Brian had been flirting with her all night and Kat was seriously considering…something. Something short and sweet. He was leaving in another week. And after tonight, she’d be upstate for the duration of that week. No awkward morning after. She could quietly slip away and by the time she returned, he’d be gone. Maybe it was exactly what she needed. She missed the feel of a man’s hands on her. Missed being wrapped in strong arms, feeling safe and protected. Wanted. And Brian might just give her that for a night.
But she wasn’t sure she was ready.
Not when she still dreamed of a man with black hair and blue eyes.
Jen said something and everybody laughed. Kat laughed along with them even though she’d missed the joke. Brian whispered loudly in her ear and Kat held out her hand, letting him lead her to the dance floor.
“You look amazing tonight, Kat,” Brian yelled over the music, his gaze traveling down her body, back up again, his appreciation obvious. Kat smiled and settled her hands on his shoulders. Her dress caught the disco balls from the ceiling and made her sparkle. Made from thousands of silver sequins, it sparkled everywhere, catching the light so she lit up the dance floor. It was tight, hugging every curve of her body, stopping at a point that would still be considered the tops of her thighs. But it was the neckline that made the dress so very sexy. A very low V, which ended well below her breasts all the way to her sternum, slowly angling up, covering her nipples for sure, but showing plenty of cleavage.
Topped with a pair of silver high-heeled sandals, she looked great, exactly the look she was going for tonight. Young. Beautiful. Free of the past, she reminded herself again. And if she repeated those words enough, she might just begin to believe them.
She gave Brian a sexy smile that made him laugh. He gripped her waist a little tighter as they moved to the music, before he took her hand and spun her around, keeping a tight hold to spin her back in. Kat laughed as she crashed into him, a little unsteady on her feet. “Maybe not a good idea,” she yelled on a laugh. “Not in heels and halfway drunk.”
“Halfway?” Brian asked as he pulled her closer, his hand resting on the small of her back. He was tall, reaching six feet, maybe a little more. His body felt hard beneath her hands and it was so easy to picture him wrapped around her…
“Three-quarters then,” Kat said, smiling up at him. He loosened his grip, moving his hands to her waist again and she moved her body with his, lost again in the music moments later. She could always get lost in the music. One song melded into another and still they danced until Kat was parched.
“One more spin.”
At least she’d been warned. Kat let him spin her out, tugging her hand to reel her in, but she stumbled again. Brian covered it well, bending her back and kissing her softly on the lips while her leg stretched out, just like in those old black and white movies.
Kat laughed again when Brian lifted his mouth. “Nice save, but there really wasn’t room under this dress for much, if you get my point.”
“Jesus, Kat,” Brian groaned, his smile going from flirtatious to something else entirely as he lifted her up, wrapping her arms around his neck. And then he was bending his head toward hers, closing in for another kiss. She let everything go, losing herself in the feel of his lips on hers, the silky slide of his tongue against hers. After the heartbreaking loneliness of the past six weeks, she couldn’t help but need more, want more. And if he didn’t spark the immediate explosion of breath-stealing desire and need she was used to? Well, it still felt amazing to be wanted again, if only for a night. And maybe, just maybe, she’d finally be able to sleep. It’d be a hell of a lot better than how she spent most nights, wandering her tiny apartment, aching for—
“You taste as sweet as I imagined, Kat,” Brian whispered in her ear before taking her mouth again. He lifted her off her feet, his hands strong around her waist as her feet dangled in the air so they were eye to eye. He slowly pulled her closer, her leg brushing against him, feeling his arousal. And that quickly, indecision exploded. She pressed against his shoulders, needing a minute…and froze.
The smile died on her face, her stomach dropping out from under her, as if she was on a rollercoaster, only so, so much worse. Stephen Chandler stood twenty feet away, watching her, slowly stalking toward her, the expression on his face…murderous was the word that came to mind as he glared at the back of Brian’s head.
How the hell had he found her? And the bigger question, why had he found her?
Not for anything good, Kat thought when their gazes collided. Fear, starting with the trembling of her hands, working all the way through every nerve of her body until she damn near shook, overtook her in an instant, battling with the overwhelming desire that was just as intense, just as instant, no matter how hard she tried to push it away.
He looked…cold. Lethal. An expression on his face she’d never seen before. Between the distance separating them and the darkness of the club, his eyes looked as black as his hair, glittering with deadly intent when the disco lights from above fell on his face.
Dressed in jeans and a black button-down shirt, he blended in with every other man in the club. Or at least, he should have blended. But even the other dancers gave him wide berth, as if they could sense the danger Kat felt all the way down to her toes.
Which pissed her off. Or would have rather, if she wasn’t so scared, like she had been caught doing something wrong. But they had no ties to each other. Not after he’d tossed her into another man’s arms and never looked back.
But his expression. It was terrifying. Kat pushed at Brian’s shoulders, stone cold sober now. She thought only about escape, internally replaying the last few minutes, wondering just how much Stephen had seen, how long he’d been there. But he was too close and there was nowhere to hide.
“Kat? You okay?” Brian asked as he slowly dropped her to the floor. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I…uh,” Kat tried to grab his hand, pull him back to their table, hoping by some miracle she could get lost in the crowd. But that certainly wouldn’t happen with her dress, shining like a beacon, a big giant arrow pointing her out every time the lights reflected off her. Perhaps the floor would just open up, swallow her whole and she’d never be seen again.
Brian turned, his curiosity getting the better of him, coming face to face with Stephen. As if sensing danger, he pulled her closer, wrapping a possessive arm tightly around her waist even as Kat tried to wiggle free. And as Stephen closed the final two-foot gap, his gaze locked on Brian, Kat’s brain scrambled. Was she supposed to introduce them?
Brian, meet Stephen, my last weekend fling. Or first weekend fling? First and last weekend fling? Stephen, meet Brian, the man I’m considering fucking next, but haven’t yet made up my mind…
But it was Brian who spoke first, his voice friendly and easy going, belying the tension in his body. Or maybe the tension was her own.
“Brian Fitzgerald.” He held out his hand, which Stephen shook, surprising Kat. From the lethal glint in his expression, she would have thought he’d deck him rather than take his hand. But Stephen, well, he was always controlled, wasn’t he?
Most of the time.
“Stephen Chandler,” he said smoothly, releasing Brian’s hand, his gaze settling on her. The fire blazing in his eyes made goose bumps stand on her arms, even as she felt her palms dampening with sweat. “Kat. We need to talk.”
No hello. No how have you been? No sorry about that voicemail I left a couple weeks ago. Just we need to talk. Somehow Kat managed to find her voice, though it trembled when she spoke. “A-about what?”
“New developments.” His voice was hard. Unwavering. And Kat knew then she wasn’t going to be leaving with Brian or the rest of her party. He’d drag her out of there if he had to, of that she had no doubt.
“At midnight? Couldn’t this have waited—”
“It’s nearly four in the morning,” Stephen said, cutting her off, his voice nearly a growl. His gaze remained on her fac
e, but Kat knew he was still taking in the rest of her. The dress she had so loved, the dress that had made her feel incredibly sexy, now made her feel incredibly exposed. Her fingers itched to tug the dress further down her thighs, pull the too-deep V closer together, but she couldn’t without drawing more attention to either. And there was no way in hell she wanted that.
Jen came up on her left. Kat could have kissed her, she was so relieved. Without waiting for an introduction, she held out her hand to Stephen. “Jen Fitzgerald.”
Stephen had no choice but to break eye contact as Jen all but gushed about being so happy to finally meet him before shooting Kat a look that said way too much. She must have missed something, because the next thing she knew, Brian was leaning toward her, whispering something in her ear before giving her a final squeeze, releasing her when Jen began dragging him away.
“Wait,” Kat said desperately, finally coming out of her frozen stupor. “You’re my ride.”
“Not tonight,” Stephen said, wrapping his large hand around hers, a show of possession even though he no longer had the right. But the shock of desire was instantaneous, like an electrical current running up her arm, straight to her core, calling her a liar. She wondered if he felt it too, but his expression still held that deadly intent, vanishing for only a moment as he smiled at Jen when she came back with her clutch, suddenly all seductive charm that had Jen melting in a puddle at his feet.
“Fix this with him, Kat,” Jen whispered, handing Kat the bag that matched her dress. “Now’s your chance,” she said, loud enough to be overheard. “And call me in the morning. Or afternoon,” she amended, so much innuendo in her laugh it was impossible to miss.
But Kat wanted to run. Run as far and as fast as she could from this man who no doubt blamed her for ruining his life, if the look on his face was anything to go by. Because the second Jen turned, the false charm disappeared as if it never was. His body seemed coiled to strike, though at what, she wasn’t sure. Cowering in fear wasn’t her usual MO, but every instinct was screaming that Stephen was hanging onto his control by one very fine thread. And she wasn’t about to be the one to cut it.
“Try it,” Stephen warned. “See how far you get.” He waited a beat before he spoke again. “We—”
She didn’t hear anything after we. His lips were still moving, his utterly kissable lips that still had the power to weaken her knees, no matter how hard she tried to fight it. But his use of we? That wiped out her fear and her desire, the crushing pain of losing him crashing over her.
Because even though she’d never admit it to Stephen Chandler, he’d broken her heart and in no way had she been prepared for the pain seeing him again would cause. In an effort to protect herself against him, she licked her suddenly dry lips and glanced back at Brian before slowly looking at Stephen again. “There is no we, Chandler. There’s nothing to discuss. There’s no unfinished business between us, no new developments that matter to me. You’re too late.”
“Am I?” His tone was just this side of cruel, the insinuation impossible to miss. Obviously, this was not the same man who’d once used the tone of his voice, his words, and his touch, for seducing her. Not the same man who’d once laughed often and easily. Her heart wept for everything she’d taken from him. Kat tried to take a step back, halted by his hold on her. At least she was able to breathe a little easier with the few inches that now separated them. Until he made a show of letting his gaze rake over her body, lingering on the deep V of her neckline, focusing on the exposed part of her breasts, the tops of her bare thighs. “Seems to me, I’m just in time.”
Kat cringed at the coldness in his eyes. She smiled up at him, a mocking sarcastic smile, her voice saccharine sweet. “Trust me. You’re not.”
Immediately, she regretted the words. The muscle in his jaw tightened and the pressure of his hand on hers increased. But it was the flash of pain that had her berating herself for the callousness of her words.
“Enough with the games, Kat. Tonight’s not the night—”
“For anything,” she hissed. “You show up out of the blue and expect me to go God knows where when you look like you’re ready to kill someone?”
He didn’t respond, just pulled her closer. Then he smiled. But it wasn’t a smile she’d ever seen on his face before. Kat’s heart pounded at the cruel twist of his lips, the coldness glinting in his eyes, the tension tightening his body. “Lucky for you, you’re not the woman I’d like to kill right now.”
Chapter Three
It wasn’t Alex.
Stephen silently repeated the words as he pulled Kat from the club, forcing himself to loosen his hold so he wasn’t crushing her hand. But no matter how many times he told himself the man with his throat sliced hadn’t been Alex, his panic was still all-consuming. The constant images flashing, leaving him reeling.
“What the hell, Chandler?” Kat snapped as soon as they were through the doors, shaken out of her stupor by the sudden reduction in noise. She jerked her hand out of his grip, her beautiful green eyes blazing fire. “Are you purposely being an ass? Or is this just the new you?”
“Not tonight, Kat,” he warned again, her words hitting a little too close to home. He raised his hand, as much to silence her as flag down a cab, desperately trying not to compound tonight’s fuckups. Coming after her had been a colossal mistake, one he wished he realized he was making before begging her grandmother to give him her location.
He’d spent the past few hours with the DEA, specifically with Alex’s captain, who was none too happy with him, to put it mildly. He’d narrowly escaped arrest, Alessandro’s threats to throw his ass in jail for interfering in an investigation, along with a bunch of other trumped up charges. As if he needed more shit to deal with, Stephen thought. He blew out a breath, a desperate attempt to get himself under control, so very close to losing his shit. Because even though the dead man hadn’t been Alex, he still had no idea where the fuck Alex was.
Or if he was even alive.
Because Alessandro finally admitted Alex was missing.
He was off the grid and Stephen had no answers. No idea who the dead man was. No idea if Alex had been the target, though it seemed likely, given the guy’s appearance.
“I’m just supposed to let you kidnap me?” Kat hissed as she tried to back up a step, but he quickly caught her hand again. “I’m not that drunk.”
He begged to differ, but kept his mouth firmly shut. Protecting Alex, ensuring his safety, was out of his hands. But Kat, he could sure as hell protect her. Would protect her, no matter how hard she fought against him. “Please.”
And something in his tone, possibly desperation, must have resonated. Kat’s entire body seemed to relax, easing some of the tension between them. When a taxi pulled up a few seconds later, Kat climbed in without another word as Stephen followed.
“Your apartment have a back entrance?” he asked as he shut the door.
Kat recited her address for the driver before turning away from him, looking out the window, her back to him. Not that he blamed her. He’d behaved like an ass, just as she’d said. Regret infused every cell in his body. Seeing that damned fear in her eyes again reminded him exactly why he’d left her alone. Because by the looks of things, she had moved on, picking up the pieces of her life. Living for the first time in six years.
Unfortunately, he was here to destroy that.
Minutes later, the cab stopped at the underground entrance to Kat’s garage. “Go all the way down,” Stephen ordered the driver. “Please.”
Kat glanced over at him but said nothing as she fished her license out of her bag and lowered her window, showing it to the guard, who raised the arm. Stephen tossed the driver some money, relieved Kat waited for him to pay and hadn’t tried to run as soon as she was out of the taxi. Still, he reached for her again, gripping her hand in his as they made their way toward the elevator, the sound of Kat’s heels echoing through the concrete walls. He didn’t feel safe until they were locked in her apartment.
Nicer than he’d expected, the apartment had an open floor plan, the living, dining room, and kitchen blended into one open space. But what drew his attention were the large arched windows that took up most of the wall, the curtains pulled back, offering a view of the street. It was worlds apart from the apartment he’d left just a few hours earlier.
Behind him, he watched Kat’s reflection as she kicked off her shoes and dropped her bag, reminding him how small she was, how she felt wrapped in his arms. Her black hair cascaded over her shoulders, her green eyes glowing in the dim light that filtered in from the streetlamps below. Part of him couldn’t believe he was here, couldn’t believe she was so close. Close enough that he could reach out and pull her body against his, something he’d been denied far too long.
“You look stunning, Kat.” Perhaps that’s how he should have begun, but even as the words fell from his lips, he wasn’t sure he could pull this off tonight. Not with fear for Alex still clawing his insides. But Jesus, he refused to leave it like this between them without trying to make it right.
He’d let every negative emotion add fuel to the fire already burning inside him earlier. Anger, nearly uncontrollable before he’d stepped foot into the club, exploded out of control as soon as he’d spotted her, a brutal reminder that he had lost her. Jealousy, instant and overpowering, seeing another man’s hands on her, his mouth on hers as if he had the fucking right to touch her. Relief, imperceptible at first, growing by slow degrees as he tried to pull his shit together and fully comprehend who she wasn’t dancing with.
Betrayal (Secrets, Lies, and Deception Book 2) Page 2