy.”

  I chuckled. If he only knew what I was thinking. “Just for tonight,” I said.

  His body shook as he laughed and he kissed the top of my head. “I’m not saying I couldn’t get used to it. I’m just saying your mom would kill me if she knew I was in here with you.”

  “Yep. She would.” I snuggled closer.

  “Not helping,” he said.

  “Sorry.” I blushed.

  He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed my cheek. “I love you, Kendall Corrigan.”

  I really wanted his lips to find mine, but that would probably lead to other things…so all I could do was smile. “I love you too, Ash.”

  Chapter 5


  It had been a week since Kendall’s incident and I hadn’t left her side. Besides her sleeping and showering and all that fun stuff. I was getting antsy. The urge to find and beat the crap out of Dax haunted me all the time. I was starting to get obsessed, and I’m pretty sure Kendall was worried about me. She tried to take my mind off of it, but it was always there. Simmering under the surface. I had to find him—and fast. Before he went into hiding and disappeared. Or got to Kendall again.

  Kendall’s senior year started in a few days and I was pretty sure she’d be too distracted by school to notice me being gone. I wanted to make sure she’d be okay though. I worried about her safety. Especially since she still wore the necklace. We’d tried everything to get it off, but it wouldn’t break. I had to figure out why it was so important. It was driving me crazy.

  A dog ran past us chasing a Frisbee and I had the urge to stop it with my magic and fling it the other way. Pretty sure that would be a little obvious at a park though. Too many witnesses.

  I turned my attention to Misty and Kendall, who were discussing their new “friendship.” Misty had volunteered to go to school with her every day. She seemed way too excited about the idea of going to a human school, but if she would be there to protect Kendall, I was grateful.

  “What am I going to say when people ask me how I know you?” Kendall asked Misty.

  “I met you over the summer and we became really good friends. I live a few blocks away…” Misty looked at me and I shrugged. “We’ll figure out where I’m supposed to live later.” She snorted. “Like anyone will ask anyway.”

  Sam chuckled and Misty raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Okay, so now that you’re all registered for high school, let’s focus on finding Dax,” Sam said. “No offense. I know you’re super excited to pretend to be a human.” Misty glared at him, but he didn’t seem to notice. “I’ve heard Dax is somewhere in Washington. Or so my sources tell me.”

  “Your sources?” I asked, smiling.

  “I’ve asked a few people to keep an eye on weird weather and a dude dressed in a black cloak. Not too hard to find if you’re looking for it.”

  I was pretty sure Dax didn’t wear a black cloak all the time, but whatever. “Okay, go on.”

  “Anyway, my buddy in Washington says that some strange crap is going on with the weather up there. Funnel clouds, things that aren’t normally seen. It’s freaking the meteorologists’ right out, since they always think they know everything.” He laughed. “Weathermen. A funny breed indeed.”

  I laughed. If Sam wasn’t a time keeper, I was pretty sure he’d be an excellent weatherman. “We’ll start there, then.”

  “Wait,” Kendall said. “Aren’t there…you know…vampires up that way?”

  Sam chuckled and she gave him a dark look.

  I stared at her, my lips twitching. She was serious. What was with girls and their fascination with monsters? “Don’t you mean vampires and werewolves?”

  She nodded.

  I laughed. “You’ve been reading too many books. Vampires and werewolves don’t exist. That’s ridiculous.”

  She frowned and folded her arms. “Says my half-fairy, half-genie boyfriend.”

  Sam burst out laughing and reached out to give her a high five. “Dude, your girlfriend is awesome.”

  “Yes. She’s quite hilarious,” I said, dryly.

  “Speaking of half-fairies,” Sam said. “What’s up with your wings?”

  I froze and avoided Kendall’s eyes. I knew he’d bring it up, but I didn’t think it would be in front of everyone.

  “Wings? Your wings are back?” she asked.

  “Sam...” I started. He had such a big mouth.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  I let out an exasperated breath. “I didn’t want to tell anyone, okay? I woke up with them a few days ago and about had a panic attack. I don’t know why they’re back. I don’t know how to get rid of them, and I really don’t want to talk about it.” I was breathing hard and staring all three of them down.

  “Wow. Someone has issues,” Misty mumbled.

  Kendall ignored her and put a hand on my arm. “Ash, you should have told me.”

; I frowned. “I couldn’t. You know how I feel about wings.”

  “Oh, please. They’re not that bad. I’ve told you this how many times before. I think they’re beautiful.”

  “I know! That’s the problem. It’s just…I was getting used to not having wings, and they came back out of nowhere. I was pissed. Still am. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine. I understand,” she said. “I’d love to see them again though. I think they’re sexy.”

  I grunted and folded my arms. “Sure they are.”

  Sam chuckled. “Are they pink this time? I know how much you love pink.” He patted me on the arm. “Will you teach me how to fly? I guess I can’t randomly grow a pair of wings though. That would be awkward. What kind of guy has wings anyway?”

  I rounded on him and thrust out my hand. His eyes widened as a gust of wind picked him up and flung him into the tree we stood under.

  He dangled a few feet above us, his arms wrapped around a thick branch. “Not cool, man. Not cool.”

  I smiled. “You asked me to teach you how to fly, so there you go.”

  Chapter 6


  School was back in session and I wasn’t excited at all. I was drill mistress again, but knowing Ash wasn’t going to be following me around and showing up in my classes made me sad.

  He had left the night before. I tried to talk him out of it again, but he wouldn’t listen. He couldn’t stand the fact that Dax was walking around somewhere like nothing had happened. I was okay though. Even though I had a nasty scar, I was fine. I didn’t want to be avenged or whatever. But as stubborn as he was—he left anyway. He and Sam were headed to Washington to follow Sam’s lead. I shuddered. I wondered what they would do to Dax when they found him.

  Saying goodbye to Ash had been so hard. The feel of his arms around me and his face in my hair made me want to cry. I didn’t want him to go. Not just because he was leaving me, but because I worried about his safety. Dax was just as powerful as he was and I couldn’t stand the thought of him getting hurt.

  “Kendall, you ready?”

  Ellie’s voice echoed through the house as she bounded down the stairs into the living room where I waited. She held her drill team bag in her hand and her long hair was pulled into a ponytail. She had always been a morning person. Me on the other hand…

  I yawned. “Yep. Let’s get this year over with.” I followed her out the door.


  Misty waited for me by the front doors of the school. She looked gorgeous, but seemed oblivious to half the male population staring at her as they walked by.

  The scene reminded me of my best friend Tessa. She had moved with her mom to another state over the summer when her parents divorced. The thought of Tessa being gone made the loneliness return. Misty made me feel a little better, but it wasn’t the same. Tessa was the one support system I could always count on. I really missed her.

  “How was your dance or practice stuff this morning?” Misty asked when I reached her.

  I didn’t feel like explaining drill team to her, so I just shrugged. “Practice went well. We have a good team this year.”

  “That’s good.”

  “You ready for your first day of a normal high school?” I asked.

  She smiled. “I think so. I do have one question though. Why do all the human males smell weird? Is it natural?”

  I chuckled and opened the door to go inside. “It’s just cologne. Well, most of it. Some human males don’t believe in hygiene. It will probably be better if you stay away from those ones.”

  Misty wrinkled her nose at that as we walked down the hall to our first class. She didn’t even glance at her schedule. Conveniently, she was in all of my classes, so all she had to do was follow me around. It made me a little happier knowing I’d have someone to talk to. Even if she was only there to protect me.

  “Hey, Kendall. Who’s your friend?”

  I forced a smile at my old crush Cameron who stood by the lockers, surrounded by his football buddies and a bunch of cheerleaders. “She’s not interested,” I said. I kept my eyes forward, relieved he didn’t press it.

  Ever since I’d told him off at prom for trying to take advantage of me in front of everyone, he’d left me alone. Mostly.

  “So that’s Cameron, huh?” When she saw the confusion on my face she smiled. “Ash mentioned him a few times.”

  I smiled. Ash must have hated him more than I thought. “Yep. A real winner, right?”

  She shrugged. “He’s cute, I’ll give him that. He has a strange aura around him though. Can you be lusty and angry at the same time?”

  “Lusty is his middle name.” I stopped. “Wait. You can see people’s auras?”

  “All half-elves can. But we can only see human auras.”

  “Oh. So you can see mine?”

  “Of course. You’re human aren’t you?”

  “Yes.” I frowned. “What color am I?”

  “Yours is blue most of the time. Which means you’re a rather calm person. Which is good. When Ash is around though…” She smiled and winked.

  I put up a hand. “Stop. I don’t want to know.” She laughed as my face heated.

  “Very well.”


  We made it through our first day without incident. Well, if you don’t count the seven guys who asked for Misty’s phone number. It was hilarious to watch. She would laugh and start talking to me, ignoring them completely. The looks on their faces were priceless.

  I was surprised how comfortable I was with her. She was so easy to get along with. I glanced over at her as we walked back to my house. She looked so calm and peaceful, soaking in the sun.

  “So, what’s with you and Sam?” I asked.

  Her body tensed and stared straight ahead. “What do you mean?”

  “Come on. I’ve seen the way you look at him. He’s pretty cute. Why don’t you do something about it?”

  She bit her lip. “It’s not that simple.”

  “Why not?”

  “We have a history.”

  I wasn’t expecting that. “Oh. It doesn’t sound like a good one.”

  She shook her head and hugged her books tight to her chest.

  I wasn’t trying to be nosy, but I was curious. Since Ash and Sam were best friends, maybe I could see how Sam felt. I could make Ash bug him about it. “What happened?”

  She sighed. “At the end of graduation, after all the stuff that went down with Shenelle and Ash, Sam asked me out. I was surprised, but so happy. I’ve had a crush on him for years.” Her eyes widened. “Don’t tell Ash I said that. Sam didn’t even know I existed until last year. I sort of had an awkward stage when I was younger.”

  I laughed. “Who didn’t?” I thought of my boy haircut and braces in junior high. That was a nightmare. I still hadn’t forgiven my mom for talking me into cutting my hair so short.

  “Anyway, the date went great. Better than expected. He kissed me and told me he’d call.”

  “And he never did,” I said, finishing it for her.

  “No, he called. He told me to meet him at a party, and when I got there I saw him kissing another girl.”

  I stopped. “What?” Jerk. Stupid, stupid, jerk face. And I thought he seemed like such a nice guy. A bit flirty, but nice.

  She frowned. “I know.”

  “Did you confront him or anything?”

  She shook her head. “No. And when he called later to ask where I was, I didn’t answer. I haven’t really talked to him since. Until recently I guess. When you got hurt.”

  There had to be some explanation, but I couldn’t think of a logical one. “I’m sorry, Misty.”

  She shrugged. “It’s fine. I’m over it.”

  She didn’t look over it.

  We stopped in front of my house. I knew she had to go back to her world, but I wanted her to stay and hang out for a while. I didn’t want to be alone. “Do you want to stay for dinner? My mom won’t be home until after we’re in bed tonight. I want you
to meet Ellie anyway.”

  Her face lit up. “I’d love to!”

  I was glad to have her with me. I missed Ash way too much and it had only been a day without him. Hopefully he was okay.

  Chapter 7


  “I don’t know why I let you talk me into this,” Sam said as he climbed over a fallen tree.

  “I didn’t talk you into anything. You’re the one who insisted on coming.”

  “Whatever.” He muttered something under his breath before he continued. “I just didn’t want you to have to beg me, so I volunteered.”

  I rolled my eyes and tried not to laugh as he tripped over another tree root. He seemed to be having way more trouble than I was. “Aren’t you supposed to be all ‘one with nature’? You’re half elf for crying out loud. You should be used to frolicking through the woods.”

  He shot me a dirty look. “That would be cliché,” he said. “Nature stinks sometimes. Especially when you’ve been wandering around in it for five days.”

  “Give it a rest, Sam.” I was in a bad mood. A week had passed and we hadn’t seen even a trace of Dax.

  “This sucks,” Sam said.

  “Seriously, one more complaint and I’m going to blast you back to the Academy.”

  He shrugged. “At least there are girls there to keep me company.”

  A movement up ahead made me grab Sam’s arm. “Did you see that?”

  He nodded. “It feels strange in this part of the forest. Like dark magic. You feel it too, right?”

  “Yes. Definitely feel it.”

  The temperature dropped as soon as I said the words. It was so cold I could see the breath in front of my face. Not good.

  “Uh…Ash? I think we have company.”

  Something moved through the treetops. Too big to be a bird. It flew over us and floated to the ground a few yards away.

  I sucked in a breath. I knew exactly what it was. Not good at all.


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