Until Tom, Finding Forever (Providence Book 5)

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Until Tom, Finding Forever (Providence Book 5) Page 9

by Mary B. Moore

  “Why does she always do that?” Maya asked, reaching over to take her daughter back. “She doesn’t do it to anyone else! It’s like she’s after something.”

  My family didn’t know that I had a piercing. I’d gotten Mace to do it on a whim and after the first one had decided I couldn’t go through with the second one. Okay, so technically I’d fainted when I’d stood up to look at it in the mirror, so Mace had said to come back another day for the other one. That was three years ago and I hadn’t been able to do it, so I’d sworn him to secrecy.

  “Tom had his tit pierced,” Cole informed the group of women who all snapped their heads in my direction and stared at my chest like they could see the small piece of metal. Now I knew how chicks with big boobs felt when they were gawked at.

  “Lemme see!”

  “Is it both?”

  “When did you have them done?”

  “Oh my God, how have we not seen this?”

  This was the chorus of questions and comments that were shouted as they all got up and rushed toward me. Taking a quick step behind Sonya’s chair, I held my hands out trying to get them to keep their distance and keep their nosy hands away.

  “He was gonna have the second one done, but he fainted after Mace did the first tit and hasn’t been back since.” Glaring in Cole’s direction I noted that he was holding his son unaware of the damage he’d just done. Louis was the only thing keeping him breathing, for now.

  Gently slapping Layla’s hand away as she reached for the neck of my t-shirt, I pointed at them all. “Any more of that shit and I’ll slap harder, don’t think I won’t.” I was full of shit, I’d never hurt any of them and they knew it.

  “Then show us,” Maya snapped, arms crossed over her chest as she tapped her foot.

  Sighing, I lifted my t-shirt slightly to show them the small barbell through it.

  “Ohhh, you should get one with jewels either side,” Ebru squealed.

  “I’m not a chick,” I snapped, letting it fall back down over it.

  “What about a hoop?”

  “Oh, you could get one with a charm hanging off it.”

  I looked at Sonya, begging her for help, but she just grinned and shrugged. Narrowing my eyes at her, I made sure she knew that I’d be getting payback for her act of treachery. The smug shit just shrugged again and grinned wider. Double payback, after I caused huge amounts of pain to my brother who had caused all of this crap.

  “Why don’t you have a tattoo in the middle of your chest?” my sister asked. The others were still going on about nipple piercings and looking on their phones at different shit that I could put in it.

  “It’s a special place,” I muttered, keeping an eye on the excitable jewelry maniacs. If they were gonna start buying charms and shit, I was taking it out.

  “Special for what?” She persisted.

  Pointing at Sonya, I figured that it was answer enough. The sharp intake of breath that came from her direction caught my attention and when I looked over her eyes were shiny, and she was biting her lower lip. I can’t say that I was an expert on women, but at that that precise moment there was no doubt that what I’d just revealed meant something huge to her.

  Good! She should know that I was serious, that this was serious.

  I was saved from anymore bullshit by the asshole who had started it. “Dude, you got any new comic books?”

  That was the cue that we’d used since we were little.

  There were groans from the rest of the room apart from Sonya whose expression had now changed to suspicion. Then it hit me - a couple of nights before, we’d been looking at something on YouTube about a guy who made comics for a living. I’d said that I’d never found them that interesting, so I’d never bought any - well unless it was Archie and Veronica when I was a kid.

  Dammit, I couldn’t lie to her, which meant that if and when she asked I’d have to tell her. Shit!


  Cole and I were both typing away on our laptops, looking through the security footage of stores and houses. It was amazing what you could hack into when you had an idea of what you were looking for. So far, we’d tracked the vehicle that delivered the package all the way back to a street in Houston just two blocks away from the offices of our oil company.

  The box had been handed to some dodgy fucker with a truck by a dude in a t-shirt and jeans with a baseball cap on his head. They’d both kept their heads down and their faces covered which meant that they were adept at being hinky bastards. We’d run the plates of the van just in case, but they’d come back as fake. The weird shit was that they kept changing in all of the footage that we had of the vehicle as it made its journey here.

  “How the hell did they do that?” Cole said in disbelief as we watched the van’s plates change again.

  Shaking my head, I went back to looking at details on the van that could be of use to us and then searched for repairs on vehicles of that make to see if I could get owners details that way instead.

  “So, which one did you decide to go with? DC or Marvel,” a female voice drawled behind us, making us spin in our chairs. Sonya stood leaning against the doorway with her eyes narrowed on us and the items on the desk behind us.

  “Uh, you see, we uh…” I turned to Cole who was desperately trying to think of an excuse. I saw the moment he locked on one and sat back to watch the entertainment play out. “We’ve watched FBI Files for years and there was this episode on earlier where they found out who the bad guy was just through security cam footage. We decided to give it a try, right Tom?”


  “Huh?” He looked genuinely confused, but I wasn’t lying. No way, no how!

  Looking back to Sonya, I let it all out. “Cole and I are trying to track the vehicle that delivered a parcel bomb intended for our grandparents.”

  Flicking her gaze between me and the screen behind me, she took a step closer. “How are you gonna do that? I don’t want to be an asshole, but you need to have special servers and whatnot to do that.”

  Here’s where the big secret was gonna come out. She’d probably laugh in my face but fuck it.

  “Cole and I became members of Mensa ten years ago.”

  When she just stared at me, my heart sank a little. That disappointment didn’t leave as I explained how both of us had been tested and it was discovered that we had IQ’s of over 196. I’d only been fifteen and Cole had been sixteen when we’d sat the tests after being disruptive in our classes. It had been assumed that we were the opposite of what we’d turned out to be, when in all actuality we’d just been bored with the bullshit being taught.

  Mom and dad had been awesome and arranged for us to have extra tutors, pretending that it was to catch us up rather than to teach us at our own levels. We’d also been allowed to stay in our grades and have work assigned during normal classes so that we weren’t out of our comfort zones. We’d also started our college course seven years ahead of when we should have from the comfort of our high school.

  The course that I was studying at the moment was actually my third college degree. Cole also had three under his belt too.

  Sonya continued to stay quiet long after I’d finished. Cole just looked between us, now eating a bag of chips.

  “So?” she eventually drawled.


  “What’s the issue? I kinda figured that both of you had something like that going on, it doesn’t take a Mensa approved genius to figure it out,” she shrugged.

  It hit me yet again just how perfect this woman was for me, so I didn’t apply my brain to mouth filter and instead just said what my brain was screaming.

  “I fucking love you, Sonya Hart!”

  All of the blood drained from her face as she stared back at me.

  “Timber!” Cole sang, just as her eyes rolled back into her head and she fainted with a thud on the floor before I could catch her. “Dude, you’re in so much shit,” he snickered around another mouthful of chips as I picked her up off the ground, g
laring at him over my shoulder.

  He was right though. Truth be told, I was fucking ecstatic about it.

  Chapter Eight


  I don’t know how long I’d been asleep for, but I was rudely woken up by fucking Dante and it felt like he was going into areas that a cat shouldn’t ever venture into.

  A tongue running up the aforementioned area had me shooting up, and I would have fallen off the bed if it wasn’t for the hands holding me in place.

  Trying to make sense of what the hell was going on, so many questions hit me. Why was Dante right there? What was he looking for? And, when exactly had my cat had grown hands - let alone ones that were big enough to stop me from moving?

  The deep chuckling made me jump, and that’s when the confusion cleared enough for me to see Tom lying face down on the bed in front of me.

  “It wasn’t the cat?” I know that I sounded stupid, but I really needed the confirmation that the neutering hadn’t turned my cat into a pervert. I wasn’t sure how they’d fix it if that’s what had happened.

  Shaking his head, he laughed a bit more. “No, it definitely wasn’t your cat,” he reassured me.

  Lying back down with the relief, I closed my eyes determined to get back into the sleepy land of heaven that I’d been in and had been rudely awoken from. Maybe that was part of my dream? Maybe this was all a dream?

  That question was answered in the next second when I felt the soft hair from before sweep down my thigh, and a hard, firm lick was delivered to my vagina.

  “Holy shit,” my eyelids flew open and I tried to squirm.

  “Still,” he ordered, going back and licking up my center again. If he kept doing that, I’d stay in whatever position he wanted.

  Scared to even breathe in case he stopped, I did as I was told. This tactic paid off, until I ran out of oxygen and had to gasp in a breath. After that, I figured that so long as I didn’t move aside from breathing, then I’d be okay. If I passed out from lack of oxygen, he’d probably have to stop until I came around. Or, I’d miss the explosive ending. Neither of those options were conducive with my own end goal, so breathing it was.

  A smack to my outer thigh reminded me of Tom’s ability to read minds and be an asshole, but it pulled my attention away from the crap going on in my head and back onto what his tongue was doing.

  The tongue in question disappeared, only to be replaced by a thick, hard finger entering me in the next second. The rough pad of the digit had a homing beacon to heaven on it, because it hit a spot inside me immediately that shot me all the way to the finishing line. I wasn’t ready to cross it yet though, so I clenched down tightly and willed it to do as I was begging it to.

  Tom’s lips had just pressed firmly around my clit as he started to chuckle, and the three sensations together made my legs smack shut around his head. I should have cared, and I probably would have, if he didn’t add a forth thing to the mix – suction.

  Another back cracking, soul jackin orgasm hit me and I screamed, hoping to hell that none of the family or other people that seemed to constantly be around were walking by or close enough to hear it. Not that I really cared right then, but I would later…maybe!

  Tom prowled up my body from between my legs, his torso brushing against mine the whole way and making my stomach tremble. When his big cock hit me close to where I was looking forward to it going, I tilted my pelvis up slightly, hoping that it would get the hint. Its owner did though, as he reached down and notched it at my entrance.

  Just as I thought he’d push forward and give me what I wanted, he pulled back and stared down at me, shaking his head slightly from side to side making sure that I knew he was in charge. The big blunt tip of it slid firmly up me bumping my sensitive nub, making me jerk.

  “Do I have your attention?” He rumbled as he leaned down and took my lips. His tongue was demanding as it met mine, rubbing and flicking as I tried to draw it into my mouth.

  He placed his cock back down and pushed in slightly before withdrawing and refusing to go back in again. On one flick of his tongue, I caught it between my lips and sucked hard. The result was a sharp intake of breath from him, and then he was slamming into me making my head fly back on the pillow and a cry escape.

  Once I had all of him, he ground against me, giving me a chance to get used to the size. Bless his heart for trying, but I wasn’t sure that I ever would.

  “I meant it, you know.” This was whispered on one of the grinds that made my brain short circuit, so if he expected an answer he’d be disappointed. “Tell me that you know that.”

  Digging my nails into his back, I tried to give him whatever answer he was talking about without using words. Apparently, this wasn’t good enough for him, because he pulled out until just his tip was left inside me and stopped moving. My eyes snapped open and I took in the stubborn set of his mouth and the look on his face that let me know that he wanted actual words.

  “What do you mean?” I used my legs to try and pull him back into me. He had to take pity on me – who in their right minds could think at a time like this?

  “When I told you that I loved you,” he sounded almost hurt that it wasn’t at the front of my mind. “I was serious.”

  A devious plan hit me, and I struggled not to grin as I put my feet flat on the bed, ready to lift my pelvis. “I know,” I whispered as I lifted my hand to touch the scruff on his jaw. He normally looked so young, so the stubble stood out by a mile and gave him a sort of rawr that added to his sex appeal. He was starting to push back in, but I tightened the muscles in my pussy to keep him in place and also drive him slightly crazy as payback. His moan and shaking arms were very satisfying. Then, I played my trump card. “I love you too!”

  I’d intended on using my feet as leverage to thrust up after I’d said it, but he beat me to it and slammed down into me, taking my breath as his pelvis hit mine.

  It’s true. I wasn’t sure when things had changed and when I’d decided that I could have someone - specifically Tom - in my life in that way and also study for what I wanted, but he’d changed my plans. I just hoped that he felt the same way.

  “You’re mine,” he rasped as he plunged into me again. “Only mine.”

  I didn’t see it coming, but when I found my body being flung around so that I was on top of him, I screamed and tightened my leg and Kegel muscles around him, holding on for dear life.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I kept the muscles locked as hard as I could in case he touched upon the insanity and flung us around again.

  “You want to come?” He asked as he ground up into me through the tightness. He grinned as I nodded my head at his stupid question, slapped me gently on the outside of my thigh and gave me one of the orders that I was starting to tolerate because they always led to incredible orgasms. “Then start moving, pretty girl.”

  I wasn’t a fan of terms of endearment or sweet sentiments, they always sounded a bit stale, but fuck if him calling me that didn’t make me wetter at that moment.

  I had a slight issue though. “I don’t know what to do.”

  The flare and heat in his eyes showed that he loved this and that he would be teaching me something else to do with sex – that this was just ours.

  Tightening his hands around my hips, he started to lift me off of his cock and then slowly pulled me back down the way. I almost swallowed my tongue on the way back down, if that was even physically possible. The next lift up the way I took control of, and on the way down I tightened my muscles around him again.

  “Oh, Sweet Home Alabama that feels…” he gulped, “you feel like heaven.”

  I only got another five lifts in, because on the last one, he suddenly pulled out of me and flipped me around so that I was on my hands and knees.

  “Stop doing tha…” I didn’t get to finish it because he was slamming back into me and I had to use all of my cognitive functions and strength to stop from falling flat on my face. Bracing my hands on the headboard so that I could push
back, I croaked, “Forget that, I’ve changed my mind.”

  His chuckle might have been out of place with the fact that he was powering hard into me, but not with us. The ease that we had together was something I never knew was possible and I’d never been happier in my life.

  Instead of a smack to the ass to pull me out of my head this time, he plunged forward and leaned over me so that his mouth was right beside me ear.

  “Whatever you’re thinking about has you pulsing around my dick,” he breathed, making me do it again. “Wanna share?”

  Before now, the answer would have been a fuck no. I didn’t do sharing or making myself vulnerable by revealing my feelings. Today though, we’d come so far together and I wanted him to know it all.


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