Smut Alfresco

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Smut Alfresco Page 8

by Lucy Felthouse

“But…but you can’t just stop and steal things out of someone’s garden,” Lisa spluttered. “You’ll get us arrested!”

  The driver laughed. “Oh, we don’t have those rules around here,” he said. “The people of the village, they all know Kal and his safaris. It would be a different if I brought a box and took all the fruit, but one or two - they can spare them. Now, who wants to try?”

  The others still looked horrified, and climbed out to take photographs, jostling and teasing each other as they wandered up the lane. Josie had thought Gina was with Steve, but after a moment she caught a glimpse of Nick’s hand as it snaked its way under Gina’s loose top, and saw Gina’s look of bliss as Nick began to stroke her back. Josie looked over at Steve in alarm - surely he wouldn’t approve of this? She needn’t have worried, Steve was busy lifting Lisa up so that she could get a better picture of a cat in a tree, and had his arms firmly around her bare midriff.

  Kal was still holding out his hand and waiting for a response to his question, so Josie nodded, and he squeezed some sort of ripe red berry into her open mouth. She swallowed as the liquid ran down her chin, lifting a hand to catch it, but she was too late and it dripped down her neck and into the deep valley between her breasts. There was silence as Kal watched the trickle’s journey south. Then, glancing over his shoulder to check that the others were still occupied, he reached out and traced the path of the juice with his finger, from Josie’s plump bottom lip, over her chin and into the hollow of her throat. He paused as if for permission and their eyes met. Josie felt her nipples harden and the familiar throbbing between her tightly clenched thighs. She leaned back, letting her legs part slightly and causing her breasts to rise just enough to give out the message that he could fuck her senseless right here and now if he wanted to.

  Kal’s eyes crinkled with pleasure - he smiled and stretched out both hands towards the thin material of Josie’s vest top. She had decided against wearing a bra this morning and had never been so grateful for the freedom of only one layer of soft cotton. As she waited, holding her breath, Kal brushed each of Josie’s nipples with the very tips of his fingers - such a light touch that Josie thought she might have imagined it if she hadn’t been watching him so closely. She moaned slightly as electric shocks shot from her now painfully hard nipples down into her stomach, and deeper, deeper. Ripples of delight flooded her body, and wetness ran down into her knickers making her want to rub herself frantically. Instinctively she moved forwards, but Kal gently pushed her back into her seat. The other couples were returning, all four of them arm-in-arm across the narrow road. Josie could see her own disappointment and frustration mirrored in Kal’s brown eyes as he shifted in his seat to try and disguise the massive erection that was straining at his shorts.

  “Okay, ready for off?” Kal said to the others, as they clambered into the back of the Land Rover, arguing about who had taken the best shot of the old man sunning himself on his garden bench further down the road.

  “Well, anyway, I got the coolest cat picture, thanks to Steve’s help, didn’t I, honey?” said Lisa, giggling.

  “Oh, he’s always very helpful aren’t you, Stevie?” answered Gina, slipping off her shoe and running her bare foot up her boyfriend’s thigh. He wriggled appreciatively and put a hand on each girl’s knee.

  “Don’t be greedy, mate - leave one for me,” said Nick.

  Kal turned to Josie and pulled a face; she thought she heard him breathe the word ‘later’ as the car shot forwards.

  As they wound their way further and further into the forest, Josie held onto her seat. There was no time now to think about what had just happened and the ground was way too rough for Kal to do anything else but concentrate on the rutty track beneath the wheels. With each bump, Josie tried to stifle a groan. She could barely stand the material of her knickers and shorts chafing as the car rocked and bounced. She remembered feeling like this when she’d had her only experience of pony-trekking on Exmoor one summer. Her horse-mad friends had persuaded her to join them on the five mile hack across the moorlands, but they hadn’t thought to mention the effect that the hard leather knob at the front of the saddle would have on Josie’s inexperienced clitoris. After only half a mile she had been so swollen with the vibrations of her pony that she had had to fall behind for a moment so that she could abandon herself to the paroxysms of lust that shook her body. Afterwards, looking at the others’ scrubbed and innocent faces, she had wondered why no-one else seemed to have these problems.

  “Are we nearly there yet?” yelled Steve over the roar of the engine. “Only we’re hungry; we’re all ready for a bit of something, aren’t we, girls?”

  “Hungry? I’m ravenous! What about you, Nick?” asked Gina, licking her lips.

  “Starving, as ever.” Nick said, winking at Josie. She blushed, and glanced across at Kal. Was picking up on the mood that seemed to be building up in the back of his Land Rover?

  Kal laughed. “Yes, just around this next bend in the track is the perfect picnic place. You must not stray far into the woodland because these are sheer drops down into the valley, but this is where we will have our break.”

  “Are there any toilets?” asked Lisa. “It’s been quite a while since we last stopped.”

  Kal exchanged incredulous looks with Josie.

  “It’s a forest,” he said, glancing over his shoulder at the others, who were beginning to assemble their bags ready for their lunch. “You will just have to go behind a tree.”

  “Yeah, let it all hang out, love,” said Nick. “You’re not normally shy.”

  “But I thought there’d be a bar…or something…” Lisa mumbled, looking around vaguely.

  “This was advertised as a ‘get away from it all’ safari,” said Kal, through gritted teeth. “You are miles from a village. You can all eat your lunch in the beautiful peace and quiet and then relax in any way you choose.” He stopped the Land Rover in the shade of an enormous canopy of eucalyptus trees. As the sound of the engine died away and everyone clambered out, Josie could feel the silence settling around her like a cloak. The deep, almost medicinal scent of the trees was intoxicating. If only these annoying people would just disappear. As if on cue, Nick set off up the nearest woodland path, beckoning his friends to follow him.

  “Come on - I need a pee and then something to eat. We won’t go too far, mate, don’t worry. The girls are scared of heights,” he said, striding off into the undergrowth.

  “Okay, but please be aware of the dangers. Be back here in one hour please, we have a lot more places to visit yet and I want you all to try some traditional Madeira wine,” Kal called.

  As the clatter of footsteps faded into the distance, Kal breathed a huge sigh of relief.

  “So, now we can introduce ourselves properly. You already know my name, but you didn’t tell me yours, did you?” He held out his hand, and Josie put hers into it, feeling his strong fingers fold around hers, warm and dry.

  “I’m Josie - short for Josephine, which I hate.”

  “Josie,” Kal said her name as if he was discovering something precious. “Are you here on our island all by yourself? You are much too beautiful to be alone.”

  The trite line sounded quite genuine on his lips somehow. Josie felt the heat flowing through his fingers right into her body, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand to attention. She wondered if he’d mind if she moved closer. His mouth was beautiful - lips that were just asking to be touched and kissed. She licked her own lips and felt rather than saw him inch very slightly towards her. A loud whooping noise from the forest made them both jump. The sound of the girls’ muffled giggles drifted back to Kal and Josie - the two couples had obviously found a picnic place and were indulging in some sort of amusement of their own. Kal raised his eyebrows.

  “It seems to me that we have choices to make. We can either sit here by the car and eat our lunch, or…” He let go of Josie’s hand, stretching his arms above his head luxuriously and his t-shirt rode up slightly to reveal a flat
, very tanned stomach. The word hung in the air. Josie shivered, despite the warmth of the midday sun. She waited, transfixed by the tiny dark hairs that she could just see curling their way down into Kal’s shorts.

  “Or we could take a look in the woods to see just what sort of fun those guys are having?”

  That was definitely not what Josie had been expecting. Unsure whether to be disappointed or intrigued, she dimpled at Kal and led the way, as quietly as possible, towards the sound of laughter and squeals. As they caught sight of the others ahead of them, Kal motioned her to stop, and took the lead, slipping as carefully through the bushes as a stalking cat. When he stopped, Josie almost bumped into him, and began to shake with nervous giggles, but he reached for her and pulled her around so that she was in front of him again. Very gently he put one arm around her waist and the other hand over her mouth. They stood together in silence, peeping through the dense undergrowth. In the clearing was something else that Josie hadn’t seen coming; four people, completely naked, and both of the men extremely aroused. Lisa was lying on her back on a rug, legs apart, laughing up at the other three. Along her voluptuous body was ranged a selection of picnic food. There were bunches of grapes, slices of melon, slivers of ham and a variety of bite sized pieces of cheese.

  As Josie and Kal watched, both the men and Gina knelt by her side and began to eat, pausing every now and again to pop a morsel of food into her wide open mouth. They were all drinking red wine, and Steve began to dribble some of it across Lisa’s huge breasts, licking it off with much laughter. She wriggled and moaned, and Gina playfully held her down with a firm hand so that she wouldn’t spoil the picnic. Josie caught her breath when she saw that Gina’s other hand was sliding in between her own legs, moving rhythmically. Noticing this, the men exchanged grins and also began to stroke themselves, slowly at first and then faster.

  Josie could feel Kal’s fully erect cock pressing into the small of her back, and she moved backwards, beginning her own rocking motion. He began to move with her, and the hand that had been covering her mouth slipped down and came to rest on her right nipple, teasing it and rolling it between his fingers through the thin material until she wanted more. Taking hold of his hand, Josie moved it firmly down towards the waistband of her shorts. She pulled her stomach in as hard as she could to make room for him to reach her, feeling his cock twitch as his hand slid down her stomach and his fingers began to play with her soaking pussy. As Kal’s middle finger rubbed the swollen nub of her sexuality relentlessly, Josie cried out, unable to stop the tide of sensation that was crashing through her body. Lisa looked up, startled.

  “Hey, guys - we’ve got ourselves an audience,” she said, smiling.

  At the sound of her voice, the others all froze. Gina stood up and walked towards the bushes, where Kal and Josie were still pressed together.

  “Well, here’s a surprise. I think maybe Kal’s little friend has got hidden depths,” she said, grinning to take the edge off her words.

  Josie opened her mouth to answer but thought better of it. Everyone seemed to get the wrong idea about her. The long plait and the round glasses gave the impression of a librarian, which was exactly what she was. But now, at the edge this clearing in the forest, Josie could feel herself unwinding. Three years of a boring relationship, irregular and uninspiring sex and a man who thought excitement was a bag of chips and Top Gear on the TV had taken its toll on her spirits. Could she possibly leave it behind her now?

  “What makes you think I don’t want to play?” she asked, taking off her glasses. She slipped her hair from its bobble and slowly began to unwind it. The others watched, mesmerised, as Josie’s flowing chestnut curls cascaded over her shoulders. She grinned. It was time to live a little.

  “So are you guys feeling…erm…hungry?” said Nick. I think we ate most of the picnic but I’m sure we can rustle up something for you, can’t we?” He slid a hand over Gina’s generous bottom, and reached to pull Lisa close with his other arm. Steve moved in to put a hand over each of Lisa’s nipples and began to massage them, keeping eye contact with Josie.

  Kal put out a tentative hand to touch her hair. “I would be honoured if you would join me in a little…outdoor entertainment, beautiful Josie,” he murmured. Josie took a deep breath, nodded, and took Kal’s hand. Together they moved into the clearing.

  For a few moments there was silence. Then Kal turned and began to undress Josie very slowly, all the while stroking her and kissing any part that he could reach. Josie could see both girls staring at Kal’s shorts, where the biggest erection she had ever seen was straining to escape. Now naked and unable to resist for a moment longer, Josie undid his button and zip. Kal stepped out of his shorts, pulled off his T-shirt and threw it over his shoulder. He wore no underwear, and his cock sprang out as soon as his shorts were out of the way, massive, thick-set and jutting. All three girls gasped, and Steve and Nick looked at each other doubtfully.

  “So now we’ll all have ourselves some fun, yes?” said Kal, stroking his cock until a drop of cum glistened right at the very tip. Josie gave an involuntary moan and quickly knelt at his feet before one of the others could get in first. She leaned forward and held him in both hands for a second or two, lost in admiration. Then she licked the tip of Kal’s cock, slowly circling it with her tongue until he was groaning and clutching her head, forcing himself further towards her open, waiting mouth.

  As if responding to some unseen signal, the others helped Lisa up from the floor and moved forward forming a semi-circle. The men were fully aroused again after the initial shock of Kal’s amazing manhood, and each one took his girlfriend in his arms and turned them to face Kal and Josie. Steve and Nick pressed their own distended cocks forcefully into the girls’ backs and reached down to slide fingers into pussies that must by now ache for attention. Suddenly, Kal pushed Josie away from him.

  “You are so very good at that, angel,” he said breathlessly, “but you must stop now or I will be unable to satisfy you fully, and as you may have heard, Madeiran men like to keep their women happy. We are perfectly built for the job, of course.” He laughed, and led Josie to the discarded picnic blanket, picking it up and shaking out the food.

  “Lie down here, my love. Do you men have any more blankets for these other beautiful ladies? I feel we should do this together. One for all, and all for one, as they say in your country?”

  Speechlessly, still eyeing Kal’s jutting cock, Gina rummaged in her picnic bag and produced two beach towels which she hastily spread on the ground.

  “Now gentlemen, we have some pleasuring to do. I am giving you a free master class in the art of keeping your women entertained. Just do exactly as I do.”

  The men exchanged glances again, but their girlfriends lay down eagerly on the towels. All three women were now lying side-by-side with just enough room for the men to kneel between their legs, as demonstrated by Kal. He bent his head and kissed Josie, from the inside of her knee right up the length of her thigh. As she squirmed, and arched her back towards his hot tongue, he smiled.

  “Patience, my beautiful one,” he breathed, beginning to lick the whole area between her legs with delicate, agonising slowness. The other two men, after a moment’s hesitation, followed suit, and soon the forest was filled with the squeals and moans of rapidly approaching orgasms. Kal now began to suck on Josie’s throbbing clitoris, but soon raised his head in dismay.

  “Gentlemen, your ladies are not responding properly. Let me show you the way,” he murmured, moving to Lisa, who wriggled appreciatively. Nick grudgingly gave Kal some space, but was soon wide-eyed with lust as he watched Kal’s tongue bringing his girlfriend to the point of no return. Josie could barely stand the frustration of having that hot, passionate mouth taken away so cruelly. She licked her fingers and plunged them deep into her pussy as Kal did the same favour for Gina. When he was sure that both men were giving the sort of head that every woman dreams of, he moved back to Josie and, to her intense relief, resumed the wonderful s
ucking and licking action that she needed so badly. Almost simultaneously, the girls cried out as they reached the point of no return.

  “Now!” shouted Kal, plunging his fantastic cock right into Josie’s still-twitching pussy. She clenched around him frantically. How would he ever fit inside her? He was so huge that she thought she would split in half, but by rocking gently, she managed to get him in so deeply that his swollen balls rubbed against her buttocks, making her cry out with delight.

  Seconds later, all the others were pushing and bucking together, although Josie saw that they had swapped places, and Nick was lowering himself between Gina’s waiting thighs while Steve was poised to satisfy Lisa’s moans of lust. The girls followed Josie’s lead and wrapped their legs round the men’s waists. They all screamed with pleasure as Kal, Steve and Nick fucked them into oblivion. Just as Josie thought that she couldn’t stand it any longer and that she would explode with passion, Kal slowed his thrusting and gasped “Now stop, everyone, it’s the ladies’ turn to set the pace.”

  He expertly flipped Josie over so that she sat astride him, and carried on taking her towards what promised to be the most spectacular orgasm of her life. The other two men seemed to be finding it very hard to break their stride, but with encouragement from the girls who had both seen what was coming next, they rolled over and took the submissive role.

  Kal took Josie’s nipples between his fingers and teased her into a frenzy as she rocked. For a few moments, the three couples moved in perfect harmony, fucking themselves towards certain bliss, and then the intense pleasure took over Josie’s world completely and she came, fast and furiously, so fiercely that he began to spurt into her, howling with pent up tension. Immediately, the other couples followed, coming almost simultaneously with wild shouts. In an ecstasy of delight, the other girls peaked, grasping each other’s hands as they finally came to a shuddering rest.

  With unspoken consent, all three couples slid down onto the ground together and in a matter of seconds were fast asleep, curled around each other like babes in the wood. As Josie fell into an exhausted, deeply satiated slumber, she suddenly remembered the wording on the side of the Land Rover.


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