Not Your Average Happy Ending

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Not Your Average Happy Ending Page 15

by Chantele Sedgwick

  “Ash?” Sam said again.

  I didn’t care if Linkin was standing over me ready to kill me. If I could be with Kendall again, I’d welcome it. Tears slid down my cheeks. There was nothing anyone could do to make me let her go.

  A hand touched my shoulder and warmth spread through me. “Ash.”

  My eyes snapped open. I knew that voice. I’d heard it in my dreams ever since I could remember. My grip tightened on Kendall and I made myself turn slowly around.

  My mouth fell open. She was beautiful. Just like I remembered. Her golden hair flowed to her waist and I could see the tips of silver wings peeking above her shoulders. Her body seemed to glow, along with her eyes. Her silver eyes. Just like mine. They had the same look in them when I last saw her. I had only been a toddler at the time, but I hadn’t forgotten them. How could I forget something like that?

  “Mom?” I whispered. My body shook. She was alive? This whole time?

  She smiled and touched my shoulder again.

  “No!” Shenelle screamed.

  I hugged Kendall to my chest as Shenelle broke free of the vines Sam had trapped her in.

  “She cannot be free,” She yelled.

  My mother faced Shenelle and produced a thin silver wand. “Hello, my dear friend. It’s nice to see you again.”


  Linkin’s voice was soft when he spoke. I glanced at him, not understanding why he looked so…not scary for once. The smoke that flowed around him had nearly faded into nothing.

  Shenelle looked between the two, her eyes wide. She ran to Linkin’s side and grabbed onto his arm. “It’s a trick. She’s not really here. This is Ash’s doing. She’s some sort of hologram. Yes! A hologram to make you think he has more help. He’s tricking you!”

  My mother laughed. “No trick, Shenelle. I’m as real as you. Free from your little prison.” She flicked her wand and Kendall’s necklace floated up from the ground and landed in her hand.

  “Shenelle…you trapped her in there? She’s been in that necklace this whole time?” Linkin stared at her, confusion written on his features. “How is she still alive?”

  “I was suspended in a state that kept me the same. Time stood still there. I thought I’d never get out, but when Ash and Linkin’s power hit Kendall, something triggered it to release me.”

  “Unfortunately,” Shenelle said. She bit her lip and looked away, looking nervous.

  “This is why you wanted the necklace?”

  She turned him to face her, her eyes wild. “We could have used her power, Linkin. She’s the strongest of my kind. We could have ruled our world. Together. All we had to do was get the necklace and drain its power. But…”

  “She was alive and you didn’t tell me.” He didn’t look away from my mom. Just stared, unblinking, a million emotions on his face.

  “No…I…we’re meant to be together, Linkin. We belong together. You said yourself that Aleeya never loved you. You moved on.”

  “I never said I didn’t love her, Shenelle.”


  “I only said she made her choice.” He looked older. Sad even.

  “I did love him, Shenelle. Once. Until I realized what he was. What he was capable of.”

  I stared at them. Was I in the middle of some ridiculous soap opera?

  “Shenelle, why would you do something like this?” Linkin asked.

  My mom flinched. “Shenelle has always hated me. Ever since we were children. Trapping me in a necklace and destroying any chance of happiness gives you a big clue about how strongly she feels.”

  “You deserved it.”

  “We were best friends, Shenelle. How did I deserve something like that?”

  “You stole the man I loved from me!”

  “It looks like you’ve got him on a pretty tight leash,” she said. “And I didn’t know you were in love with him. If you would have told me I wouldn’t have let it go that far.”

  Linkin took a step forward. “The only reason I’m with Shenelle is because I thought you were dead.”

  Shenelle’s mouth dropped open. “You…you’re serious?”

  He ignored her.

  “I’ve always loved you, Aleeya. After you left, I didn’t know what to do with myself. Shenelle was there. And then she told me you had a son. My son. I wanted to help him. Teach him how to use his powers. Let him know someone cared about him.”

  “Uh…I’m sitting right here. And how is trying to kill me letting me know you care about me?”

  He looked down at me. “Things went wrong, I’m sorry. I had no idea your mother was still alive. This changes everything.”

  “This changes nothing,” said Shenelle.

  “Shenelle, we can talk about this. Work things out,” my mom said.

  “You think because you’re free things will get any better? I trapped you in there for a reason!”

  “Why? Why do you hate me so much?”

  “You had everything. Friends. A man who loved you. Power. I worked just as hard as you,” Shenelle shouted. “You didn’t deserve it. I was always smarter, more powerful. And still they chose you to be their queen. I’ve been in your shadow our whole lives. I won’t do it again.” She lifted her wand, ready to fire a spell. I looked at my mom in horror, hoping she’d get out of the way, but all she did was sigh. As the pink light flew from Shenelle’s wand, she moved slightly and her wand absorbed Shenelle’s spell. She twisted her hand in the air and Shenelle gasped as her wand flew out of her hand and into my mother’s.

  “Give me my wand.”

  My mother shook her head sadly. “Don’t make me do this, Shenelle.”

  “You wouldn’t dare. You don’t have that kind of power anymore.”

  “I do.”

  “If you banish me, I’ll find a way back. I’ll destroy everything you hold dear.” She looked down at me. “Starting with your son.”

  “I won’t allow it.” Her expression darkened.

  “I’ve beaten you once. I can do it again.” Shenelle moved to attack her, but my mother flicked her wrist again. A shimmery wave of color wound itself around Shenelle’s body. Her eyes widened and she looked at Linkin in a panic. “Help me!”

  He glanced between her and my mother and I was shocked when he shook his head and backed away. He gave one last look at me, then my mother and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.


  I focused my attention on Shenelle again, who was frozen in place, restrained in what looked like a rainbow of all things.

  “I hereby strip you of your power and banish you, Shenelle Greenwillow, to the human world. You will never be permitted to leave. This is your punishment for trying to dispose of your queen and wreaking havoc on the innocent.” She leaned forward, inches from Shenelle’s face. “One more thing. Don’t you ever come near my son again.” With a wave of her wand, Shenelle disappeared in a cloud of colorful dust and smoke.

  I let out the breath I was holding and looked down at Kendall’s face. It was peaceful and so beautiful. But she didn’t wake. I thought for sure something would happen to bring her back, but I guess I was wrong. I hung my head, tears filling my eyes. I failed her. It was my fault she was gone.

  “I think there is something you can do for her, though I don’t wish for you to do so,” my mother said.

  I tore my gaze away from Kendall and looked up. “I’ll do anything,” I said.

  She sighed. “If you exchange your life for hers, she will be saved. That is the only way.”

  My throat tightened. I was afraid of that. I kissed Kendall on the forehead. “Done.”

  “I just barely got you back,” she said.

  “I can’t live without her, Mom. I can’t do it.”

  She nodded. “I know how it is to love someone so deeply you’d do anything for them.”

  “You and Linkin, right?” I muttered.

  She shook her head. “No. But that’s a whole different story.”

  Confused, I looked back at Kendall and s
troked her face. “Tell me what to do.”

  “I’ll do it,” a voice shouted.

  I looked up, seeing Dax limp toward us. “What are you doing here?”

  “I owe you. I almost took her life once. I’ll make it up to you by bringing her back. And it’s not like I have anything left. You just banished the only person who ever cared about me.”

  I stared at him. “Why would you do something like that for me?”

  “I’m not doing it for you. I’m doing it for her.” He looked behind me.

  I followed his stare and saw Ellie standing next to Misty with tears running down her face. I looked back at him, sort of understanding, but not recognizing the same person I’d hated for so long. “Who are you?”

  He shrugged. “Your brother.”

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, then knelt down and looked up at my mom. “I’m ready.”

  Chapter 28


  I’m not sure what heaven looks like, but I’m pretty sure it’s bright. Full of colors and smiling faces.

  I never got to see any of that.

  Even though I was dead, I could still hear everything that was being said around me. I could see everything as well. Sam, holding Misty’s hand, Ellie’s tears shimmering down her cheeks. Dax and Ash’s mother, speaking in hushed tones. I floated a few feet above them all, looking down on my body in Ash’s arms. He looked horrible. His arms were black like charcoal and he was pale. So pale. He must have been in a lot of pain.

  I wasn’t surprised when he said he’d sacrifice himself to bring me back. I would have done the same for him. I already sort of did. But when Dax stepped forward to do the very same thing, I didn’t know what to think. What was he doing?

  I watched as Dax put his hands on either side of my face and started speaking. I couldn’t hear what was being said, but my body felt funny. I looked at my shimmery ghostly arms and realized I was disappearing. First my arms, then my legs and body. I felt a strange tug, pulling me forward and floated back down to where my body was. A pull and tingle later, I opened my eyes. My real eyes.


  It wasn’t Ash who called my name, but Dax.

  I blinked a few times, focusing on his face. I lifted a hand and Dax moved to the side as Ash took his place, entwining our fingers. Tears streamed down his face and I touched his cheek. He pulled me to his chest and we sat that way for a very long time.

  He stroked my hair, his breath tickling my ear. “I thought I lost you.”

  “Me too,” I said.

  I pulled away slightly and touched his charred arm. “You’re hurt.”

  He winced, but smiled as a tear slid down his cheek. “I’ll be fine. All I care about is you right now. You, breathing and alive.”

  I smiled and kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I’d never been so thankful and happy to have him in all my life.

  Someone cleared their throat next to us and I opened my eyes and looked around. We had quite the audience.

  “Ash, your arms.” His mother leaned forward and touched him. He stiffened as a light flowed from his skin. “That will help with the pain until we can get you to a healer.”

  He looked up at her and smiled. “Thank you.”

  Ellie ran over then, and jumped on me, hitting Ash in the process. “I was so worried, Kendall. I thought you were dead!” She wiped away her tears and hugged me again. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” She pulled away and sniffed. “I’m sorry I acted the way I did. I never meant to yell at you, or hurt you. I don’t know what was wrong with me.”

  “Don’t worry, Ellie. I knew you weren’t yourself. I’m glad you’re back to normal now.”

  She smiled and sat back, her eyes on someone sitting across from her.


  “Wait…how are you still here?” I asked. I knew what the price of bringing me back was. Dax should have been dead. But he was sitting right next to me, looking at my sister with a very familiar expression. Ash looked at me like that.

  He looked away from her and shrugged. “I feel different. I’m pretty sure what fairy magic I had is gone.”

  “That should have killed you,” Ash said.

  “I know.”

  Ash reached a hand out to him and Dax took it. “Thank you. For bringing her back.”

  Dax didn’t say anything, only nodded, cleared his throat and looked away.

  “Where did Linkin go?” I asked.

  “We don’t know, but I’m sure we’ll see him again,” Ash said. “Oh, and Kendall, there’s someone I want you to meet.” He helped me to my feet and turned me around. I thought she was beautiful when I looked down on them from before, but she was even more beautiful standing in front of me.

  “You’re Ash’s mom,” I said. “I’ve sort of met you.”

  She smiled. “It’s nice to formally meet you, Kendall. I’m sorry if I ever scared you.”

  “You were the one talking to Kendall,” Ash said. “I told you that you weren’t crazy.” He gave me a squeeze.

  “I could only speak a few times. I wasn’t sure if she could even hear me at all.”

  We stood there in silence. Ash squeezed my hand, but his eyes were on his mom. “I knew you were alive. I don’t know how, but I knew it.”

  She smiled at him. “You’ve grown up so well. I’m so sorry I missed it.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.”

  She sighed. “I could have done some things different. If only Shenelle wouldn’t have trapped me in that necklace. I was only trying to save you, Ash. I’m so sorry.”

  “You did the right thing, Mom.” Ash put a hand on her arm as a tear slid down her cheek. He let go of my hand and moved toward her, wrapping her in a hug. I couldn’t help but get a little choked up seeing them reunited. If only my dad was still alive.

  Ash finally pulled away and wiped his eyes. He looked embarrassed for a second before coming to stand by me again. He took my hand in his and kissed it. “Well, I’m glad we’ve finally figured everything out.” He looked over at Dax and frowned. “Mostly I guess.” He turned to his mom. “What are we going to do about him?”

  “He did save Kendall’s life, but there is a lot of darkness in him. I could possibly banish him along with his mother.”

  “No!” Ellie pushed past me and placed herself in front of Dax. “Please. Don’t send him away.”

  “Ellie,” I said, “He almost got you killed.”

  “He wouldn’t have hurt me. I know he wouldn’t.” She backed up until she stood next to him. “Tell them, Dax. Tell them you’ve changed. I know you have.”

  He didn’t say anything, only stared at her. Something in his eyes changed when he looked at her. I didn’t want to admit it, but I kind of felt bad for him. But there was no way she could be with a guy like him. He almost got us all killed. “This won’t work,” I said. “You don’t know him.”

  “I do know him, Kendall. And there is good in him. He saved your life. Don’t you think he gets a little credit for that?”

  “He messed with your dreams. Think about it, Ellie. He made you miserable.”

  “At first. Before we got to know each other.”

  “After he gave you nightmares for weeks? Why would you want to get to know someone like that?”

  She looked away, but linked her hand with his. “You can’t banish him. I won’t let you.”

  I let out a frustrated breath and looked to Ash for help. He just stared at them with an unreadable expression. It was one of those times I wished I could read his mind.

  “We can talk about this later,” Ash’s mom said. “Ash, I need you to take me to see Logan.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “I need to speak with him. He must know about all this.”

  Ash sighed. “I’m sorry…but Shenelle cursed him with Sleeping Death a few months ago.”

  She frowned. “Take me to him.”

  Chapter 29


  Kendall insisted on taking Ellie
home before we went to see Logan. She told me I needed to spend a little time with my mom as well. I didn’t argue, but I really wanted to be with her instead. I couldn’t believe how close I’d come to losing her.

  After a short healing visit with Leif, my mom, Glade, Dax and I made our way up the stairs of Night Hall. An elf was still guarding Logan’s door. He frowned as he saw Dax with us. “What’s he doing here? He belongs in a prison cell.”

  “We need to take him to Master Time. He’s the one who needs to decide what to do with him.

  He nodded, his eyes never leaving Dax’s face. “It would be my pleasure.”

  I’ll accompany you, Glade said.

  “I’ll come as well. Just give me a few minutes,” I said.

  I knew Dax saved Kendall’s life, but I still didn’t trust him. Cornelius was dead because of him. I knew he didn’t kill him, but he tricked us into facing Shenelle and Linkin alone. And I still couldn’t get the images of Kendall bleeding on the ground from the stab wound he gave her out of my head.

  I looked at my mom. “Logan’s in here.” I pushed open the door and we walked inside.

  Logan looked the same as he did before, lying in his bed, no visible indication that he was breathing. Stupid Shenelle. At least she got what she deserved.

  My mother stopped at the edge of the bed and lifted her hands to her face. “Logan,” she whispered. She walked around the bed until she stood next to him. She said something under her breath I couldn’t hear and leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips.

  I was so shocked. First of all, my mom kissed my friend and mentor, and second, Logan’s eyes fluttered open as she stepped away from him.

  “What the…” I trailed off, not believing what I was seeing. “Are you freaking kidding me?”

  They ignored me and continued to stare at each other until Logan sat up. “Aleeya?”

  She smiled. “Yes. It’s me.”

  “How?” He reached for her hand. “I thought you were dead?”

  She shook her head. “No. I will explain everything though. We have much to talk about.” They stared at each other and I looked away as Logan touched her cheek.


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