Betrayal (Secrets, Lies, and Deception Book 2)

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Betrayal (Secrets, Lies, and Deception Book 2) Page 14

by Heather Walsh

  “I heard you played matchmaker.”

  Jessica tried to smile again, but settled for a nod. “Greg and I only gone on a couple dates and I was desperately trying to figure out how to break it off without hurting him. He was a little too nice for me. At least back then. Now I’d welcome the chance for nice.

  “Anyway, one of my classes ran late and when I walked into the dorm, they were laughing over left-over pizza. The rest is history, as they say.”

  Kat asked the same question she’d been asking everyone, even though she already knew the answer. “Do you think Greg killed her?”

  “No way,” Jessica said, giving her head a slight shake. “Greg loved her, and she loved Greg. My money was always on the mother.”

  Kat stayed another five or ten minutes, but didn’t learning anything new. She made her escape when another visitor knocked on the door. Kat turned to see an explosion of balloon and flowers and a glint of gold. Kat said her goodbyes, leaving her number on Jessica’s side table, asking her to call if she thought of anything else.

  Everything seemed to be pointing toward Greg’s mother. Which meant Kat should take the file from the private investigator with a grain of salt. Because Anne Radcliffe could have pulled out anything that may have incriminated herself or her son. And what about the DNA report? Anne could have lied, possibly to be relieved of any responsibility toward the baby. And Kat didn’t have a clue on how she’d go about verifying the report’s authenticity.

  Outside, the heat and humidity smacked her in the face as soon as she stepped through the hospital doors, made worse from the asphalt parking lot where she could see the heat rising from the surface. The sun so bright, it blinded her. Reaching in her bag, she pulled out her sunglasses, spots dancing in front of her eyes.

  Which is how she missed him.

  Kat stopped short. Stephen leaned against Ethan’s car, the sun glinting off his black hair. The sight of him sucked the air from her lungs the heat hadn’t already stolen. He’d taken off his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt in deference to the cloying humidity, which only seemed to accentuate the powerful aura surrounding him.

  The sun melted everything between them, leaving only blistering heat, burning it brighter, stoking the fire as the rest of the world disappeared. It was like seeing him for the first time again, this effect he had on her despite everything they’d been through. Desire, hot and instant, slammed into her, so powerful it knocked her back a few paces.

  The barely discernable shake of his head and oh-so-sexy smile had her pausing mid-step before moving forward instead of back. Like her own, Stephen’s expression was hidden behind sunglasses, but it didn’t matter.

  Because she knew.

  Knew without a doubt that same fierce need she was feeling would be mirrored in his. Could see the overwhelming desire his body wasn’t capable of hiding, could feel the burn on her body as if it were his hands. And once she started taking those first steps toward him, she couldn’t stop. Didn’t want to stop. Not when every instinct urged her to run toward him.

  She was reduced to a quivering mess and he hadn’t even touched her. Something he was so very good at, she remembered. By the time she’d closed the short distance separating them, she was imagining him naked, could nearly feel the heat from his body as he moved over her, under her. Could feel his hands gripping her waist, powerfully controlling her movements, slamming her body down on his as he thrust up until she was screaming his name, bringing pleasure she’d never imagined.

  “Where’s the tracking device?” she whispered, finding it impossible to hide the need in her voice.

  “Strip,” he growled, his demanding tone low and sexy, igniting that fire even higher. “And I’ll show you exactly where I planted it.”

  She laughed, a low and throaty sound she couldn’t believe came from her. Stephen groaned, pulling her into his body, sliding his hand down her arm.

  And stole the keys from her hand.


  “Get in,” Stephen ordered, opening the passenger door. “I’ll drive.”

  “You set me up!”

  He ignored her, pushing her into the car and shutting the door before climbing into the driver’s side.

  “Did you not wonder why it was so easy to get into Jessica Adams’ room?” he asked as he backed out of the spot.

  Kat groaned and Stephen couldn’t help but laugh. “The officer on duty? He was already warned you’d be coming. Called as soon as he saw you.”

  Kat huffed out a breath and glared in his direction. “I take it you’ve talked to Alex.”

  “I have.” If a two-minute conversation counted as talking. “And you, baby girl, are in a shitload of trouble.”

  “Oooh, I’m scared.”

  “You should be,” Stephen laughed again, giving her a wicked smile as he pulled out of the parking lot, before sobering so she would know he was serious. “I won’t fight with you about this, so I’m only going to say it once. Do not go off on your own again, okay? And whatever your fascination is with Jessica Adams? Let it go.”

  Not what he’d been planning on saying. But it was a discussion they needed to have. Because when Alex had given him the rundown on Kat’s whereabouts yesterday? A cold, paralyzing fear had nearly consumed him. And now, knowing she’d ignored every threat Alex had issued? He wanted to shake some sense into her. Or better yet, wrap her in his arms and never let go.

  “And?” she huffed.

  “And what?”

  “Any other demands?”

  Stephen glanced over when he reached the stop sign and took off his glasses so she could watch his eyes slide over every inch of her body, waited until she started squirming in her seat. “An entire list of them.”

  Kat laughed, the seductive sound going through him. “And if I don’t comply?”

  “Trust me,” he said, keeping his tone as light as hers. “You won’t like the consequences.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  “It’s a promise.” How easy it was sliding back into this with her.

  “Of what, exactly?” she scoffed. “Kidnapping me? Tying me to your bed?”

  Stephen smiled, a wolfish grin that let her see everything he wanted to do to her. “You know, sweetheart, that’s the second time you’ve mentioned that. A fantasy, perhaps?”

  He heard her gasp, that quick intake of breath. “No.”

  “No?” he laughed. “You wouldn’t be lying to me again, would you? Because I think you’d love nothing more than being tied to my bed, having me ravish your body, feeling my hands and mouth all over that soft hot flesh of yours, touching and kissing you everywhere, powerless to stop me.”

  She laughed, a mocking laugh he didn’t buy for a second. He knew better, could see the awareness, see her squirming in her seat. “I meant, no, I never mentioned it before. That was you.”

  “Was it?” He shrugged. “A fantasy of mine then, I guess.” He looked at the road again, encouraged by the flush of her face. “But don’t go on as if you don’t like the idea, because I can see that you do. What else?”

  “What else, what?”

  “Another fantasy of yours.”

  “That one was yours,” she repeated. “I don’t have one.”

  “Again with the lies,” he admonished. “You must have at least one. You forget how well I know you, Kat, pretending you’re all sweet and innocent.”

  “I was sweet and innocent.”

  “Innocent maybe, but certainly never sweet.” He laughed again when she gaped at him, loving their sparring, feeling lighter than he had in weeks, even as everything else crashed around him.

  But Alex was alive. Safe. And Kat was back in his life. Everything else, he’d handle. Hopefully.

  “That’s on you. You’re the one who corrupted me.”

  “Not in all the ways I wanted to,” Stephen laughed, Kat’s answering smile warming him more than anything else could have. “Yet.”

  “You’re such an ass.”

p; “So you’ve mentioned. Doesn’t make you any less crazy about me, does it?”

  “More like you make me crazy.”

  Which was good enough for him, at least right now because that said so much, didn’t it? And the need written all over her, the way she couldn’t take her eyes off him? Perfect.

  Their light mood abruptly shifted when he pulled onto his street. Like yesterday, news vans were lined up in his driveway, despite the fact he hadn’t stepped foot inside the house. Today, the reporters were joined by more picketers, demanding his job. He looked over at Kat, saw the tension replacing the brevity of moments ago. Damn, he hadn’t wanted her to see that.

  Inside her bag, Kat’s phone rang. Stephen tamped down his irritation. No doubt it would be Ethan and he couldn’t help but wonder if Ethan was still tracking her. He forced the tension from his body, desperately trying to hang onto the light teasing mood as he drove up his neighbor’s driveway and shut off the car. They sat in silence for a minute until Kat held out her hand for the keys.

  Stephen shook his head and got out of the car, sliding her keys into his pocket before opening her door.

  “I need to get home.”

  To Ethan? “I’ll bring you after Alex leaves.” He didn’t wait for a response, just grabbed her hand and led her through the woods.

  “Alex?” Kat hissed. “You’re throwing me to the wolves?”

  “Just this once,” he promised. Instead of taking her into the house, he brought her down to the dock he’d recently added, replacing the one that had been washed away five years ago when Hurricane Irene had hit the area. It had given him something to focus on during the long six weeks he’d been without her. Not that he had a boat, but he enjoyed sitting on the dock, watching other boaters racing up and down the river.

  “It’s beautiful,” Kat breathed.

  “So are you.” Stephen slipped his arms around her, pulling her against him and rested his chin on top of her head, reveling in how she felt so perfect in his arms. As if she were made for him. Yesterday, when she’d walked, he’d wondered if he’d ever get her back into his arms.

  Testing the waters, he turned her around, pushing a strand of hair away from her face, the backs of his fingers brushing her cheek. Need still filled her beautiful green eyes, bringing so many memories rushing back. How she melted against him, the scorching desire she unleashed in him, taking him to heights of passion he’d never known existed before her.

  Yesterday he’d vowed not to touch her until things were right between them, but one look at the need in her eyes blew that out the window. Until her eyes clouded, doubt and confusion warring with the passion that was slowly fading.

  “Don’t,” Stephen whispered softly, sensing the direction her thoughts. He pulled her closer so she could feel the full impact of his body, the heat emanating from him. He moved his hand under her hair, cupping the nape of her neck. “I swear to you, Kat, I will never walk away from you again.”

  Then he kissed her, his first taste in six weeks, sending him over the edge in an instant. Hunger like he’d only known with her tore through him, her scent filling him, surrounding him. And when she opened her mouth, he groaned in triumph, couldn’t help but devour. Desperate, he ravaged, demanding her response and shaking when she whimpered, finally melting against him.


  Tightening his hand in her hair, he changed the angle of their kiss, plunging deeper as he crushed her against him with his other. Powerful longing, an almost violent need to be inside her, bordering on desperation.

  A boat honked on the river, reminding him where they were. Breathing heavy, he slowed the kiss but couldn’t stop himself from going back for more, especially when Kat tighten her fingers in his hair, unwilling to let him go. Jesus, he’d been a fool.

  “Stay with me tonight,” he whispered in between pressing his lips against hers. He was done giving her time, done being patient. She wanted him. Just as desperately as he wanted her. Nothing else fucking mattered. “Give us time to fix this. Fix us.”

  Before she could answer, her phone went of again. She didn’t remove it from her bag, but squirmed out of his grip all the same, still breathing heavy, her mouth still swollen from his even as she denied his request, slowing shaking her head as Alex came into view behind her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Fuck!” Stephen roared. Before Kat could draw a breath, Stephen tackled her. Searing pain burned high up her left side, a few inches below her armpit just before her head slammed onto the dock.

  “Move!” Stephen yelled, flipping her over. And then she heard the gunshot blast, the bullet landing inches from her face, wood exploding in front of her eyes. Stephen rolled, plunging them into the river, her head hitting a rock in the shallow depths as she was submerged underwater. Her mind to make sense of the sudden change, going from blazing desire to sheer terror in less than a second, but Stephen was relentless, pushing her forward, but she couldn’t see through the murky water. She moved anyway, swimming as fast as she could, holding her breath until her lungs screamed for air, too frightened to rise to the surface, certain another bullet would find its mark. When she didn’t think she could go another second without air, Stephen lifted her. Gasping, she tried to fill her lungs, but the fear clawed at her, hindering the deep breath she needed.

  Stephen said something, his tone urgent, but his words sounded garbled as if they were still under water. Spots danced in front of her eyes, agonizing pain in her head and side drowning out his words.

  “Breathe, Kat.” Stephen urged, nearly frantic now. “Don’t you dare pass out on me.” He grabbed her face with both hands, lifting it until she was looking straight into his eyes. “You’re okay.” He repeated the words, waiting for the panic to settle. When her breathing finally evened out, he turned them, urging her back onshore.

  “I don’t know where the shots are coming from, the water or the house. We’re not safe here.”

  Would they be any safer on land?

  “The woods. Stay behind me.” How was that safer than the dock? But she followed without hesitation, trusting Stephen to keep her safe. She climbed up the bank, rising to her feet before Stephen pushed her into a crouch. She thought she heard a far-off siren, but couldn’t be sure. Maybe the reporters at the bottom of his driveway heard the shots? Alerted the police?

  Stephen rose fully behind a tree, pulling her with him. Kat scanned the woods, knowing they weren’t yet safe, but so relieved she wasn’t the one who needed to figure out where to go next.

  The crunching of dead leaves seemed to surround them and just as her scream bubbled up, Stephen slapped a hand over her mouth, tightening his hold around her waist. Frantically, she scanned the area. Every tree could be hiding shooter.


  They had nothing to protect themselves with, no weapons between them. Sitting ducks. Paralyzing fear took over once again and she could feel her entire body begin to tremble, her mind screaming that it wasn’t fair, she didn’t want to die, not when her life had barely begun. Stephen tightened his grip, whipped her around, tackling her to the ground again without warning, his arm wrapping around her injured side, causing her to scream again and fight his grip, hitting her head in the same spot as his heavy body landed on hers.

  They were behind a fallen tree. Carefully, Stephen began to rise. She tried to yell at him to get back down, but his hand was still covering her mouth. And then she saw it, when he loosened his arm from around her waist, the dim glint of light off his gun, instantly remembering he had a concealed carry permit.

  “Don’t,” she tried to hiss behind his hand, but it was useless, too muffled. She shook her head frantically, hoping he’d read her mind, but he wasn’t looking at her, he was lifting his head over the dead tree. Her muffled scream grew louder behind his hand, the furious shake of her head ignored. And somehow, she heard it, another footstep coming from the opposite direction where Stephen was looking, and she nearly passed out as the terror clawed its way through her
as she saw a shadow move.

  “Police! Drop your weapon!”

  She heard the shout as if from a distance, exploding in her ears just before losing consciousness.



  In seconds, he was up, cradling Kat in his arms. Blood poured down her face, soaking into his shirt. Oh, shit…

  “She’s hurt!”

  “Move!” Alex hissed.

  Blindly Stephen followed Alex through the woods, heart pounding with fear and panic, every thought centered around getting Kat to safety. Praying it wasn’t too late.

  But the blood slipping through his fingers told him otherwise. “She’s bleeding!”

  “I think the threat’s neutralized,” Alex answered back, ignoring Stephen’s comment as he stopped abruptly when they came to the edge of his neighbor’s property, scanning the area, his gun raised.

  “You think?” Stephen mocked sarcastically.

  Alex cut him a glance. “Two shooters, both dead. Go.” He nodded toward Stephen’s house. “I’ll cover you.”

  “Just in case.” Alex added when Stephen shot him a look.

  And just as Stephen was about to step out from the trees, two more shadows separated themselves from both sides of the house, guns drawn.

  An ambush.

  Stephen froze, stepping back as he tightened his grip on Kat, every instinct screaming.

  “Agents,” Alex hissed. “Fucking go!”

  Alex pushed him forward, leaving Stephen with no choice but to move, forcing the questions away as he rushed toward his terrace, hoping against hope Kat was alright, the feel of her blood soaking through his shirt, down his arms.

  Alex followed him, closing the door behind him. Fighting against the anxiousness roaring through him, he gently placed Kat on the couch in his living room, wincing at the blood on her face. Hands gentle but hurried, he pushed her hair away, trying to see where the blood was coming from, but holy fuck, it seemed to come from everywhere.


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