The Cornish Hotel by the Sea

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The Cornish Hotel by the Sea Page 13

by Karen King

  “I’m guessing you didn’t take him up on his offer?”

  “You must be kidding. No way do I want to sit and have a conversation with that jerk. I’ll be polite to him, but that’s it.” Bright spots of anger dotted each cheek. “Do you know what, I reckon he’s only asked me because Zoe’s dumped him and he thinks he can take up where he left off all those years ago? Talk about conceited!”

  “Exes, eh?” Reece said lightly, as if he didn’t care whether she went out with Lee or not although he was actually ridiculously pleased that she didn’t want to. “Now what time are you finished here?”

  “Not until ten I’m afraid,” she said apologetically. “Don’t hang around for me if you’ve got things to do or want an early night.”

  “I do have things to do but I’ll be finished by ten so perhaps we could have a drink together then.”

  “I’d like that,” she agreed.

  “How about a nightcap in my room?” he suggested. “We’ll have access to my laptop then and can check out the company we get our supplies from, take a look at the carpets and beds. You’ve probably got a good idea of what your mum would like so we could narrow it down to a shortlist to show her tomorrow, letting her have the final choice?”

  His room? That sounds a bit…personal.

  He grinned. “I promise to be a gentleman – unless you don’t want me to be, of course.” He leaned over and kissed her tenderly on the lips. Slowly. “Do you?” His voice was soft, almost a caress.

  Did she? “Of course,” she said. “I’ll bring the wine.”

  It was on Ellie’s mind for the rest of the evening. Should she suggest that they meet in the lounge instead? Was going to Reece’s room giving him some sort of message? Saying she was prepared to take the next step?

  Was she prepared to take the next step? She’d guessed that was what he had in mind when he’d mentioned a nightcap last night, but seeing Lee had reminded Ellie of how much he’d hurt her. She didn’t want to get that close to anyone again. Mind you, there would be no chance of that when Reece was only here until Saturday. She had to admit she fancied him like mad and he’d made it obvious he felt the same way. What harm would it do?

  In the end Ellie decided to wait and see how she felt but just in case, she hurried up to her room and freshened up before heading to Reece’s room with a bottle of white wine.

  The tang of after-shave wafted over to Ellie as soon as Reece opened the door. So he’d freshened up too. “I forgot to ask you if white was okay?” she waved the bottle at him, feeling a bit awkward now she was here. “It’s straight out of the fridge so cold enough to drink.”

  “White is perfect. Come in.” He pushed the door open and stepped to one side so she could walk past him. Her eyes immediately went to the door of the ensuite and an image of Reece’s naked body flashed across her mind. Sexy.

  He caught her glance and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “Shall we sit on the sofa? I’ve pulled the table up to it.”

  He’d remembered it too. She walked over to the two seater sofa by the window. Reece’s laptop was open on the wooden coffee table in front of it, and a notepad and pen were placed beside it.

  “I see you’re all ready for action,” Ellie quipped as she sat down. Then she realised that could be construed with a double meaning and wished she’d chosen a different phrase. Great. She placed the bottle of wine down on the table and hoped she didn’t look as awkward as she felt.

  Reece picked it up, took it over to the sink to uncork it and poured it into two glasses. Then he put the bottle in the fridge.

  “We can get an idea of the cost tonight then show your mother tomorrow that it’s all in hand and achievable,” he said, handing a glass to Ellie.

  He opened his laptop which immediately sprung into life. “I’ve already logged onto the website of the company we use for carpeting. Have a browse and star any you think might be suitable.”

  Reece swivelled the laptop around so that Ellie could see the screen. The website belonged to a commercial carpet company and she was astonished to see that there were pages of carpets to choose from, in different colours and designs. At the top of the screen was the name Reece Mitchell. Reece had obviously logged in.

  “I thought you’d have to log in with your company name,” she remarked.

  “What?” he looked blank for a moment but when she pointed to the log-in name he nodded. “Oh no. I’m the one who deals with this sort of stuff so I log in with my own name.”

  “Well it’s an easy user name to guess so I hope you change your password frequently.”

  “I do, Miss Security,” he grinned. “Now what do you think of this carpet?” He leaned over her and pointed to a golden beige material. “It’s neutral looking so will go with any décor, hard-wearing but soft on the feet so feels very luxurious.” Or this,” he pointed to a fawn carpet in a mottled pattern.

  “They’re certainly possibilities. The Honeymoon Suite is gold so any of those carpets would go with the décor.” Ellie flicked through more carpet designs, starring any she liked. She ended up with a shortlist of ten. “These all seem fine, so let’s get down to the nitty gritty. What will they cost?”

  “Let’s put in the measurements. You wrote them down, didn’t you?”

  “Yes.” Ellie grabbed her bag and searched for her notebook. “Here you are.”

  Reece keyed in the measurements and selected the quote option. “There you are. What do you think of those prices?”

  Ellie stared at the figure in relief. “Really? That’s definitely not as much as I thought it would be.”

  “I told you I could get you a good discount.” He looked very pleased with himself.

  She stared at him. “How come you get such a massive amount off? Are you the buyer for a hotel chain?”

  “Not exactly.” There was a pause before he continued. “I told you, I’m a sort of advisor. I tell hotels how they can improve their image and increase their clientele.”

  “So that’s why you knew how to handle the Smythes and have so many connections. Well, thank you for sharing your expertise with us.” She glanced back down at the screen. “I’ll jot some of these figures down so I can give Mum some idea of prices before she takes a look for herself. She’ll be reassured when she sees this. I can see that she’s worried sick at the moment, although she’s trying not to show it.” She reached for her handbag to take out her notebook and pen then started scribbling down a few of the prices.

  “I’ll save the selections too. Your Mum might want to choose different designs, which is fine. The main thing is that she’s got something to go on.”

  “I really can’t thank you enough,” Ellie said softly. “It’s so kind of you to help out like this.”

  “Think nothing of it,” his voice was almost like a caress and his eyes held hers intently. She held her breath as his head come nearer, one hand reaching out to close the laptop and the other hand encircling around the back of her neck. “You’re a lovely woman, Ellie Truman. It’s a pleasure to help you.”

  As Reeces’s kisses deepened – Ellie knew that this time they wouldn’t stop at a kiss. Tingles coursed through her body at the promise of what was to come.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Someone’s holding my hand!

  Ellie woke in a panic, her heart pounding, her eyes frantically trying to focus. A cold chill ran through here. She wasn’t imagining it. There definitely was a strange hand holding hers.

  Then she became aware of a soft snoring and a body curled up next to her, the memories flooded back and the panic disappeared. She remembered who the hand belonged to. Reece. She’d spent the night with him.

  And what a night it had been.

  She had never had such hot sex in her life. Her cheeks burned as she remembered some of the things Reece had done to her. And wow, how she’d enjoyed it.

  A light kiss on her shoulder made her jolt. “Morning sweetheart.” Reece pulled himself up onto his elbow and leaned over her. �
�Did you sleep well?”

  She turned onto her back and smiled up at him. “Very well. And I don’t have to ask if you did, you were snoring when I woke up.”

  “It’s called breathing heavy. That’s the effect you have on me.” He kissed her on the nose. The lips. Made a trail of kisses all down her throat. Then they were wrapped in each other’s arms again, bodies melting into each other, fusing as one.

  It was much later before their passion was sated and they finally pulled apart.

  “I don’t mean to be rude and kick you out but I need to get showered and dressed. I’ve got a meeting this morning,” Reece said ruefully.

  Shit! She was still wearing yesterday’s clothes. Well not actually wearing them, they were strewn all over the floor where she’d left them after they’d feverishly undressed each other last night.

  And she still had her contacts in. No wonder her eyes were stinging like mad.

  Ellie rolled over and squinted at the clock. Eight o’clock. Mum would be up by now and was bound to have called her to see if she wanted a cup of tea, gone into her room when she didn’t answer and have seen the unmade bed. She groaned and buried her head in the pillow. Why the hell hadn’t she sneaked out in the middle of the night and gone up to her own room?

  Because by the time they’d finished their sexual gymnastics she’d been worn out and had fallen asleep.

  “I didn’t think you’d miss me that much.”

  She pulled her head out of the pillow. “I’m not groaning about that. I’m wondering how I’m going to sneak into the apartment in yesterday’s clothes without Mum spotting me. I bet she’s already been in my room to see where I am.”

  Ellie sat up and wrapped her arms around her shoulders. “It was her first night home too. I should have been there. What if she needed something?”

  “I’m sorry to have put you in such an awkward position.” Reece leaned closer and nibbled her ear. “I hope you think it was worth it because I definitely have no regrets.”

  She wound her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Neither do I.” She gently pushed him off her. “Now I’d better get out of here and leave you to shower.” She swung her legs off the bed, sat on the side and yawned. That was some night!

  Reece leaned over and trailed kisses down her back. “I’ll see you later won’t I?” He propped himself up on one elbow. “Maybe we should exchange numbers so you can let me know when you’re free.” He reached for his phone off the bedside table. “What’s your number?”

  He punched the numbers into his phone as Ellie recited them. Two seconds later a message pinged from her phone in her bag beside the bed. She fished it out and opened the message.

  “Thanks for a great night, Sexy xx”

  She looked up and saw Reece’s eyes twinkling at her. He was waiting for her to get off the bed and walk to the bathroom. Damn, she wished she had a gown to slip on. It was one thing being naked in front of him in the throes of passion last night, but another thing entirely in the bright light of the daytime with bed hair, no makeup on and red eyes. She needed to get these perishing contacts out.

  “You’re tempting me to forget about my meeting and entice you back into bed for round two. Or is it round five?”

  His voice was tender but laced with amusement.

  “Stop bragging, it’s unbecoming,” she told him as she bent down, scooped up her clothes and hurried to the bathroom.

  Once inside she closed the door behind her and leaned against it. Boy, did he have something to brag about. That was the best night’s sex she’d had in her entire life.

  * * *

  He’d known Ellie was hot the first time he’d seen her, and he was right. That day on the beach when her wet skirt had clung enticingly to her legs, show-casing her gorgeous figure had kindled the stirrings of desire he felt for Ellie as soon as he saw her.

  Ellie was like a breath of fresh air, as warm and giving in her lovemaking as she was in her life. Beautiful inside and out, that’s what his Gran would have said.

  He didn’t want to hurt her.

  He’d never felt like this about anyone before. Wanting to protect them, to look after them. The women he usually dated were as worldly as he was, they knew the score. Ellie, although she’d made it evident she wasn’t looking for a relationship and certainly wasn’t clinging to him, was softer, kinder. And she cared deeply about her mother.

  Reece was now beginning to feel uncomfortable about his plans. He still intended to go ahead with it, he had a business to run, but he needed to be careful how he did it. This hotel was more than a business to Ellie and her mother. It was their home.

  Ellie turned her key in the lock, pushed the front door open and listened carefully. It was all quiet. With a bit of luck Mum was still in bed. She slipped off her sandals, closed the door quietly behind her and tiptoed down the hall. As she passed her mother’s bedroom she heard coughing. She could imagine Mum sitting up in bed, her body heaving, holding the pillow to her chest to try and numb the pain and felt a wave of compassion for her. Poor Mum. She was a doer, always dashing about, never one to sit idle. Apart from the coughing and pain, the weakness must be driving her mad. She wondered if she felt old and vulnerable. She would be sixty two this year, the same age as Dad when he died.

  Ellie crept past the door and along the corridor to the door that led to her attic, opening it and stepping inside just as she heard her mother’s bedroom door open. Pushing the attic door to, she listened to her mother’s footsteps patter along the hall, then disappear into the kitchen before she clicked the door shut. That was close! She tiptoed up the stairs, then collapsed on her bed in a fit of giggles as the ridiculousness of the situation hit her. She was almost thirty for goodness sake, yet here she was sneaking in like a teenager who’d stayed out too late.

  The trouble was, living back at home with her mother made Ellie feel like a teenager again. It was always the same, they fell back into their old relationship of mother and daughter, with Ellie trying hard not to do anything to upset her mum. Not that Mum was difficult to live with, but she had different views, she was set in her ways. Although she wouldn’t outwardly voice her disapproval, Ellie knew that she wouldn’t be happy about Ellie spending the night with Reece, a man she only met a few days ago.

  Not that Ellie was in the habit of doing that. But there was something about Reece that made her feel she could trust him. It was only a holiday romance, she knew that, but he made her feel good. Looked after. As if she had someone to rely on. And right now she needed that. They both knew the score, were free agents and had used protection, so who was she hurting?

  She took out her contacts, had a quick shower, pulled on some fresh clothes and quickly applied basic make-up, then slipped on her tinted glasses. She needed to get down to reception, she was on duty today, but first she wanted to check on Mum.

  She found Sue sitting at the kitchen table nursing a cup of tea. She looked pale but to Ellie’s relief was no longer coughing. Ellie pulled out the chair next to her and sat down. “How are you feeling, Mum? I heard you coughing earlier.”

  “I didn’t keep you awake did I, dear? I’m afraid I was coughing most of the night and I was worried that I might disturb you.” Ellie could hear the strain in her voice.

  She gently touched her mum’s hand. “No, I slept fine. You mustn’t worry about disturbing me, just concentrate on getting better. Why don’t you go back to bed for a bit? The doctor said you needed plenty of rest and you look done in.”

  “There’s so much to do here.”

  “I can deal with that. I’ve got Mandy and Reece to help me. Rest for another hour or so. If you overdo it you’ll end up back in hospital and you don’t want that do you?”

  “Perhaps I will. Are you sure you can manage?”

  “Of course. It’s no problem at all.”

  Ellie watched worriedly as Sue stood up and shuffled out of the kitchen, almost huddled over. She looked so frail. How on Earth could she run this hotel on her own?
  Her phone bleeped, announcing an incoming text. Ellie took it out of her pocket and glanced at the screen. It was Martin. She swiped across to read the message.

  Hi Ellie. How’s your mother? I hope she’s a lot better now. I don’t want to nag, I’m sure you have enough on your plate but I’ll need to know by the middle of next week whether you can return to work in time for the presentation. If you can’t, let me know and I’ll arrange something.

  Regards Martin

  It was good of him to even consider giving her another week off. What should she do? At present, Mum didn’t look well enough to leave but she might be a lot better in a few days. Ellie didn’t want anyone else to do the presentation if she could avoid it. She loved her job and wanted Martin to think she was indispensable. Even if Mum was still ill, surely she could drive back for a couple of days? It wasn’t as if she lived here alone.

  Ellie sent Martin a quick reply back thanking him and saying her mother was home now and recovering well so she expected to be back.

  No sooner had she sent it when another text came in.

  How’s your mum, gorgeous? Did you manage to sneak in without her spotting you? See you later. Xxx R

  She smiled as she read it. It was so sweet of him to ask about her mother first. He really was a thoughtful guy. Three kisses this time too. She read it again, butterflies dancing around her heart. Did he really think she was gorgeous?

  God, she was smitten.

  No she was not. She pulled herself together. He was a nice guy, they had fun but it was a holiday romance. End of.

  She sent him a quick text back telling him her mum was coughing badly and yes she had – thankfully - managed to slip in unnoticed. She hesitated for a moment then added three kisses. Best to do the same as him. No more. No less. That way she wouldn’t look too keen or too cool.

  Humming softly she fixed herself a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal. Then she went downstairs to take over reception.


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